Can Russian Anti-Ship Missiles(P-700 & Kh-22) Destroy A Modern US Carrier Group? (Naval 9a) | DCS

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[Music] hello everyone we hope you're all doing very well it's time for the second video in our new series of how can you be a modern us carrier group something that is for all intents and purposes regarded as unkillable your two suggestions today are since you're trying to have all 40 shipwrecks from the two battlecruisers launch alone and it appears each ship only has all launches at the same time due to the dcs bogachev code why not just use 10 kirovs to shoot four missiles each i know it breaks the two ship rule you have put in place but also allow you to test the true onslaught of two carriers versus a carrier fleet okay then he's explaining so we did try battle cruisers realistic russian battle cruisers two of them against the modern carrier group and it failed and the main reason it failed is that the carrier killing battle cruisers in dcs don't fire their missiles realistically as if they would do in real life in real life they knew that they would have to get past the aegis defense network of the modern carrier group so they would fire all of their missiles at once and they would fire them intelligently and the missiles would talk to each other and data linked to each other none of that is modeled in dcs it's just not that highly modeled in terms of naval assets so we're going to fake it rather than having just two battle cruisers we're now going to have 10 now that's not at all realistic and we know that because there are literally only four carrier-killing battle cruisers in the russian navy but to represent how powerful just two of them could be we're going to use 10 to simulate the firepower that they could actually put out we believe let's go and have a look at these naval assets so these are the most up-to-date google images of the actual four carrier-killing kirov class battle cruisers in the russian navy so we've got this one here this is the admiral lazarev you can see the vls suite there where the missiles are going to come off absolutely massive vessel next we have two kirov battle cruisers in this picture we've got the first here which i believe is going to be the admiral you shakov i'm not sure where this thing is beside it it's like a massive submarine maybe it is it is there's a there's a conning tower wow enormous submarine unbelievable there and if we went down here into dry dock we can see the admiral nikimov i think i've got that the right way around refitting in dry dock what a massive operation that must be and finally we've got peter the great um and look at this place look at all these ships here and the cool thing is we can see lovely example of a kirov there that's peter the great and we think that is the moskva i feel like a cia spy i know it's google earth and everyone can see it but i feel a bit like a cia spy artsy that's i think the moskva cruiser there which is really interesting another submarine there and that will be um noise rashimi no don't know what that's going to be something cool let's now have a look at that armament we're talking p700 granite or the ship wreck it's a long-range cruise missile it can be submarine launched or ship launched in service since 1983 under the soviet union produced from 85 to 92 7 metric tons in weight very big very expensive 33 feet in length can be high explosive or nuclear high explosive is going to be 750 kilos 1650 pounds engine is turbojet and probable ramjet operational range just under 400 miles speed back 2.5 plus high altitude 1.6 low altitude guidance is ins with active radar terminal and home on jam and satellite targeting system and you can see we're firing from the kirov battlecruiser that sums up the first operation onto the second operation could you try a mass tu22 m3 backfire strike overwhelming the group with the mighty kh-22 anti-ship missiles similar to the way they are supposed to be implemented backfire is a mighty air-to-ground aircraft with anti-shipping ability it can carry up to three massive kh 22 as4 kitchen missiles these older missiles produced 1962 under the soviet union the lighter at 5.8 metric tons longer at 38 feet they're basically as big as a f-18 hornet or something the conventional warhead is going to be 2 200 pounds of rdx explosive it's a liquid fueled rocket which is interesting this means that it can go very high of course it's not an air breather operational range 320 nautical miles it can go up to 27 kilometers or 90 000 feet so sr-71 spec and it is pretty much hypersonic at mach 4.6 and it is going to rely on its speed as its defense from being shot down it's an older missile there's no satellite technology here it is ins guided with active radar homing for the last few miles can be sent by t22 mk or a bear welcome to dcs we're using our standard realistic model for the us carrier group it's spread 15 miles by 15 miles thereabouts it has aircraft in the air already for intercept with a wax and we won't go any further today it's just the same one we've been using attacking it today are 10 kirovs we've not put them in a realistic formation because the 10 don't even exist there's no point of trying to be realistic but their firepower in theory should be realistic that's going to see the boom boom now we haven't tried this yet so we're not sure how it's going to go but it seems that some of the ships are fully out formation just slightly worrying but oh there we go ship breaks out look at that so as we think there were more or less fire fight in real life we've got kind of five out per uh equivalent ship and i'm probably gonna fire more maybe a close-up of this vls here sadly these are the old kind of 20 year old low polygon models but suck it up you see the captain's ordering some there we go look at that now in real life these missiles are relatively intelligent missiles in the for instance one will go high and almost be like a a data link master and control the others so they will be talking to each other and dcs is not like that the dumb each missile is just a single missile goes up on its own does the same thing also in real life i think they have the option to go high or low in dcs we believe these can only go low and essentially bc skimming so it's 10 20 30 and probably going to be 40 if we speed that up missiles going up at all at once okay so let's four missiles in the air within uh 70 seconds so that's not bad that's very hard to shoot down maybe a thousand knots in terms of power that's what 40 tons of rdx going up they've got a distance of uh about 100 nautical miles to cover the campfire about four times that distance but you know we'll be here all day waiting for that let's see when the first offences go up because they're low level and i wonder if in real life the f-14s have taken off i wonder if in real life the f-14s would go and shoot these down with their phoenixes i would expect that they probably would go and try that because the data phoenixes of course were designed for that but let me know your thoughts on that 50 miles out 40 miles out 30 miles out and the first system twos were out at just under 30 miles so probably i'm guessing the aox has spotted them fed that back to the via link16 and now the ships are firing okay let's see so they're firing the sm2 which is the standard highest spec missile we have for these in dcs us in real life i think they now have sm6 operating but not entirely sure okay here we go uh curvature of the earth not modelling the dcs in terms of visuals so you can see the carrier of course you couldn't do that in real life but the whole idea of this attack because we've got so many vampires in the air that we're going to overwhelm the aegis although it doesn't look like we're going to overwhelm them from what's happening here they are going to get taken down aren't they this is the quickest i get them to fire together i can't get any more missiles in the air any quicker than this so this is the best we're ever going to get and this would be like 20 carat ships but you're getting really stupid at that point uh it's not gonna work not gonna work rc we're getting shot down that ages are just too good as long as the carrier group has different pistols well yeah i mean that's for at least 40 missiles yeah look at the sm-2s coming out so impressive to see it i mean it doesn't look impressive if i went and f9 because they're so far apart now to be realistic at 15 miles apart barely see each other but the idea of how this um these guys are getting a bit close actually yeah they keep moving oh we've got in the fleet we've got oh we've got within the first cruiser almost in fact guns are being fired on this guy here we've passed the first cruisers but because these vessels are so spread out we've still got you know 10 miles to go nearly to hit the carrier i think we're going to make it only shouldn't have done that sea wiz is shooting them down got some movement in the missiles within maybe five miles of the carrier we're gonna get through rolling the rams are out oh my god i really didn't expect that oh boom we've got an impact on the carrot i'm gonna pause there wow we got a missile through and that is of course how a russian attack is supposed to work you might have put just so many radar blips on the screen the you're gonna have problems even aegis are going to have problems missiles going for the same target and eventually and you see because these warheads are so big that there is a nuclear-powered you know basically the biggest combat ship in the war i think a super carrier is now unworkable health basically he's 40 damage i know he doesn't look very damaged there but he is he's on fire in many places 2 000 pound bomb just hit it uh let's see if any more get through we've still got 10 on the way how interesting it's like they were shooting down all of a sudden they couldn't shoot him anymore yeah it does feel like that doesn't it it's almost like i've got in a zone where it says ah cannot compute right it's almost like it's like they were getting close but then they were exploding around him i sometimes odd almost seems to be this zone where i guess there's some confusion happens yeah look there they're all there none got through none got through oh jesus an sm2 almost hit itself i said guys that is 40 missiles fired in the space of a minute that's the best we're going to do and one got through and it depends if you want to sink the carrier or damage it enough that there would probably stop the carrier operating i would imagine if two thousands of pounds of rdx exploded from the inside out as it probably would with a delayed fuse it's basically a non-operating carrier group so it worked i was firing another rally now but um that's that was not supposed to be in the simulation remember we're trying to simulate two kirovs before we move on to the backfires anything you want to add to that rc welcome back you join us as we have a flight of tu-22s incredibly sexy aircraft as you can see each has three times anti-shipping missiles oh look you can see our kirov's there sailing into each other these are actually much older missiles liquid fuel the cool thing about that is they can go really high these are pretty much hypersonic and mac 4.5 4.6 i wonder if they're ballistic i'm not sure what qualifies something to be a ballistic missile because they're going to get high and dive down from the top i think that qualifies it for a ballistic missile look at those monsters another three there they go mega impressive there's nothing unimpressive look at them go to space oh look at them wow that is simply awesome they're good way up there they are that is something cool 30 000 feet we're literally going to go over the fa teams again could phoenixes intercept these hypersonics really don't know okay 50 000 feet top ones have leveled out 60 000 feet 2 000 knots that's some cool programming look at that okay we dropped out at 80 000 feet smokes disappeared maybe the engines have even cut yes the engines are cut right they are just ballistic now they are just big very big dropping darts how interesting okay 50 miles oh and it's all kicked off the f-18s are intercepting the sm-2s which just seem unbeatable 90 000 feet these sm-2s which is interesting because i've read that the sm-2 ceilings are 89 000 feet but they just stretched it a bit stretched a bit yeah i may be wrong as well um but actually i think they have stretched it a bit because they're still two thousand three hundred knots at ninety thousand feet but okay fine well we'll let them have it aren't they i mean they're still on burn as well oh god look at that sight i mean let me just try and get a shot at the ships again these are all really spread out see it won't look impressive like a gr no it won't it just doesn't you know a realistic one just doesn't look impressive they're just so far apart you know in our movies we like to squeeze them up because so it actually looks good right i guess we're going to see what happens here i get the feeling they're just going to be plucked from the air personally i think those sm2s are way overpowered from what i've read but again absolutely no expert the only thing these have got on the side oh missed now here's the problem to intercept something that's essentially hypersonic uh is very hard thing to do as you all know from you know any readings so yeah they've got a chance of getting through i can see little blips of sm2s just dropping past the screen missing exactly that reason another one just dropped by it's gonna have oh we lost one and it happened so quickly it was like two frames of animation well okay wow look at it now zap zap zap zap no destroyed diesel look at that immense force of uh carrier group sm2's okay that didn't work i didn't get anywhere near let's double up uh no let's triple up the amount of backfires i don't see why russia couldn't organize nine backfires with what 27 missiles welcome back we've now got nine of these monsters personally i think it's unlikely that they would use this many but now in reality you might argue that they will attack from different angles to help for the systems and that may be true and we are going to be doing that in another session but in this session we want everything coming from one angle let's just take this one step at a time oh really make the owls up that's always impressive right it's 27 rc oh look at them go up let's go up they're all together as well i love how they just go into the hyperspace up amazing the barrage has started it's going to be about 50 miles now about 60 miles the barrage started so they're very easy to spot on radar f-18s appear to be going for them as well but they've got not much chance to intercept a hypersonic thing at 80 000 feet right so it's just you know amount of vampires in the air now let's see how we get through this barrage of sm2s let's see what it looks like from the sm2 view oh look at that they're diving down on them like phoenix's how interesting oh there they are here they come ah [Music] wow yeah they just dive down on top of them and that's a very difficult intercept to dive down you know how hard it is in a world war two plane to intercept a bomber from above it's almost so hard now imagine doing that when one thing's moving at max 4.6 and you've not got much air to maneuver in your fins aren't making you know i don't think those especially thrust when they're not burning anyway they're doing an amazing job though would that be this good in real life i don't suppose anyone really know but yeah they're doing an amazing job look one's getting a little cl oh spoke too soon here they go 40 thousand feet it's all about getting there as quickly as possible dive dive dive board zinc board zinc here they come sm2's come in oh we're losing our speed that was a big advantage oh no this is problematic at best rc twenty thousand three four four left twenty thousand feet eighteen thousand feet fifteen thousand feet come on i want them to go no there's one left no no ah there you go that was 27 simultaneously essentially fired uh not kitchens what are they called yes they are these are the kitchens yeah the kitchens ballistic hypersonic missiles and the carrier flickered intercept and the aegis is that good at least in game i don't think you're gonna have more than uh i don't think you can have more than nine simultaneously firing tu9u 22s i think that'll be getting a bit silly uh we will test if they're coming from multiple angles but that'll be a different video that's it so shipwrecks do work just by the skin of their teeth kitchens not so much how anything to add rc nothing bad bye
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 222,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, DCS World, IL-2, Sturmovik, Arma 3, GR
Id: Zn3rkD3ocpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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