F-22 Raptor Vs JF-17 Thunder | Much Disrespect | Dogfight | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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hello hello welcome back to another video today we are in the f-22 raptor and we're gonna be fighting the jf-17 now in the past couple days i've done uh quite a few vids with the jf-17 and i quite like it i think it's a great one-circle fighter and a very capable rape fighter in dcs so i thought it might be a good challenge for the f-22 i got my buddy longshot flying the jf-17 for us today and don't forget to follow his channel links below in the video description and the pinned comment so let's be serious i'm here to you know give out some disrespect to the jeff here so i think that you know we'll mess with him a little bit we'll go one circle and just try to point our nose at him and i think i can i think i can really give him a hard time here we're going to the merge i'm just going to go for the full vertical he thought he was going to get a one circle merge with me like that and on the way down i kind of like what i'm seeing right now i might be able to kill him i mean i won't shoot him but i think i can yep here we go i won't shoot him but he's dead here i wonder if he knows i could have just ripped him in half right there i i mean you know we won't because then the video's over too quickly and we don't get to have some fun with them but uh here we go i'm going to point my nose at him we're just going to sit inside this turn circle nicely like this and he's trying all the jeff staying low speed jeff actually has really good uh rudder control at slow speeds so you do have to be kind of careful with it but it shouldn't be too much of a challenge for an f-22 slotting him behind him here nicely he should be underneath me coming out to the right side now there he is and now he's looking back and he's seeing an f22 saddled in pretty nicely behind him and it should be kind of scaring and i'm looking him here trying to do a rudder roll on me and i'm just going to climb to his high six f22 doesn't care bro and now he's going to try a rate fight and i'm going to point my nose at him again and what do you say we try to shoot the pilot in the face just for ultimate disrespect here did i hit him i saw some puffs of clouds like i hit him i don't see any smoke though looks like he's going down i might have actually hit the pilot dude i was just joking i didn't think i could do that oh my god i think i hit the cockpit dude the f22 is just so op man it's so not fair so and once again a big thank you to longshot for always coming out for these f 22 videos um he knows what he's in for when he's fighting the f 22 but he still shows up and tries to put on a good show so i appreciate him and i know a lot of you guys love long shot on the channel he's one of those guys that uh you know he puts up a good fight and that's why i like bringing him out and we're actually working on the f 22 su-57 video very soon so stay tuned for that um here we go i think uh he's always gonna try to go for the one circle and i don't blame him there he has a chance in the one circle that jeff is really good but when i say a chance i mean one percent because look here i just beat him in the one circle in the raptor again with the lead turn basically had a shot there again almost killed him again in the first turn and just point the nose at him a little shot just to make him uh give him something to think about and he's trying to do a rolling scissor that's fine i'm just gonna rudder roll point the nose at him the disrespectful nose of the f-22 raptor so and i don't know if you guys can tell but the raptor one of the things that makes it so good in this b in these bfm fights is that it actually allows me to just maneuver to where he can't go and the raptor just allows me to do that with impunity like every time he tries to you know roll over on me i just fly to you know his high six or whatever like i can do whatever i want and there isn't really a whole lot he can do like i'm basically just messing with him at this point and i almost feel bad for him almost you know and then i remember all the times that he's killed me and i feel a little bit better like here he is now we've entered somewhat of a raid fight here is developing yep here we go into the right fight and just point the nose at him just to scare him a little bit climb up there he is and i said i'm just sitting inside my turn so inside his turn circle and just pointing the nose at him the entire time and making him react to me trying to get a little creative here trying to reverse the turn and fall down on me but i just climb those high six so and i think that's enough messing with the jeff let's just go ahead and kill him here i'll get him on the way up i basically have the nose on him already here we go there we go one piece of them went this way and the other piece went that way all right guys quick little tack view review here uh not too much to talk about but we can just look at you know attack view just to see what happened um here we go into the merge you can see the jeff coming in fairly slow at uh max 0.45 i'm coming in close to mach 1 and there we go into the merge and you can see me instantly select the vertical and that's obviously because i'm so much faster than him i basically let him choose the direction of the turn and you can see that we both lead turned and i basically went for the one circle with him but it didn't really matter because if he had gone this way i had the speed to just enter the rate fight with them right i'm coming in at speeds that are alright for a rate fight and if we go one circle i have speed to go into the vertical where he can't follow because he's slow if i go into the one circle with him with him being so much slower than me and i stay like on the same plane of motion as him because i'm so fast the circle i'm gonna make is gonna put me out here and it's gonna put him here which means he's going to have a shot at me if i don't use the vertical right so that's the first thing to talk about here you can see we go straight into the vertical loop around he can't follow that because he just doesn't have the speed you always want to go to where the bandit can't go and this is the part where i basically had the kill on him but we let him live anyway and at this point you're just seeing the f22 one circle fighting one circle is a nose to nose fight um basically looking for a snapshot opportunity um you can look at that look at the raptor man look at what this thing is doing let's uh actually we'll keep the labels you get it look at this just pointing my nose at him at will at will and i feel kind of bad for him though man this is i mean this was just for fun anyway you do have to remember the raptor is classified and this is just based on publicly available information but even that you know it makes the f 22 kind of you know performs unbelievably well and i don't think there's anything out there that's killed in f22 yet in our videos so you know we'll see if the su-57 can do that but there it is that's a very easy kill this is actually the part where i hit the cockpit so confirmed here that we hit the pilot in the face so so that'll be the video for today guys thank you for watching i hope you found it fun and entertaining and i will see you in the next one bye guys you
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 466,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fighter jet, f-22, military, army, navy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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