I Dogfight a Real French Rafale Pilot F/A-18C Hornet | DCS

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you hey guys how you doing and today's video is gonna be a little bit different than we usually do I'm actually gonna be fighting a real-life fighter pilot in this video his name is at a and he has a YouTube channel which I will link in the comment section and the video description below and he is a real life or was formerly a real life French Rafal pilot and so he's a very nice guy he reached out and he wanted to make a video and stuff and I was like oh yeah he'll make a video that sounds like a great idea so the way that we're gonna break this video down is I'm gonna do a quick introduction with him where he's gonna talk about his life and what he's done his accomplishments and all that stuff and then we're gonna jump right into the fights cuz that's what everybody wants to see I'm sure I'm gonna dogfight him and then when that's finished I'm gonna talk to him a little bit about his thoughts between being a DCs guy and what it takes to jump into a real aircraft and wood ADCs player be able to do that or not and after that we'll do attack for you review just for fun all right guys let's get started with the video alright itay go ahead and give everybody a little introduction tell us about who you are what you've done all that kind of stuff yeah sure I'd say I'd say it's my cold sign I'm a French and Canadian some dual citizen my mum was born in Montreal my dad in France it was a French Air Force officer and at 19 after a small career in sports triathlon and Duathlon and precision flying I joined the Navy the French Navy I got my training in the u.s. two and a half years flying t-34 and then t45 goshawk landed on the Truman and then I was sent back to France flew she bet on that from the French aircraft carrier chose the goal and later I was Rafael pallet flew in air shows with a French Navy deployed in Iraq 2016 and 15 and I served as a subject matter expert giving like keynotes and conferences to des Eaux and all the RAF our manufacturer before living the service to fly for a major in in North America and I got selected to fly a Boeing 737 max so I had a lot of time on my hands and I started a career in in consulting and corporate training using flight simulation and giving keynotes and stuff like that all around the world so now I live in France I'm moving to Germany in a month but I mostly work in Canada so I spent a lot of time near crafts that's basic very nice when you add that up everything together how many years would you say that you have in military aviation experience all that stuff yeah so I started flying at 14 I got my first private I mean what we call bhavat bars in France there's a first solo authorization at Stettin join an egg yet 19 served uh officially 13 years including eight years in front-line squadrons and I've got 18 years in aviation 2500 hours 1999 fast jets and 200 running on a boat day and night both on super e + RF ah very cool man very cool alright guys let's go ahead and jump into the video let's do some fights all right guys here we go this should be an interesting fight I'm assuming he's gonna be a lot more aggressive than most people I fight with so here we go for the merge now just because a guy used to be a real pilot doesn't mean that in dcs he will necessarily be amazing he's got to get used to DCs and then he'll be amazing that's something we'll talk about after all the dogfights and so we'll see how this plays out here and there's the merge I'm gonna go for keeping a high speed here and I'm gonna try to right around him he's going for the vertical and that's most likely to find tally on me it's very easy to do that and he's coming around he's looks like he's gonna try to get nose on here take a very high aspect shot as he flies by behind me if I keep my speed up it should be a very difficult shot for him and there it is it's gonna fall short so my only real chance here is the fact that si is maybe not completely used to the aerodynamics of DCs a lot of real pilots say that you gain speed too slowly and you'll lose it too quickly and so that's really the only shot I got here of maybe beating him and once he figures that out though which I don't think will take him long then it's gonna be bad news bears for me and so here we are I'm just trying to keep a high speed here and try to rate around him if possible you can see he's dumped his nose he's trying to get that speed back which he cashed in when he took that shot on me he pulled lead and tried to hit me and so here I'm just I'm staying above him because he keeps trying to point his nose at me which is what a delta wing guy would do because they have the authority to do that and also he's very aggressive you know much more aggressive than I'm used to so I'm being forced to play pretty defensively here I'm just trying to stay above him almost the entire time down to the deck once I get him down to the deck it's possible I'll be able to rate fry them and beat them there but we're pretty neutral as we come down here and we're gonna transition to the deck and so I see wing vapors coming off as aircraft which means he's pulling pretty hard might be getting a little bit slower there I'm keeping my energy my speed up here and now I'm coming around the circle all right so at this point I'm seeing a lot of winning cues I'm starting to come around and you can see he's struggling with the the speed in the Hornet there and there's the kill whoo all right got lucky with that one I think he's gonna start figuring it out now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you're wondering why I say is fighting in the Hornet and not the French Mirage it's because he had to update his game to open beta so that we could do this fight and he didn't have enough space as far as I remember to install the Mirage now if you guys want to see another video with him in a Mirage kicking my ass let me know in the comment section we can probably arrange that I don't think that would be too big of a deal and so once again same merge he goes for the vertical that's gonna really help him to find me to get tally on me and then he'll just build up his speed try to come in for the kill he's very aggressive in the first you know first turn he just tries to get his nose on you and kill you and it's it's kind of scary and so now he's moving up behind me I'm getting a whole lot of losing cues here and he's got his nose down he's building up his speed he's got me pretty defensive at this point I told you once he figures out the speed man I'm I'm in trouble and I think he figured it out real quick and so I'm dumping my nose trying to keep my speed up as I pull hard through these turns just trying to keep his nose on the leg here so he can't point it at me and kill me once again I'm gonna try to drag this fight to the ground and there's some rounds coming in lucky to not get hit by those and so once again you can see the nose-down attitude of his Hornet he's building up his speed again he cashed in a little bit to get those shots off short see the winged vapors coming off as he pulls harder and so I'm pretty fast here I'm trying to get it down to about 360 ish that'll be good look at that nose it keeps trying to point it at me pulling him into that rate fight he's figured it out man he figured it out so now he knows the speeds of the Hornet and he's just glued back there I'm gonna have to when he points his nose at me I'm gonna maneuver at a plane when I see the bottom of his aircraft and him pulling the lead I'm gonna have to watch for that and so we're coming around the circle he I'm not able to get him off me at all and he's also not able to point his nose at me this is what happens when you have two of the exact same aircraft and so what he's gonna have to start doing is offsetting the circle and trying to get a high aspect shot off at me which is what he's doing there with the climb so he's climbing up and he's gonna pull hard through the top and he's gonna come down here comes the shot looking for the lead maneuver out of plane survived good [Applause] really lucky to have survived that one as like fractions of seconds man that was scary and so I'm telling you man he's so aggressive and it's really not what I'm used to fighting so it's it's got me that's throwing me for a curveball oh I'm just hitting great oh [Music] all right guys here we go with round three so you know I've often said that a real pilot who was used to dcs is the most dangerous thing that you can face in the world of DCs and that's because of this exact thing they already obviously understand the fundamentals of BFM and you know how to maneuver their aircraft and all that stuff and the second so they don't have to learn all that stuff and the second they figure out how aircraft feel in dcs and they get used to that then that's it you know they're so dangerous because they already understand all the fundamentals and the basics here so here we go again he is once again in the high high position but he went for the vertical he's coming back around so you can see I'm kind of managing to negate that high alpha shot he likes to take as he whips by so I've solved that problem but you know I'm sure he can create a million more for me here and so here he comes looks like he might try to get another couple of rounds off here whoa damn he's aggressive it takes a certain level of skill to take that you know high speed high aspect shot as you rip by somebody and almost hit them like I'm pretty sure I survived that by like centimeters men so very scary very scary and so once again my tactic is to just keep my speed in the 360 range and I just really wanted to write him down on the ground that seems to be my best option of defeating him as long as he has altitude to play with and he has the ability to dump his nose to regain speed I'm in very big trouble now here I've actually rated around him but then he I pulled a little too hard on the stick there and kind of gave up my advantage and now he's gonna try to turn in front of me and he's gonna try to do a head-on pass I can probably get the kill here oh thank god oh that was luck but still feels good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys one last fight here and we'll see how this plays out last round so I you know we often talk about not reversing turns in front of your bandit but he timed that almost perfectly like just a couple more seconds a couple more degrees per second he would have been knows on with me and that is the difference between a real pilot and a guy who just plays DC s they can time those things so perfectly that's something that looks like a mistake to you is how they kill you and it's quite impressive actually if I'm being honest so once again we're in the he went for the vertical and he's coming around behind me look at how quick he gets behind me man like I'm not used to somebody getting on my ass like that it's actually really impressive how quickly he picked up on this kind of stuff now I know it's not the first time that he's playing DCs you know he's played DCs in the past but there's no way he has as many hours as I do in it but here he has kicking my ass right so this goes with my theory that if you were real pilot you know and you coming into DCs is you're just a different kind of animal you know you're so much better and so you see here he's got me defensive I dumped my nose way too hard I give him all kinds of angles there and Jessie look at that could he ask for a better position you know god damn it all right I'm gonna try to see if I can transition this into some sort of vertical fight very bad because now I'm too slow across the top gonna be an easy target yeah see if there's like crazy hit another high-aspect shot and it's the AOA of the Hornet that really allows him to do that stuff and he puts it to really good use and my radars broken now great so I got a shoot blind here and I'm gonna miss fantastic that was the only chance I'm ever gonna get and this round I'm pretty sure now I have a broken radar and there's the shot okay there we go [Music] [Music] how do you feel about this idea that a pilot or somebody in dcs who plays dcs can all of a sudden jump into a plane and they'll be as good as they are in dcs because in my experience that's definitely not the case and a lot of pilots come to DCs and they're not very good until they get used to it and then they become the most dangerous thing that you can fight in dcs as somebody who's used to dcs and is a real pilot but not being used to dcs usually results and the dcs player killing the real pilot but you shouldn't get that delusion that you're better than that guy because you kill them in dcs right two different things entirely how do you feel about that what I feel is first of all this yes is not the real thing I like to say flight simulation nowadays is 80 to 85% of the real deal because you're missing g-force all that stuff but in terms of tactics all that stuff all the numbers are extremely off but players that plays this yes you get most of them have a good understanding and thanks to generally accurate I'm trying to share some stuff on my channel as well but not exactly around this yes with more big picture but the thing is it is great to be able to apply it in the flight simulation at home it is something extremely different to beat up fighting and moving your neck at eight nine ten G's it is just a complete different world add to that the pressure of a you're going to do a real combat mission and what's gonna get you is all the small stuff around and have you read about all of guys killing themselves dogfighting no people kill themself on all the animal parts taking all that stuff and that really works makes a real power to real pallet is the ability to end to a discipline beyond the tactical face you need discipline all the time and I think that's a skill that isn't really worked in DCs because it's not done and I think that's one of the big the big big point is that it's a palate is all about discipline in the French Navy we say that the discipline politics worth gifted palette and and all the discipline takes years to build in something very specific I think that that might kill people used to VCS in the real world other than that yes a real fight about switching to DCs I mean the fight models aren't exactly the same I was having such a tough time finding numbers because in terms of joystick position it's really different but it's no excuse because we have to adapt and what makes a fighter pilot is someone that has the ability to adapt extremely fast and that will be able to follow the the pipeline the curriculum extremely fast so I think the big point is when you fly against a real pilot in this yes and my dad was an Air Force pilot I put him in this year she's dead next five seconds I put him in VRE ten minutes and it was a330 captain he was in change officer despite palace for the epsilon I mean nothing to say but but it's like that it is not the same he has always been sick in simulators yet he was a very proficient palate so it's just not the same I don't I don't want to tell DCs players that they couldn't make him in a real jet I just want to emphasize the fact that real fine will fire pilot stuff isn't it flying duck fighting all day it's just maybe 1% of her time in flight time throughout the year what makes a fighter parties all the surroundings and and yes so this yes is great it's awesome but it's not the real thing and maybe one day it will become closer but honestly I think it's better not to be pulling 10 G's because we would be exhausted by now and well but that's something right I just did maybe physical training test before because I had a challenge with my floors and Instagram but and go do a big workout during summer season and then do a duck fighting this yes and you will start already thing a small difference yeah I I don't know I think the the average DCS player they are more knowledgeable than your average person on the street but to sit there and think that you're at the same level as a real pilot like if I put you in a jet today you'd be able to take on a real pilot I think there are a very small portion of the population and DCs who do believe that to be true and I think they're very wrong now if you go when you get the training then you know it's a whole different story but you can't just go from TCS to a real plane and think that you're gonna beat a real pilot that's just ridiculous I think it's interesting what makes a fighter pilot a fighter part what makes a captain is captain is the humility to think everybody else is better than him there is a dichotomy where you have to be extremely self-confident to be in charge of an aircraft like that yet you have to be extremely humble because you know you don't know everything and you have to unforce either beginner mindset at all time that's why the briefing is so important in the military that's why it saves life in aviation but where I wanna go is somebody's at what to me and say hey I could do that I'm like great but just by the fact you think so boldly you can do it prove me you don't have the right mindset to be trustworthy or for 100 million dollar aircraft that's that's basically it you really need this I mean when we got in touch I mean if you put me against easier players there's no way I should win I mean it's you know the 10,000 rules I'm the training this yes and it's not my world so even though I've got the training all that stuff it's not my rule and I know it I didn't came to you and say hey I'm gonna kill you I told you once today I know for a fact this time gonna kill you and I did it but at the only time I did I realize it here's a time I'm never gonna come up front and say hey that's what that's what the outcome is gonna be because I have a professional credibility and I have this beginner mindset and I know you're gonna teach me some stuff you taught me how to use the year agent yourself and it just our palates are and you don't make it very far into this business if you think you know everything better than everyone else right yeah that's it that's a great point man well listen man I had a lot of fun I learned a lot of stuff I really appreciate you coming out and doing this I'm sorry that I missed your first comment I went back like a week later and I was like oh that was him but like yeah so that's my bad Laurie and listen I think the the channel is gonna love this and I think we should maybe try to do it again in the future sometime I think people would really like sure with pleasure maybe we zoom Yash mm next time and it may be depending on the comments you get if they want some type of scenario or some things I want me to teach you something very specific we can we can go with what your community wants will be with great pleasure and I have to say we're recording that on besties day so the French national holiday which is even more awesome yeah it's like July force in the u.s. its independence exactly besties days we basically to download King and pledge his head Oh what was that a 16 was it yeah I mean what you said a couple weeks later and his wife as well but we do celebrate that in French while eating baguette it's very [Laughter] alright brother well listen go enjoy your day enjoy your dinner and I had a great time thank you for doing this thank you you're quite safe Thanks thank you man have a good one bye-bye alright guys so we'll go ahead and review this tag view here I don't want to do too many tag fuse cuz this video is already pretty long but this is one of the tag views we're at 8 beats me and I just want to use this one because it shows really this was towards the end of our Fighting's towards the end I think it was like the second or last fight or something and he'd by this point he's got a pretty good handle of DCs and how things feel and he adapts very quickly as you heard him say it's all about adapting so if this is a really good example it shows you how well he just sticks back there once he's in a good position and manages his energy and all that stuff so he goes for the vertical because I think he may have mentioned in the video or he may have just told me but here he goes for the vertical because it allows him to get a quick tally in really any direction whatever I do if I climb he'll see that if I dive he'll see that that just the high vertical is the best position for that a lot of people they advise against this but if you're good at your energy management I don't see any issue with it and you can see here why what that means because he he goes up he gets his tally and then he starts to work on getting his energy state back and so I'm over here I'm trying not to pull too hard on the stick and sitting at an indicator to about 440 is honestly probably a little fast and how he ends up look at how he cuts across I started to drop the nose a little bit because I'm just trying to you know get out of plane a little bit so he can't get a clear shot and that works enough to get him to not shoot there but you can see now he's just just right back there and he's in a good position there he's sitting at a church beat of 4:30 and I'm sitting at 454 so his indicator that's probably about 360 so he's got some nice speed there and he can tell here he's not pulling too hard he's just trying to conserve that as much as possible and so my so I'm dropping my nose here and I'm at this point I'm kind of hoping that he doesn't have the numbers down correctly in terms of max rate speeds and all that kind of stuff and that I can maybe out rate him in this circle because I'm like you know I'm probably more used to the Hornet than he is but you can see here that although I've definitely got more hours in the Hornet that he does in DCs you can see that he's glued back there perfectly right he's all he's adapted he understands the speeds he already figured it out in like 2 or 3 fights and he's good to go and look at that shot look he did not get hit there men and so at this point I'm like holy crap so I start dumping the nose in order to make myself faster cuz I'm like the only chance I got like at this point I'm gonna stay to panic you know and I'm like I gotta get down on the ground cuz at the ground I can beat him it's my best chance you know maybe if I have a chance it's down there and so I start to dive and I'm going down there as quick as I can having dough like that I've given him all kinds of angles and he starts to come up behind and we'll see here as we get down I'm indicated a 440 because I had to dump my nose and I picked up a little bit more speed than I would've liked and you can see he's sitting at an indicator of 380 which actually probably puts his speed around the 200 so he might be a little bit slow here for the Dec transition like if he was to pull hard to try to get a lead here he would and he didn't get the kill if he got the kill he's good if not he could be in trouble because he was a little slow but you can see some of that speeds coming back and so here I'm trying to I'm trying I'll rate him and I'm doing my best here and it's not really working I am a little too fast to be fair I want to be sitting around 360 and I'm sitting more look at this to decrease per second of 23.9 he's getting 21.8 so he's doing pretty good it's not bad and so here I think is where Itay starts to realize that he is gonna have to change it up because as long as I maintain my rate speed and you know he is pretty much the same we're gonna be neutral through this entire fight so watch him I should go outside the turn circle and start to climb and so what he's doing here is he's offsetting the circles and what that's gonna mean is that when he comes back around it's gonna allow him a high-aspect shot and you're gonna see what I mean here in a second and he's coming back around and so you see this look at this circle that he just created looking at top down so you have a great fight on the deck would have been me going this way and him right behind me right what he has created here is this new circle that's like this and then my circle that's like this so you see it's an offset circle and so what that means is that you know and this is the high aspect shot so when I'm here and he's coming around like this he's gonna get a shot like right here right and he's gonna have the top of my aircraft and he's gonna have to lead pretty significantly in order to get that shot but it is better than just sticking to a guy's ass and hoping that you can out read them it's a little bit quicker could I have offset what he was doing here yes by how would I have offset it right here when I see him climb because I visually saw it you know I saw him doing this and right here as he climbed I could have initiated a climb as well and he would have offset the circle and I would have offset my circle the same distance and on the way down when he started coming down I would come down as well behind and we would have offset the circle but we would have both offset the same amount so it would have actually been overlapping again and so that's the geometry of that now I allow that to happen I don't counter it and as he comes across I'm watching him this was extremely dangerous cuz as he was coming down he was right in the Sun so I was really struggling to see him and what I'm looking for is underbelly of his aircraft and so that tells me that he's pulling lead right and so what I need to do is an out of plane maneuver and you saw it in the video the out of plane maneuver is the little section where you see me just level off the wings pull out of plane and then right when the rounds go underneath me I come right back into the right mech and so that's what you see happening here I'm watching for the lead right as soon as I see the lead I don't wait for the bullets I think I timed this one really well usually most of the time I'm actually late on these out of plane maneuvers but this one I think is time nicely and so I see underbelly and so I pull out let me just bring this back a little bit more so I pull out of it the rounds go underneath and I go right back to my my rate fight back to my circle right so let's have another look at that look at that from a Hattie's perspective let's turn off the labels right so there's that and then let's go back to me and then right here I kind of take my eyes off him for a second and for some reason tack view doesn't register at this point I'm just completely defensive and for some reason tag view doesn't register a hit but I definitely got hit like I I felt the impact the aircraft started to fly all weird and my HUD turned off so I know I was hit for sure but I still why right attack for you doesn't register it has a hit I don't know but it doesn't and I died so good kill to at a so a big THANK YOU to a day for coming out and doing this video for letting us get to know him introducing himself and all that stuff I had a great time he's a very nice guy I look forward to doing more videos with him in the future and you guys should give us suggestions about what you like to see and we'll do our best to try to do that big thank you to everybody for watching and we'll catch you in the next one and remember that links to a day's channel are in the comment section and the video description below alright guys take care bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 3,386,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, ate, dogfight, dogfighting, real, real dogfight, F-18 Hornet, F/A-18 Hornet, microsoft flight simulator 2020, real pilot, f-14 tomcat, f-16 viper, military, army, air force, navy, f-22 raptor, rafale, gripen, jf-17 thunder, a-10 warthog, f-35, Mig-29S Fulcrum, Su-33, su-27, tutorial, how to, guide, art of the kill, bfm, dcs f-16, dcs world, dcs dogfight, dcs viper, eagle dynamics, virtual reality, war thunder, ace combat 7, dcs tomcat, ace combat, f-16
Id: zgDZ4BLk0Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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