Real Faith, Part 6

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turn with me please to Romans the third chapter and verse three we've been on the subject for some weeks now we're calling real faith real faith and our texts are here he says Romans three three four what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect what's the answer to that well verse four gives you the answer god forbid yay let God be true but every man a liar as it's written that you may be justified in your sayings and might overcome when you're judged back up to verse three again we we went into some detail in previous messages about how that some have became disillusioned with faith some years ago even ten years ago 15 20 years ago and more there are a number of people who were very excited about faith and they begin to make confessions and begin to pray the prayer of agreement and other things but as time is gone by a number of them have become disillusioned because things they said didn't come to pass and things they prayed didn't happen and so whether they just came right out and said it or not they've come to the belief that that doesn't work and so they're looking for and embracing other messages now well really no matter how you frame it the only other message there is is that it's all up to God and that's it may sound like a new message but it's an old message just been around for centuries either it's according to our faith and we have responsibility to believe or it's up to God and everything's up to God and you'll find that among many that say they believe in God you never hear anything about the devil and all you hear about is what they call the sovereignty of God and that sounds like they're showing respect and believe in God's ability but it's it's a deception because if you never talk about the enemy and all you say and you say God's in control of everything and everything he's doing or allowing to happen and there's some reason in some part of his will then you go wind up blaming God for every evil thing and that's not going to make you want to be close to him Phyllis and I had some friends we went to high school with and he a man and a woman and they got married young like we did and his little brother was killed in a terrible accident young just a just a young kid and some well you know ministers came by to see them and one of them was trying to convince him that that God took his brother because he it was a plan that nobody understood but that God needed him in heaven more than he needed him down here and man such a look came over this young man I'm talking about our friend and he said well if that's God you'll never see me in church again and if he thought I was gone if he was ever going back I don't know it I know for years he didn't I just hadn't been around but see he believed a lie I said he believed in life God's not to kill her jesus said John 10:10 put it on the screen please John 10:10 anybody believes the Bible yeah John 10:10 jesus said the thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy is God the thief is Jesus the thief well who's he talking about there's a devil if you believe the Bible you have to believe it there's the devil he's a killer he's cruel cruel but jesus said but I am cook why did you come Lord not to take people in the prime of their life how many believe that God is not killing people in tornadoes or earthquakes or tsunamis our car wrecks you know he has a lot of ability he could get you out of here some other way than smashing cars together now I know that bothersome folks listen well God's controlling everything well it's just not true read the Bible he said I set before you life or death blessing our cursing you choose didn't he say that well if he's making all the decisions there is no you choose if he's controlling everything there is no if no he's left a lot of it up to us and what we believe or don't believe affects what happens in our life no there's a devil there's a thief he's a killer he's a destroyer and it's happening all over the planet but there's a good God Oh somebody say a good guy he's a good god he'll do good things for you he'll help you he's not your problem never has been never stole anything from you never destroyed anything in your life he's not your problem he's your answer Jesus said I am come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly the amplified says I'm come that you may have life have an enjoy life and have it in abundance to the full and till it overflows glory to God that's some of that ability we were talking about earlier hallelujah well that's not in my notes but I think somebody needed that what what do you think Romans 3 3 what if some did not believe does that show the faith of God be without effect some have prayed and their their prayers weren't answered like they wanted them to be some have said things and tried to decree faith and it didn't happen and so they decided it doesn't work but just because they didn't believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God does it mean that God's faith in God doesn't work god forbid god forbid 1st timothy 1 1st timothy 1 in 4 said neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which Minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do now the end of the commandment is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience and a faith unfeigned everybody say faith unfeigned now we don't use that word all that much in modern vernacular Fane but Fane means to pretend unfeigned would mean not pretend if he's talking about faith that is not pretend what does that let you know there is faith that's pretend other translations bring out he said of faith which is not assumed but real one says not a counterfeit faith others say true faith genuine faith faith in God that's real that's where we got a title for the series for well some have said well you know you know they what they were calling faith in speaking and believing and praying didn't work and they're right what they were calling faith doesn't work because it's not real faith and that's not trying to judge anybody if you've gone any distance walking with the Lord you've done some foolish stuff I've already told you some things Phyllis and I have done right they tell you some more but the big thing is you don't quit and you have some sense and you don't blame God it is something when things go wrong that the only thing a lot of people think of it God let me down you mean that's the only possible reason why something didn't work right it has to be on God's in never occurred to them maybe I didn't do something right have some humility God doesn't miss it we know somebody that has high but not God not God are you okay so anyway we have talked about what's not real faith and what is real faith and we first of all we looked at imitation faith and there's a message on that if you weren't here you can get it won't cost you anything go online download it or back in the back of the word supply they'll give you a disc CD or whatever won't cost you anything how many think that it'd be worth people's time to go in and get caught up on this we talked about imitation faith then we talked about presumptuous faith then we talked about baseless faith faith with no foundation and now last week we talked about faith you can see yeah real faith can be seen the Bible said you know the four that brought the paralyzed men is said when they tore off the roof Jesus saw their faith hallelujah real faith can be seen it's seen in what you do it's seen in actions let's go on further today can you take some more you got time how big a rush you in how many things when we come before the Lord you are not being too big of a rush don't get scared Luke 17 would you go there please Luke 17 and verse 6 the Lord said if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed they were singing about it today worth you might say well actually the word mite is not the the literal talks about you would have said Young's literal author of the concordance he said it this way if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed what would have happened you would have said to the sick of mine be uprooted planted in the sea and it would have obeyed you it would have obeyed God no it would have obeyed you why because you would have said why because you had faith don't let it be too simple for you it would have obeyed you now we're talking about something in this physical realm now people mock this they make fun of this you actually believe you could talk to something and it changed what are you what are you a magician what are you they're mocking Jesus I didn't say this I didn't write this jesus said if you had faith even a little bit even a tiny bit you would have done what you would have said something well real faith can be seen guess what else real faith can all your click you can be heard yes it can real faith can be heard when it comes to being seen James says show me my faith without you doing anything I'll show you my faith by what I do well they they they can't show you faith without doing anything it's dead faith it's not real living faith the faiths not there if there's no action well likewise here if you don't hear anything then the faiths not there the Bible tells us in Hebrews 11 that we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God his faith was heard hallelujah space heard it the earth heard it the deep heard it right faith real faith can be heard and Jesus said if you had faith even a little bit what would have happened you would have said something you said something and it would have obeyed you I sense too good to be true it sounds too amazing to be real to the carnal mind but I'm reading the Bible I'm quoting Jesus I know some years ago I was reading in it it told the story of Jesus ministering to Peters mother-in-law and said she had a great fever apparently she was delirious in a bad bad way and it said that they asked him Jesus to minister to her and he he came in to the room and the Bible said he rebuked the fever and I had read right over that before and I stopped after hold on hold on Jesus is not praying he's not talking to the father he's not talking to Peters mother-in-law he's talking to a fever is that right he's talking to a fever and I pause I thought can a fever here I read the rest of it he said and it left her I thought yep yeah fevers can hear if fevers can hear cancer can hear kidneys can hear hearts can hear lungs can have kidneys liver glands knees feet and hips can hear but what are they what are they hearing out of you huh what's your what's your glands when's the last time they heard out of you your organs your bones your joints hmm even many church-going people the only thing their joints will ever hear is it's my bad knee my tennis elbow my weak eye what you say is your faith speaking right or what you say is your fear speaking and jesus said if you believe it and don't doubt you'll have what you said didn't he mark 11 put it on the screen for us mark 11:23 anybody know mark 11:23 was it say verse 22 said have faith in God so he stood how many believe he's talk about real faith Jesus didn't talk about any other kind real faith not the phony stuff verse 23 he said for verily I say to you that whosoever shall what so what say something to the mountain now that's not prayer this is not begging God to move the mountain he didn't tell us to beg him to move the mountain he didn't tell us to beg him and plead with him to make the mountain go away yet how many how many believers are doing it non-stop with that results What did he say say to the mountain be removed who's he talking to not God be removed and be cast into the sea and if you don't doubt in your heart but believe what the things that you said will come to pass Jesus said he shall have whatever he said he'll have what not hit not it didn't say he'll have whatever he needs didn't say it will have whatever he needs didn't say you'll have whatever he wants didn't say you'll have whatever God wants him to have the see religion has ignored this and put those other things in there subtle but dangerous you need to stay with what the master said if he'd wanted to say in a different way I reckon he could have if he didn't wanted to emphasize something else he would have this is what he emphasized what talk to it tell it what you want it to do somebody say talk to it talk to tell it what you want it to do now it didn't just say it'll happen because you told it what you wanted to do you got what you got to believe it you got to believe that those things that you said so it's more than just talking believe those things that you say will come to pass Jesus said people mock it they make fun of it they call us blab it and grab it they call us confess it and put possess it they're making fun of this they're making fun of Jesus and what he said he said he will have whatever he says tell your neighbor help him out and say you will have whatever you say now add this to it if you believe [Laughter] gloria jesus said if you had faith even a little bit you would have done what you've said something and it will happen that's how he operated when he walked the earth that's how God has always functioned and you and I are made in the image and likeness of God hallelujah and Jesus is not ashamed to call us brethren we're not just friends we're kin we're not just servants we're family Oh glory to God go in to God kinder who came to God I'm kin to Jesus I'm join heirs with him you can't be an heir unless you're in the will I'm in the new testament and we'll hey man I ought to come preach this just to myself ah go to second Corinthians please 2nd Corinthians the fourth chapter second Corinthians 4 and 13 it says we having the same spirit of faith talking about as the patriarchs talking about as the men and women of faith you read about in the Old Testament we have the what same spirit of faith according as it is written this is a quote from scripture I believed what else therefore have I spoken that's a quote from Scripture then he said he applies it personally we also believe and therefore we speak if you believe you'll speak no speaky no believing somebody needed to laugh is it true or not I mean we've got the same spirit of faith as Abraham Isaac and Jacob same spirit of faith is David Elijah Elijah Isaiah is that right there's not a different spirit of God and there's not a different faith in God there's not a different God one God same spirit same faith we're functioning in a measure of the same faith they operated in and they got it from him it's a measure of the same faith he operates in and with his faith he creates galaxies Wow how'd he do it Genesis it's all right there he said didn't he say and if you look at it in the literal instead of other translations it basically it keeps saying he said this be light be who and that's how it came into be this be that be that be recording of the Genesis account everything you see down here came into being because he spoke it out he hasn't changed he's never will change this is what works this is what Jesus did is he walked the earth showing us how to do it as a man yes what are you saying brother Hagin my father in the faith well-known for teaching and preaching on mark 11:23 in 24 hmm did you know it or not he said this he said this many times he said what you say is your faith speaking he usually said it in connection with mark five the woman with issue of blood he said what you say is your faith speaking I'm quoting him verbatim now he said I've preached it for fifty years and that was when he was in his is that was in the early 80s not his 80s 1980s I've preached it for fifty years and I'm gonna keep on saying it and if the Lord tarries and I'm still here fifty years from now I'll still be preaching it if you're not satisfied with what you have then quit saying what you're saying [Music] if you're not satisfied with what you have then quit saying what you're saying he said you blame it on other people but you've created it yourself see it's notice the notice the phraseology of the world that's popular that's supposed to be cool everything that that's really neat is not neat it's sick that's sick fine it healthy oh that's bad that's bad wine it good that's good dope scared me to death why didn't it scare you to life laugh till I thought I'd die why isn't it laughed a lot I thought I'd rejoice don't get raptured huh you're never gonna hear that because the god of this world is not pushing that he he does not want that in your mouth now hear people say all don't bug me about you know I you know what I meant you know know the enemy is legalistic he's looking for access to you and to your life and he knows the quickest and most effective way to get access to you to steal kill and destroy is to put stuff in your mouth bring it to your mind bring it to your ears and get you to say you'll be tempted I don't care how long you are with the Lord you'll be tempted to say bad stuff about yourself yeah I guess I'm just getting old you know getting a little slow ha ha ha ain't funny how slow do you want again was last time you heard somebody say I'm getting older getting quicker getting sharper thinking that just sounds for it but you have what you say you have what you say I guess I'll be the first one laid off ain't that how it goes get something paid off and it breaks if you say so and then people people act like they're a prophet when it came to bet see I told you you dummy cuz you decreed it because people don't believe this they don't blame Proverbs that says you'll eat good by the fruit of your mouth and that life and death is in the power of the tongue many scriptures like this all through the Bible but the enemy has convinced most people including church-going people they did don't matter what you say and it's not a short not a short distance from that - it don't matter what you pray it don't matter what you do you know God's in control anyway and you just never know what God's going to do well if you send out about me that wouldn't be a compliment hey brother Keyes say he was going to come yeah he did but you just never know what brother Keith's gonna do you said my words no good right I told you I'm coming but don't count on it because you just never know that's a bad thing to say about a god who's never lied and never let you know and never failed you yeah we know what he's going to do he's going to do what he said he would do every time and I want you to notice what he said he would do where are you there's more there but for times sake let's do this just you go to Hebrews 3 and on the screen please put up Isaiah 57 19 you're going to Hebrews 3 they'll put up on the screen Isaiah 57 19 this scripture said we just got through looking at we got the same spirit of faith another translation said I spoke because I had faith we have that same kind of faith so we speak one translation says I believed it so I said it I believed it saw it so I said it I spoke because I believed if it's strong enough in your heart out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks if this if you don't say it if you don't believe it enough to say it you don't leave it enough but when it gets strong enough in you you'll say it sometimes without faking right when they get strong enough in you hallelujah I know uh Phyllis and I were just months into learning about faith and walking with God this would have been back in the 70s young and young in the Lord just knew a handful of verses just learned them and my uncle on my mom's side of the family had been diagnosed with cancer of the lungs and he got worse and worse till he couldn't work and he's almost bed fast and just dwindled down to nothing and the doctors said it was terminal and we had just learned some things about faith and so we wanted to get some of these they didn't have CDs back then tapes to it and so cassettes books that kind of things so we there were a little bit distance from us and we drove down and talked to him son and I believe it was a second time that we went and then he's very virtually bed fast just down to nothing skin and bones and we're talking to him about believing God about having faith and so uh after talking to him we went back into the kitchen with some of the other family and we looked up in a minute and he was standing in the doorway holding on to the door facing he said in a weak voice he said I'm gonna live I'm gonna live well some of the family I almost made him upset they thought you know his he's so far gone may not know what he's saying and doing they thanked us for trying to console him but we weren't trying to console him I believed therefore I spoke we got word back in a few days he was doing better then he was doing better then he could eat then he got up then he went back to work hallelujah and him for some time after that glory to God blow me to God yeah he came in that doorway hung that week he said I'm gonna live some folks wanted to cry I wanted to shout and he did Oh somebody said I believe so I said it why did he say that why did he come in there say that because something had taken root and hold in his spirit Oh hallelujah and it moved him enough he wanted to get up in his weakened condition and come in there and hang on to the door facing and say I just want y'all to know our lives I'm gonna live and he did came completely out completely from death's door completely out oh we celebrating shouted thank God as we heard the news well only a couple of years after that uncle on the other side of the family on my dad's side of the family lung cancer same thing so we thought hey we've been here before right we live closer to them so we went over and talked to him more than once and brought some materials and he seemed agreeable and got worse and worse and died now I see a lot of folks at that juncture what would they do Wow you just never know huh and you know must not have been God's will oh really so everything that happens is God's will there's a lot of bad stuff happening you sure you want to put all that on God that includes people dying without him how many of the Bible said it is not his will that any should perish our people perishing yes they are then things are happening that's not his will he said pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven if it's already being done you wouldn't need to pray that it would be there's all kind of stuff happening down here that is not the will of God but I was puzzled I thought Lord what happened here well we went to the funeral home and family was there and then when some people standing right beside now I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but they were talking loud enough other people could hear it and it was a child of that uncle and he went on to describe about how that he had called him in several times and and picked out what songs he wanted to sing at the funeral and and different things and how they wanted to later and I realized they took mind minutes after I left there and I realized I never heard him say anything along that line he was polite and nodded like he agreed but what he said was get the songs ready are y'all listening I didn't know that and there's cases with people even people you love you don't know what they're saying and what - even though you might know I'm pretty good you don't know their heart and if somebody didn't believe don't knock it don't judge unless you've been where they are you may think you know what you do but you can get tired you can get weary and heaven gets - looking real good right but don't say faith doesn't work because that wasn't faith one of them said I'm not going to die I'll live the other one said get the songs ready both of them got what they said can you see this both of them got exactly what they said where are you Hebrews three can you take a little more three verse one instance therefore holy brethren Hebrews 3:1 4 takers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high priest of our profession now other the New King James and other translations say confession the Apostle and high priest of our confession Christ Jesus others just say the high priest of our faith being the high priest of our faith is PI is inseparable from being the high priest of our confession of what we say Jesus works with what we say not just my idea he is the Apostle and high priest of what of our confession of what we say now that sounds strange to some people but the same people believe it exactly in the new birth how do you get born again come on help me out how you get born again Romans 10:9 and 10 put it on the screen for us please once 10 9 and 10 if you will do what that's what it starts with it's what it begins with how did you get born again if you'll confess with your mouth how much plainer can you get mouth is moving sound is coming out confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God is raised from the dead you shall be saved verse 10 why for with the heart man believes unto righteousness that's not the end that's half the verse and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation it's the way you get born again it's the way everything else happens it's the way God created the universe it's the way the just live by faith it's the way the just walk by faith no it's not just parroting anything that crosses your mind it's not just saying any and everything because if you don't believe it it's not gonna happen but if you believe it and you say it and you expect it and you won't quit your high priest works with it has a right to enforce it has a right to empower it and enable it beyond what you could do hallelujah oh somebody say glory to God glory to God go see that's why I wanted you to say earlier extras coming in extras coming in and we're paying everything off quickly oh look out look out I feel faith in the room I feel faith look out Kim watch out there's gonna be a lot of testimonies they're going to be a pile testimonies whoo now can you tell when you're saying something like that if you believe it or if you don't sure you can and one of the biggest ways you can tell is if you really believe it you're expecting it and if you're expecting it you get excited is that right it's not just parroting something there's a genuine quickening and excitement Danny that's why I felt it when you said it you said you said extract is coming in and you're paying everything off quickly Jesus the head of the church is the high priest of that of that your confession I said 57:19 for confirmation Isaiah 57 19 the Lord said I create the fruit of the lips creative power is released Oh glory to God clover - I've seen deaf ears open I've seen broken bones instantly put back together not not here saying they'd hands one time on a guy he had broken his foot his ankle he had a hard cast on he's a surgeon so he knows a broken bone when he sees one he was there to get delivered from drug addiction and you know late hours and all that kind of stuff and easy access to medications he had gotten addicted and that was really his biggest problem but he had some kind of mishap broke his foot bone multiple bones in his foot and we preached that afternoon on Jesus is the true cure all [Music] he's good for whatever ails you and the Lord was with us strong he's the true cure-all and we had a leg on his hands and he came up we laid hands on him I could tell I could tell the anointing was there he said later it felt like a band that was on him just broke off it was that addiction he told me months later he was back into his practice and was doing mission work he was going on mission trips no drugs no dirt no drugs no craving for him but that wasn't all that happened he looked at me I looked at in the morning was on him and I didn't tell him to do this he looked at he said well he'll heal this to one I said yes he reached down and tore off that that cast I didn't tell him to do it any day and then he looked at me and he jumped up in the air jumped up and landed on it from the natural you want to decrease instantly this foot was perfect instantly he's the doctor he would know he's a surgeon there was an 80 something-year-old woman that was in the service one day and we come down through there and asked her what her what her issue is she's had a rotor cuff so what they called it in your shoulder rotator cuff whatever and she said I can't I can't lift my my arm it had been damaged and hurt and scar tissue and all kind of stuff and and the Lord prompted me to to speak to it be loosed in the name of Jesus Oh hallelujah and then took her arm in you and just lift men all that once she threw up both hands in there just like that I'm in verticals begin to cry since she had done that in years I'm not talking about hearsay about what I saw him with my own eyes and many such things how many believe God still does these kind of things today is he still God did he lose his power did his will change but he works with what we say he creates the fruit of the lips what are you saying what do you say I think we need to spend some more time on it what do you think come back next Sunday we'll just pick up on this I don't think we get through with this today we'll see we'll see but go to mark 5 in closing I think mark 5 Jesus said if you'll say and not doubt but believe that what you say will come to pass jesus said how many got respect for what Jesus says she the head of the church said you will have what you say and Hebrew said he is the Apostle and high priest of what we say our confession Isaiah said he creates that I create the fruit of the lips glory to God well the enemy want you to say things he can work with like I can't not going to make it I'm gonna did you see what he put in the people's mouth when they when God's people got to the promised land they sent in the spies what they keep saying we're all gonna die we can't do it we're all gonna die and you'll notice death is just all through this world system death is a part of people's forget death death death death death and failure and people laugh and they think it's funny it's not funny death in your mouth means death in your life that's why all the popular and supposedly cool lingo is going to be negative it's going to be dark it's going to be death it's not funny it's not harmless let the Word of God be in your mouth let life be in your mouth let healing be in your mouth let victory be in your mouth never say I guess I'm coming down with I guess I'm coming down with why not you say I guess I'm taking a healing don't I don't believe I'll be able to make it right just as easy to say I believe I'll be able to make it I can't do it the Bible said I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me now a lot of people have heard some of this but it's amazing what people say in their private life now I've made mistakes too but you just look at people sometimes in amazement and go how long you been going to faith Life Church and you still talk like that oh oh oh I didn't mean yeah you did it came out of here your heart your your mouth will tell off on your heart it'll reveal what you really believe especially under pressure especially in times of duress and pressure it's like anything you squeeze it you see what comes out a lot of people you squeeze them cussin comes out not good hate anger right depression or friend be full of something good so that if you get squeezed not cussing don't come out blessing comes out more you get squeezed the more you shout hallelujah right more you get squeezed more you talk victory you talk - something's not working right you talk to us say I call you strong kidneys listen to me work right lungs clear up right head be healed ears open up I had a guy okay it comes healing school one timing and so it's this of what what's the issue he said my tear ducts don't work right the he said I've been the doctor after doctor and my eyes are so drying and they used these drops from but they don't last long and it's because my tear ducts don't work and and we tried this but they still don't work and and we've done everything but they don't work my tear ducts don't work he must have said it 20 times my tear ducts don't work and he looked at me and said so we want to pray I said No no you're not ready to pray there's a lot of wasted motion in prayer I said so your tear ducts don't work he said no they don't work you could tell you'd said it so many times I said as a if you decree a thing that's how it'll be to you your decree that your tear ducts don't work right he said well they don't I don't laugh you were at the same place maybe there today but you were at the same place he said what they know and I said yeah yeah understand but faith calls those things that be not as though they work let the weak say not I'm weak you already got that what brother Hagin say if you're not satisfied with what you have quit saying what you're saying he said well they don't work I said if you say so he looked at me baffled he said what do you mean I said if you say so if you say they don't work he said well they don't and we were rounding around a little bit thank God eventually he saw it and he began to say I called my tear ducts normal tear ducts talking Jesus talked to fever why couldn't you talk to your tear ducts tear ducts listen to me work right function normally in Jesus name and Jesus creates the fruit of the lips hallelujah he is the apostle in the high priest of what you say from the heart that you believe not everything you say but what you say from your heart that you believe hallelujah and you can believe everything he said in his word mark-5 describes the woman with the issue of blood twelve years suffered many things of many physicians it was nothing better but rather grew worse and she came behind in the throne and in the press and she touched Jesus garment verse 28 for what far she said she did what she did what she did what she said I sure hope something happens here because I've suffered a long time and if it's the will of God no men think that's what you're supposed to do but that's not the Bible that's not the Gospels she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be Oh as no ifs that's no maybes somebody said I shall be nice she's saying this is when I touch something gonna happen right when I touch something's going to happen when I touch something's gonna happen when I touch extras coming in when I touch I shall be hull verse 29 and straightway immediately the fountain hurt her image was dried up and she felt in her body she was healed of that plague now when did she feel it before she said it or after she said after she said it you don't wait till you feel it then you're gonna say it no faith involved there you say it before you see it before you feel it verse 30 Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue our power had gone out of him he turned about in the press he said to touched my clothes hallelujah now verse 31 his disciples said to him you see the multitude thronging you and says to who touched me so people were touching him all around if it was just based on Jesus faith that all been healed it was just based on the power that was on him that all been healed what was the difference I believed therefore I said they weren't saying because they weren't believing and there was no action to the power who touched me verse 32 he looked trying to see her that had done this thing keep going the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said to her daughter God in His sovereignty has seen fit to heal you I chose to heal you today my faith has made you no no no no your faith has made you whole go in peace and be hold of your play did this woman have real faith no question about it real faith gets real results how do we know she had real faith you could see her faith she left the house in her weakened condition she pushed through that crowd and she touched the edge of his clothes you could see it what else you could hear it I said you could hear it she said when I touch something's going to happen when I touched not I might be will see we hope so I shall be hold would it be okay to follow the Bible example would it be okay to do what scripture shows has been successful glory to God then let's get rid of men's tradition let's get rid of foolish stuff and let's get back to the Bible hallelujah and have some real faith that says praise got stand on your feet everybody Oh hallelujah praise be to God praise be to God oh thank you Father thank your father lift up you your hearts and your voices and your hands to the Lord let's give him thanks for his word we prayed and asked him to speak asked him to speak to us I believe he did lift up your hands lift up your hearts lift up your voices say thank you lord thank your father for speaking to us thank you faith comes by hearing and faith is fed by hearing and faith continues to come by hearing thank you that that is what has happened and that is what is happening in Jesus name yes sir yes sir hallelujah means just close your eyes don't don't look around show reverence and respect not for me for for the Lord for His Holy Spirit we're there's some things we need to act on right now while faith is strong and while you're in corporate faith lay your hands everybody do it now don't you don't want to miss out on this lay your hands on your head set out loud head I'll call you healed brain be normal and be perfect and function perfectly be right in the name of Jesus eyes be strong ears be clear nose breathing lungs be clear be clean be healed in Jesus name holy to God put your hands on your throat and are you next say it out loud throat be made right be restored be healthy be healed neck vertebra skull be right be healed spine spinal cord nerves discs be healed be restored in the name of Jesus disks are being restored Oh somebody say I believe I receive it I believe I receive it put your hands on your back say back be right back be healed in Jesus name put your hand on your hips say hips be right be normal be strong be healed knees be healed ankles be healed feet toes be restored be made right be healed all my bones and all their marrow and all my joints I speak to you in the name of Jesus be restored be healthy be right be sound in Jesus name Oh hallelujah thank you lord believe you receive Jesus works with what you say he creates the fruit of lips he's the Apostle and high priest of your confession oh thank you Lord put your hands on your midsection use your chest in your stomach sit out loud lungs be right heart be cleansed be clear and be healed and be strong yay be strong and function normally valves be repaired be restored hallelujah chambers be right be corrected and function normally in Jesus name blood red cells white cells all cells be right be corrected be perfected be normal function healthily and normally hallelujah glory to God set outlet stomach intestines be healed colon be healed be restored anything there that ought not be there we curse it command it to die dry up wither away be healed be healed all my organs all my glands be healthy function normally be strong be right in Jesus name oh praise God praise God praise God praise God yes yes yes set out loud put your hands anywhere say muscles function normally be right skin be clear be healthy be normal and be sound in the name of Jesus from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and everything in between be quickened by the Holy Spirit be empowered be enabled be strengthened and become sound and healthy and work right and function normally in Jesus name hallelu [Music] Hey things are happening all over the building all over Sarasota all over the internet hallelujah now decree it said I love this body by the grace of God will serve me well all the days of my life as long as I needed it will serve me well [Music] Halloween [Music] hallelujah and just in case you forgot extras coming in exes coming in and we're paying everything off quickly hallelujah brother day
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 802
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: 8pYv3LroplY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 22sec (4282 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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