Faith In The Power Part 2

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open in the scriptures please with me this evening to first Corinthians the first chapter first Corinthians chapter 1 last week we talked about faith in the power of God last Friday and we talked about healing power and we had a healing line and we had healings mm-hmm you know how to fellow got upset with me one time years ago wasn't the last one but he said we don't believe in all that healing stuff all that miracle stuff like like y'all do is you said our our preachers never preached any of that stuff and I said do you ever have any of it he said no we don't believe in it I said even that interesting y'all don't preach it don't believe it and you don't have it we preach it we believe it and I pointed I said there's books full of testimonies right there right of people testifying that they've been healed by the power ago well jesus said these finds these signs follow who not the ones that don't believe it if you don't believe in it you won't be bothered with it am I talking to some believers though in here by the internet Sarasota believers right believers and so we talked about the power of God and faith in the power of God and I thought maybe it would just be a healing service for that night but as I sought the Lord about tonight I realized I'm not through talking about that we're not doing that so it may be a two part series are you laughing about I could be a twenty part for all I know right but we'll see we'll see we'll see so whether it's two or twenty we need to go to it get done do we get through and then on this passage we looked in the second chapter of first Corinthians but I want you to back up into the first chapter first Corinthians chapter 1 let's release our faith you know you're not limited to what I know right or what I can do somebody say thank God but the Spirit of God can speak through me or whoever would be ministering at the time but he can also speak directly to you while while the ministry is going forth right but release your faith that you hear from him I'd be so bold as to say this if you don't hear from him in here tonight it's your own fault you know if I never tried to preach the truth if I never open the Bible and read a verse it might be different right but we are already looking at the word and we're gonna read the word we're gonna talk about the word right and the Spirit of God is here hmm if nothing else you could hear from him if I was wrong about something right if you don't agree with that well if it's true that I was missing on something the Spirit of God would show you why you can still hear from me yeah we're hoping that's not the case but anybody could make a mistake but I'm just saying there's no reason why you shouldn't hear from him right here right now tonight father in Jesus name we release our faith and we're asking you for utterance for the anointing eyes ears and heart and mind that can see here discern understand receive we're asking you for answers to questions that have been bothering people or asking you for solutions to problems and direction and light for the next steps the next parts of the plan we're asking you for it we know what you will we believe we receive it by faith we say by your help we'll be doers and not hearers only and we will be blessed in Jesus name Amen so be it thank you Lord in 1st Corinthians the first chapter the Spirit of God through Paul in verse 18 he said the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but to us which are saved it is the power of God the gospel is the preaching of the Cross the gospel is the power of God is the power of God I'm inist and there's a connection between the Word of God and the power of God everything God made by his power he made by the agency of his word he spoke and it was so this tells you something here then there's so much light in every word in every phrase but what if somebody thinks the gospel and the Word of God is just dumb and foolish they just revealed that they are perishing they're on their way to destruction say it they think they're so smart and maybe mocking us that we're just poor ignorant folk that need the crutch of religion but for people who have some understanding they just got through telling you I'm on my way to destruction I'm perishing not the will of God it's not his will that any should perish but how many in here have a small opinion of the Word of God or think it's foolishness or humming in here think the gospel is the power of God it's the power of God it's the power of God unto salvation to everybody that believes mmm hallelujah said I led the gospel is the greatest it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes you believe then you not perish it you don't think this book is done I heard a fellow there the other day on the news was talking about he'd come to the conclusion he had proof positive that Jesus never existed really is that right how could he have proof positive I mean the records for most times many of them are just non-existent and yet he's sure Jesus don't even exist what did he just tell us I'm perishing I'm lost yes on my way to destruction it's pitiful he thinks he's so smart well he's got degrees he's been to school it's pitiful I said it's pitiful how many believers is pitiful it's sad aren't you glad you're not in darkness tonight your mind is not befuddled and confused like that thank God for your mercy that we know the truth about you hallelujah he said verse skip down to verse 21 after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not god it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching that's what men call it to save them that believe when the folks think so or not we need preachers and we need preaching it is the way God has ordained that people get saved anybody in here save tonight come on let me see how did you get saved you heard something right you heard something you believed it you acted on it that's one of the scripture says how beautiful are the feet of them that bring that good news hallelujah God has ordained that it happened through what the world counts utter foolishness but it's not foolishness it's the power of God it's the power of God verse 22 I want you to notice for the Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom he mentions two groups of people the Jews which were God's people supposed to be God's people are seeking after a miraculous sign they want to see something supernatural he said they want to see something spectacular something not natural but the Greeks they're educated beyond all that so I'd like some other folks don't they're seeking after wisdom and knowledge and understanding and deep thought and in-depth speculation and consideration reasoning and logic they want you to dazzle them with your intellect are those two groups still in the earth oh yeah there's a group not looking for miracles they're looking for knowledge wisdom and there's a group that's not looking for knowledge and wisdom they're looking for power manifested and depends on where you go in the world you go you go to a university town what are you probably gonna hear about the knowledge and wisdom you go to a tribe in Africa that's grew up with witch doctors come on are you listening what are they going to say they want to hear you give a fancy speech no we know that witch doctor what's-his-name can put the hoodoo on you show us what you got right and there's people don't even believe in that but people that have grown up around groups of people who do believe in the supernatural know it's a reality they know it but people who didn't they've been convinced by the enemy that there is no devil and there's no God there's no spirit there's no angel and they live in that delusion two groups he went on to say but under them which are called both Jews and Greeks is that you anybody called in here Christ is the power of God and Christ is the wisdom of God you need some wisdom Jesus is it you're looking for some power Jesus is it he is the wisdom and he is the power and the gospel is all about him all somebody say glory to God he said because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men I mean the weakest thing God comes up with blows men what they call strong the way you see your calling brethren how not many wise after the flesh not many mighty not many noble God's chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and he's chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty hallelujah now skip on down to chapter 2 he continued Paul said were not brethren when I came to you I came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power somebody say demonstration say it with me demonstration of the Spirit and of power need to sit another time or two demonstration of the Spirit and of power one more time demonstration of the Spirit and of power does the Spirit of God demonstrate things well that's what a sign is a sign is a demonstration a manifestation a demonstration and of power Paul was an educated man he grew up at the feet of Gamaliel who was the foremost authority on the law in his area in in his region where they lived and grew up and so he was very studious for many years but he found out when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and he saw a light from heaven and he fell in the middle of the road and said Lord what would you have me to do he come to realize it was more it was about more than just a head full of stuff he there was there was more reality than just books and endless study and learning and endless teaching there is the reality of the person of the Holy Spirit there is the reality of the presence of the Almighty there is the reality of the power of God and he says when I came to you and I came to Corinth and I preached to you I was not relying on my education my ability as a speaker or how much I knew I was counting on the Spirit of God to show up and demonstrate what we're talking about I was counting I was relying on the power of God to manifest and confirm the word I was preaching read the next verse why that our inner he did I did that in order that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God every child or to have the opportunity and the privilege of growing up in a home where the Spirit of God is manifested and coming to church and a church where the Spirit of God is manifested in the children's classes and in in the services and on the grounds so that when they get old enough and people begin to ask them at school and then later at college you know about what they believe about this God they do not just start spouting off about what their preachers teach and believe come on are y'all with me they do not just make vague references to I grew up such and such faith know they should have had multiple encounters with the Spirit of God with the power of God born again by the power of God filled by the Holy Spirit come on are you listening healed many times through their life by the power of God delivered and helped and quicken many times many times many times so that then they're not talking about some abstract theory of religion and belief they're able to be a true witness of what they themselves have experienced in the Lord so then their faith is not in the wisdom of men in their denomination in their church their pastors are their parents what my parents know and believe know their faith is in the power of God that they have personally experienced hallelujah you baby nobody can take that away from you nobody can take that away from you place after place where God's ministered to me in my life personally you can't tell me that didn't happen I was there it happened to me hmm things that happened to me and thank God nobody has to be relying on secondhand experience nobody has to be that their faith in God is based on what they heard somebody else say they knew about God that's what Paul is saying by the Spirit of God through him is saying that uh if I didn't want your faith in what I know or what anybody knows I want your faith to be direct in the power of God hallelujah do you have faith in the power of God would you like to know more would you like to experience more we touched on this last week that second don't turn there but second Timothy 3:5 it says that P a group of people would have a form of godliness but they would deny the power thereof and he said from such turn away don't don't hook up with folks that want to deny that the power is real in Hebrews six five we touched on last week that talked about people tasting the good Word of God and what does that mean and and also tasting the powers of the world to come now many Christians in our circles man they immediately agree about tasting of the good word oh yeah let's go to the meeting let's go to the conference and let's get some good word let's feed on the good word of God and let's taste the good word well yeah but that's not all there is you're supposed to taste the word and taste the power can you taste can you get a taste of what's coming in the world to come you can't you can't not now we're gonna have to walk by faith we're not going to see everything and experience everything in this life that's coming later but the Bible talks about getting an earnest of our inheritance getting a firstfruits getting a taste a taste of what's to come that's not mental that's experiential that's not knowledge that's not understanding that's experience tasting of the powers of the world to come and as you begin to talk about it some some folks might say well I may not I don't know that I've experienced any you probably experienced more than you're acknowledging and yet the key factor in experiencing more is your faith how much you believe in if you're I mean if your mind in the jury's still out as to how real these things are then it's not going to be real to you you're not going to experience it but when you get persuaded I said when you get persuaded and you quit doubting it hmm you could try and take it all apart figure it all out how many understand it's not likely you're gonna understand too much of God's power that created the universe right now how much of that are you likely to fully understand but you don't have to understand it to believe it nor do you have to understand it to experience it you can experience some things you don't have a clue what just happened but you can be so thrilled about it we want to tap it again hallelujah glory to God brother Kenneth Hagins senior used to say as a little boy he could not figure out how that a brown cow would give white milk and you turn it and make yellow butter he tried to figure that out and couldn't get him couldn't put it together and yet all the while he's trying to figure it out he's enjoying the milk and he's eating the butter do you have to understand something to enjoy it no no you don't know you know you don't have to understand how the blood of the lamb cleansed and washed you from sin to be clean you don't have to understand how Jesus was raised from the dead for you to believe that you'll be raised from the dead you don't understand that understanding is not the same thing as faith faith is a choice a choice to believe when people say I just can't believe that that's a lie you could believe it if you would choose to believe it you choose not to believe it there's no such thing as a person that can't believe it you're just choosing not to aren't you glad you chose to believe Jesus you chose to believe the gospel somebody said I choose to believe I choose to believe hallelujah look with me at a couple of other verses here 1st Corinthians 4 19 you don't necessarily have to turn to these just look at them up on the screen some things I'll get you to turn to others not as important that you do he said I'll come to you shortly if the Lord will and will know not the speech of them that are puffed up but to power verse 24 the kingdom of God is not in word or some translations say talk but in what in power there's much more to the things of God than talk there's much more to God than talk there's power in 1st Thessalonians 1:5 1st Thessalonians 1:5 he said our gospel came not to you in word only but in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance as you know what men are men we were among you for your sake it came in power Romans 15 says a similar thing Romans 15 18 he says out there not to speak of those things which Christ has not worked by me to make the Gentiles obedient my word indeed through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God so that from Jerusalem round about unto Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ when the word God's real word goes forth by the anointing by faith they're supposed to be and there will be if people believe it confirmation of the word with signs following you preach on a new birth and it's real and it's right and somebody believes it how many know what will happen if somebody believes it and responds there will be new births every time you preach on healing and deliverance and if it's right and you and it's the word and somebody believes it and acts on it what will you have you will have healings and deliverances right if you preach on the goodness of God and the abundance and his word and sowing and reaping and people believe it and people act on it what were you seeing you'll see manifestations of his goodness and abundance every area of his word works the same way but if you don't believe in it which a lot of people they believe in coming and hearing some words but if any power starts manifesting ooh that's spooky and folks denied now don't misunderstand me you got people that get in the ditch on the other side and they think well man yeah I ain't going to places dead I'm gonna have more power and they got something wild going on all the time and it's 98.8% flesh and sometimes wrong spirits just because you got something happening does it make it God and even if it's spiritual it can be spiritual and it can be real but that doesn't make it God a whole lot of it is flesh and yet people get scared of that and so they get in the ditch on the other side where we don't want anything happening nothing except we think we talk we go that's interesting and we go home everything's neat and packaged hmm but if you read the Gospel accounts there's stuff happening is that right if you read the book of Acts man there are healings there are miracles there are signs is that right there are wonders do we have the same Jesus do we have the same gospel do we have the same Holy Spirit then why wouldn't we have the same manifestations the same demonstrations of the power of God somebody said I believe it I believe I have faith in the power of God now go with me to Ephesians 6 and let's start a little closer to home about faith in the power if he's in 6 we've been looking at this on Sunday morning talking about fighting the good fight of faith but it's another aspect of this and Ephesians 6:10 was it say finally my brethren do what be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might the amplified says be strong in the Lord be empowered through your union with him draw your strength from him the strength which his boundless might provides is there power in you back up to the third chapter of this same book Ephesians three Ephesians three and twenty three and twenty he says now unto him that is able to do what exceeding abundantly above all that we ask to think and thousands of Christians stop right there that put a period day don't think God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think period that's not a period that's not the whole verse God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think how does he do it according to the power this way we're working in us if it's working in us it must be in us how can power be working in you if there's ain't no power in you if power is working in you then power is in you I said power is in you powers in you that's when he said be strong how in the Lord and in the power of his might very important that we get this straight the Lord corrected me twice on this this afternoon at first I was gonna you know that was one of title at the back and I don't usually give it to him too late because a lot of times I don't know and the title was the power in you and the Lord had already corrected me one time earlier he said no I said my power in you he's corrected me twice today about that and I know why I begin to understand one it's not my power that I have in me and you don't just want to use a generic term the power in me it's what come on it's his power in me is he in you yes well then that's why his power is in you because he goes nowhere without his power does he can't say God's here but he's left my power at home I'm here but sorry I didn't bring my power today no if he's there his power is there he goes nowhere without his power is he in you is he in you is he in you now we're getting on it I can you tell kids you can you feel well what are you sensing why are more people at that particular moment going yeah I go where to go yeah yeah why that's a manifestation of some power I didn't do that to you hmm that's something happening in you you're gone yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah that is that's happening in you [Applause] cuz he's in you and cause his power is in you I'm feeling some power right now whoo oh I enjoyed last Friday night the healing it on man I know why I enjoy dead there were times the power was really good and strong now I know it can be a whole lot stronger than that but it was good and strong I'm believing you and I the Lord's bringing us into a season in a place where he's turning up the the power now we hadn't been waiting on him don't don't misunderstand he's helping us why would we be preaching on it why would we be preaching on the power faith comes by hearing is that right and so if he can get our faith in the power to come up a notch or three what are you going to see you're going to see demonstrations and manifestations of the power come up a notch or three but the Lord dealt with me tonight we need to work on his power in us his power in me his power in me now under him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask her think but it's not separated from us people that's why people quit quit quoting the verse in the middle and try to leave it all up to God he's able to do it but see then that puts there's no responsibility on us it's just he's able to do it no he does it according to the power working in us more power working in us more beyond what we asked her thought happening less power working in us less of beyond what we asked her thought heaven he's able to do exceeding that's not just a little bit that's the last way way above and beyond all we ask or think but it's not disconnected from us it happens according to does that sound like there's a connection according to the power that works in us but a big step in the right direction is just acknowledging I have power his time y'all help me with this so it'll get trouble here if you hear me say something else correct me just speak right up and go his pipe his body here's pop here's pop that's working in us in me in me somebody say in me his power working in me go to second Corinthians the fourth chapter please second Corinthians four oh this is good I'm happy about this thank you lord silly me thought I was through talking about the power God how we gonna have faith in the power unless we hear about it last week we saw Jesus we have reason to believe many places that he went he would take the same text in Isaiah and he would read and it would say the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he's anointed me and he would talk about the anointing hallelujah and in different words he would say the anointing is here the power is here he's coming to pass today now so much so that when he got through preaching people wanted to touch him they wanted him to touch them is that right why because they believe the anointing and power was there they had faith in the power from hearing Jesus preach about the power you're not gonna believe any defendant heard it he not gonna hear it unless there was some anointed teaching and preaching about it that's what Romans says so we're hearing about the power 2nd Corinthians 4 and 7 well let me read verse 6 with it God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined where we're learning more and more about light how many understand light is power is that right I mean anybody got any solar-powered anything at the house we're hearing there's gonna be more and more and more stuff solar-powered because it's you know it's wonderful light is energy is power we just barely barely scratching the surface what that means you know why God is light and the light God who in the beginning commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts well if God's shined in your heart what came in your heart he's shined in your heart light beams which are energy beings which are power beings shined where didn't say in your head in your heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ you suppose any powers connected with all uh-huh he is the power of God and the wisdom of God keep meeting verse 7 but we have this treasure what treasure this light this light which is life which is power which is truth right which is God we have it in this not so spectacular-looking clay pot but don't be fooled by the books cover [Music] there's something amazing inside of us believers the world doesn't see it doesn't know it most Christians don't know it don't believe it but God's helping us we're becoming right now we're becoming more aware of what's in us that light has shined in my heart hmm in your heart we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the of the of the power may be of God and not of us as home we need to keep saying it's his power but it's in us send out loud his power is in me his power is in me it's not my power it's in spot but it's in me it's in me oh if we find out what's in us we're finding that we're making some progress right now listen to some other translations of this this verse 2nd Corinthians 4:7 the complete Jewish says we have this treasure in clay jars so that it'll be evident that such overwhelming power comes from God and not from us King James said excellency of the power but most translations talk about it being surpassing our amazing overwhelming well it's the same power that created the universe so it's it's quite something it's quite powerful but and and it's where overwhelming powers didn't come from us came from God but it's in us the NIV says all surpassing power the easy-to-read said amazing power of somebody say glory to God the least translation says it like this we have this treasure in earthen ware containers I think a Tupperware every time I see that in order that the super excellence of the power might be from God as a source and not from us hallelujah a little bit later he says that the life of Jesus might be clearly and openly shown in our body whoo then he talks about Jesus being raised from the dead and us having a part of that we're gonna read more about that just a minute but this power that he's talking about is creation power and resurrection power is God's power and it's in us and you might think well why if this is true why have so many lives such powerless lives don't believe it people don't believe it they don't think about it they don't talk about it when they need something they don't go to it they don't rely on it they depend on what they know what they can do and don't tap into this and all of us have come way short in tapping into this anybody that has seen some good things happen tapped into it a little bit and you can start tonight becoming more God inside minded becoming more aware of who's in you and what's in you hallelujah hallelujah somebody say hallelujah hallelujah you need some more scriptures huh I said you need some more scriptures about what's in you about who's in you go go to Roman's the eighth chapter please I tell you what let's do it another way let's work our way there go to Galatians the second chapter I want to give you a little extra scripture tonight I want you to have a firm foundation is this true is this not true huh if it's true it'll be confirmed in multiple witnesses does that write multiple scriptures throughout the word agree you'll keep seeing it you'll keep seeing it you'll keep sitting if it is true we need to lay hold of it with both arms is that right and not let it get away from us since the Bible talks about somebody that's a hearer but not a doer it's not like somebody looks in a mirror and they see the reflection but immediately turn and forget what they saw and in times like this you and I can be more in the spirit than we realize we are you're seeing things you're getting things you're innocent you have to be in a trance to be more in the spirit and yet it can be so real to you in here you can get so excited and yet you go back home and you go back on the job and my Wednesday a problem pop up and the first thing that jumps to your mind is not the power that's in you but it's easy to just slide back into what I don't know and what I can't do and how weak I am and I just don't know what we're going to do and talk unbelief and only be a we're of weak flesh and feeble mind kimono with me understand and other people in their limitations and frustrations and problems and that's how you stay stuck in the flesh even though we've got this treasure I said we've got this treasure inside us how many thinks the treasure needs to be let out more it needs to be needs to be released and let out and tapped into and accessed who what does say Galatians Galatians two and twenty some of these verses you may be known you might have marked but it's not the ones you got marked it'll help you out it's the ones you believe and it's the ones you act on and how can you tell if you're believing one you get excited about it he said I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i come on somebody said out loud but christ lives in me is in you is they living in you he's certainly not dead in you he's alive in you he's living in you and the life which I now live in the flesh in this body in this world I'm not living it we could say just by the impulses and limitations of the flesh I live it by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me somebody say Jesus is in me Christ the Anointed One so why would he Seiko we talked about this before sometimes it just says Jesus sometimes it says just says Christ sometimes it says Jesus Christ sometimes it says Christ Jesus there's a reason why Christ is emphasizing his anointing Jesus is emphasizing his humanity their different emphasis he just says Christ what's he talking about he's don't might to power tell mighty anointing said out loud the anointed one is in me Christ lives in me is he there without his anointing is he there without his power so then the power is in you because he's in he's in you his anointing is in me even little ones love little children they get born again and their point and say I have Jesus in my heart and we go oh that's cute it's a lot more than cute and some way another that reality has not developed as people get older and as they walk with the Lord and you'll see Christian after Christian begging and trying to reach God in heaven trying to get God to come down and move from some far distant planet huh and yet Roman says this word of faith that Paul said the Spirit of God gave him it's not to preach you have to climb the highest mountain and go up to heaven and get Christ to come down I'll go down to the deepest recesses and getting the case that it's close it's near it's in your heart hallelujah and in your mouth he's in you he's in you the more you start thinking about it and talking about it the more he manifests and the more you begin to experience he really is here he really is he's with us all the time every day every night everywhere he said I'll never leave you I'll never forsake you he's with us we haven't experienced the degrees of his presence that are possible but he's with us how many would say you've had you have experienced his presence at times you know you sensed his peace you sensed his life he says this joy you since this peace he's there he's not there in a diminished capacity he is there so everything he is is there he's there how can he be in you how can he be in me how can he be in everybody that believes in him at the same time well how does he keep all his world spinning and all these stars shining in he's God the power we haven't begin to touch what kind of power we're talking about he upholds all things by the word of his power those that are learning some of these things I talked about they they see the small small components of existence in creation and energy but the question is what keeps them together why do the atoms spin around what why do they what are they are they cohesive what keeps it all from just flying apart there's a scripture for that Hyup holds all things by the word of his his power is keeping your atoms together his power is keeping the planets together I've got a lot of supposedly intelligent people so I don't believe all that I don't have to believe in that well what's doing it they can offer you a pitiful theory a theory is something that hasn't been proven it's a theory I'll take a belief over a theory go to Colossians please Colossians 1:26 the mystery that has been hid from ages and from generations but is now made manifest to his Saints who's it made manifest are you are you on his Saints Saint is not about your performance and how well you've acted you've been made holy by the blood of the Lamb give it to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles what is the mystery what is the riches of the glory it is Christ in you and that is the hope of glory somebody say Christ in me the hope of glory he's the power of God he's the wisdom of God he's the glory of God and he is in me do you think Jesus is amazing do you is the awesome huh is it wonderful beyond words is he is he is all wisdom and power and glory wrapped up in him is everything in him and what else and what else he everything you believe about him is in you [Music] because he is in you so how can you be so amazed with him and so disgusted with you when he is in you how can you be so pitiful and rotten and nothing if he is in you don't get so caught up in the clay pot in that way quit focusing on the earthenware quit focusing on the clay pot hmm the clay pots not going to get better [Music] we can leave God for healing we can believe God for the sustenance and strength we're going to talk about that in just a minute but it is aging right and it is mortal and it's it doesn't what it really needs is not fixing it needs transforming now we'll take fixing to get us through this life but ultimately it needs more than healing and that's coming and it's coming by the power that's in you now you didn't get that you didn't you didn't get that I'm I read it to you though i'ma read it to you skip on down to the 29th first of Colossians while you're there Colossians 1 well we will Christ in you the hope of glory let me read 28 as I skipped in whom we preach warning every man teaching every man all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus this is the mystery you're in him and he's in you now if you want more on this go to John 17 some time and read that prayer that jesus prayed he repeatedly talked about being in the father and the father being in him and him being in us and us being in him huh and of all the prayers that jesus prayed we don't have most of them but this one was recorded a huge chunk of it because it was so vital that we have it throughout the generations said out loud I'm in him and he's in me [Music] that makes you something I said that makes you something because of who's in you and what that's what makes you something but again it's not just the power in you and it's not my power you know you'll hear some some cults and and and false teachings talk about you have to access your power your power that you have in you baloney all the power you can work up in you would be like a half a firecracker that just fizzle cute I'm telling you until it ain't enough to get you through but his power his power in you now that's more than enough way more than enough keep reading verse 29 boy were unto I also labour striving how according to his working which what works in me mightily verified says I labour striving with all the superhuman energy which he so mightily in Kindles and works within me now how many scriptures do we need before we begin to be completely convinced and fully persuaded that powers in us are still a little weak I'm not just looking for noise huh can you see well the Lord would have us on this we've been weak in this we've been we've gods got power yo fool God's got power maybe a few special anointed ones have tapped into a little power but me little old me and I'll do good to make it through the day that ain't funny how didn't funny you're contradicting what the scripture says you acting like there's nothing in you but you are you born again huh is he in you than his powers in you and his power works in you and he can work in you mightily mightily somebody say mightily mightily mightily mightily go to Roman's eighth chapter please get ready to shout some more Romans 8 Oh hallelujah I got the power in me set it wrong again I have his power in me huh Oh hallelujah his mighty powers in me his mighty power works in the night time his mighty power works in my body his mighty power works in my mind his mighty power works all the time works all the time it works in the bedroom in the bathroom too he works in the living room all day - my work is through he works on the way there and it works on the way back and uh how it rises when there's any kind of attack it's working it's working his mighty power it's working it's working it's working it's working me hahaha [Applause] yes an amen he's working he's working preach about power talk about power just like when you preach on the new birth you have right manifestations of power in the Romans 8th chapter and the 10th first let's get some more let's get some more I think I need to back up a little bit though this is so rich this chapters so full of what we're talking about he said verse 8 he'd been talking about being carnally minded or being spiritually minded well being carnally minded is only thinking about natural things being spiritually minded is thinking about spiritual things to be carnally minded is death that's why so many people are busted and disgusted that's all they think about and it's just failure after failure and weakness after weakness and who wouldn't who don't get tired of that but to be spiritually minded is life quickening it's mister quickening quickening and peace peace helps you relax glory to God so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God now that's another way of telling us when you when you're in the flesh and you just carnally minded you're not in faith because we're no it's faith that pleases God you're walking by sight because all you're looking at is what I know what I can do what you can do limit it to the outside and if you're in the flesh you can't believe it's got no one thing it wouldn't please him is he's right here and not able to help you got the answer is the answer right and not Ava I'm gonna stand a parent their child is flailing just in terrible situations nothing not even eaten enough cuz of of lack and and poverty financially and you're the parent you're a multi-billionaire but you can't help them they won't let you help them they won't come to you they won't listen to you they won't let you in would that not would that displease you that's part of this too it displeases him when he can't semester well he's got he can do anything he wants to and when you set like that that's not true he's not gonna file it his word and he finish see if he said it's up to you didn't you Kate turn around and said well no it's really up to him he's not gonna like what he said verse nine but you're not in the flesh he's talking to believers the Saints are on luck the Saints in Branson Saints in Sarasota Saints forever you're watching from you're not in the flesh unless I'm not in the flesh I'm in the spirit why would you be in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwells where where in you can you see people who have said they believe this and they say Amen but it hadn't been real that he's really in there he didn't just visit dwell means he lives there he lives there the Spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he's none of his if you've been born again his spirit is in you that's what happened when you were born again now the Spirit also comes upon you that's a topic for another time but if you've been born again the Spirit of Christ is in use god is love and that loves been shed about in your heart by the Holy Spirit you're born of God and you're in him and he's in you keep reading verse 10 if Christ be in you he keeps talking about him being in you how many are persuaded are you born again are you a child of God is the Spirit of Christ in you if the Spirit of Christ is not in you you're not born again you're none of his you can't have it both ways I've had people say well I'm not I'm not a saint than you're an ain't ain't saved ain't no you're either a saint or an ain't is Christ in you then if he's in you the body is dead because of sin that's why it keeps aging it's mortal clay pot earthenware but the spirit and in fact I don't know that that should have been a capital s here as punctuation mother the guys that wrote it but the Spirit is life and other translations say alive because of righteousness what he's saying is your body is still dead it didn't get born again hmm but your spirit which is in your body is alive because you've been made righteous in him because of your faith in the gospel and Christ is in you come on somebody say Christ is in me he is in me if you didn't get anything else tonight which I believed you could but please get this please get this Christ in you the hope of glory he is in me somebody say The Anointed One is in me he's in me he's in me he's in me you couldn't say it too much you need to say it tonight when you go home you need to get up sailing in the morning he's in me he's in me if he's in you his anointing is in you his power is in you he wisdom is a that don't make you God that don't make you omniscient but everything he is he could manifest some of it in you he could reveal some of it into you because it's all in there he's there he's there with all that he is worse than ever but if the spirit of him who's in you they raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you now how many times as he said he's in you this is the last few verses three or four times he's in you why because the devil does not want you to get this he wants you if you hear it and shout of it as long as you forget about it soon easily go out these doors are you gonna forget about are you going to be a hearer only a forgetful hearer say he's in me he's in me if that spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead is going to do what quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you let me read this to you from another translation when I find it the Youngs literal translation says if the spirit of him who did raise up Jesus out of the Dead does dwell in you he who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quicken also you're dying bodies there's a difference between dead and dying which is why the King James use the word mortal people so Melissa just how about you being raised from the dead not that you being dead if you're dead you're not dying you done did die and now you're done dead your body your body is not you but your body is this you see this with other scriptures yes this happens application to you being raised from the dead but it has application to something that's happening right now too you can expect you're not going to experience the full resurrection power now in this life not until that time comes and that happens but you can taste of the powers of the world to come you can experience some quickening in this mortal body it ain't dead yet come on in our listening it's mortal it's dying but you need and I need some quickening to help us get along from day to day and to make it through our whole course somebody say quickening quicker quickening quickening ah if the spirit of him that raised Jesus out from the dead does dwell in you know we need to get this settled does he or does he not doesn't is he or is he not in you who's in you the spirit of the Anointed One is in you now his body is physically at the right hand of the Father but his spirit can be all over I don't ask me to explain all that but his spirit is in you and in me and in believers in Sarasota and in believers in Australia come on are you listening to me and everywhere on the planet at the same time who is in us who's in you who's in you reread read the verse what spirit is in you the spirit that came in the tomb on the third day communing with me Jesus body was laying there cold and stiff and his spirit was not in it come on hang out with me but the angels came down and rolled the stone away hallelujah and the Spirit of God the spirit of glory moved over him as his body lay on that stone and his body was quickened by the creator of the universe oh come on say hallelujah his body if you had eyes to see it how many understand there was something happening beyond him on that molecular level inside he was not raised from the dead or healed from his injuries he cannot die his body is immortal come on are you listening his body cannot age cannot decay it is incorruptible immortal first Corinthians 15 talks about and the Bible says the very same thing that happened to his body is going to happen to your body and gonna happen to my body and our body is going to be just like he is the spirit that moved over him and quickened his body so that it raised up how many believed his body was laying there cold stiff dead and the Spirit of God manifested in that tuner and what happened Jesus spirit came and re-entered his body and that body setup and that body stood up come on are y'all with me and that body walked out of that tomb who did that who did that who did the spirit but put up verse 11 who did that the spirit of God also called the spirit of glory the spirit of him if the spirit of him who did raise Jesus out of the Dead does dwell in you is it true that the spirit that was in that tomb that raised him from the dead is in me right here right now is that true is that true that same spirit if that's so somebody say it's so everybody needs to say it out loud it's so he said if it is then he who did raise up the Christ out of the dead shall quick and also your dying bodies through his spirit how many he does not have to keep saying he's dwelling in you he's dwelling in you he's in you he's drilling you but he knew we needed to hear it because of how far we'd be from it if we didn't get our mind renewed and believed in him Oh somebody say glory to God said out loud the spirit of him that raised Christ from the dead the same spirit lives in me dwell in me quickens my mortal body he quickens my mortal body now in closing I think go to Philemon when we begin to touch in to what's already happening but the key to more of this his spirit manifesting in our lives Philemon just one chapter in Philemon and the sixth verse Philemon six says that the communication of your faith anybody familiar with this verse around here of late three people anybody around here familiar with this verse huh and when when I instructed folks to get a hold of that verse for the faith for life classes I had no idea I'd be talking about this tonight but the Lord knew this is where we're headed we were headed I should say to this and and why he keeps emphasizing it to us that the communication of your faith may become effectual by the what by the acknowledging who's going to do this acknowledging who who acknowledging the word acknowledged sometimes translated confess acknowledged testify do we need to acknowledge what every good thing which is where which is where which is where which is in you in Christ I didn't see it till tonight I didn't see it till tonight that's one of the big emphasis of the faithful life classes what do people need to know what do you need to know whether you've been saved for 30 years and you just got saved last week whether you're dealing with a money problem or health problem or a marriage problem what do you need to know what you need to know you don't need to pray heaven down you don't need to climb the highest mountain and cross the widest ocean come on y'all with me you don't need a hundred thousand people to help you out huh you don't need the spiritual ones to spend you know five days counselling union they're doing this and that thank God for people that can help you what do you need to find out you need to find out who is in you and what's in you hallelujah and what will help you is of the people fellowship and in faith acknowledging what they found out was in them what helped them through this and help them through that and they realize I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me we can't we are overcomers because greater greater is who who first John 4:4 is that what it says put it up on the screen greater is he that does what greater is He that is in you have we seen enough scriptures to convince us that he's in us greater is He that's in you than he that is in the world what do we need to do we need to acknowledge him the Bible said trust in the Lord with all of your heart don't lean to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path do we need to go be going around all the time whether we said out loud or not thinking he's in me he's in me what am I gonna do the one who knows what to do is in me and he'll show me how can I make it through this the one who can make it to anything is in me right he's in me he's in me you then you don't have to run around to people and beg them please help me please help me you got if they help you is because they got something from him right and the same one that helped you through them is already in you yeah and as you grow up you learn I don't have to go through other folks I don't have to get it through other folks I can get it straight from him he's in me I can get to help I need I can get the strength I need straight from him I can get the answers I need cuz he's in me he's in me he's in me same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead he's drilling in me and what else is he doing he will quicken he will quicken your body how many believe he quicken your body he'd quicken your mind huh really quick in different parts of your life as you need it stand on your feet everybody let's do some acknowledging let's do some acknowledging Oh hallelujah just stand up let's lift up our hands or father we worship you we worship you the Lord reminded me of an experience that brother Kenneth Hagin senior who's in heaven now my my father in the faith had some years ago he by his missus by his own admission he said he made some mistakes as far as the plan of God and had some physical issues and what have you that he opened the door to and he sought the Lord about healing he actually felt quite ill and he said the Lord spoke to him and said I'm gonna paraphrase a little bit so if I don't get into that he hadn't emphasized the anointing that was on him and in his life lucky shoe it he says so this time this is how you're going to get healed he said lay your own hands on yourself he said this this is how you're gonna get healed this time don't need somebody to pray for you don't need somebody else to come while your hands do you have the same spirit in you that would be in the one that's laying hands on now thank God for special enormous thank God for everything that helps us not knocking that you know that we practice it but do you not have the same spirit hmm in you so brother Hagin said he was just what if you've heard the story he said I was sick as a horse I said what does that mean horse is big SiC big he said I'm quoting him he said I felt like I'd have to get better to die and he said the Lord said to him this is how you gonna get healed this time he said lay your hands on you sir [Music] hallelujah so he laid his hands on his self and begin to focus on that anointing he said when he did he began to since that anointing ministering to his body hallelujah and healing he didn't the Bible say believers didn't you say apostles and prophets what did it say believers would lay hands on the sick and they shut how could it be that any believer could do it unless it was that every believer has the spirit in them how how could that not be there are special calls and anointings and ministries and yet every believer any believer can do this so lay your hands on yourself right now come on everybody lay your hands on yourself Oh hallelujah it's already begun it's already begun acknowledge it confess it said out loud his power is in me the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is living in me right now that healing power that quickening power is already in me in Jesus name I believe I receive it into my body into my organs into my glands into my blood into my bones in Jesus name I believe I receive Oh hallelujah hallelujah
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 3,725
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: gF25KPCrDsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 54sec (5274 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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