Faith In Action Part 1

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Turn with me please to the Book of James, the second chapter. James 2:14 he said, "What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith, and have not works? Can faith save him?" He's going into some detail about faith, and what is faith that produces results, and what is faith and that he calls dead. Let's read this from the CJB, the Complete Jewish Bible. I like the way it says it on this. The CJB. Verse fourteen he says, "What good is it, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but has no actions to prove it? Is such 'faith' able to save him?" And the implied answer is no. "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food, and someone says to him, 'Shalom! Keep warm and eat hearty!' without giving him what he needs, what good does it do?" Now this is what you and I and our group would call a good confession. Did I lose somebody? Keep warm and eat well. Good confession. Or you could just intro it with, "I'll believe with you that you will keep warm and eat well." Pretty much the same thing. I mean the results are the same, you couldn't argue with that. "Without giving him what he needs, what good does it do?" He's contrasting what some call faith versus what is real faith. Keep reading. "Thus, faith by itself, unaccompanied by actions, is dead." There is something the Scripture calls dead faith. Dead faith. Keep reading. "But someone will say that you have faith and I have actions." You're into works, I'm into faith. He said, "Show me this faith of yours without the actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions!" Some have thought faith is not discernible. "You don't know my heart. Don't judge me. My faith is between me and God." Well according to what He's saying here, if it's really there and it's real living faith, there will be other evidence from it than just you saying you believe. He said, "Show me this faith of yours without the actions." What is the implication? You can't. Show me your faith without any action. He said, "I'll show you my faith by what I do." You know, I think in the King James, one of the reason I'm reading it out of this translation, it keeps saying works, works, works, and we have a connotation of that in our mind connected with works of the law. And so people tend to just in their mind push that away. No, if you look up the word, which I did for you, it means - Thayer's Lexicon says "action, deed, something done". Action is a good word, and deed, something done. Real faith has action. Real faith does something. Come on, say it out loud: "Real faith does something." If it's talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and never does anything, it's dead faith. It's not living faith. And dead faith doesn't get answers. Doesn't reach what you need. It means action. Deed. Something done. Listen to this. This is Kittel's Lexicon. It said the word denotes "action or active zeal in contrast to idleness." It's the opposite of doing nothing.. It's the opposite of being idle. Let's keep reading here in verse eighteen. Well, we just did, didn't we? "Show me this faith of yours without the actions and I will show you my faith by my actions. You believe that 'God is One'?" or King James says there is One God. "Good for you! The demons believe it too - the thought makes them shudder with fear!" There are no agnostic demons. There are no atheist demons. There's not a one, there's not one evil spirit that is just not sure whether God is real or not. They believe. But their belief in God is not going to save them because they refuse to do anything with that faith. They have chosen to rebel against Him and not submit to Him, and apparently are not going to change. So there is saying you believe something, but if you don't act on it some way, it is useless, vain, dead faith. Do we need to differentiate between a dead faith and a living faith? Just saying you believe is not enough. I'm going to say that again real slow. Apparently - are you reading this with me? Just saying you believe is not enough, not enough to get results, not enough to live and walk victoriously in life. Keep reading. He said, "But, foolish fellow, do you want to be shown that such 'faith' apart from actions is barren?" And he goes into talking about Abraham and he gives examples. We're going to actually go to these in just a moment, but he talks about how Abraham and others demonstrated their faith with what they did. How do we know Abraham had faith? He offered Isaac. This is not just a matter of conjecture that he said he believed, he proved it with what he did. He wouldn't have done what he did if he hadn't have not just thought about it, but was fully persuaded, as the Scripture said. If you skip down to verse twenty-six he said, "Indeed, just as the body without a spirit is dead, so too faith without actions is dead." If my spirit left my body right now, which I'm not expecting it to, but one of these days it is - yours too. Then my body would stop doing this. It would fall in a heap on the floor, it would have no action. It wouldn't do anything. Isn't that what he's saying? So faith that is real faith expresses itself in this realm, in what it does, just like your spirit expresses itself in this realm through the body. We want miracles here, in this realm. In order to get a manifestation of the power of God here, what you believe in Spirit must be expressed here. There must be an action. This is all through the Bible. And you see it in everywhere that there's been mighty moves of God and everywhere there has been miracles; without exception somebody did something because they believed. Somebody did something. The man with the withered hand, how did that hand get healed? The Lord told him, "Stretch forth your hand," and he did. And it was made whole. Right? The woman with the issue of blood, how did she get healed? Not staying at home singing Kumbaya. It took - I mean, this woman has been through all these procedures, she's hemorrhaging every day, it's been like this for twelve years - she's not in a good condition. She left the house. Somebody say: "She left the house." She got up, she pushed herself to get out of the house. She went to where Jesus was, and there was a massive crowd there. She didn't sit down and cry and quit and go home. Do you think she felt like being there in that big crowd? Do you think she felt like pushing her way through that crowd to get to Jesus? Why did she do it? Why did she do it? Why did she go through all that? She believed something would happen. You don't do that when you believe nothing. She believed that there was healing there. And she believed if she could touch the hem of His garment she would be made whole. And so she did whatever it took and she stayed with it as long as it took until she did it, and it happened. The moment she touched the hem of His garment, power flowed into her, healed that problem, stopped that hemorrhage that no doctor, no procedure had been able to stop for a dozen years. She felt in her body she is healed. Whoa! Glory to God! And so she slipped back in the crowd like the cat that got the canary, everything is wonderful, and then she noticed Jesus stopped. He did not keep going and He is saying, "Who touched Me?" And He's looking her way. But when she finally did come and acknowledge and told Him the truth and what she did, what did He say? What did He say? "Daughter," God decided to heal you just then? God in His sovereignty decided to heal you right now? He could've said the anointing on Me has made you whole. He didn't say that either. He didn't say happy day, you're one of the lucky ones. Because you know sometimes it's God's will and sometimes it's not and we just don't know. But you, hit the jackpot. Now why am I saying all this? Because people have varied pieces of this as theology. What did He tell her? Come on, what did He tell her? Your, He didn't even say His faith. He's not having a healing meeting. He's not praying for the sick, He's not laying hands on the sick. He's not having a service. He's walking down the road and she didn't even ask Him if she could have a healing. She didn't ask for permission. She didn't ask if it was God's will. She didn't ask is this is a good time. She just came and took a healing. Just believed - just took it when she touched. Because she was saying, "If I could just touch the hem of His garment. If I could just touch - I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it." And she pushed and she shoved and she pushed and she probably stumbled, and she got back up, and she was so weak she didn't think she could make it, but she found the strength and she pushed on and she soldiered on. Why? Because she had faith. How do we know she had faith? Because of what she did. Because of what she did. Now something the Lord quickened to me and I want to share it the best I know how. He's not pleased with - is that people are waiting. Many are waiting. They are waiting, waiting, waiting. They have been waiting for months. They've been waiting for years. Waiting for God to do it. Waiting for God to move. Waiting for God to change it. And the Lord would say, "You're not waiting on Me. You're not waiting on Me." Saying you believe and indefinitely waiting, does that sound like living faith to you? Do you think a lot of folks are doing this? Waiting. "Wait, God is going to do it." So what are you doing? "I'm waiting until..." Until what? Until He decides it's the right time? Until what? Who initiated the healing of the woman with the issue of blood? This is what religious folks won't acknowledge. They won't acknowledge it. But what did Jesus tell her? Oh, somebody needs to see it. Turn there. Mark five. Somebody needs to see it. You have theories, you have ideas, you have opinions, and then you have this. You have this. This is right. This is how it really is. This is how it really works. Mark five, when she pressed through and touched and He said who touched me and she did. Verse thirty-three, "She came and fell down before Him and told Him all the truth," Mark 5:34 now. He said to her. What did He say? "Daughter, thy," we would say your, "faith has made you whole..." He didn't say God made her whole, He didn't say He made her whole, He didn't say the power made her whole, come on are you listening? Certainly all this is involved, but if He would've wanted to put the emphasis on that, He would have. If that was the determining factor, that's what He would've said. He would've said well, praise God it was the will of God for you." He didn't say that. Praise God you are able to touch Me and because I am so special and anointed, My anointing healed you. It was the anointing on Him, but that's not what He emphasized. And that's what the others were saying, "Master, the multitude throng Thee," if it was just contact with Him, there would've been all kinds of healings all around Him. It took more than the will of God. A lot of people don't like that statement. It took more than the anointing on Him. Did it or not? This is not something He just decided to do to prove He was the Son of God. No. If so, He would've said that. Girl, you're in the right place today. I need to show these Pharisees something, so just stand right there. No. No. No. Who initiated the healings? "Daughter, your faith has made you whole." That's some of the best news you heard in your whole life. If her faith would make her whole, I said, if her faith would make her whole and God is the same as He was then, and faith is the same as it was then, then your faith can make you whole. But you have to quit waiting. You have to quit waiting for God to notice you. You have to quit waiting for God to decide to do something for you because that's not reality. Phyllis and I have been pastoring for a few years now and in the ministry longer than that, and we keep seeing this. And I'm not pointing any fingers; we've made mistakes in this area too. But you keep seeing people waiting, waiting while things get worse and just worse and worse and waiting and waiting and waiting. And saying some good things, but years pass by. If there's no action, it's a dead faith, which answers a lot of questions. Doesn't it? How many believe the Book of James? Do you believe the New Testament? Do you believe the Bible? And you know, if something corrects us, that's good news because now we know what to do to get some results. That some of the best news we've heard, right? We don't need to be haughty and arrogant in our thinking and blame God. Did it never occur that maybe we are missing it somewhere? No, God is good. His will is freedom and soundness. Is that right? Liberty, victory, plenty, that's His will for everybody. And faith in God is powerful. It works. I said, it works. No such thing as a faith failure. It was something somebody called faith that wasn't living faith. Because real faith, living faith, faith that acts on what it believes, always gets results. Always. Let's don't feel bad because of our mistakes and shortcomings, I have them just like you. Let's be inspired. Let's forget the things that are behind and press toward the mark. What do you say? Let's rise up. Don't get offended, don't get your feelings hurt. "What are you trying to say preacher?" I'm reading Scripture. Don't get huffy with me. "You trying to say I don't have faith?" I'm going to tell you boldly you nor I are anywhere near where we could be in faith. No, the problem has not been that we have all this faith but there is some other reason why things are not happening. No, no, no. No. It's pure and simple lack of faith. Weak faith, no faith. Dead faith equals little results, no results. Nothing happening. Somebody say, "Hallelujah anyhow." I know not everybody likes this kind of preaching, but you do. You do and I do. Right? Go with me Isaiah forty. There's a lot more to see about this. Isaiah forty. Faith without doing anything is dead and get no results. So what about this waiting? And I believe the Lord said that to me. People are waiting. Waiting. Waiting. He's not pleased with it because they think they're waiting on Him and they are not. And it can be tragic. Just can just wait, wait, wait, wait, until it gets worse, worse, worse, worse and nothing happens. "I believe. I believe." Well, the demons believe too. "I believe." If you believe, there will be action. There will be things you do because you believe, and it is that action that meets the power of God. Gives Him a right. There are actually laws - it's like the law of gravity. It's like the law of electricity, the laws that govern electricity. You step off the roof, you go down. Is that right? It's something that's in effect all the time, twenty-four seven. And it is no respecter of persons. If you are white and you step off a three story building, you go down. If you're black, you go down. If you're a man, you go down. If you're a woman, you go down. If you're rich, you go down, if you're poor, you go down. If you have a degree, you go down. If you never finished high school, you go down. Is that right? Why? Because it's a law. You know the Bible talks about the law of faith? Faith is a law. You act on what He told you. You act because of what you believe from what He told you. It is not going to be a nothing action. At the end of your action, you're going to meet somebody. You're going to meet the Spirit of God. You're going to meet the power of God. When He told the woman with the issue of blood, she acted on her faith, leaving the house. She acted pressing through the crowd, and when she reached the end of what she could do, everybody say: "Do. Do. Do. Do." When she reach the end of what she could do in faith, the power of God manifested and did what she couldn't have. But this would not have happened laying at the house praying. Laying at the house, making confessions. It wouldn't have happened, she wouldn't be in the Book, waiting on Jesus to notice her. Waiting on God to take notice of her. Waiting on Him to initiate something. She initiated it, and He was happy about it. Is that right? And she was healed. Glory to God. We got to get a revelation about this waiting, waiting. Waiting on God. It's a mistake, it's wrong thinking again and again. Isaiah 40:28, "Have you not known? Have you not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?" God doesn't get tired. That's a new concept for us, we have never experienced life like that. He does not get weary. He doesn't faint. He never leans over on the throne and goes phew... man, it's a job keeping all these stars burning and keeping gravity the way it is. No. No. No. "There is no searching of His understanding." And, "He gives," of that inexhaustible, "power to," those who are, "faint..." There's a source of inexhaustible power available to those who get weak and those who feel faint. He gives it, the power to the faint, and He gives, "to them that have no might," and "He increases strength." But I want you to notice how it works though. "Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall," what does that mean? The youngest of the young, the strongest of the strong. It's so quick they are out of gas. I don't care what kind of shape you think you're in physically, mentally, every other way, you do not have unlimited strength. How quick you can be zapped, tired, done. But keep reading. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Somebody says, "See there Brother Keith, that's waiting." Yeah, I thought about that. That's why I'm talking to you about it. Because we need to look at the whole verse. "They that wait upon the Lord shall," wait? And wait? They that wait upon the Lord shall wait? What will they do? "Mount up," mount up! Does that sound like staying at the house? "They shall run," does that sound like doing nothing? "They shall walk..." Listen to the Young's Literal translation. Young's Literal, and Doctor Young obviously knew a lot about the language, author of Young's Concordance. He says it like this, "Those expecting Jehovah," this is very literal, meaning of the words. Those expecting Jehovah, "Pass [to] power," he didn't try to make this read easy for Westerners. His objective is to be accurate. "They raise up the pinion as eagles, They run and are not fatigued, They go on and do not faint!" The implication is they rise up, they run, and they keep going. They keep on going and don't quit, and don't faint. What we are to do is to seek the Lord and seek Him until we find what we need to do, and then we do it. Come on, are you listening? And we keep on doing it, and we keep on doing it, and that's how you get your miracle. But to sit back and say I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting, and next month you are still waiting, and next year you are still waiting, "I'm just waiting on the Lord. You know, when the Lord gets ready." Well, some things that have to do with the plan of God unfold at different seasons in your life, but we're talking about your healing. We talking about money to pay your bills, come on, are you listening? We're talking about being free from things that have you in bondage. You and I are not waiting on God for these things. I know most of the church world believes some form of that, but it's just simply not right. But it would be just as accurate for a lost person to say, "I'm waiting on God to save me. As soon as God gets ready to save me," what would you tell them? No, you're not waiting on God. The price has already been paid. Is that right? The price has already been paid. You're not waiting on God to decide to save you. Can they initiate the new birth in their life? They can, tonight, tomorrow morning, they can come and receive, and if they really believe it, there will be some action. Is that right? There will be action in what they say, there will be action in what they do. We're going to have baptisms just here - is it this weekend? This weekend. Both places this time. Sarasota and here. We got a new baptismal down there now. And we were talking about it earlier this week. What is water baptism? Why do we do it? It is an action. Come on, can you see this? It is identification with Christ, and it is public confession. You do it in front of everybody. Back then, and it's that way in many places in the world today, you get water baptized in Jesus' name, you will be ostracized by the community and a lot of people their own families in certain part of the world. It's a very, very big deal. You could be where people won't do business with you, it can cost you. That's not the case so much in the U. S., thank the Lord. Right? But the same principle applies. If you say, "No, I don't like being around crowds and I don't like being around people and my faith is just between me and the Lord, and I don't want anybody..." No. That's not okay. Jesus said, "If you're ashamed of Me and My words in front of man, I will be ashamed of you before the Father. But if you will confess Me before men, I will confess you before the Father." You have to be willing. If the faith is really there, there will be some action. There will be something you do that can be seen, heard, known. True? So yes, waiting on the Lord is something the Bible talks about, but not the way some folks have turned it in to. They have turned it into a passive, faithless thing, I'm just biding time thinking it's all up to the Lord. And this runs through much of the theology of the church, "God is in control," and when people say it the way to say it and emphasize it the way they do, it's out of line with the Scriptures. Everything is not up to Him. He's left some things up to us, and you can't live up to Him what He left up to you. Go with me to the Book of Matthew, please. Matthew seven. Actually, the sixth chapter. We'll work into seven. Matthew 6:32, talking about food, clothing, housing, what we would call the necessities and desires of life, "(After all these things do the Gentiles seek:)," everybody say: "Seek." "For your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek ye," in other words but you seek, "first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." This is a manifestation of faith. Seeking or searching. Somebody say: "Searching." Same word is translated search. Looking for it. You don't look for it if you don't believe it's there. You don't continue to look for it unless you believe you can find it. Hmm? Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Look in the seventh verse of chapter seven. Matthew 7:7 he said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you," every one of these is doing something. Doing something. "For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks, it shall be opened," to you. Hallelujah. Somebody say, "Thank You Lord." Does anybody remember Hebrews 11:6 the great faith chapter? Hebrews 11:6 put it on the screen for us. In fact, just turn over there to the tenth chapter. Well, I guess you'll be there at eleven, too. "Without faith it is," what? Didn't say it was hard. Said it's, "Impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must," it's not optional, must, "believe that He is," and what else must you believe? You must believe that He God, "Is a rewarder," of who? Who? "Those that diligently seek Him." Those that diligently seek Him. Why would you put this next to faith? Would you put it in the same sentence with believing that God exists? Because you are going beyond demon faith. What is demon faith? Demon faith is dead faith that acknowledges and believes that God exists and He is the One true living God. But they are not going to act on that towards Him in any positive submissive way. They are His enemy. But you and I go beyond demon faith. If all you believe is that God is real and He exists, that's what they believe. But, you also believe He is a rewarder of them that what? Diligently, earnestly, search for Him. Why would you earnestly search for Him? Because you believe He's real. Right? And you believe He's a rewarder, a responder, a blesser of those that genuinely seek Him. And you believe you can find Him, you can get it, so you don't quit until you do. Oh, somebody say, "Hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah." You can't just wait and wait and do nothing. You know, my father in the faith Kenneth Hagin said this many times throughout the years I was around him. He said, "It's not just going to fall on you like ripe cherries off a tree." Anybody ever heard him say, "The blessings of God are not going to just fall on you like ripe cherries off a tree." What does he mean by that? You have to believe God. You have to do what He told you to do. Right? You can't just wait on it to just happen, if and when God gets ready. We're poking some holy cows here tonight. Do you hear them? Mooooo! Yeah. I haven't called any names, have I? Have I called any names? I'm not attacking anybody personally or any specific anything. I read some Scriptures. Do you think they're right? And we're not judging anybody else, we're looking at ourselves right here. Right now. We're saying we need some changes. Back up to the tenth chapter and the thirty-fifth verse. Hebrews 10:35, "Cast not away therefore your confidence," confidence is a word for faith. It's your persuasion, it's your expectation. He's talking about faith. "Which has," what? "Great recompence of reward." That sounds like 11:6; see, this is just a few verses before it. He's talking about that, it flows. "For you have need of patience," some people heard that and to them that means just waiting and doing nothing. But that's not what that means. It means perseverance. It means endurance. "That, after you have," what? Waited? After you have waited? After you have, "Done the will of God, you might receive the promise." Are we okay? "For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry." This is true concerning the second coming. All of this. "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." What do you mean drawback? Pull back, quit. Cast your confidence away. Stop. Lay down. Give up. My soul will have no pleasure in him. Why? Because what pleases Him? Faith. So if you draw back, that means you have quit your faith, so you're not pleasing Him anymore. We talked about this recently, but, so many times being natural, people can be too result oriented. "Well God will be pleased when I get the money..." Didn't say without money it's impossible to please God. "God will be pleased when my symptoms change." Didn't say without symptom-free, God can't be pleased. No. What pleases Him? You can have that right now before anything changes, and God is pleased with you right now. Got to watch about waiting. Waiting until this. Waiting on that. My soul shall have no pleasure in him. Keep reading. "But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition," or destruction, "but of them that believe," and what is real living faith? A faith that does and doesn't quit and doesn't give up and keeps on doing, "to the saving of the soul. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." What is real faith? And he gives an example after example in chapter eleven of living faith. And which verse did it said they waited and they waited and they waited? "By faith Abel offered," a better, "sacrifice," that's doing something. "By faith Enoch walked with God," that's doing something. "By faith Noah... prepared an ark," it's a ton of work. Is that right? And you don't do that unless you believe, right? That the flood is coming and what God is said is true. You're not going to do that for year after year after year. But he did. Proved he believed. Him and his whole house were safe. The Bible said, "By faith Abraham," went out, "not knowing where he was going." But he did what? He left. He left. "I can't leave if I don't know where I'm going." Yeah, you can. He did. "I can't move if I don't know how I'm going to make a living and where I'm going to live and all that." You have to be willing to take a step, and then take another. But if you just sit and wait, months are going to pass. Years are going to pass. And you will be frustrated and annoyed and aggravated, and you can think you are waiting on God, and it's just not true at all. Look with me in Romans, the fourth chapter. Romans chapter 4:12. They'll put it up on the screen for us; you could just read it off the screen with me. Abraham who was one of the greatest examples of faith in the Bible, he's the father of faith. He is heralded as the premier example of the one fully persuaded. And it says he's not just, "The father of circumcision... but also those that walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised." We saw he went out not knowing where he was going. How did he do that? Practically he took a step. And then he took another. And then he took another. Is that right? Everybody say: "Steps of faith." Say it again: "Steps of faith." Phyllis and I now have been in the ministry for a few decades, and the things in ministry before this church and in the church here and now the church in Sarasota, and the projects that are ongoing, and the things that are coming up. Those of you that have been with us, how did they happen? How did they happen? You seek the Lord, you start with that, you seek the Lord. What are we supposed to do? How is it supposed to happen? What do we do? He's not going to tell you the whole thing. Why would we seek Him? Why would we pray and seek Him? Because we are fully persuaded He hears us. He knows our name. He's got a good plan, is that right? He loves us. He's got it all covered. We don't have to come up with a plan, He's got a plan. We don't have to figure it out, He already knows. But we do have to seek Him and that part is not up to Him. We have to seek Him. And you have to overcome the laziness of your flesh to do that. I do, you do. You could say, "Well, we're doing okay. Not bad. Let's just be happy." But if you know in your heart God has more, He's got more, what do you have to do? "Well, just wait, just wait and if He wants to do something, I reckon He will." And talk about one of these days God is going to do something. Don't you believe it? Oh, I believe it. You believe it? We believe it. If that's all we do is talk about how much we believe it, that is demon faith. That's dead faith. Until it gets us out of our chair, come on are you listening? Until it gets us seeking God earnestly, "Lord, what are we supposed to do? How is it supposed to work here? What are we supposed to do? What's the next step?" I don't have to know the whole thing. But I have to know a step. And I don't just need to make stuff up. That's what some people have gotten - they heard the part about faith without works is dead, so you have to act, you have to act, you have to act. So they ran and threw their medicine away, ran out and did this, ran out and did that, give away everything they had, but the thing is they didn't seek the Lord, they didn't hear from Him, He didn't tell them to do that. So it didn't work. It's not just doing anything, it's not just doing something, it's doing what He said. Faith in what? Faith in what He said. What He said in His word and what He said by His Spirit to you. When we first came up here to Branson, and it's very similar in Sarasota, I mean the story unfolded just about the same way, because the principle is the same. All we had was that we were supposed to come up here and look around. Didn't know why, didn't have an idea that there would be a church involved at that point. We're a traveling ministry. So, we got a step. We took a step. We came. We drove around, we looked. We talked. We prayed. Well, we had things to do, so we're back out on the road, traveling, had meetings. All the while we're out on the road, Branson keeps coming up to us. Branson. And it's a beautiful place, but it wasn't that we were overwhelmed with the geography, it was something else. Something we need to find out. So what do we need to do? We don't just need to wait on Him, we need to seek Him. Why? In faith, to find out - the Bible said, "Don't be unwise," Ephesians says, "but understanding what the will of the Lord is." Does He expect us to seek Him and find out what His will is? He does. Many people don't accept that, but He does. It's not His responsibility for us to find out. It's our responsibility to seek Him. Why wouldn't you seek Him? You either don't believe it or you don't care. Either one, you don't qualify. And He's not going to grab you up on the map of the neck and force it on you. Some people try to tell you that He will, but He won't. He said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." That's on the outside. And if you don't hurry up and let Me in, I'm coming in because I'm God. No. No. No. If you don't invite Him in, if you don't want to hear from Him, if you don't want to know, you're not going to hear it. You're not going to find out. And that's just. Because if you and I don't care enough to want to know, we are not worthy of it. We don't qualify. And it's not like we can't search for something, because if you spent six hours trying to find the right shoes, if you spend a hundred and eighty-three hours online searching for the right car, but you can't search for the will of God or the plan of God, you don't have time, it's a lie. It's not important enough to you. You either don't believe it's real, or you don't care enough. It's just not important enough to you. And all us, you and me, all of us, have made mistakes in this area and our priorities haven't been what they could have been. But, if you want to see some miracles, if you want to have some things happen, then you become fully persuaded that God is a good God. He's got an amazing plan for us. And I'm not waiting on Him, I need to seek Him and find out what I need to do to take the first steps. Because it's hard to steer a parked car. "Oh, God lead me, guide me, lead me, guide me." You got it in park with emergency brake on. How is He going to guide you? "We're just waiting in the garage." No, no, no. And a lot of times folks - He said, "Okay, put it in reverse. Back out of the driveway." And so people just sit still. Why? "I have to know where I'm going. I don't even put it in reverse until I know where I'm going." You don't understand Him then. Because that's how He operates. He gives you word of knowledge. Not even a sentence. Not a paragraph. A word. "Back up." You think God, why? You know enough if you're going to walk by faith. If you really want to know why, back up. Is that right? Because when you get to the end of backing up, there's going to be something else. He'll say okay, put it in drive and take a right turn right here. Why? Do it and find out why. That's exactly how it has worked with Phyllis and I in the ministry and the churches every time. Came up here, while we were out on the road we keep thinking about Branson. What is it about Branson? So this is not God's responsibility. He has let us know something. Now we need to pursue, somebody say: "Pursue." We need to pursue. So as soon as we could, we come back. Well, this is your rest time. We are spending money, come on are you with me? But, what does that matter? We want to please God. We want to find out. So we began to think maybe we're supposed to relocate to here. Didn't make sense. We travel, we operate, we have a little plane, and the airport up here wasn't very good for that. This is before we got our new airport. And it just wasn't convenient in some ways, but that's reasoning. So we kept seeking, and as the days and weeks went by, we began to earnestly - because we know there is something here. And the more we prayed about it, the stronger it was. What is it? We didn't know. Nothing had been said about a church, nothing. Wasn't in our minds. Because we never thought about pastoring. We are busy doing what we do. One time driving up on forty-four, we were talking about it and wondering kind of out loud wondering what's going on with us, Phyllis began to shout. She said, "I don't know why am so happy. Something is going on." Hallelujah. What are we doing? We're seeking Him and we are getting another piece. And were getting another piece. We're getting another piece. So we said okay, we're going to stay up here for a week or so now because we worked it in, and we're going to look for a place. That's not always fun. And to make matters less enjoyable, no money to do it. I mean, we had operating expenses for the ministry and everything was covered, but not to just waltz in and buy a place, we didn't have that. So we looked around a little bit and I told Phyllis one day, I said I'm just going to stay here and pray. And she said, "I'm good to drive around here and look." I said okay. I'm praying, and praying, I'm praying. And I will go through all of it, but she was looking at the Yellow Ribbon Theater over there through a series of events, and she calls and says, "You have to come see this." Because I said maybe we could get a place where if we needed to we could put a hundred people or something, and shoot some TV. Well it's got two thousand seats. What do you need that for? But she said, "I don't know, I don't know why, but you need to see this." And when she said it, I knew it was right. I just knew it in here. I thought well, okay, I'm coming. We stood there looking around thinking what are we doing looking at this? Abraham went out - come on, he didn't stay at the house. He went out not knowing where he was going. I don't claim that we've always done everything perfectly, I'm not saying we're the perfect example, we've made mistakes too. But there are many people in our so-called faith circles, the Lord dealt with them about something and they have been waiting now for years for something to happen, and nothing is happening. And it's because they're not waiting on Him. He dealt with them to do something, but it didn't make sense and they didn't see how: it was going to require faith. And if the Lord deals with you to do something, He's always going to deal with you to do things that you can't do and you don't see how. You don't see the way. But you don't have to. You don't have to make it happen. You don't have to produce it. You don't have to produce the money. You don't have to heal yourself. What you do have to do is believe it enough, believe it enough that when He says, "Go look at Branson," you go look at Branson. Take a step, do this, look at this, and both of us knew we're supposed to endeavor to get this property. I don't know if I can fully express to you how impossible it seemed. So we set up an appointment and talked to the owners. And I had tried to think creatively. Lease/purchase. Lease/lease/purchase. Some way to get in and get started and get going. We didn't know anybody here. Hadn't talked to anybody, hadn't done any demographic studies, nothing. And we talked to them and they said, "No, no, we just want to sell it." So I offered another scenario, maybe more interesting. "No, no, we just want to sell it." Okay, offered another scenario. "No, no, we just want to sell it outright." Okay. Thank you for your time. Good to meet you guys. Went back to the condo. Phyllis and I looked at each other. That's all I know to do. I don't know what else to do. So we cast the care of it over on the Lord and went to sleep. Are you listening? We weren't just waiting at the house. We went as far as we could. We kept taking steps. We are endeavoring to do this. Well the phone rang, I think it was seven o'clock the next morning. The Lord had dealt with one of those gentlemen that we should meet again. And they offered us a scenario that was just great. And we thought yeah. So we agreed, we got the initial paperwork, Phyllis and I came back over and looked at the building, it was just us two. This thing is going to be some big bills too, right? To operate this thing. We never had a service. Don't know if anybody would come, have no proof of it. Never pastored before. The bathrooms, they were dirty bus driver lounges, it didn't look like a church. It wasn't a church. It needed everything. It needed a bunch of work and money just to make it ready for a service and man, and then that was just getting started. So we went back out the door and went back to the condo. Our staff is in Oklahoma. They don't know what we're doing. So, that night the Lord dealt with us to go to church in St. Louis with some friends of ours. We were a little tired. The plane was down for some maintenance, our little plane. And so it was going to be a drive. You know, your flesh would say why? But, whatever He says to you, it's the key to miracles. So Phyllis and I talked about it, I said I feel like we need to go. She said, "Okay, I'll be ready." She's a good 'un. We load up, got up early, got to get up early. We drive up to St. Louis. It's our friends Jeff and Patsy Perry. And they saw us and we enjoyed the service with them and they said, "Stay and eat with us." We said sure, sure. So, we tell them at lunch, looks like we're moving to Missouri with you. Oh, they were happy, they shouted. And told him about what the Lord had done and we got the property. And Brother Jeff looked at me, he said, "You have to start on Easter Sunday, Resurrection Sunday." Well, it was three weeks away. Three weeks away. I mean, when he said it, it was just like that's ridiculous. And the Spirit of God said, "Listen. Listen. Pay attention." Everybody say: "Steps. Steps. Steps. Steps. Steps. Steps." Listen. So I sat there and I buttoned my lip and let him tell me how that - he has pastored for years. He said, "You need to start on Resurrection Sunday. It's the perfect time. You need to start on Resurrection Sunday." And I just nodded my head and I'm thinking, how in the world could this ever happen? And he brightened up and he said, "Let us help you." I said, how? They have a disaster relief organization. And at that point I felt like we qualified. Called Service International. I said really? He said, "Yeah, yeah, it's the Lord. Yes, yes, yes. I'll talk to them, they will come down, we will help you get up and get ready to start service on Resurrection Sunday." I was just overwhelmed. I thought, God - let's just stop right here. What if we had slept in? Because we had no idea that would happen. We had no idea God would move on those folks to help us get in that building either. We're not going to find out these things waiting until we get the whole picture. Thank God He helped us to follow Him that time. And he talked to his guys, I mean just a day or two later, a hundred and thirty of them showed up down here, including carpenters, electricians, plumbers, housewives, teenagers, and they descended on that place and they cleaned it, and they stripped it, and they painted it, and they built a platform, and steps and took up all stuff that was bad tile and bad carpet, and then they were there for the whole week, just hung out there, slept there, cooked on grills and slept in sleeping bags, just like that. And the next week another hundred came in. And in three weeks, with a half a page advertisement in the local paper that somebody else paid for, and that was all we did, and some five hundred people showed up. Somebody say, "Glory to God." Glory to God. That's a miracle. And as it progressed, I mean, were able to fulfill our lease and then buy it and pay for it. Somebody say, "Glory to God." Just like that, that's a miracle. Getting it, the people coming, the money is just as much a miracle as somebody getting healed. It's a financial miracle. It's a miracle in the kingdom. How do we get miracles? But Phyllis and I couldn't just wait for something big to happen for us. We believe in big things. So what are you doing? "We're just believing God. Waiting for God. When He gets ready, in His own good time, in His own good way, something great is going to happen." Not in response to dead faith. That's not how it works. When the Lord deals with you about something, you have to take some initiative, like the woman with the issue of blood. You can't lay at the house. Let me go over on this side a little bit. I said, you can't lay at the house. We had a number of folks in this church that make a lot of confessions, but they won't do anything. They won't do anything year after year after year. "Great things are going to happen. Great things are going to happen." They haven't happened and they're not happening. Are we sure we're waiting on God? And a number of people the Lord told them what to do, and some of it was through people that were over them, and they absolutely rejected it and still waiting on God to do something. That's not how it works. You have to take that step. You have to put your flesh under. You have to seek. This property here, we knew we needed to expand the land around the one over there was very expensive. We looked at it, we talked about it, but we couldn't get a witness that it was right to pursue it. See, you could've just said here's land, we need it, let's start a project. And that's when you get something that just drags on and on and on, and there's no umph to it, there's no quickening to it, and it's not working because it was just your idea. But, month after month, the classes are crowded, you feel the pressure to do something, but what do you do? You seek God, you keep seeking Him, and you look, you keep looking. We looked at this, we looked at that. You don't just look at everything you can look at, I'm not talking about that, but you keep seeking until you find. You do it because you believe it's there. God has it for us. Is that right? And you keep doing it because you believe you can find it. You don't just sit passively and wait and do nothing. You go after it. You look. Is it always convenient? No. It's rough on your flesh. And you get tired of looking because you want to be done with it. Yeah, but you're not done with it. I'm tired of looking, I'm tired of seeking. It doesn't mean a thing. You either have it or you don't. Right? And you keep on until you know what to do. And when I found out what to do about projects, that's when I let you know. When I found out what to do. This is not Keith and Phyllis's churches, this is your church. This is our church. Right? That's why all of us need to know the vision, all of us need to know what we are believing for. This is not our personal stuff we're talking about on these projects. And once you find it, you pursue it. And we have gained momentum. The Lord helped us get this place, we got that fifty acres, boom, it was paid for in just a few months. Remember all that? And thing after thing, gave us that sign up there, and thing after thing after thing, give us the aircraft. We sowed it. Got the one we got now so we get seed in the ground. Right? And then if things progressed, like recently with the TV, we released faith for it, it was there in what? Three or four days? One night. A million dollars. That's a miracle. That's a miracle. How many believe it's a miracle? It's a miracle. How did it happen? Well, it was God's plan, but we had to find out about it. We had to seek Him. Right? And then be willing to take a step. Thing after thing that we've released our faith for it seemed how are you ever going to do that? How are you ever going to get that? Unbelief would just say don't bring it up, you don't want to be embarrassed. But if you have heard from Him, you step out not knowing where you are going. Not knowing how you are going to get there. Not knowing what comes next, but being absolutely persuaded that He is the Almighty God, He is real, He is powerful, He is more than enough, and when you diligently seek Him, He is good and faithful to show you and to help you and to take you by the hand and get you all the way from here to there. And your pictures become fixtures. And your vision becomes sight. Hallelujah. It's the same way with a healing, it's the same way with personal finances. You hear stories about the great healing meetings in the tent revivals. And the great miracle that happened, people that hadn't walked in months or years came to the meeting with new shoes. Why? Why buy new shoes? Why you need new shoes? God told them to get your shoes. Right? Do what you couldn't do. Stretch forth your hand, rise and walk. But you can't do it. Yeah, but they did. First of all they got to the meeting. Oh friend, God has not changed His mind about miracles. He is not making everybody wait for year after year until He gets ready. That's not what's going on. What's going on is waiting, waiting, waiting. Thinking we're waiting on Him. It begins with earnestly seeking Him. First of all you believe He is good. He is real. He is your Father, He loves you. And you believe He already knows what to do about this situation. He's already got the answer, He's already bought and paid for my healing, He's already got my finances, come on, are you listening? He's got everything I need. I don't have to figure this thing out. But I need to hear from Him. If you need to, you fast and you spend extra time praying and seeking Him. Why don't people do that? Because they are not convinced He's real enough or they're not convinced they can find it, so they just don't even try. Or, they do it for a little while but then they quit and gave up. Why would you quit? Because you think it's a waste of time. Oh, but hallelujah, don't cast your confidence away. It has great recompense of reward. Hallelujah! And after you have done the will of God, you're going to receive the promise. Can you say, "Amen?" Hallelujah. Go to James please in closing, I think. How do we get our miracles? How do we see amazing things happen in our life? We don't just wait and wait passively and indefinitely. We seek Him, we find out what to do, what the first step is, and repeatedly we're not going to see how it fits in with everything, why do it? Why go up to St. Louis to go to church? But the Lord knew, He had a plan. He always has a plan. James one. Verse twenty five, I believe it is. I tell you what. Let's read more of that. I know this will sound familiar to you. James 1:22, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only," because what happens if you just hear it and don't do it? "Deceiving your own selves." What does it mean when you are deceived? It means you believe something is true that is not true. You believe something is right that is not right. And who did it? He said you deceived yourself. Keep reading. "If any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was." He didn't do anything with that knowledge and didn't keep it in front of him. "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty," that means you don't just look and then go away and forget, you look and keep on looking. You keep on looking for it. Whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, "And continues therein," everybody say: "Continues." You stay on it. I'm trusting the Spirit of God is communicating this to your Spirit, but Sarasota, the same way. We went down there. We felt like we got direction, but it looked like - the building we have down there they said it was already sold. It had already been put in the newspaper, the big newspaper, and the TV stations had announced it. So that would make you think boy, we must've missed it on this one. But thing after thing - I won't go into all the details, but we got it. And so then the papers had something else to write about. And this is what they said. They gave us the front page. Mega church swoops in, scoops up the property - we didn't mess up anybody's deal. We asked them. They were mad because they said, "No, there's no deal. They hadn't paid for anything, nothing is done, there has been no money and they are telling everybody?" They were upset about it. We said, "Well, if for some reason it doesn't work," they said, "It's not working." So they put it on the front page mega church - I thought, say it again. Mega church? I didn't know I was a mega church. A mega church! Say it again. Swoops in, scooped up the property. It was not flattering. And yet, we had a bunch of people come to the church because they saw it in the paper. And several of them are there to this day. They said, "Yeah, we saw it on the front page. We didn't know you we're here. Glory to God!" You can't buy the front page of the paper to advertise your meeting. They gave it to us for free. But, prior to that happening, there were what? Two years of seeking what to do, how to turn this factory into a church. As you might imagine, thousands of decisions. And then the money, believing for all the money, the millions that it took to do it. And you haven't had a service yet. Everybody say: "Steps. Steps. Steps." You take a step and then you take another and you take another and sometimes you can feel weary. You can get tired of looking and get tired of pursuing because it's not done, it's not half done. But He gives strength. He gives you might. He gives power to the faint. He gives strength to them that have no might. Why? So you can run, baby, run. So you can keep on keeping on as long as it takes until you get all the way and experience the miracle that God intended for you to. But that is not sitting at the house waiting for something to happen. That's not what that is. Don't be a hearer only, be a doer. "But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man," not just everybody, not the other guys, but this guy, "shall be blessed in his deed." That means you are to see some miracles. You're going to see God move. You're going to see things happen that folks said couldn't be done. Hallelujah! And it won't be you that did it, He did it. But you were involved. He used you. You had to pursue Him, you had to obey Him, you had to follow Him, so He let you have a part of it. This is God honoring us. That's why it doesn't all just fall on you like ripe cherries on a tree. Because who should receive a reward for something that was thrown in their lap? You didn't do anything. The reward God has planned for us, He is righteous to bestow on us, because He gave us opportunity and He said, "Come get it. I got it all for you right here. Come get it." And millions on the planet will not even bother to try. So they are unworthy of it, they don't qualify. You remember the story of the man that had the one talent and he just buried it? What does that mean? He didn't even try. Didn't even try. And that's what that Scripture in Hebrews ten is talking about, God has no pleasure in that. That displeases Him. But those that say I know it's here, I know it God, and I know it's good. And You're going to show me. You're already endeavoring to show me, and I won't quit You. Then you get enough to go do this, so you don't know how in the world that's going to fit with everything, but just in faith you step out and do it and then you find out why He said back out of the garage. And then you find out why He said take a right and go here, you find out. You keep taking steps and steps and you wind up at the place under the spout where the glory pours out. You wind up at the right place, at the right time, and God uses you, and He gets all the glory because you didn't figure this out, you didn't even know where you were going. And yet, He's got a right to reward you and give you an eternal place of glory in it, why? Because you believed Him enough to do it. And you wouldn't quit when others did. And He will call you faithful. You've been faithful in a few things. I'm going to give you, hallelujah, I'm going to make you ruler over much. Enter thou into the joys of your Lord. Ha ha! Oh, brother, sister, at that day no sweat, no extra praying will be thought too much, is that right? You will not even cross your mind that you all had to work so hard, that won't even crossed your mind. You will be thinking thank God He helped me to stay with Him and not quit, not give up. "Seek, and you will find it. Knock, it will be opened to you. Ask, you will receive it." Step out and take a step not knowing the rest and He will take your hand, He will lead you, the Holy Spirit will carry you if you need carrying, if you will just keep after it, you will get there. But don't sit at the house waiting, waiting, waiting, refusing to do anything. Not a hearer only, but a doer. Stand on your feet everybody. Glory to God.
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 8,503
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Id: sYuYgbJX5po
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Length: 96min 28sec (5788 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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