Real Doctor Reacts to CHICAGO MED | Medical Drama Review | Doctor Mike

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Chest compressions chest compressions chest compressions

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pizzeriasandmortuary ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- There's Chicago P.D., there's Chicago Fire, but I'm most concerned with, you guessed it, Chicago Med, let's get started. (lively hip-hop music) (train tracks) - Doesn't look too bad, all right? You're gonna be all right. - Good triage. - 45 year old male left leg amputation. - Treatment two. - Trey Moderman, GCS three BP of 90 by palp. - GCS three is the Glasgow Coma Scale, three is very bad you need to be intubated, you're basically in a life or death situation at that moment. - He keeps biting down and I can't get the blade in. - Pressure - You bag him, I'll do CPR. - If you can't insert a tube to help someone breathe the one thing you can do is you can continue bagging them. That still oxygenates their airway, it's obviously not as ideal as putting an endotracheal tube in but the most important thing is CPR. Chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions. - Almost there it's not time yet. (grunting) - Never ideal to do chest compressions with one arm like that but I can understand if he's been doing chest compressions for 15 minutes, it's really tough it's tiring to do chest compressions. I've done chest compressions for a while and generally after each round you have a student or a resident standing behind you ready to jump in and start doing the chest compressions. Cause it's all about at least getting two inches of compressions to the chest which can sometimes break ribs, but it's all about getting them enough time to get to the hospital to hopefully save their life. - I got it from here man. - Nope, he's mine. - Okay who the hell is this guy? - [Nurse] He says he's a doc. - All right get off the gurney, Doc. I'm senior resident in this ER. - Yeah, well I'm your new trauma fellow. - Doesn't happen like that. Trauma fellows don't just run in, this guy could be anybody you need to see some ID. I'm all for the show trying to set up the stage for this character, but people don't just run into the hospital and say "I'm the doctor now!". - [Doctor] Get a BP keep giving him blood. Send a rainbow of tubes and and a type and cross. Get his blood gas and get him to the OR. - Type and cross again you try and find out the correct blood type for now getting O-negative is fine but you don't wanna keep wasting the O-negative blood. So you wanna do a type and cross. When he says the rainbow of tubes that's basically tubes that are sent off for a wide variety of tests-- a wide array of tests like a CBC which is a complete blood count, BMP or CMP which is a metabolic panel, a PT/INR which shows clotting abilities and clotting times. - No gag reflex didn't even need sedation, not good. - We got another problem, this woman's pregnant. - What he's doing there with the ultrasound is called a FAST scan, it basically allows you to see if there's any internal bleeding going on especially in the abdomen cause you can lose a lot of blood in the abdomen without even knowing that you're bleeding into the abdomen. But obviously the situation he's found that this patient is pregnant which complicates a situation even more. - 20 year old male, cystic fibrosis, complaining of chills, labored breathing, temp's 98. - Jamie, that you? - Hi Maggie. - Back so soon? - I missed you guys. - Cystic fibrosis is a-- it's a deadly illness unfortunately and it basically you build up so much mucus in your airway because you cannot clear the mucus out of your airways efficiently as someone who is healthy and doesn't have cystic fibrosis. So you get very often lung infections, obstruction in your airway and most people live somewhere into their 40's or 50's with the illness and that's pretty much a life expectancy with someone who has cystic fibrosis. - Mr. Delson I see that you're using inhaled antibiotics, Tobramycin, Albuterol. You wear a vibration jacket at night and use a humidifier? - Yeah. - The vibration jacket actually helps break up some of that mucus and allows it to naturally come out when that patient coughs. Very commonly we use something known as Chest Physical Therapy, which is almost like clapping on the chest to help clear some of the mucus. Parents of young children who have cystic fibrosis are trained in giving their children this procedure. - Baby checks out fine. (relieved gasp) Healthy heartbeat, amniotic sac and placenta are intact. Gina though, I'm afraid, suffered a traumatic head injury and so far she's unresponsive. We need to contact her family, if you have any information. - My husband and I are pretty much her family she-- she's been living with us since before the embryo was implanted. - That's such a difficult situation, I mean to have someone be a surrogate to carry your baby and then they are living with you and they're involved in this horrible accident and they have a traumatic brain injury where they're being kept alive by machines. That's gonna be a tough decision whether or not to keep her alive using machines so that the baby can continue growing and it get to at least to a stage where the baby can survive on it's own following a C section. Man! - Jamie I've got your test results back. I wish they were a little more encouraging. You're pancytopenic which means that your cell counts are low. You've got a blood Ph of 7.14. - When your blood Ph is that low that means you're trapping carbon dioxide within your body and you're having obstruction which comes from the cystic fibrosis. That's very dangerous because when you go into an acidotic state like that your enzymes think your body can't function and you can die. - I'd like to intubate you, put you to sleep, get you on a ventilator. You're getting fatigued, this would just allow you to rest so that the antibiotics can do their job. - I've been intubated eight times, I think I'll skip it. - The purpose of intubating someone who has such a strong acidosis is when you put the tube in it allows the person to not work to breathe so heavy to expel all that carbon dioxide. The machine basically does it for them, and again it allows them to rest, it allows the antibiotics to do their job and it improves the Ph quicker than the person can do themselves. Very uncomfortable, not a lot of patients like it. I've never seen-- and again I'm not a trauma surgeon, I'm not an ER doctor but I haven't seen options given that frankly to patients. If a Ph was that low in my hospital generally we would strongly advice the patient to intubate them, but again I'm not super specialized in this field so I'm just going off based off my own experiences. (beeping) - Sherri? - [Sherri] Dr. Halstead. - You need to blow down her CO2, take her off the vent and bag her, give her a dose of Mannitol and increase her dopamine drip to 12. - Right away. - Doctor? - Gina's intercranial pressure is rising. - What happens after an injury to the brain is just like any part of the body. There exist inflammation, swelling, edema and the problem with having swelling inside the cranium is that the cranium is a skull, it's meant to keep things from coming in and protect you but it also crams the brain when there's edema and swelling and it actually damages the brain further and can be fatal. So, you try and control it with medications, you try and give the patient something to reduce the swelling in the brain, there's also some physical things you can do. Like elevating the head to hopefully get some of the fluid to come down. But, in reality if the condition gets worse you need to do the surgery to open a piece of the cranium to allow the brain to swell and not cause increased pressure within the brain. - Intubating Jamie is the only hope we have of keeping him alive. - What's that gonna get him? A week? 10 days? - It could be six months, a year, more. - This goes to the heart of the issue of patient autonomy. That they have the right to choose what happens to their body. I don't know how old Jamie is, once you're at the age of 18 or older you have the right to turn down medical treatments, you have the right and say that as long as you understand the consequences of what you're doing, you can undergo or skip any treatment that you want. Nobody can force treatments upon you. I understand what the ER doctor's doing, I also understand what the psychiatrist is doing. - As soon as we hear something we'll let you know. Rachel? Rachel can you hear me? - What's wrong? What's happening? - I can't find a pulse. - Oh my god. (alarm blares) - [Woman over PA] Treatment three. - Well the medical student is doing the exact right thing. Call the alert, start doing chest compressions right away. - You're not compressing the heart Sarah, you've gotta go harder. - But she's so small I don't wanna-- - Harder, do it, let's go! (ribs cracking) Come on Sarah, harder! Hold! (beeping) There we go back in sinus, get a BP. - What happened? - She arrested, we got her back. - Can you get an IV? - Hand me a drill, get an IO line. - An IO line is an intraosseous line. In children sometimes it's difficult to put an IV line sometimes they need extra fluids, what we can do is drill a little needle right-- it sounds brutal but it's really not that bad, drill a little needle directly into the shinbone and what that allows us to do is to give extra fluids and medications to that area. - I just broke a little girls ribs. - Reese, you saved the girls life. - Breaking someones ribs while doing proper CPR is par of the course and the CPR actually saves lives, the ribs are an unintended consequence but they're a side effect of trying to keep the young girl alive. - This is Jorge's? (speaks spanish) - Yes. - Inside, I found this. - Why would you give that to her in this moment? That's so unnecessary! I promise this will not happen in the hospital. - What happened with the little girl? - She had a cardiac contusion, bruising caused her to arrest. She's good now, but it was a real scare. - Sometimes when you have a direct injury to the heart that can cause a a contusion which is just a bruise, and sometimes that can mess with the electrical activity of your heart and cause it-- cause you to have a cardiac arrest which means that it just stops the cardiac rhythm. Actually this is a common scenario during baseball games if someone hits a line drive and it hits someone in the infield directly in the chest, if it hits in the specific time of the electrical rhythm you can actually stop the heart. - Jorge's brain was without oxygen for too long. (speaking spanish) - We have translators in the hospital for moments like this. If you're gonna have a conversation that's about life or death you need a translator there. Your broken Spanish isn't the right way to communicate with a patient. - He's 20 years old, without new lungs he will die. - (speaking spanish) - Your fiance, the man you love-- - (speaking spanish) - The man who loved you, can save his life. - A little unethical here, they're talking about the patient's condition to a non family member, it's technically breaking information protocol, but I don't think they'd get in trouble for this I think they're doing the right thing and that's why a lot of rules are open to interpretation and I think here they're looking out for the best interest of the patient and maybe telling his patient information to somebody else but in hopes to save his life. So I think legally this isn't right but I think morally and ethically it's the right move. - Going back to the hospital? - Yeah. Wouldn't mind being there when he wakes up. - Can I come? - Sure. - I appreciate that the doctors wanna spend their off time with a patient but you know, you gotta recharge your own batteries. You gotta get the seven to nine hours of sleep so you can make the best decisions for your patients the following day. Again, you wanna be empathetic but you don't wanna burn out either because then your future patients will suffer also so it's a fine line between being a good empathetic doctor and burning yourself out. (dramatic music) This is a good show, quality actors, quality script, good medical info, showed some very unique situations that have inherent drama built into them, but they were realistic. Based off this pilot episode I'm definitely a fan so thank you for recommending this. If there's another medical show you wanna do drop it down below in the comment section and don't forget to subscribe and click that little bell logo to make sure you know every time I'm publishing a new video. As always, stay happy and healthy. (lively hip hop beat)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 7,726,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medical drama review, doctor mike, dr mike, mike varshavski, doctor mike reacts to, tv drama, medical drama, doctor tv shows, hospital drama, medical tv show, doctor, mikhail varshavski, doctor reaction video, real doctor watches chicago med, chicago med, how accurate is chicago med, chicago med nbc, chicago med tv show, chicago med pilot, chicago med review, chicago med reaction, real doctor reacts to chicago med, doctor reacts series, hospital drama show, tv doctors
Id: W4Sp2XwfQDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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