Doctor Reacts To Wild 9-1-1 Medical Scenes

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After watching the video, I'm really baffled by this show. What other crazy stuff is in it?!?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ShuckU πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have some ideas for future videos: Medical scenes: 1000 ways to die, Jackass Medical dramas: episode of 9-1-1 Cartoons: King of the Hill, Family Guy (pt2) Collabs: Jordan( Doctor ER) Product reviews: Medical products from Amazon(can be a collab) Rare diseases Changes in ICD-11 Truth about Tea Video about the New Brunswick neurological syndrom ( when there will be more information about it)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/keret456 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

HelloπŸ˜€ i have a doubt...what happens if we don't blink? Why do we blink?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CHAARMI_2008 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Who you gonna call? Not them, 9-1-1. Let's talk about it. (beeping sound) - [Dispatcher] 911, what's your emergency? - [Caller 1] I think I hear a baby crying, in the wall. - [Dispatcher] How's the baby on the wall? - [Caller 1] No, no, no, not on the wall, in the wall. There's a baby inside my wall. I think someone flushed a baby down the toilet. - What? - [Voiceover] 12 seconds later. (Mike laughing) - I thought that's just a joke we did as medical students, listening to the wall to hear the other room with the stethoscope. Oh my God. (knocking on wall) (knocking on wall) (baby crying) A premature baby that cries loudly enough that you can hear it through a wall and a pipe and it's surviving through water, I mean, like, this is just ridiculous. (wall crunching) (tool grinding) - [Fireman 1] All right, it's off. Get the head out, Bobby, get the head out. - You've got to push from below. - This is not how I've delivered babies, when I delivered babies, not from pipes. (suspenseful sound) (Mike laughing) There's so much wrong with this. - [Fireman 1] Okay, pull her out, pull her out. Pull her out. - The fakest baby, too. - [Paramedic] All right, she's not breathing, starting CPR. Come on. - Correct form with the hands, but gotta push a little deeper, man. This is such a ridiculous scene that I would say this would never happen, but I know one of you is going to pull out an article where one person in some small rural area this happened to, and they survived, and you guys are gonna be like "See, Mike, you don't know what you're talking about as a doctor." (dramatic music) - [Father] Marika, Marika, (speaking foreign language) - Your daughter just had a baby. We have to get her to the hospital. - No, is that the mother? No, screw her! - She's bleeding out, - Look what she did! - She's a child! - That's ridiculous. You don't get to play judge and jury. You gotta save everyone's life. Especially, when it comes to a child who's lost a lot of blood. Who knows if she's in her right state of mind? - Yo, if this baby dies, it's on you. - Why would the baby die? And why is it on her? What does she have to do with anything? - [Dispatcher] Who is choking you? Do you know him? - Oh, that's a boa. Snake fans, help me out here. That's a problem. Um, yes, call for help. - Bobby, it's no use. That thing is like 10 feet long, its constriction strength is like 50 pounds per square inch. - Everyone is Dr. House. - [Bobby] Crap, it's getting really tight. Think we're gonna have to put it down. - Okay, stand back. (playful music) - Spartacus. - Yeah, well, it was him or you and, faced with a situation like that, I always choose to save the more attractive one. (Mike sputters) - I hope he gets fired after a statement like that. - [Sam] Would you ever speak to a patient like that? - I would not, respectfully. - [Dispatcher] What's your emergency? - [Caller] Shark! Shark! A man's been attacked by a shark! - Oh man! - [Dispatcher] What beach are you on, ma'am? - [Caller] We're not on a beach, we're on the freeway. - What? (man screaming) This show is so incredible. (man screaming) - [Paramedic] What the hell? - Tiger shark. We were transporting her for release into the wild, truck jackknifed. - The truck jackknifed then how did the guy's arm end up inside the shark? Someone needs to explain that to me. - Can you wait that long or just- - No, no, don't kill her, she's come so far. (Mike chuckles) - Award for empathy goes to that gentleman. He's getting his arm literally torn off and he's like, "Think about the shark." (tool grinding) (man grunts) (bones crunching) (suspenseful music) - Alright, let's get him transported now. - [Paramedic 2] Nice and easy. - [Paramedic 3] Put some pressure on that brachial artery. - From a brachial artery laceration, you can die in seconds. - How deep his arm is. - Yeah, his full arm. - It's the whole thing is inside. - And behold, the salabhasana. - Everything hurts. The baby, is he okay? - I'll check your baby right now, okay. I'm going to touch you right here in your stomach. Okay, there's no trauma to the abdomen. - Why would there be trauma to the abdomen? She's doing yoga. - Easy, I'm gonna take you.. (Woman groans) - All right, I'm going to take care of that. You take care of this. - Yeah, go, go. - Here we go, I got you, I got you. - I think I'm having contractions. - Are they real contractions though? - What's your name? - Beth. - Okay, I need a cup of water for Beth. - Am I in labor? - I think it's Braxton Hicks. (Mike sputtering) - I mean, Braxton Hicks contractions are something reasonable to think about, how he knew that instantly without understanding if she's totally in labor or not, I have no idea, that's kind of ridiculous. - We're gonna get you nice and relaxed and hydrated, okay. - There's just like really good questions to be asked here, not are you thirsty? (water splashing) - Oh my God, my water broke! (Mike laughing) - What is this class? - 911, what's your emergency? - My son. He hit his head on the diving board, and he's not breathing. Oh my God, he's turning blue. - I need you to perform CPR on him. - Interesting that they'd say to perform CPR right away. I would like to check for a pulse first, but if he's turning blue, that probably means he's not breathing. He's pulseless. He's nonresponsive. Again, chest compressions, chest compressions, chest compressions. It's not about mouth to mouth anymore. It's about pumping the heart and causing it to push the blood throughout your system, which still has some oxygen in it. - [Paramedic] Come around, starting compressions. - I mean, I would have loved to see them check for a pulse here. - [Paramedic] Was he underwater? - [Mother] I don't know a few minutes, maybe. - Those are terrible chest compressions. They have to be at least two inches deep. You have to brisk breaking ribs in order for them to be effective. Remember the job of the chest compressions is to actually compress the heart. And if you're just doing them superficially, you're just doing it for a show. (record scratching) They are doing it for a show. I guess that's okay. - As soon as help arrives, most people just hang up. - Yeah. What are you sad? - Ah, okay, just hang on. (nail gun shooting) (both gasping) (Mike chuckles) - That's a no-no. Never point anything with "Gun" at yourself. Nail gun, paintball gun, cap gun. - [Sam] Gun? - Gun. - [Woman] Dad? (Sam laughing) (suspenseful music) - He needs a level one trauma surgeon stat. - I don't know what I'm supposed to do. - Do I pull it out? - Don't pull it out. - No, do not remove the nail. Help is on the way. - I'm gonna clear your shirt, so we can see what we're working with. - Dude, do not clear anything. Put him on the stretcher and bring him to the hospital where emergency surgery can happen. - You hit the bull's-eye. - Who makes jokes like that? "Hit the bullseye." - [Paramedic 1] Nice and easy. Bring it around. - [Paramedic 2] Sir? - [Paramedic 1] Careful. - If he hit a lung, he's also gonna have a collapsed lung there as well. - [Paramedic 1] Take a few deep breaths for me. (Mike laughing) - Bro, just put him on the stretcher. Bring him to the hospital, stop! Stop torturing the man. - I need to get you to the hospital for pericardiocentesis that's where they'll drain the fluid. - Dude, you don't even know what is the extent of the damage. This is ridiculous that they're diagnosing him already knowing everything that's happening. Do you know why I'm getting so angry? Because too often patients come in and someone does this like incorrect diagnosis thing on the go. And then I have to come in and correct all this misinformation and it confuses patients. It's hard enough to hear what's happening here, when you have a nail gun in your heart, but then imagine trying to deal with who's right, who's wrong. - Of course I did, why? (machine beeping) - That is not a good rhythm. (suspenseful music) (paramedic breathing heavily) Yep, that's a problem, that is a problem. - They'll fix it at the hospital, but only if he's not dead. - In this case, there is nothing you can do. The only thing you can do is try and resuscitate, but like pulling the nail out, pushing the nail further in, you're only going to do more damage. - Come on, you're not leaving your daughter hanging like that. - We got a pulse. - Oh! Yep, heart's beating again. - Yeah heart's beating again, but he's actively bleeding out. There's like zero use for celebrating here. It's quite often that a patient gets resuscitated with CPR, only to lose their pulse shortly thereafter. So like, this is not a win by any means. - I can't move my neck. - Oh no. (ambulance wailing) Is that, is that a Phineas Gage situation right now? - He's got a piece of rebar through his skull. How is that even possible? - It's possible. Brain tissue has no nociceptors, it can't feel pain. - That is actually true. However, the meninges feel pain, skin feels pain, and you know, all those videos circulating around with the person playing an instrument, while they're doing brain surgery. That can happen because the brain has no pain receptors. - Well, why aren't you guys cutting me out of here? - It's complicated. - Why? - You've been injured Jim. - Well how bad is it? - It's not good. - What is this conversation thing that happens? This is not real, just do your job. You're 911. Don't start taking selfies and face timing your friends. - [Dispatcher] 911 What's your emergency. - I'm at Metro Fitness on Hollywood. My boss is burning up. - [Dispatcher] Do you mean he's feverish? - [Caller] No, that's not what I mean. - [Caller] I um, I smelled something burning. - Oh my God! (fire burning) - We all kept trying to tell him to get it fixed. She couldn't have unplugged it? - Why the hell didn't he just get out. - Might've had a stroke. - How did he know he has a stroke. I mean these guys with their like House MD, ridiculous diagnoses. - He too may have had a stroke, drugs could be an underlying cause, what was he on? - What is this guy? He's on drugs. How do you know? Look at him. What do you mean, look at him? - Starting compressions. - Good compressions. Yeah, that's normal, so keep going. I mean, not normal, but normal if your skins so damage, but the chest compressions override that. 'Cause remember when someone's heart stops, that means they're dead. So whether or not you damage their skin, they're already dead. Try and bring them back. - Nope, he's gone. - What do you mean, nope he's gone? Do more chest compressions! Try and bring him back! My hands got dirty. He's gone. I'm getting mad at the show. - [Man 1] We have a stunt, so daring. - [Man 2] A video, so bold. - [Man 1] It might- - [Man 2] Just- - [Both] Break the internet! - Oh my god, is this a YouTube challenge? A TikTok challenge? - Spin. (upbeat rock music) - What is the purpose of this? How is the bike not moving? How long has that poor guy been on there? He's probably like completely out of it. - Hey, can you hear me? Oh! - Oh, that's a problem. Need an ophthalmology consult stat. - Could be G-LOC. - G-force poisoning from the force of spin? - Right now, all his blood is pooling inside his head. It's pressing against his brain, which is why he's out cold. - I don't know if that's G-LOC. G-LOC is when you essentially have your blood go to the lower part of your body and you're not getting enough circulation. And This is a very big problem for F-16 pilots, I actually flew a 16, so I studied this. Click the video down below. - [Paramedic] Here we go. I would not do this without an ophthalmologist on site. I would not do this. Like there's no way firefighters or first responders would do this. Wow, that was... Super. - Eventually could you die from spinning that much? - I mean, you could die from anything for like, can you run to your death? Yeah. Speaking of G-forces check out this video of me flying an F-16. That's right, I experienced 9.2 Gs. Check it out. As always stay happy and healthy. But really check this out, I was like (imitates plane noises). (soft beat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 7,508,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, 911, 9-1-1, 911 lonestar, 911 lone star, 9-1-1 lonestar, fox, peter krause, angela bassett, boa constrictor, snake, baby in toilet, doctor reacts, doctor reviews, shark attack, shark bite, nail, nails, prank, pranks, pregnant, pregnancy, yoga, yoga class, yoga with adrienne, car accident, rebar, surgery, life saving, firefighters, first responder, EMT, ambulance, police, cops
Id: kX7khlp2gII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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