REAL ATC | Mayday mayday mayday, we have fire on board. FedeEX DC10

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foreign so yeah we just got a cargo fire indication uh we'd like to declare an emergency and I believe uh uh Tulsa may be the closest uh but you have another suggestion I'd like to start descending now okay well down to two four zero FedEx 463. FedEx 463 to maintains level 180 12 subcommitters two nine eight six okay one eight zero uh the altitude 2986 for Tulsa FedEx 463 emergency third right turn direct pulse International FedEx 460. 14 heading to get down into Tulsa uh we're just uh getting ourselves down here as fast as we can uh standby all right FedEx 4637 maintain one six thousand that maintained sixteen thousand FedEx 460. FedEx 463 contact full set of folks one two four point zero FedEx uh 463 and look for uh right to uh South Southwest FedEx Fortress 3463 have default that Bros the top 729 or eight seven four six three heavy red FedEx 463's heavy uh win able to give me a fuel remaining and the controls on board six three have you got about an hour and a half fuel 48 000 pounds three Souls on board 54638 um left let me know congratulations Roger check out somewhere one eight left 2016. uh uniform plus two looks like he's going to Runway one eight left by heading 35 yo hey emergency wants to go to Runway one eight one Runway one eight left uh we just have some people on the on the videos right now we're getting them off right soon as we can 360 FedEx uh four six three a fire truck on the West Side Runway 18 West Cross Runway one eight left of Bravo I'd like to take this any FedEx 463. 3 000. 50 how's that 300 and we'd like to be coming last Saturday heavy fighting two one zero to join the Final Four sixty three has eight teammates credit score maintain three thousand to established hunting final first Force to clear rnab for only one eight left foot 100. 3 heavy contact horsepower one two one point two one two FedEx 463 has these uh [Applause] four [Applause] five we got a lower half cargo fire alert 24-15 heavy weather we have all the tricks while the emergency vehicles are in route foreign three guys thank you
Channel: REAL ATC
Views: 710,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation compilation, best of aviation, boeing, real atc, atc conversations, atc audio, air traffic controller, airport tower, funny atc conversation, jfk airport, new york airport, jfk atc, flight, world, atc, air, traffic, control, controller, tower, pilot, cockpit, takeoff, landing, emergency, engine, fail, airlines, runway, airport, funniest, aircraft, real atc communications, wrong runway, pan pan, KORD, flightaware, fire on board, plane caught fire
Id: -uOo6f3NRFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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