Ready for Intensive Calving

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hey good morning [Music] welcome back everyone if you watched the live stream last week thank you very much i appreciate it and this is what i mean by cows everywhere bean field where we calve out there is full of 70 heifers there's 40 in there there's like 150 something in here there's about hundred in that pen there's about a hundred in this pen there's about 70 up by the bull lot then of course at jeff's place there's more critters and they could use some water this hydrant is basically running all day since it feeds these hundred or so heifers and also 150 or so cows they they drink a lot of water especially when it gets above freezing we mentioned in the live we got six loads of loads of feed loads to feed every morning because we got so many groups of cattle home we're also loading out some corn we're only doing three loads that'll finish out the 18 loads that we contracted out a couple days ago then we're also setting up for calving calving is right around the corner so we're going to bed the buildings down and so that's what we got going on [Applause] so right now we're pulling out of this silo this is the first time we've used that we put corn in it for the first time in like 10 years there isn't a way to put air on that bin so we always fill it last we put the driest stuff we can in there and then we pull it out try to get it out first because that corn might go out of condition if there was some corn that we were pulling out that was a little warm a little moist you can see there's one kernel right there that looks a little bit like it has a little bit of damage we did end up pulling half a truckload out that we didn't want to take to the elevator didn't want to get dinged on it and also if you look at the the wet corn fit we have used over half of our wet corn which we like to let get us through the winter but we just been feeding a lot of critters and so this will help extend this wet corn pit a little bit just because we won't be using it for a while got this dry corn dry whole corn but you can see we got our 6125r back there was a leak in the radiator costs about a thousand dollars just for the part and then there's some labor but she's back and running later today we'll get it back on the feed wagon there's some of that bad corn i was talking about there isn't much of it but it just plugs the holes every once in a while howdy right is your skin using more foundation than usual no it's not [Music] and the first truck is full takes a long time dad was saying it flows out of there fast and then when we started that up yesterday he said it's a lot slower than i remember but i suppose the last time they used that they had like an 8 inch auger and not a 10 inch and it probably seemed fast at the time and if you're wondering no i didn't get a new coat i actually just washed this one for the first time in four months ellie wants to get big and beepy like the steers too yeah eat that kern girl oh we got a cat fight hey break it up ladies wow dad just shut the auger down looks like the second load is ready to go holy cow they like licked up every ounce of it they must be thirsty get a bit of a run on water today last load of the morning that's been looking for that cooler what in the heck well this right here is what i did for fun yesterday put a railroad tie and hung a gate you know these green gates are fine until the bottom of this frame gets frozen down in the ground then either hurt your back trying to pull the gate out or you just basically rip that off because it's frozen in [Music] and then we got something kind of wanky here we just need like a small panel like a three foot something but instead we use two ten foot and just veed them real tight like i also didn't cut these short and so somebody already racked themselves and lost a little hair so i guess we can do that later today as well so in this pen is those almost 40 that we sorted off it's more like 35 a few of them are nasty old suckers that try to deck you when they're tagging their calf and the other is a bunch of second calf heifers that just are skinny because they're still growing a little bit and trying to grow another calf inside of them they're just all getting good feed because some of them are going to get sold by the pound and some of them just need good feed so they could fatten back up there's a roll-up piece of paper here i thought it was a cigarette but it ain't it was right next to ellie's dog toy so i thought she was starting a bad habit suppose this could use some lube now ready for the bail processor okay is there one on the slide or no i don't think so but we could spray it real good oh well i guess they took it apart is that millet seed in there what is that millet seed get in there spray the hole good stuff yeah got the lube in it guys just got the wet see that oh my lances put the skirt back down just before i came down here dad said we should put the bale spear back on i said that's a good idea and i drove by the bale spear and just kept going looks like he got it himself though you did it yeah where'd you go i uh was i had hey remember when i said let's put the bail fork on before we yeah that's what i was doing okay we're gonna hook up to the bail processor which we use a lot during during calving season you know we're gonna be hooking and unhooking this quite a bit if we gotta move grain or stuff like that but i'll probably put some we got a big thing of uh outback wraps i can throw on there stiff yeah i hate it early in the morning that's how it is it's cold morning stiffness i'll take this up and i'll get skid loader and put that away okay all right and i'm darling i'm going to dart a calf yeah and i bought some new sevens so use that are the eights or sevens something like that okay hey there's a lot of there's a lot of net wrap on these axles back here dude okay so there's a critter over at jeff's again that big lot that we darted one in the last video so i'm gonna make a dart and shut the water off on my way down we'll dart that then we'll get to bedding these buildings spreading that out getting ready for cabin i just washed this but i guess my mom did but it's hard to stay clean so it's a good thing i stopped here i saw the cows were still crowding around the water tank it happens every once in a while someone hits the hydrant down and then basically the pump keeps going because the floats down and so they were all just standing around trying to get water but somebody some some smart critter hit it down so nobody could drink and it's hard on the pump my alarm just went off the tank should be full but it was completely empty still so well i don't see anybody laying off in the distance so he must have came up to eat which is a good sign hope that helps oh that's gonna take a while to fill oh my gosh there's literally a cat with a it looks like a for real cup stuck on its head oh dang it oh nice yeah right on you ran into the side by side and then the cup fell off and there he goes don't see that every day cheaper scrapers there you go buddy you look rough i just witnessed something i never witnessed before oh yeah so i'm driving down went past greg's house and there was a cat with like a a cup like a for real cup stuck on its head and it was in bad shape and so i tried to take it off and then it ran away and then it ran into the side by side and the cup fell off oh good for it yeah you saved it maybe yeah i bet it's thirsty probably the cows were so thirsty they shut the hydrant off at the bow place and those are still running yeah it's completely empty right now okay what are we doing next um we're gonna tip those bales over and put them in the processor and blow them in this building all righty so in each building we're gonna put one millet hay bale from two years ago and also one soybean stubble bale which we also made two years ago and we're doing this now because well calving is coming soon but also we're going to get some moisture and we think this is about the driest they're going to be for quite a while [Music] i might have to just get the loader and put that one in it's just so blown out that might work and there we go come back just a little bit more okay i think i'll process a bale by golly we best get some ventilation in there and our semi is back the last semi that we're gonna fill the corn for the day oh yeah look at it clear out that is gnarly there's a squeeny oh oh oh he's coming in oh he's there oh no did he get him oh that's a dead squeany yep did you see him jeff he was a big sucker wasn't he no no how's it going good what's happening nothing how you brought your ratchet straps oh howdy hi did you enjoy the live yesterday i did yeah yep exciting exciting stuff still ringing i know i know he's a busy guy he is very yeah it's very exciting yeah do you like your new skid loader i do good yep good yeah got myself a mustang mustang are you selling your bobcat i am you are bigger bigger on big iron yeah all right so look for a bobcat skid loader on big iron m610 m610 i could be able to get cheap owned by three sunnies that's right so brian scott yeah uncle jeff yeah that's right history right there it is history dad and i are gonna spread these next two bales in that white building in the back back up just a little bit perfect thank you see you in a bit thank you something fell down huh the coons yeah we got a problem all right that's how i roll i gotta run into mount vernon four uh my 10.99 sent off so i'm gonna bring food home oh what kind westy's special or else burgers from warmers cheeseburger and chicken burger from warmers yeah okay let's do it you guys hang tight it's about to get messy we'll let that settle for a bit probably get some lunch i don't really want those cows getting in there and pooping on it but they're pile hay in the way oh i hope i don't get pneumonia i just like to put it in the right hole on the first try every time up or down this gate's been open an hour about time to shut it thank you for staying in i feel like we're just running today or amount of shape that's probably it it's a little bit spilled corn there it is going to dump that then we're going to head to town get some lunch man i i'm just a fan of lunch i had a cheeseburger and a chicken sandwich so that was pretty awesome someone mentioned a while back you guys stop for lunch a lot yeah every day every day there's lunch time and i ain't missing it believe me we don't have too much left going on dead shutting some waters off that are getting full and you and i we're gonna hop in this skid loader here spread out some of this bedding that's quite the pile of stuff nice i think that's plenty plenty of bedding so about half that will go in the big loafing area the other half will be spread out basically throughout here pretty simple just spread it i don't know spread your business as they say and super bad you ever seen that movie it's a good movie [Music] [Music] so dang dusty [Music] that stuff is horribly dusty it looks like they pushed into the building in the back nice did you spread it out for me play time's over get out of here hey go dang kids it's gonna get dusty all right bring on the calves yeah maybe in a couple weeks i'm not ready yet i can definitely say the soybean stubble is easier to spread around you know in like smaller pieces i think that's the thing and then anywhere you see a clump as much of that millet that's just all stuck together when the cows get in here they will spread it out themselves not on purpose not like they want to help us definitely dust in here but once they get in here peeing pee on it a little bit just that dust is going to settle anyway it'll be just fine in here looks like dad was hanging out with his friends that was some dusty crap man i could taste it in the skid loader i don't feel like i did the best job but it was the first time this year and that millet just piles up it don't spread good cows to level it up what the heck someone tipped it over and ate the mice in it weird wasn't me that's all i know i hope you guys are excited for calving season because i know i am i don't know about dad he's probably done one or two calving seasons so getting a little sick of it but nonetheless we're close everything's home we have some fun stuff coming for 2021 so i hope you stay tuned hit the subscribe button if you're new here and we hope to see you next time have a good one
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 189,855
Rating: 4.9768586 out of 5
Keywords: calves, calving season, farm, ranch, building, barn, shed, bedding, machines, john deere, sonne farms, south dakota
Id: o2bVf8YDrsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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