Laying Down Multiple Cornstalk Bales at Once!

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what's up looks like you got the little snack baggie yeah i got about six ounces of treats here that sounds nice it'll be gone before i get the field hey cole we're gonna bail corn stocks today okay and the purpose of these corn stalks is one bedding but two since we're short of grass hay this year bales we can grind them with our alfalfa what was i doing i don't know yeah you think we got all the angles today and it's going to be annoying whoa what's with all that i sprayed him last night jesus there's a lot of flies in here so i screwed you gassed them yeah so anyway uh they'll corn stock so if the snow comes early and we have to start eating cows earlier we'll have some supplemental feed to go with what we raised i just don't want to not do it and then wish i had here we go [Music] there's some heat today somebody hooked my rake up wrong but i guess at least somebody hooked it up for me the stock seemed crisp and brittle so that's a good thing for what we're trying to do [Music] so when we do corn stalks when you let them out of the bale chamber they have a tendency to really expand and put a lot of pressure on the net wrap we jumped the amount of net wrap i'm going to go with 3.2 wraps of matte around each bale i'm at about 2.4 on hay and alfalfa 2426 kind of depending on conditions cole's raking with the with the ray cub now he's going to put it down because i told him not he didn't have to do the intros so i guess he took me pretty seriously there [Music] you know it's not an exact science by any means and we don't necessarily have to get all of it anything we leave you know it just goes back into the soil it's gonna just ensure that we've got bedding if it gets real wet in the spring bedding for our buildings when they're calving inside and also we can uh grind them with our alfalfa and grass and stretch our short hay crop make it last further we got dust i'm gonna say that's a good sign meaning stuff's dry back there we don't we don't want to make some wet corn stock bales there they are so we can really pump these bales out in corn stocks there's a lot of stuff we're making a big windrow back there if dad didn't mention it he wants to make 180 bales out here which might be the whole dang field we did make a few last year i think about 80 and we used quite a few of them got some left over we're making so many this year because it's been a dry year and we're a little bit lower on feed than we would be in a normal precipitation year i know a couple years ago we had a dry year had actually made and fed over 500 corn stock bales which that is quite a few bales especially for our operation they don't have very great nutritional value they help you get through a long winter i'm sure we'll get some questions why didn't you just chop it for silage if you're going to put it in a bale that's not the point of this this stuff is going to be for bedding a lot and also if we have a long winter we'll grind these bales put them in the feed we also don't need that much silage we have the acres that we want set aside for silage already half of its cut and so we just don't need all that silage but you do need dry roughage in your ration for our program we don't need to cut everything for silage we do wet corn and we do silage separately in those wet corn videos people were asking why didn't you just chop it all we don't need that much silage and just by feeding silage we wouldn't get the amount of corn in that ration that we need so we need to do a little bit of everything if you look at a dairy ration a lot of times they have four or five six ingredients to get everything they want it can't just all be silage i got a feeling dad's telling some weird stories with that camera you know occasionally somebody will ask me a question it kind of makes me think a little bit and the other day somebody asked does anything scare you brian and i want to tell you that one of the most frightening things that i've ever had to experience was chaperoning a high school dance i didn't know what to expect i really didn't think about it i figured it'd be no big deal but it was after the homecoming football game and there was uh us and about three other couples and we're supposed to shop around this this high school dance the music starts and like 75 80 percent of the kids all go out there at one time in this tight group and they start grinding on each other and i'm freaking out i'm like what the heck is going on here because and i went and talked to one of the other parents i'm like hey uh is that all right and they've got some experience with it they've done lots of them before they're like yeah that's that's the way kids dance nowadays and stuff like thinking well it looks to me like somebody could actually get pregnant in the middle of that mosh pit when they're grinding on each other i mean to tell you there's stuff going on in there i have no idea what's going on inside there and then there was this couple just minding their own business dancing you know and they're kind of rubbing up on each other and this dude just out of the blue walks up behind the girl and she didn't even blink an eye i was like what in the world's going on here i didn't know what to say i tell you what i didn't like that at all i can handle a lot of stuff out here on the farm but when i'm in charge of my friends daughters and sons and they're rubbing on each other in public that's not normal and i don't want nothing to do with it again ever and uh my grandson my granddaughter don't do it don't do it i'll drag you off the floor that's all i gotta say about that and i can tell you one more thing i love eric church and his music but you can't take a mosh pit and grinding and stick that in the country song that don't fit no country song don't you be sticking that no country song so i told you why we're doing the corn stacks but there's some downfalls to the corn stacks one big thing is it's really hard on equipment you know you got these big stacks and they're still rooted in the ground so that's hard on these rigs for sure then brake teeth just scraping against something that's stuck in the ground not very good for it and then those stocks getting in that baler it's hard on the pickup tines and those thick strong carbon filled stocks up against the baler belts poking into the baler belts is also not good but having these corn stalks around is very crucial for the health and safety of our calves when they're being bored and born in tough conditions wet cold the other thing is there's a lot of nutrients in that in that stove or that we're bailing up and taking off the field so it's nice when you can put it back in the form of manure or you probably want to fertilize a little heavier you can see how decent it picks up all that stover but these are still standing imagine that rake and those rake teeth coming through and hitting that hard thing and at the end it's still standing upright look at this bale they're kind of light you can play with them a little we do put extra wraps on here because you know that alfalfa and that grass kind of intertwines into the other blades of grass and such making it stay together but these are always loose you know you can pull them out real easy so you put more wraps more plastic on them to hold them together speaking of questions i was at a birthing class with my wife one time that's when our before our first child was born you know robbie somebody raised their hand and had a question in class and the question was do the forceps hook the blame i'm kind of a jerk but i had to do everything i could to keep from busting out laughing and i so wanted to say well i kind of feel like in your case it did sorry [Music] [Applause] this will be the last time this year and i guess i don't know if ever or not now we'll be using that a520r plus two accumulator from john deere gonna make it a lot easier picking these bales up getting them in rows that's for sure save a lot of time i guess after today dad will start making the decision if he wants to keep it i can't say one thing it is already attached to the back there so we'll just have to see if he thinks we can justify it purchasing that for our farm that's a big old badger hole with all the bales dad's dumping you can see i'm gonna get way ahead of him and i don't think we're gonna have to do this whole 80. he's probably already got 40 bales made 50 and i think he's making about 11 bales around up and back so i'm just doing a little tally so i can get my number of passes right so i can you know don't have to wait here and see how many he gets and then make a couple more rounds these are getting a little spread out so many bales raisins raisins aren't you happy that you got a great song that sweeps and sucks the dirt off the floor i don't see i don't see the other ones i don't see the other brothers doing that jacob did that i hope it reflects in in the will no it won't but comments like that have a negative effect dang it this generation they just want handouts i want us to keel over already so they don't have to work no more wrong with you it would make a difference what am i gonna if i'm not working what am i gonna do right i can't sit around without knees or start tonight well that's the whole point though dad you worked your tail off so your kids have a better life than you got it's not fairness it's the fruits of your labor i found a financial statement from 1982 one thing it was worth seven thousand eight hundred dollars that's like graduated it's it's been downhill ever since okay i've told you about market fluctuations haven't i yeah let's not go there boy the other day when i picked up that closing wheel off the planet around that mean field it was old it was all faded out i picked it up and i started carrying it and all of a sudden that might start coming out of the inside of that thing boiling out of it yeah i was watching you from a distance i saw you pick it up and drop it like it was hot i was like oh i must have fell off the header or something where you had issues and it was hot yeah i burned my fingers yeah and then the rest of that field i saw mice running everywhere there had to have been a dozen in there really they're they're everywhere i killed one the chicken hawks were having a heyday oh i can see them around there after that man if i would have put that in my combine cap or in your track and then they come out of there we'd add mice problems like no other perfect it sure makes a lot of dust [Music] okay looks like dad ran out of net wrap he went like this i guess he's got it this is past 22 planning on doing 11 more about two thirds done [Music] [Laughter] [Music] last pass we made it almost three-quarters of the way down the field maybe closer to three-fifths that's going to be a lot of bales [Music] that was graceful [Music] so he'll have about 40 more minutes of bailing we'll head home both my brothers and their baby baby children small children are there we're gonna eat some chicken on the grill yesterday dad finished 80 of soybeans him and jeff did and the day before we finished a quarter so we have about 400 acres of soybeans out already and we have i think a little more than 400 i think we have over 400 acres of corn out already as well all of a sudden my window started getting wet i'm going to show you what happened here the bottom of that fuel filter burst open and spraying fuel i don't think we have one if we don't cole can pick it up when he goes to therapy tomorrow he's got to come get me either way so he's bringing a filter back if he finds one in a wrench or he's just going to pick me up the nice thing is when it's not running it's not leaking i guess the butt end of a fuel filter blew out on the track we got two more miles to home and then i'll see if we have one otherwise i'm gonna have to get one when i go to therapy tomorrow and we'll have to finish bailing that tomorrow just split open right on the bottom here crazy if you do stuff long enough you see it all so anyway here i sit my grandkids are at my house i got three rounds left before supper i was trying to get finished and then go home and hang out with them but one way or another we're gonna get there is that the one fuel filter filters the fuel filters of fuel for cousco what the heck i don't know if that's the one dude can you open that we're looking for an re five three three nine one zero this is a dz part number okay so that's not it easy um what tractor is it it's the 8235 re5 three three re-five two ain't got one you break stuff well that's a bummer i guess today is not the last day that we're running the baler hopefully tomorrow i'll have to run down and get a new filter [Music] [Music] a little chunky in there that's gonna be a day tomorrow i'll have to run and get parts so tomorrow we're gonna be either doing soybeans doing some drilling doing some bailing or a combination of all three it's gonna be a busy video so we'd like to see you next time thanks for watching have a good one there's one good thing about this filter since we just that's our most recent tractor purchase we didn't put that filter on last meaning that filter is not going to be brian tate yeah it must be dead tight head float
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 145,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, precision ag, calving, baby, manure, hauling cor, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, cow
Id: _bFQ_6qRxTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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