I've Been Wanting This In The Barn!

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good morning [Music] dad's working on getting the livestock trailer backed out we just drove through the cabin pasture checking on the cows there were no new calves last night yesterday we had three you can just leave that it's all right but last night we didn't have any so we're uh just working on cleaning the building today and plus once again it's gonna be nice out yesterday we had the pressure washer out cleaned out the livestock trailer washed a pickup or two and today plan on getting a couple more pieces of equipment cleaned up seriously you don't got to eat that ain't worth it we're getting some wi-fi we're getting some internet in the shed today santel our local service provider is coming out they're going to wire that put a paddle on the house put a paddle on the shed beam it over beam me up scotty and so i'm excited about that pickup looks and span looks real nice also yesterday we moved some corn there's some holes in our dump truck and so i used some spray foam i got some of that on my hand and it's like stuck there and it just doesn't come off and also it does stay on there use gloves and don't get it on your skin but i guess i i guess i messed up on that part and you got two feet hope a little bit more hope that'll do what's with this doorknob thing don't pop back out i think you gotta hit it with a pliers i tried that why is everything falling apart i've done all i can do dad with this frost and fog everything's a little moist oh he's moist moist like that word no i hate that word i'm indifferent about the word moist then why is it a thing i don't know what you're talking about just like i say moist a lot i don't understand just any other word that we use on a daily basis [Music] whoa buddy i was pushing one up in there and the one in front of it was like hey i'm gonna chuck a foot back and it hit the other one in the face poor thing [Music] everyone's paired up nice dang it we got a pressure walker son of a gun it's filthy i guess we're gonna skip feeding and do that though so prioritize if you turn if you turn around your mouth is right there yeah there you go it's raining ellie quit digging in there it's gross once again you know the building is not terrible we actually had one pen fresh ready to go but we're just getting so low on heifers that are close up to cab we have four heifers back here and that one has one as a calf we'll probably get the heifers behind the barn up again sort them up see if anybody's bagging other than that i'm gonna start scraping this up you know the drill and get that hauled away put the manure spreader and spread out in our field ellie's gonna be upset i'm gonna take her snacks away that's a juicy one i bet she would love to pull that into the garage i don't let her kiss me with that mouth yeah there you go city people like that one up close and personal that would be a sequel to the movie despicable me despicable her okay you're despicable poor bobcat got demoted doesn't get to sleep inside the shed at night it's turning the rain in here too look at that [Music] oh i'm not happy about the demotion just remembered you know a couple months back that door's still ain't shutting a couple months back dad bought a self-propelled john deere moco and that thing should be showing up here maybe even next week so you guys are gonna get to see that soon and then not only that since it's currently march a lot of times we start planting in april so field work is about a month away a little more than a month and a half but it's in the next month we'll be in the [Music] fields [Music] [Music] a couple days ago i saw a raccoon laying in the silage on top and i thought i told you it's right it must be dead well this morning i saw it again and then it went like this i guess he's not dead no i guess not but if i see him again he's gonna be okay that's all i gotta say about that i got a pitchfork yeah i don't wanna do that okay i want to get a look at this raccoon i like that scene stuff oh yeah what's up you just chilling [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh you son of a all right back to where he came yeah you know the way that a girl oh that's not the way oh come on oh thank goodness get out of here yeah dang varmint wheelie time if i get a minute we're cleaning this today most traffic i've seen on this road in a while and it's the foggiest day we've [Music] had with all these trucks out here you'd think i'd snapped a fiber optic line in half hope not i hope not too excited for the internet yeah you know looking at these three trucks i'm really glad i didn't try doing it by myself yeah it's a lot easier to just call santel and they do it yeah with every convenience comes the price but i guess you're gonna like it i don't think it'll change my life honey it's life-changing pop it's life-changing where'd my pen go oh there it is because we just got a brand spanking new full cleave bullclave 20 bullclaves has dad calls them i guess and 26 heifer clips all the plays so i guess we will process that shot scour gel tag last night from optimizer yeah yeah he's been getting some orders from uh people watching our videos and he's pretty happy and i don't know he's a nice guy helping him out excited about trying it and thought we'd tell you guys we're trying it we don't know for sure that it works but hopefully at the end of the season we'll be like we have dank no if you if you read the uh testimonials on that website galley there's a guy that says he kept his son-in-law or son calves in a half uh dairy barn and used to have like 60 of them scour and they just ended it so be ready dwight there's going to be a lot more borders so once again for our bulk calves the top is the sire the dad and i was just they're always something cool like this one's titus we've named a couple we got black granite we've had black granite um why isn't there ever one that's just like joel imagine all right coming up next in the ring and hey i want to say something lucas today is march 5th if my dad is still alive it'd be his birthday today so i'm thinking about my dad today he was a good man i had a lot of fun with him he did a lot of field work did a lot of tillage for us even after he retired so love you bob one other thing that you probably don't care about but we got in the mail the other day that santel is up in everybody's base package by like 150 like the speed oh so it's going from 100 megabits to 250 megabits is that for tv or internet internet well that would be i might like that sounds speedy i don't want to wait i mean like i don't know nothing about it but it sounds good okay you know dad if i've learned one thing if i've worn yeah i can't talk if i've learned two things from doing this youtube the first thing is i can't talk good the second thing is i really hate my laugh oh and i gotta listen to it a lot yeah well because brian's so funny says funny dude oh well thank you yeah all right i don't care that your life sucks i'm glad i'm funny okay she's alert always up for a good challenge a little bit oh [Music] if you hold all the stuff i'll go get it i didn't get it no i know you didn't see it but i uh supermanned him you know i did all of it and it looked really cool and uh yeah it was awesome why the camera turned the wrong way or what yeah it was but there they go off into the sunset happy happy happy yeah except now that cap is like a quarter mile from the barn so i sure was a nice beautiful black angus calf ellie how you doing what's up excited for the internet nothing much going on out here we're just gonna let this dry with all that dew and fog it's just taking a while for this to dry up i mean there's a puddle right there so we're gonna let the air blow through here dry it out for a while before we throw the bottom line in looks like they got the first one set up cool so that's just going to shoot it's going to beam over to the shed over there it's like a brand new day out here sun's shining all that fog's out of here it's starting to warm up a little bit i'm pretty stoked i got the other paddle up and so now we got some i was flipping through tick tocks like crazy in here a little bit ago the internet is it's good eventually measured it we got 200 megabits per second in here so yeah it's gonna be good for live streaming excited to do that if something starts cabin and we get a up and a pen in here we can throw a camera on it everybody can enjoy a nice live natural birth new calf being born i don't know i just think that's cool i can't say i've ever had that before ended up stabbing him through the bale i think that's gonna cause some problems but maybe when we chuck it in it will just fall in i guess we'll have to see so dad what are you looking for big old bags she's huge make a few cheeseburgers big sucker so that's about 18 heifers left to calves so [Music] nice you ready yeah okay hey brad good hey i wanted to ask you something i had a old boy from rock valley today pull in and offer me some baked goods and i can't remember the name of them they're kind of uh cookie shaped and they got little caramel over the top caramel and chocolate i didn't see any chocolate maybe i haven't looked at them real close what do you know what they're called stroopwafels well no no wonder i couldn't remember the name of them i can't get my tongue to do that very well my friend oh dude is it hard for a norwegian to say through waffle if you don't have no dutch in you yeah well brad i gotta tell you you're uh you're gonna be famous this week because you're gonna be on sunny farms for the first time ever okay strip waffles [Laughter] all right we'll talk to you later bye so apparently you gotta go stroopwafels that's all i got to say about that hey [Music] [Music] that's a little better i can actually see through that windshield now now if dad would clean the inside it'd be perfect [Music] fancy so i took this plate off oh and there was a thing catching on there oh yeah so then i took it back off because it was still catching i turned it around the wrong way and now it works wow it don't look good but it works so that's all i care about that's kind of like you i don't look good but at work i'm just kidding but you guys you don't want it yeah it made me feel bad so now i'm going to go get a throw waffle i don't know what that is are they soft no um you don't know the dutch trees oh that's a legit waffle it's a throw waffle i've you know like twirl your tongue when you say it i feel like you're saying it wrong drop stroke waffle there's a pee in there that smells kind of gingerbready yeah you share your throw off with somebody and then they drop it on the floor ellie will eat it these things at the dutch at the netherlands reformed fundraiser auction are bringing 140 bucks a package that's 20 bucks a cookie that's excessive no it's given from the heart and not from the billfold sounds to me like the dutch got a little too much money no i gave 525 bucks for a hog the other day benefit awesome but it tastes good i always gotta try some of this strudel waffle hey hey come here see like trip i don't feel like i did much today i'll garnish your wings i i don't know what that word means that means i'll pay you less than i normally would i'll garnish your wages that means i'll i don't like the sound of that hope you guys enjoyed today's video tell the guy you're working for you didn't do diddly if you want to get paid i didn't say i didn't do diddly i said i didn't feel like i did diddly you did less than the normal diddly that you usually did too diddly i don't know yeah well we hope to see you next time hit the subscribe button if you're new here oh wait there's the thumbs up have a good one i put it in my hand but he i just don't have time [Music] so since mom's gone does that mean we're going to buck shots for supper yeah i think it does you're darn great it does darn tootin tootin he said
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 125,760
Rating: 4.9804835 out of 5
Keywords: barn, calving, calf, baby cow, cow, sonne farms, south dakota, midwest, straw, cute calf, bobcat, skid loader, john deere, machines, farming, farm, ranch
Id: PNFQ5x1goUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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