Reading Comprehension Tips

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hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video this video is part of the series of videos I posted try to help people are diagnosed attitude tests like the civil service exam look at life LSAT and all of those things they were going to talk about a topic knife feel requested most requested Nene Amla had cell had nama English topics at Olympia her top no nearly request in your and I avoid talking about this Casey I don't feel a Machado mala he made to longer my impact no mama tips cousin your Paris's new by by popular demand Busan impossible a Tinto hyper Ossipon attending ion and the on topic Nativity is about reading comprehension alright before we dive into the lesson again if you do not get subscribe to this channel don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon Fatima miss I try to make at least one new video lesson every week and you inside a mass minami but I am Otto lumen by sharing it on China than with other people I'm so happy to say for the past year subrin - they know administer no contaminated Ito is just just translating opinion into me getting to help even more people but what I need nonprofit up at him about anagha have not said what some on assignment nila the pad pad pad marianito so I'm really happy about that so again really comradeship of Gustav Manhattan had no more exams actually guide and couple and I had meat meat for Battle of Maiwand and some are feed six right now in my reading comprehension and one of the reasons why people requested get on topic network Pakistan along to roof or is because of time say lagina Busan down on time now here's my first nut tip saying you guys when facing leading comprehension questions and again you can expect analogue in my opinion semana exam the first tip is simple and I even heard me say this again and again read read read read read read read of bussaco okay back here is the Queen D comedic my path I will find it hard to tackle these types of problems bucket I say what is the lack when you combine evening with my sir I'm a bad girl comic Mossad and topic my bagger come back bus Ambu some other small just by reading the article come on please come on muck besides you mean Machado problema and say oh can say you can just scan you you mama words you can scan per sentence you can scan berry line and you would figuring out again again cosine nu ma dawn okay now who need a meeting with beside potential had a pair O'Callahan yamatoot on my healing Mahima healing mud massage now one of the reasons why people hate reading is that Sun I heal and assign new readings or pineal it frees up well he went on the dice que lastima tagliatelle sure right the hot iron acronym a silently Bruna Mary reading comprehension better people they don't read for pleasure they read the bare minimum peril on Pumas are classic Iona attack an underlying characteristic way to man on second and honestly I've had that experience before when I was in high school so literature class Navin we tackled a lot of books though one of the books that we talked about us withering Heights watering Heights is really thick book right so on a get it on no no in a sign you're reading the in Simon in Wuthering Heights Venus a harsh I prayed o manasa phone read even broken up a long time now your leg lagging at also hiking acai hey honey can you leave me wanna no do it off chance that you're watching he may not have been as honorable way or at least me lad see that and your mouth classmates could in no way through your second year high school charter your high school did it'll be NASA so cool lamp I don't know 30 I mean it in a bus and I'm between liberal man McGee exam Nahum an exam that Emilio my penicillin and like so Petula man he cuento so Anna yeah he was in order for me to help my friends out okay but some on the papal denier Graham Koyama as hogwash on Union dammit is again on panic in went off shine a short period but I'm convinced the most concise number your shot no actual in the book election quinceaƱeras patter I hopefully Maha pasta selasa exam now obviously not aluminum and then no no exam you know Lee toric we're done a service angles among section sometimes they call me up we need any added onion omits was a basketball my time today on this generic Iranian analyst convento an opportunity acquaintance only bro param Maha passes in SFA's perihelion elephants in American actors cuz he's gonna nominal quiz debar my high school car now I don't think Eddie Dodd and Gary was shopping opposite is actually that exam that you want Sakina yonder mismo pero you fat personally I had to read the entire book and anaconda basa min at the liquid and Capri Palma tapas Chris a deadline and I mean Vindico enough para me tarakasura Neela you experienced a Anita Matos afternoon that will remain with me for every the held I had to celebrate a inoculator humba sino muhabba monopolistic was supposed Barbossa a la mano hawk-eyed Papa no I'd not want o to say tickets course name it's enough episode in the man Scylla so come down on you Oh golly not in on high school tie or no college tie ok I need an atomic mass as I said it nothing but mu me bill green on burns notes manga no no I honestly I had an attendance at IO na ha otaktay up arrow actually Caillou you McGee in a in a Papas a module I said I'd meet him with my bag I came on Mossad I've had people then I might get into ceramic beside in prayer word The Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother's house so prayer word cinnamon Bashar and honestly comedically Messiah you will switch from from word to from freeze so we say be end by my bus Iraq is something it was aligned phrase and I am in about Simone he need not prevail in even again Ivan Yin on the Navy more so I can do that I can do the scanning cussing at that we put on the bass huh nomicon demeanor the Nimbus I hear so good talk one of the exercises that we did when I was in grade school I remember there's some English classes family SMA reading comprehension exam demand from ADA comprehension books phenomenal an elementary ko one of the things my teacher does is Tina timing and come in so for example two minutes but your article said to me she said against Oracle and your constant pay oh my but not quite known story now if you want to do that then you can do that actually I'm building a speed reading course my own hey Alan indicia a boon for the next exam kya Ilana I think possible thank you thank you so much if I marry and obey dump Amelia ho but I love living in the home behind point of your video in a line you put her in something so in my evening Jessica was of caballo I am okay anyway it's an animal it's never going to be part of your lunch all right so but Claire does Sir Peter who's happened so that's it that's how you practice speed reading when I meet illusion just leave I said the more you read the easier it'll be but on the predicted I would have money in custard in a personal sentence and I think I'm initially on Google a game of vocabulary to to talking so value about allocating reading part now dive tiny small actual in the exam that is I don't know he's up I don't got going in yo now under the McGovern in yours actual exam exam novella got my own final attack is reading comprehension questions okay now here's my advice Cuba for a debauch fat on question-and-answer Cuba for a anomie semi not look at the questions first before looking at the article okay and bagging on see you would find sometimes now you work together or you paragraph nothing on beside your passage missing one page two pages something on but Lola or a pack lower limb alone money I'd if I'd been asking for mark Takano boost not gonna order small well I hop on - Ishida NASA good now Bucky Kuznetsov jest number sign any morning turn on our reason for that is because if I be nothing in turn all right skin and your long showers you don't wanna know something then what's the setna you mind money and belong in a hand up most article okay so for example Anthony who is the product protagonist into the story okay and I'm gonna get my mental note cannot get now ahead of you meter you know how to peel seem in hand up you pipe long story in hand up young lesson or a lesson on story so you up at the baggy in a yarn or me sadly math means that love Veronica bookmark national timonium are in the hand up more so but nothing that I'm above a semi article mention on yamaja Machado Mahalo got parts I see me in a handoff cannot repair acampadasol word search right Jose because I began going on word search for anymore lamp on in Hanuman word Mohammed el-kheir Makaha my yamaha virago canary so research Nagaina phenomenal rates on ahead you know where it - holiday anagram so hand up in me Anna gram the word you can start looking for the lepers a half-eaten a probably check one of the new around a ready button Maha Bua and I guess a human random lung system you'll assign Johanna a new word search had a paneer its antigen right so again Cuba for a look at the questions before looking at the article a sign saying yo hopefully Maha to domine sayin yo now here's my next tip tip number is 3 okay look for synonyms be familiar with synonyms synonyms will really help you a lot bucket sometimes could say you would notice now Sutton on coronary for example a guy Kareena for example panel that along is who is the lead character in the passage each character young Halle guy Papa's pokey skin and you miss mom article banana monocle of Eden I lead our lead character hola Mohalla Dana the lead characters is Raul right the lead character is Sophia well on the holiday in a sentence exactly knock lagina Ganahl para Anna Holloway would be the protagonist of the story okay the hero of the story is which means cos idiom lead character protagonist hero main character all of those mean the same thing Hey so who alum mini synonyms measurement student a two spot Cohen a you Mahina Hannah so for example a guy which which of these things is detrimental to the environment according to the article which of these things is detrimental to the environment nada morinda detrimental which means the Bohemian maganda City deteriorate deteriorate negative thing so Aleman negative thing I need a hand up behind me deteriorate means miss Mona hala guy or detrimental miss miss Mona holiday is a passage but on holiday is one of the most damaging things to the environment is illegal logging canary cannot so our highly damaging weather since the synonyms Shannon detrimental men's Omaha connect motion a gallant so again did the purpose of in familiarity nice vocabulary Kazuko familiarity so vocabulary clemency skimpier and it is can tell you know partner in a passage yellow negative meaning Valley Nilo you bring the damaging so a lot more get my eco connect mortgage at once so look out for synonyms but the thing is so article now number four kana advice would be this okay numbers what kind of advice would be move on okay move on convenient allocation mahana mean windup sorry pickle look at the options now on you must must practicalness ago only you didn't eat not common sense and a cigar we do Canyon along each Indian alone you don't need to continue and then you just move on the same even got that on you see lemma home move on say something home so it's a scam Callaghan didn't he say saying last I got a gondola don't and I get in our boost your waters no say some simply an outsider so home you need to look at my hand up my ass magnet see Bahamas whether you mama suit that I don't guess again okay so again you more tips Co number one before the exam Pamela assembly the bead leave me please game on buzzer coma healing ko Mok beside one of the reasons why my beliefs among bizarre was because I like bringing books see are so shabby that a No but papilla in papal apple-pie unibrow bow a telegram on the lapel oh my in my mama self won't I give up any economic possess a cell phone you can actually do that so young very clear money will be this much buses as he or a champagne he came up any month ago says here in Omaha ten minutes opinions collapse doing so but I need obvious Mashhad on a Sweet Valley High up in Tabasco or in an our name it a bus or highly fought 3 min a basketball I'm not 10 to 15 minutes laughs oh I have mini Billy's and got a degree but Obama's ah alright so again read read read number two not tip again is Cuba for a questions muna before the article are a machete Antonio de koning in hand apply Newton's a passage their number is tina tip would we look out for synonyms okay Andy among has seemed word or face for the same thing because it may not be exactly the word none and on better whom copper a oceanic Simeon you know pin a Clooney in your nama lap it in a limo position to Tom so good and then number four make sure you move on always move on Queen either the Mahina pick up react achill answer you Madeira dictate not common sense in your shade and enjoy and then move on para mas Metallica Yamaha exam honestly when I have first time students human Amazo but abandoned quanti ss-18 and like it's a service on the land first goal in your posted new exam primary goal in your benefit definitely focusing attention in your to is finishing the exam it's going Nemo data tap was that in exam called at a possum on my own additionally and I get back my bank statements Korean cassie again convenient at the top was doing exams and then he added on automatic zero wanna sell high demand you wanna say that so i'm going in you should be speed and accuracy may better primarily actually speed basic Omaha about K and can do to my sister got an internal market on you mama don't know so the delay but that's a chance to kind of gain at that months ago okay now one of the bit of a side note then and I mean accompli in Kazakh and Ibaka time police code omics Aleta savino's honestly the samurai and doing so speed training in you okay let me just a vanilla and sometimes some of you would defend me by saying that Oh make make a trail Allah home button II know my bliss the maxilla dad one of the reasons why I speak fast is because he know how boy don't be because you thought process that would taco I always encounter the same pattern caninus a sicko my B's Cassie shaded image must 'mobile is that what happens in the side because shopping be Napa Valley McCune Hollywood encoding considered in the sentence or into silicon sesame and I move on the Goethe for you maybe green deeper so measurement Billy's home instead is that and the one of the reasons why him because nostalgia Machado beguile a new accessory toss in your is because behind token guy oh and I'm comin I'm sayin yoga be nanananana videos know whom couple makes Rita who iPad and see the Adelie Bahamas modern Italy I'm pumped aluminum yo so India who girl in maxilla tiny come in a more Julian voice Co I try to keep the beat know masam Aviles okay market became a to log and then Pat law is to keep your brain awake cause she kept on a couple occurrences in a sabi ko and I get I read all this you try to process the information faster and it actually helps you when it comes to reading comprehension facefx Anika Yamaha bola mobility Melita pulsonic a moccasin and mabini's but Latinos reading comprehension was my basting you would have the normal process and I'm back on information so if anything that that'd be my excuse for speaking needy fast - you guys stop iconic below - Ameen son weeks away Sabina I'm back at Nobles comics Aleta Michelle Union imagine ruled in power so uncommon coerces my bliss bah humbug Selita or my bag alkaline my Mohini okay so um again don't have a pass of us coma Billy sky your Mohini mama Billy's carry my hunting there must be discovered myself okay so again read read read guys and cayenne so if you have any requests or any comments suggestions can comment down below if you want to reach out to me directly you can go to the BW learn Tom slash team like for a list of the upcoming review events and also if you want to get one of the reviewers that I mean now quick bonus detour I said and this is only for the people who will stay until the end of the video you bought us a personal because I got to get Michel to me directly can across and link video know so at all uniquely announced for a secret last I know if you stayed until the end of the video there is a link at the bottom of the screen so description box on YouTube my link Chan and password to that web link you link the end it will bring you to a free quiz a free exercise my article just made my husband that you can answer if you want access to that and again most of us NXT kayo until the end of the video and okay oh okay I'm password Jan is actually one of my favorite characters Chronicles of Narnia password Jen is asked like Ashland ASL a shame lion shall in no more representation in Jesus Christ they own some Buckner Chronicles of Narnia so you just need to type that password is a link the NASA description box below okay so I would know who next week until the end of the video I say nothing man Union link me and and handupme and password and Max's new feed bits so thank you guys and I'll make more of those in the future but I didn't word came out that or the next thing I'm gonna do lo ICU bar download Lana's clothes I got dinner so from kinloss Nellie I got anything I got bad system Krishna thanks guys for staying until the end guard by saying in the Hat if you want to have these shirts again you can get it from our funders shop the link is also down below the funds that we get from here we will use it for gift-giving giving some kids so December thanks guys and a Josh I never saw any Cayenne I'll see you in my next video and bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 524,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, UPCAT, LET, UPCAT review, LET review, English Grammar, Grammar, Subject-Verb Agreement, TESOL, TOEFL, ESL, Reading Comprehension, Reading, Comprehension
Id: tp5-KdErrFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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