Quotation Punctuation - Sentence Correction - Civil Service Review

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hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video this video is part of the series of videos I post to try to have people out and comes the attitude test it's like the civil service exam okay I feel sad on all of those things they were going to talk about language it's part of our world eventually series every Wednesdays I try to post a new video lesson on grammar vocabulary or anything pertaining to that say LM covering exams okay I know skills when it comes to this now today we're going to talk about the topic now probably indignant and I emphasize when we were younger better luck in the malleus exam learn in this sentence correction so hydaburg examiner al-amin dreaded in a letter in option and no error it's very scary to share it shade that cuz it means an overlook nothing to Mohammed no differences NATO and Kisame a new punctuation marks now today we're going to talk about you compatible punctuate non quotation and very important to us he buddy by young sequence near dependence effect damage and Obama una previewed close quotation comma close quotation question mark quotation quotation question mark Kellenberger the gamut and Alan the experience annual hat now for those who are interested mr. shirt that I'm wearing right now this is partner adding official merged on theme like I you can get this from our fonder shop the link is down below fundraising the end for our project my own Christmas NATO and I can't wait but a pocket I am flattered for that really soon okay so if you are not yet subscribed and well I used on my Miss Amazonas panel lessons don't forget to hit subscribe and hit the bell icon Fatima notify kayo but Marron bag on video okay so thank you guys and in order for me to explain this better and going to switch over to my PC so I can show you how to do it I'll see you in a bit okay let's talk about quotation punctuation so I just call this topic this but along my battery Kalasha and first I want to establish Kentucky importante let me give you a sample question right here so why does this matter to say kumahachi that I gonna go to class in turn on its exam what would you do okay and I want you to answer honestly well you know what I'm gonna say you know say Nabucco know if you look at this question right here obviously sentence correction and this is where you're going to apply a bunch of the grammar opposite I discussed in iguana anything specific about sentence correction we're all of those topics tenses in hominem horrors including it on topic at all would be used here then okay to service a question our services sentence Peppa asked pillar did you steal the cookie from the cookie jar and then you have no error right here now you can just post a comment down below if you're willing to be really honest with me you know better at first glance do you see anything wrong with the sentence now I've already asked a bunch of people dito and I remember distinctly in one of the first review sessions that I had with SSS employees from way back No well op item like naina wahoo yawn Hindi Nakula tawa see not a lot of people knew me anything wrong with this question actually in this group now and when I asked they didn't know so little subtle not actually made a marriage and an erosion is this letter D better even if you ask around writes a random people most people would say I belong male so I just go for no error or did anything Avante and Cisco C is usually a new button in houma homily intents casino obvious 'no lagging me money better in fact time on a maneuver the rest okay Emily it's just a ton d Butthead casita he'll veto and that's exactly why I wanted issue this last one okay all right so let me just give you a couple of sentences and I want you to ask yourself which is right you know in bamas vanilla first you have it right here you can blame this on insta no mix or the second one which is you can blame this on insta naam --ax now just in case in the promotional obvious time difference long line is the quotation marks or the punctuation mark seen on the net listen owner and when I appear you'd see London a quotation marks upon Llewyn on in quotation marks sitting then period so I know long time I'll give you 30 seconds to think about it you [Music] alright so did you answer the first one or the second one now if you answer the first one you're right and if you enter the second one you're actually still right anonymous vanilla the answer is both both of them are correct I'm difference now is that you know said to us that works if you're talking about American English and you Nestle a limb that is correct piloting a British English now you're on I know my own masseuse annoyed now a few weeks and a few days back from when I when I shot this this one one of my mentors who is actually an editorial writer from from GMA she also reminded me of this and song thread name is writers group she mentioned this dialogue Filipino English takes after American English more than the British English actually building similar rules we follow the American English rule enemy semi he none in our case kilogram a telekinetic rule is your American English show miss Abby you know in in your would be the first one Jenna actually first rule in that then first rule in that then is when it comes to periods and commas Priscilla okay where the repeaters or comma the rule is this they always come first periods always come first commas always come first so for example a tongue sentence NATO sorry there are better things to do that engage in what we call pseudo intellectual debate in Alleghany a toñito come on us and am period at NASA and on quotation ojeda Helena and rule netted spirit and commas always come first Munem period Bogomil a lagina close quotation marks okay that is the American English rule so poor anita hanandani TOA may make sure nano name period cases are called close quotation marks okay right so you know susana nothing rule is about semicolons collins and dashes they always come last let me say be here mo um quotation or include Scottish on kisses Anila so in this sentence right here which uses em young - a noir wala detox is the closed quotation and the - analogy not in that pod the held mana and quotation mark after easy we're going to put we're going to close the quotation right here and then do nothing like a young - so who mijita anabolic that the end and Odin - bugling close quotation marks that is wrong incorrect giancana underline Ian's a good Union young error that's a sentence neon face again but semicolons need each other Colin's going to each other dashes that bad last Silla cone period I know nasty lie now holy okay so remember that that is rule number two now pandaman conclude question marks or exclamation points Ateneo special the case okay do phonemic analyze come on in poker game is a sentence at college and opportunity ñ okay let me explain that i'm rule number three is this okay the question mark and the exclamation point come first okay if only the code is a question a really semi he non-nasa lebanon close could not open and close quotation i question a question asha in itself then moana in question mark exclamation point kombucha okay but convened a verdict add let me give you an example Paramus mijita any new indifference okay saboteur Lily asked did you stay up for the fireworks display Anton owned a toe bone part natal okay now my quotation is that a question ask yourself an ambien now on Kieran a teacher would be dead no so anything them I did was who we were who when you Mon Canyon class Sigma sentences to start with that Allah monitor nunca see under new statement did you stay up for the fireworks display that is a question right so from questioning itself you NASA lobna rotation again on rule more now in question mark Bhagu young close quotation so in this case my wooden question mark Bhagu in close quotation Yellen rule okay so no god-given in you ask yourself you NASA log burn on quotes it's an embouchure or shut about your machine easy go they do an exclamation point usually you know in civilian in emphasized Orsini Siegel Pacifica OSHA naina sabe granite exclaimed yes none she she exclaimed that possible yes okay in this case I wanted a new exclamation point con un parque nacional close or open up again and de la langue quotation marks I turn on or the exclamation itself morning in question mark or young exclamation point okay rule number four the question mark and your exclamation point if you non-case nacinda sabe if whether it's a question or an exclamation between posaga or with emphasis you picasa based on sentence relegated mozilla analogy mush see the last or miss Ramona young close quotation mark if you own sentence and question or an exclamation I think the United oblong on parentheses let me give you an example it's really better if you see it there Sam Alito was it better than the mouse house fun house extravaganza okay so obviously now I will add it a young question mark HIO exclamation points an emotional guy and if you notice you clue work net or keyword data which is was the by analogy indicate not an on young fella goes happened it's outside the quotation as a lavash I missed a bit Anton Anton all is not young muscle optimization but you moon sentence new moon sentence something on so the rule number four applies moon adapt at you quotation in this case bago young question mark okay do you understand again yamuna long a question mark community LeBron quotation ethanol ethanol biomass house fine house extravaganza D Anton on the bar in itself it's just a shocking woodsy glossy copyrighted young violin oriental again nicknamed Sonia and on okay Mindy Sitton own ego closed momona young quotation the syllabus monologuing a new question mark so again very subtle difference nominally it Napa Cohiba pero you know no attorney and say some sentence and underline it on part not au automatic wrong to say that but in question Magna syllabus okay now means since I examined in you choose the best sentence at omaha molly need 'nobody Nyonya non-accessible and difference of morning thomas ago at a in Manisa got which is the the best answer don't sell had no options new and okay you really have to know this and that's why I prioritize teaching this alright it's time for your quick quiz on quotation punctuation if at any point you feel is too difficult or in a good one kayo you can go back and watch the video lesson okay so I'm going to give you three minutes for three questions ki much longer in time I need you to analyze and really apply your rules that I explained make sure that you get the correct answer but I'm a Buddhist at Kyoto so practice on double-checking then but the thing is actual exam ok let's start your timer starts now [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] you you [Music] all right number one so a Charlie was there when she asked did you must evolve from monkeys no hey so again Cody I'm on the money bomb parts and sentence when animal Machado pants in pants in a militia and Charlie was there to automatically salon see Charlie so Charlie was there when she asked so she asked me I sound like the nong did you must evolve from monkeys when an emotion o'malley don't however i'm getting you is that if at any point you seen her underlined it on part not osei-san quotation quotation so it's on sentence callahan my red flag nuggets in your pattern winding a thing beebeep senior to see time' by an even what instrument again does it follow the rules okay sappy not in kappa question mark nestle Abbas or know who Lisa quotation ABC bohemian boom sentence Anton all at Indian Massa quotation marks lon but if you notice here if you start with the quotation I submitted humans evolved from monkeys is that a question yes right Cassie marathon did a charted uncle again did you must evolved from monkeys so in that case a tone arrangement that though is actually wrong that but question Mike Winnebago quotation Cassie you Charlie was there when he when she asked that it's just a regular sentence it's not a question on a holiday Percy guro would be one sentence Papa would be did okay was Charlie there when she said humans evolved from monkeys come Ginobili had pneumonia Remo moon entire new Tom on a toe in quotation bogging question mark para darle antinomian n as an opening quotation marks now una de button question mark so if we say me now error due to its natural D so if you chose letter e no error again one point I got Molina pneumonia so be careful all right number two Sabol John is my first love she whispered with the tiniest smile okay so again but at any point you see may not underline a great on part be wary well animal imagine is my first love but I won whispered with the tiniest smile well long money disabled parts before I she'd no error but I can come on at all I have to make sure that I my arrangement again and I thought it's a comma right and we did say the comma has to come first so that patita Johnny's my first love my own adapt a team comma bago young quotation marks and I rule number one right so if we said behind my Molly did on Molly is letter B and I hope you got that right okay number three tire Tommy Omaha baba in sentence Oak Island participants hobby he believes that the best sci-fi series Star Wars he challenged anyone who believed differently so align Amana home a decline woody descendants NATO hey Island yeah I got red flag early before I she'd no error I know income in silico tamahagane about Aragon rotation Marcus as a semicolon and the answer would be yes right rule number two Sabina 10-pack the hit a Hainan semicolon at quotation mark you know at close quotation mark monitor but you close quotation mark plug-in : so in this case time I n so Alanna ho Muharram normally the answer actually is letter e no error hey come on Stella but nobody thought he'd be the he'll see Krista higher or they'll enjoy a new topic mallum onion the new male in Atlanta you don't have shuttle again Americas on no errors and para maintain the any no yes possibly poor no error also got say exam or you know appealing to my male koala okay hey Alan again be careful it's better and actually it's best to double-check okay so again I hope you got all those right if you didn't okay again Valley Canyon de la when I'm a jolly mood onion on quality this Milligan in your para fresh research shows a in your and post in the mannequin and it on sample questions I think page so make sure to follow the Facebook page alright parama mark cockeyed no Morgan I usually post impact lunchtime para que tenga Rico you can answer them during your break okay all right I hope you learned something today if you did click thumbs up make sure that you share this video did your friends and off Maggie salmon select but astronomy padding tae-young motto lumen I'm so happy that this family is growing this community is growing and I'm just really glad now young spirit love I'm learning and helping other people learning and I even need to hide in a three years a nothing don't be that Goa so thank you guys for being part of that again if you have any questions requests or just in your market that you schedule for the upcoming live events or get a copy of the reviewers that I meet you can go to www.facebook.com / team like after that they always go to our website then for worksheets and everything like that [Music]
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 211,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, except, exempt, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, punctuation marks, punctuation, quotation, quotation marks
Id: rqTkt7dnm34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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