Parts of Speech - English Grammar | UPCAT and CSE Review

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what's the difference between a noun and a pronoun a verb and an adverb and adjectives and all of these things parts of speech that's what we're going to talk about today hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video if this is the first video that you're watching from a channel I make educational and multi visual content so if you don't want to miss anything you applause don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell icon like I said in the intro candy now we're going to talk about the parts of speech and it's going to give you a quick rundown give you examples give you a quick quiz at this but as I do love making the halacha and my sagrado friends that you understand nothing discussion now in order for me to explain this better I'm going to switch over to my PC I'll see you in a bit all right so I take discussion at a non the parts of speech when you talk about the eight not lagging in a gamete and whether you're still in school right now or come Caillou I out of school appear trying to take an exam these are things that will be fundamental when it comes to you about sentence construction and even subject verb agreement and other things like that okay so that Anitha is ASA so these are the parts of speech now ADA discussed not in this video first we have the noun the pronoun the adjective verb adverb preposition conjunction and in the inter section actually made a couple of videos now on prepositions and all of those number nine i discuss could not better all of these I will see if you're interested I break down cosine to the types and other examples let me know that also comments about okay now why are these eight important pockets Allah important is a discussion at the end actually these are some of the building blocks long sentences and long language in itself visa behavior when we're trying to construct sentences and I know a lot of you asked for advice Pargo animal essays or pagane papers you but got but go on a paper you have to break it down into parts into paragraphs into outlines if the sentences and into words and all these words or types of language building blocks are used to form you move out or to express you thought nakusoo nothing's happy here so think of it as different Lego pieces that you put together to form sentences now that's right with you I think it's a sum up in Hypertime thing building blocks which is human now and now I named um people places things or ideas it's a Filipino atti talk nothing banging island with two energies a toe you MA Mrs Murphy demean the parts naughty son sentence because the most sentences contain at least one noun llama Pagosa pan Cassini participants in ago Magua I know your action and um he knew her I know you don't wanna be don't and all of these are made up of people places things or ideas okay so a queen demon now known as a sentence pronoun which we'll talk about later examples of this would be our types of this would be common downs in common nouns these are for example girls fruits okay in general a manga nouns proper nouns the man you're a good way to tell would be Cunha capitalize your first letter proper nouns are actual names so for example you have been you have Mary you have created some Pokemon you have Charmander capital see you on the senior Pond Island yeah but specific now it usually goes into the category improperly now you also have correct collective nouns possessive nouns compound nouns and other things like that they're actually rules governing campano motion are going to occupy the Michele Cammisa subject verb agreement I actually covered a bunch of those topics in other videos and if you haven't seen those in Lincoln along the upper right corner if you're watching this on YouTube okay now I'm not again if you look for it in a sentence it has to be a name of a piece of a person place thing or idea and Hindi long shall again as a first partner said as it can be found peppered throughout one said dance now I actually put up a sentence or a couple of said that says to give you an idea of all of these parts have a little wow like I really loves finding cute toys and cool sneakers for her collection so atoms sentence NATO are sentences I got a meeting at them to showcase all of the parts of speech that we're going to discuss today and at UM noun which is your name of people places things or ideas NASA and Bush as a sentence Diane can you spot the amounts Ellen Silla okay now with that time hopefully Nikita in a human announced aberrant I oh we actually have a few number one we have like uh like is a name of a prayer soil okay and this is actually a proper noun as you can see in her capitalizing L so it's a it on appropriate noun and I properly and upon Island and is Santa so that is one now another is this toys toys I now and then it is some bad guy panel and I some bad guy okay he's on Edina bad guy you have toys better impractical in the end would be something secure common on along and Cassio land among capital in DNA matches specific dimension panel and talega so toys now and in yen another thing would be sneakers some sneakers I now and then and a sandbag I did okay and if you know this hindi lang siya again unison similar in a sentence peppered throughout one more would be where in a collection the same collection is also a name of a thing collection more would be secured a homer and correctional seekers or toys is a young bad guy but it going to toss a more gala in this case famous collection ma sa is a group of stakes so maybe it can fall under collective noun and again there are rules governing that so don't Anika had unusually confusion but it is subject verb agreement will break down all of those rules in other videos okay so in this sentence in particular we have for nouns right away like ax which is a proper noun toys sneakers which are common nouns and then you have in collection next we have pronouns I'm pronounced a man okay they take the place of nouns a pronoun would be something like i you we they he she it me us them him her this those or other things like that I actually have a video on this that these and these those are that series a link with the London opera Queen in Japan you know I'm up against Angela better hey I can take the place of nouns could say instead of you saying the name you will use a pronoun instead for example if I say like likes clothes cannula instead of saying like collects clothes like a likes sneakers - I can just say that like a likes clothes she likes sneakers - so it's a bit about the the styling then black bureaucracy I make a single laghima cigar committing a proper noun major you targeting Barack type non-language gonna do nothing yeah so usually I'm get a gamete that engine would be the first sentence we use the proper noun and then you Mar consecutive number sentence says about that same person we usually use a pronoun hey and we only use the proper noun again Kumaran distinction Sahiban characters my purpose of madhan's gentleman paragraph or narrative okay so I take my pronouns that in padishah Betty Shauna's the first person or NASA third-person wedding song la Ola or Maura Meehan and all of these rules we'll talk about in future videos as well so again this is Edna sudden Wow like I really loves finding cute toys and cool stickers for her collection under you pronouns John alright so there is a pronoun there at Union Whitner her now why does it matter that we use the word her instead of like I said khumba beside motto and it takes the place now numbered the like us go in like a say and that would be like I really loves finding cute toys and cool sneakers for like us collection of polygons consider women like a similar this is a Remo polishes a second partner sentence so instead of saying like us with an apostrophe s because a possessive char I'm a subliminal on would be her for her collection okay so it's a possessive pronoun para nada next item is human adjective another adjective an adjective describes modifies or gives more information about a noun or a pronoun so regulations are more information it describes it basically in a narnia Romanian and definition we began yanaka doctors the civilian-owned classy eat or be beaten up a cocktail and laniel noun or pronoun so it's basically adding layers to that so you don't just say ah young child you're now we're going to say something like adds that small child that tall girl these are words that describe something or someone and it's a sentence I own okay examples would be big happy young fun or small so that small house that those big shoes these are usually paired with the noun or pronoun they've got the lassen mikata beetle again for example you just have a sentence Wow like I really loves finding cute toys and cool sneakers for her collection and I said ah adjectives Jen now feed on you know bar okay now again cut the last thing I had the kitchen's a noun so I live in a video now Nathan we have like a toy sneakers and collection and my whole reason I had to get Jen that describe them we have first the word cute and young cute young toys now I'm testing your to know if my adjectives a sentence would be to ask see the room cute okay and I young cute you're cute is definition Shannon word na toy so connected champion cute I own toys another adjective would be in cool could say other young cool I'm cool young sweaters so these are really that cute defiance toy school defines sneakers okay so you adjective is something that describes next is your verb I'm verb is what we call the action word because it shows actions or states of being a bee Sammy here sedessa be Nevada Ninagawa come on adjectives I more like definition come inertia I'm verb by anong ginagawa Nia okay I know you can young holla guy an or state of being for example we have go speak run eat play at young c'mon that is app are again are iterating down is is used for singular at an irregular garage for plural yet the human are verbs nightmare entire but I mean types young young verbs maraming my Maha linking verb tayo and everything like that again if you want me to discuss that just comment in the comment box below no pero deters assented state those happy well like a really loves finding cute toys and cool sneakers for collection that's an Amana burrito and Alma verb okay and I get I in the back first we have loves no see I'm loves is something that shows action minima Helena or my healing like I really loves so come mahalia or some bad guy action your name and you see this in quote summer t-shirts and some wallpapers tomato know then that love is a verb no it's not just a noun it's not just a feeling it's a very immediate takes action noon you only miss I mean II Tom loves NATO okay so it's not thick it's not talking about love as in the feeling it's talking about loves or love a we say be in the action no action upon mama hell so loves is a verb another thing is you finding Casey I'm finding it's looking for searching the process okay the action of looking for something so we can consider loves as a verb finding as a verb then like a saving you conn-young yanagawa so anything that expresses action would be your verb okay now I'm gonna when you add verb an adverb like disappearing you'll allow an adverb but on you relationship them down at pronoun an pronoun takes the place of the noun an adverb nah man it actually a pariah - ah it's an adjective for a verb or another adjectives or other adverbs because I mean it didn't describe me apparmor si Han clase for example we have slowly quietly very always never well these are some examples of words that describe something again Ogawa for example slowly walking quietly talking goodbye all of these you know slowly now you're slowly walking yes I mean he'll inshallah had a no upamana and Nathanial aha did they describe yahaan classing Lacan you mean Ogawa okay so for example it is a sentence they at all we have the word really cuz I know classy love I know intensity I know classic pug mama he'll come lady loves it because I'm English I own cash while pug mama has a more intense than that so a clue when it comes to adverbs would be the Li you will see the but slowly quietly crediting I know loudly okay and you Mon Alina Anna words are usually adverbs Kumaran come forward director generally usually in your adverb the forum yeah but ideally then come to talk I see it's real and then Li so I'm saying it expresses now hindi lang you Lavinia Hindi loves him play Khan the most intense because hey it's really loves okay you use this in sentences to express a higher form na emotion or to be more specific so classy and Gaga nappin okay so you have to use this with intent all the time and we'll cover that see good was a the next video snotted on constructing sentences in the law next is the preposition and again prepositions are very tricky for Filipinos casual attire my prepositions in our own language I actually have a series of videos on prepositions prepositions of time positions of place prepositions of transportation if you haven't seen those videos yet in Lakota and in cetas now prepositions again with the word position it shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another part of the sentence so preposition basically it shows the position it shows the relationship I know but in reference to another thing okay I know long relationship nila syllabi marketable syllabi uma Kazama syllabi Palace I said si these things are short by M preposition again a Gambian nobody by um by 2 from about all of these if I ever see that on purpose so examples not an add-on ain't even a hormone from with near between about and under and prepositions are not just about physical positions hi president Zhang about relationships ok or about things or experiences because suppose I mean we went through a huge problem or we went through a very painful break up on a very bad breakup or something like that you moon ion is not physical better it shows Numair own experience and you went by saying that you're going through something miksa bien it became a process now Olympus and Mona in the same way now a thread goes through a needle I promise o at Loomis what then sir I belong in ok so again there are new ones as for this I will try my best to make more videos on prepositions especially your verbal in preposition phrases and those will be coming soon Allah okay so this is a sentence at in a while like I really loves finding cute toys and cool sneakers for her collection Anna preposition attend Ito a preposition attend would be young for the say I don't see this IB do you know kiddo connect not any relationship no cute toys and cool sneakers Suhani on collection so you can young toys that include sneakers ipara or participles Netanya collection so it shows you relationship not so these are things I get in order to include a collection Coney Island okay so Union pin AHA valued on preposition next we have you a together an injunction conjunction a man is something that joins two or more words ideas faces and clauses together so instead of just saying one thing for every sentence when you come back the double conjunction pad approximation as a sound sentence for example you have the words and or but because so yet unless since and if and then in this sentence we have the word and so like our TV loves finding cute toys and cool stickers for her collection now back editorial tagging a conjunction Casa by joining you toys and cool sneakers as a sentence hindi mona Cheryl Aaron's happy him twice se Co nd Mozilla Picasa Mahan a felon was a vision would be something like this Wow like I really loves finding cute toys for her collection and then another sentence like I really loves finding cool sneakers for her collection so twice as a bien pero de he'll go vomit Channahon Junction you don't tell a bong Lavinia paid him Olympics a mind's eye song sentence so like I really love finding cute toys and cool sneakers for her collection so Union value non conjunction you can put two things together now again should have some form of relationship if you use the word and a big city in potato Silla was everyone bought a big Sabine exceptions but should I be moon or we simply period is a Candela again if I buy an on purpose and you have to know that the difference between them okay next we have the intersection which is going to be the last details are adding eight personal speech an interjection again think of the word in or inter in or in Turkish a internal interest inside that's a lobe so but assuming it's a so interject when I injection the Ibaka to look they know injection be seen at Paso car assuming it cap it's something Manila lagrimas a son sentence that expresses a strong feeling or emotion so something like wow Bravo ouch oh hey all of these are interjections kassay when under one shot elegans the emotional swab not stand alone as a sentence by itself but it expresses some strong emotion and Perry Moshe is seeing it Don's sentence paddle on began Shanna must machine hang them damn in or emotion or so for example Italian Wow like I really love finding cute boys and cool sneakers for her collection cuz it goes in a beam along the like I really loves finding cute toys at school secrets for a collection that's just a statement better by including Wow Wow if exhibition become an amazing probably UNIX s Aleta aya Korean majimak dinner awesome toys and sneakers so Union agin purpose near the statement now becomes more powerful more more strong and more emotional you noon the Heylin okay now we're going to have a quick quiz you quickly is nothing and I sharp it on parts of speech and Gagarina dito is basically to mark your parts now sentence now baby giggles a no I leaned on and now that in a pronoun and long interjection construction and all of those things I'm going to give you three minutes for this but I'm a Spartan Bharati says AHA Neela and then at the end because happen attend alright so if you're ready with your pen and paper your timer starts now you you [Music] alright let's see how you did so yeah I think sentenza Bay Oh ash confidently called his Pikachu to face the stubborn meows and Wobbuffet okay so you're my Pokemon go kids gel at my 90's original Pokemon babies shout out sayin young lahat harden I he digs a Pokemon ever since I was a kid no so sabio ash confidently called his Pikachu to face the stubborn me out and the Wobbuffet so she could last I get nasty and on battle a team commentator not exactly Tasha so I had not been acting immunity on now and even out again need a person place so or staying or event I know you and MA and ito we have first you know ash next is Pikachu we also have meows and Wobbuffet so all of them these are all announced these are names of see ash now see pikachu meowth and Wobbuffet our Pokemon another in pronoun my brother on the tie DITA is there something that takes you placed a nice angle noun yes we have hiss kassay you his buddy must be in the Ash's Pikachu ash apostrophe s pero da Haley not a youngin ahmud his takes the place of that word so young his nothing is a pronoun okay adjectives anything that describes something okay I'm this can only be described John we have the word stubborn I'm stubborn or matazano Latino young stubborn I'm stubborn is your meows at you Wobbuffet so do they describe me on down again yeah and I adjective verb Nam entire verb is an action word a new action gen action gen would be we have the call go sit in a bug unpacked a bug is an action and you face can also be a verb to say I think I workshop para had a pin on pangarap nyan I also an action on so face and then we have the word confidently as the adverb Casino classy impact Awad Nia and pock tobogganing I confidently so confidently called this we're in a confident lead it describes him with Nicole okay it doesn't describe ash it describes your pocket ogni ash Suhani on Pikachu okay prepositional Manhattan is you were not to know hey cuz hey Bill British a on the lava looking down on that bucket getting out your Pikachu yak Italian Pikachu yet to face the stubborn meows and Wobbuffet okay so they decide when you're under young relationship no Punk hair up at phnom penh tawa next we have the conjunction conjunction at and here is the word and subdued due to net anemia and wobbuffet k separate Hanuman Singh I had a pain me Pikachu okay conjunction at then would be end now interjection an interjection at the man that he had happened with the fine young exclamation point O because young Oh again doesn't hold a lot of meaning to itself that all used like this it's an emotion but on a good at you know spectator Oh ash confidently called speaker to face the stubborn me out and Wobbuffet so those are the parts that we have now there is this word right here though no Allah underlined and oh by N and I thought nothing article I actually have a video on the articles a and Enza and how to use them if you haven't seen that yet it will link all that and into that so you can catch up okay so fully you got the same answers and again this is just a bit of an intro I'll be breaking down all of those nah man in videos coming soon so don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell okay now if you didn't score a perfect score dance I think quick quiz that's okay I'll be posting more questions on my Instagram account so do follow me at like a Mario video for more updates and part of this attic story featuring a quiz where you can participate and answer along with every team like a member all over the world all right that's a great way for me to no kanata to Tokyo and for you them to know go animal topics and Amina at Conan topics on silent panic wanting help alright alright hope you're something today if you did click thumbs up make sure that you share this video to your friends and not my gig exam vasila nothing was for every time aluminum and Islamic exam fear they are trying to learn language this may be really helpful Ahana then so feel free to do that and if you want to reach out to me directly you get the reviewers I mean showing the online or light of the events you can go to the V / team like a for more information and you can reach out to me directly dawn or comments about how mattify my requests now who's on your back was hopin at then sue sue note if you haven't subscribed yet don't forget to subscribe and hit that well buy anything you want miss you more but I think below my videos there are more lessons coming up and sign oh no he thought okay the honest well you see he doesn't even ever stop learning Nadja kya and i'll see you next video and bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 338,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, except, exempt, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, parts of speech, noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, forming a sentence, sentence construction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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