How to Construct Simple Sentences | CSE and UPCAT Review

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one thing that you guys keep requesting that i make is a video on how to construct sentences that made me think that you guys really need it and that's what we're going to talk about [Music] today [Music] hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video if this is the first video that you're watching for my channel i make educational motivational content so if you don't want to miss any of my new uploads don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell icon by my notification content now why do we need to talk about constructing sentences it actually makes sense because if you don't know how to construct simple sentences you will find it harder to make up entire paragraphs or entire papers you will still need to construct sentences whether verbal english or written and there are certain rules governing that and there are certain tips that by declaring in order for me to explain that better i'm going to switch over to my pc i'll see you in a bit okay to you adding lecture on constructing sentences specifically simple sentences language okay so that i could keep this as simple as possible again knowing that there are a lot of rules in the imaging comprehensive [Music] and how how much you love reading and getting exposed cyberbunk words and idioms will broaden when you're constructing sentences think of each word as a lego piece and the more pieces you have variety in the project some of the people who are messaging me and writing comments asking uh uh first step comprehensive advanced uh we have to respect each other when it comes to the language okay but we're going to target those who are just starting out or are revisiting jung processo okay so be kind comments okay now sentence structures though we were taught to school at least from what i remember and looking back at the young pinaka pandering growing up we have the simple sentences which is basically to make a sentence a sentence we have compound sentences so multiple components complex sentences and then complicado would be compound complex sentences we're going to start with simple sentences in the same way now when you're learning how to draw we're going to start with lines first and basic shapes are shading that's hollering at salah okay now anub structure now simple sentences component is the subject verb a simple sentence we have the subject [Music] verb would be if you can form simple sentences that can be enough to go by kung simpling so for those of you who are working abroad who are married to someone uh english and first language at the very least they have this good national start for communication and then you can start adding nalang sakhani okay now let's take this now uh common questions so process and unpack formula sentence and again disclaimer the more you practice the easier it will be like this and it took me months honestly to think of a way to teach this this way is uh no procedure people who are starting from scratch okay now first question would be what do you want to say when did it happen we'll talk more about that later and then how do you want to say it how detailed start with this again what do you want to say let's take this as an example okay now if i'm going to form a sentence based on what i see we will start with the subject first subject answers the question we're going to start with that muna the next question would be an action now your action is throw okay that's a good way to start okay now again americano or britain next question is when did it happen okay now again we have a series now on tenses i tried my best to keep things as simple as possible then if you haven't seen that idi lincoln so you click your i button if you're watching this on youtube and again this is because i am the writer constructing the sentence some people in contents would be simple okay so i can change throw into through boy through ball so if you have this at the very least in the past [Music] hey that boy is throwing a ball at you again did you see uh who threw that ball through the window or you could say the boy through ball okay okay now again right we're going to make adjustments again improving the sentence and in many ways languages like that put together in words better the more they use it the more fluent they get in flow non-language is to complete it with articles and obey articles if you're watching this on youtube okay now we will start with the boy right here now back it cause articles the boy threw a ball okay [Music] okay so again depending on depending on sentence threw a ball now if i put a period right here okay but okay how do you want to say it now here's something that you could do young boy so we could say the happy boy through again how do you want to say it how detailed do you want it to be okay now another thing that you could add would be you prepositional phrases not danima in the room in a white shirt to the north whatever you want to add but again to clarify or to add the unsatting sentence so i could say the happy boy threw a ball to the right okay again choice i was i the sentence becomes the happy boy threw a ball to the right again it's much better and more more detailed than the initial sentence we formed which is the boy through a ball again one subject one action and one object must improve using it now just a quick little rule then adjectives they always come before the noun okay um adjectives have to come before the noun so if you notice you're happy boy okay just another quick little note right there purpose now sentence correction because it's a different animal altogether but again i have discussions on subject verb agreement on how to spot common errors honestly when it comes to writing sentences it's a it's a combo nang writing editing at the same time so a lot of you also ask me company what you have to understand is that when it comes to speaking in english that long layers so writing you have writing and editing on paper you have to write the sentence edit it at the same time and then speak it back layers if you write well in english you can speak well in [Music] and about adverb adjectives okay so you can watch that later or so and then come back for our exercise okay now again mas maganda if you have the fundamentals solid before you even try that again lego pieces so would be this you have to write simple sentences describing the photo or the painting the artwork that i am going to show you okay verb and direct object okay now you can make your sentences as colorful as possible if you want uh or as simple as possible again it's all about training the mind to think in sentences okay now i'm pressing continuous tense again quick little uh review or present progressive tents in this tense formula it would be is r and so again um gold nut in here would be basic subject verb agreement and then just picking out konima verbs the boy is sitting on a chair sentences so the boy is sitting on a chair would be your prepositional phrase or the sad boy parametering adjective it's all about you choosing a sentence okay so again exercise would be this it's going to be different than my usual exercises fill in the blanks or multiple choices exercise nothing exercise and exercise would be i will give you a painting that is and then we will help each other correct each other the onset comment section okay so um and again be gracious be kind to those who are um starting out palang or na mejo may challenges sentences all right okay so again recap on the instructions all you need to do is to write five sentences okay five simple sentences in the present continuous stance suggest okay so if you're ready i'll show you the picture now do do [Music] do [Music] do okay so i chose that painting particularly because elements when i'm in characters painting again you can be as detailed as possible as simple as possible write it in the comments if you could then uh sentences let them know then those adjectives basic colors position anything you can also be creative imagine them in each of the or anything you can go as complicated as possible crowdsourcing who will see your work okay i'll try to get my friends then uh to participate in my extra time suggestions okay sentences on my social media account so if you don't follow me yet follow me at like a memorabilia and a team like on instagram for the quick quiz functions instagram stories i'll be posting more questions though and then and of course uh if you are on tech talking can follow me on my tech talk accounts at team leica for the english and math video lessons and at like i'm really here for the motivational content that human advice videos that then okay i'll see you guys online all right hopefully there's something today if you did click thumbs up make sure that you share this video with your friends and normally exams especially for those of you who are taking ielts or exams to my essays this could be very helpful for you and for your friends as well so if you want to reach out to me directly then maybe find out how to get the viewers that i made or join in the online or live review events you can go to teamlighter for more information if you haven't subscribed yet don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell icon but i mean upcoming uploads there are more coming up and as we always hate it is a team never stop learning and and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 235,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, IELTS, Homophone, Homophones, LAE, PHILSAT, English Grammar, sentence construction, constructing sentences, writing sentences
Id: gKGpjcPjS18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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