Had Been, Has Been, or Have Been? - English Grammar - CSE & UPCAT Review

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[Music] hi there thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video this video is part of the series of videos I posted trying to help people out reconstitute tests like the civil service exam or cat life LSAT and all of those things today is part of our when you add these series technically Wednesday night on arrow be so frickin Sigma on unless an falsa in your party have work you see what I'm saying among examiner on Sunday and this is one of your most requested videos when it comes to language the indifference none has been half of inch I had been now I just want to clarify really quickly before I dive into this that this will be a really basic lesson so if you say yeah this is how my mom will have been would have been mugging on we're going to stick to the basics so you long straightforward now has been had been actually have been and in order for me to discuss that better I'm going to switch over to me easy so I can show you how to do it I'll see you in a bit alright so we're going to talk about the difference between had been has been and have been at the young perfect progressive and an says no III present progressive or past progressive mérimée bungbung outliers the rules could not a regarding the travel a Charlie Gardens sir passive voice very Nemo not in that the an oniony on at the money focus net in sitting in her building block yeah and I would argue now who Oh cleaning handling unit is a topic NATO's the rest bed in your non my pickup not really easy so at the morning what was not in they say I really wanted may have a little part of the sermon epidemic exam okay now let's start with the basics Munna you has been Achaia have been actually per a whole long Selina present perfect progressive forums up in a cabin would be when it comes to you subject yeah I don't subject-verb agreement con singular or plural so again penicillin intense but I always salerno know yeah gamete and vinegar I belong come on it McCabe a subject in by um Kagame did more okay and I'll explain that further establish Molina ten UN conn-young situation so I'm husband or have been gamma keen mocha proximal on action or snacks Emilio event known at Nagoya Deepa hang on with the potential pneumonia Dean I in the future huh so an IBC Bunin connects in Milan on say been extracting action in the past oppas like Papa to Louisa Hong Kong Shanghai own in the present a I'm gonna be impressed impressed present perfect progressive I say progressive visa Meehan my Inc form I'm sealing a array and then present a sanajeh repairing a Hangang my own unipi Naha modeling clue now a piece of advice actual exam indeed a man that I don't mean say in your home under you and sing a neat I don't mean say in your home present perfect progressive Russia compress compress in perfect bro yes super shock on past perfect perfect progressive Russia cool simple perfect Masha hindi naman necessarily that long and say exam so if you're only here for the aptitude exams I I'd seen don't get too fixated on that onion terminology must import auntie for you to recognize compiled and shot a Bunga me ten verses the other forms okay now I'm forum yeah oh it'll you peed on formula I like I said before and I know in my mind to say everything is mass majority that buddy news talk sure now in dito so brown perfect have better I think come on a forum yeah and I think if it's a checklist ninja it'll mahabhava Ito hooligan Michonne checklist but what the limo detect come on Kagome to mow it has been or have been so long form has or has been at a you've been at in okay APUs you have a verb an action word so when are they running a semi inform shot so running right in reading okay and then Hadoop dunya is for that was my specified the length of time so night for three years for five years for two weeks for two days or another possible enough forum would be your has or have been you verbing Sonya day again walking reading and then since and then you have a date so for example since December since 2015 so metal period of time polka onyx similar action okay an example would be something like this so I got it have been though again and then we'll add a verb so corner we need a new verb working so have been working and then for at a length of time which would be three years or a ton second for Mia we just have husband and then this prick has been working since and then let's put a date so 2012 so after you conduct on no sentence you have a subject in the beginning again Kamini flip no sentence mono so black have been working for three years or blank has been working since 2012 now and you have charged an interchangeable Jana so weeks I mean planted in the has been working for three years red ring have been working since 2012 now young Kaylin mocha committee now has Karen Walker committed an have okay there is another question so first question is not wait long you long Eddie but is a sentence maximal abortion or not negated by Hangang ion if the answer is yes then you're going to use you has been or have been now has or have among so God would rely on Sidibe subject about a subject I singular be serving is a long shot and again you can refer to my video on subject verb agreement for this know has cassette about obviously my s ninja sa kappa s singular aim is the new young in a verb okay so um aspect singular and if the subject is he she or it I own he sure if these are pronouns the singular on it yeah so we re he has been working for three years she has been working for three years she has been working since 2012 okay so sentence NATO given a gamete and mom I on gone have no man committee Masha hug the subject is plural and if the subject is we you or I now bucket say and we obviously okay madam he had yen so it seemed in actually for a day same day madam en Linea Yong Seon Dima rammie rammie sila right indicator and he or she or it and you can you can be used for singular or plural antinea is still plural Arabic you automatic have a guy automatic have then which means if you have a sentence like this she black working for three years the answer would be she dies she is alone she has been working for three years come on example the monomer looks like this so I and again I can say encounter is plural you would choose I have been working for three years now again like I said but I wanna meet Ellen inform us I is just she we say III but I don't say long present perfect progressive okay now this may look really calm major complicated no and I have been looking for a way to explain this in an easier way and that is why just wait until the end of the video he talks I new young madam flowchart campano for sure but inee step so I decided to kind of break down what goes on in my mind when I answer these questions I'll teach you how to do it later attempt in a concept yeah and I really really want you to pick up a tone concept in a thought so again has been or have been Union Yin Yin Yin a line of questioning now I don't you had been unhappiness actually in past perfect progressive for be sorry he known the action ionic similar non not but to lie in the past at the top was didn't on mix I began yet I action on an area in the past next similar the Mokpo saguru shop for a period of time that was in a Papa cinnamon in the past okay so Marin clue Nana Papa's densha indicate ol Adnan canina present perfect progressive nan Jeon Isha an exhibition in the past periodically hung Ghanaian so India ma but now your new paella ray okay then it would be past perfect progressive in this in this type of sentence they Marin ding Taliban actions you and the llama actions is condom on you know Simula known in the past and the Amero interruption mirin vinegar a my parent to Mapo Sonia or my nanny re Hibernia a young first action I own the best way for me to explain this would be in an example know now at all form yeah it's like this okay so my had been Makaha week still actually if you look at this familiar tossing a garden at one in the right had been verb being for length of time holla McGee King had been shot meeting past present progressive bug melon punky sang second event Banamine and Shawn I made goo Malo dances it was Shawn okay let me give you an example so I thought had been blanking for black and if you stop here this will be convenient luckily guy McGee McGee has or have I say totally hi along the hill past perfect progressive Jamaica dome is a bang line that annoyed you new second event so come boo boo in kosher subject plus had been working for and then we put a length of time Aaron canina lung so we put three years so had in wreaking for three years and then you have a second event which is when I decided to quit my job so again as you can see my working meaning I area in the past next similar in the past night Petula pero the quit NASA so not a Porsche after three years so you can enough Aisha present perfect progressive Cassini passionate at oppose on the tapas inertia in the past then it will be past present progressive I'm Pina Hakim oh yeah John is the second event my second event as he shot now on our mutant Amanda had been well a Shang it doesn't matter who singular or plural ready and she had been working for three years when she decided to quit her job ready Anna I had been working for three years when I decided to quit my job right I know had lung densha Hindi comic nikuman pop a lip depend is a whom school on subject my singular or plural okay example so i blank teaching for three years when I decided to quit my job again it doesn't matter whom I n or he or she and I got John would be the hill action I in a similar surpassed tomorrow for some time at not opposed the help is a pump on hallabong event manana which is soon that decides animal quit this will be I had been teaching for three years when I decided to quit my job okay so again if you look at it this way okay Anna sentence Thomas muhabba okay I you as perfect progressive casts a you impressive perfect progressive hadisha Napa second event or second action in Daniele okay you know pinochle uma so haha a peanut in your knee on say some sentence I said thing now let's take this example ok I'll show you the flowchart so what goes on in my mind when I answer this type of question ok and I really hope you can kind of pick up on the clues ok so first question ketosis and this case AI black training for the New York Marathon first three years or none question my length of time but is a sentence now if you notice neither sentence NATO main a holiday in the first three years so this uh an online magazine yes or no kundo a say my box a casa M is or ers automatic M is or are so I am training for the New York Marathon a long way 3 years so open Takas is Kumaran length of time the next question would be a push naba excipient that was the man training more in Dakar about the training my interrupt was a training mode so three years karate training helps me some Abominable can or series character training tapas in Jirka a well animal seen a bingo no no no in Palmeiro see not being annoying okay Sanna I'm going suck Mona had been a Island okay in this case when a damascena being second event so he needed a person training more so you can assume not going on like the training I mean deep adipose under trading more okay so Hindi better person training more I'm next question would be singular by our plural young subject now again tenet and I shall write I am PO singular Shia or he she or it unbox across a has been dialing dial a young young subject McGee kingler Alicia I you which are young they so am I am box MOS have been they are in this sentence okay the answer would be have been I say Marin County years pero hindi Natanz so at all I actually present perfect progressive pass a Maxima Lysander surpassed pero no Papa Tuilaepa hangang nay on okay now but it's not in your sentence and then we're just going to follow the same flowchart I'll show you okay a table same concept del turn on a dream cast of characters do not know so I thought Danielle see Danielle hey Nobita Daniel black training for the New York Marathon first three years again Unum tan on my length of time back you see here madam three years so yes my length of time next question la piscina ba now wala naman a holiday indication and at a person training yeah so you can assume Hungama Yannick Papa - lyric attaining panchanga I own so this will be a no a box of toys a no singular or plural now onsen sentence Nutella holiday see Daniel is a long shaman is a long shot so singular young young subject lilypad Cagayan baba Kazakh unser has been so Daniel see has been training for the New York Marathon for three years again you new line of questioning hi my box Acosta has been a little early not in sentences so I can show you you subtle differences between each of them and who on the holiday is this Daniel Blanc training for the New York Marathon first three years when he got injured so again box act IOC monetizes Simula my length of time back compiler check the training yes cuz it was the year see a new indicator in attend eye on top asana by on action now if you notice I be he got injured miksa me Hannah interrupt or Napoleon training yeah no hey so na re in the past the patootie in the past peddanna tapas in the past main Inari my second event or second action so in this case that puts in the shower not Papa's you in training yes in injury so the answer would be yes unbox Akhenaten would be had been so the answer here would be had been okay so again Molina Ponca hi Bob hey I you really have to practice really well so make sure that you stay until the end of the video there will be a link to a quick quiz that I will post for you guys under the young explanation for the the quick quiz and you can answer that Pemex check ninja Hana Ohanyan I own technique now I don't know man the bassoon is let me show you in different sentence now it was a Danielle black training for the New York Marathon so again the first question my length of time was a sentence voila I said well on the holiday now first three years when I'm not like that mean for OH or anything like that when I indicate or no length of time while adding since so long since February you since March well I'm going on so I'm back Sigma is no so the answer would be s or R or in the case now I am i all am Daniel demand is a longshot so the answer would be is in this sentence oh hi so again milady if you pick a high by your knee we have to know go under you difference nila and the best way for you to do that is to answer the quick quiz the link will be at the end of the video dose and coordinate and a pagina thumbnail and a holiday quick quiz all right I hope yourself EDD if you did click thumbs up make sure you share this video with your friends I know how my exams in syllabus allow me time at the low end and if you haven't subscribed yet don't forget to hit subscribe hit the bell icon for MLM a new system a new video posts could say see you soon welcome homonymous miami funk videos as soon as possible but I might have a person in your exam so if you don't want to miss any of that don't forget to subscribe now um if you are also interested to get this shirt that I'm wearing right now it's a summer shirt satting theme like our facial merch store the link will be down below I just really like it I see the survey at the end of the video I don't work crying at in this meatus I think like if you want one of these shirts don't forget to click the link down below I've done my post he'd sit on shirts Neto will go into you me library slash Learning Center Natori building somewhere in Batangas are in this one so thanks guys and as always if you want to reach out to me directly maybe get one of the reviewers that I made or join the online or live review program you can go to the vwv a peaceful calm slash team like for more information thanks guys never stop learning and I love hanging in ICU - video and bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 3,238,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, Sentence Corretion, GMAT, TOEFL, TESOL, BLEPT, Subject Verb Agreement, Tenses, Past Perfect Progressive, Present Perfect Progressive, Has been have been, had been, has been, have been
Id: RUNj1jAouHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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