Reading "Am I The A**HOLE" Reddit Stories 2

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris and today oh hey Chris I just wanted to say congrats on 10 million subscribers and by doing so I figured I'd turn you into a cartoon wait [Music] [Applause] what hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris and this is my younger sister Alissa Alyssa that is me one job s and today we are back in Chris's tacky tea Salon where we read the tea and we make her look pretty I made that that was really good yeah it's like I do this for a living but yeah welcome to my ratchet tacky Salon we're going to make her look less ugly I'm just kidding she's too pretty I'm going to make her look actually ugly this is all of emotion so Alysa loves to be blonde she's a natural light brunette dirty blonde dirty blonde so you can see the before turn your head to the side to the other side and down see it's adorable ad yeah we got to fix that so uh here's a picture of what she wants and that's what we're going to try to go for and while we do that we're going to read some am I the stories and let them know if they are because we're professionals we're doctors exactly that's a lie let's get to [Music] it I've got something very exciting I got a patreon now and that means behind the scenes footage extra videos extended Cuts bloopers extra footage from my podcast episodes members only group chat where we could titty chat and discounts and early access to all my auto launches if you guys are interested in joining this and getting a ton of extra content please go enjoy the patreon but let's get to the video Alyssa wants to do the honors of giving you a compliment Alissa go ahead yes I've been thinking about this a lot because my last one was not good it was pretty poor put that in here you are smart or qualified you I don't know you got the job and I think this is a good one I bet you make baby smile oh that's nice I think that's the best compliment anyone that's good yeah babies just do this to me what does that mean I I keep asking them and they're just they don't answer let's get going I'm going to get set up while she reads the first story go ahead first story am I the scallywag for telling my sister's friend to wear some clothes around the house your sister friend I love the title promising we go continue I male 26 got into an altercation with my sister for scaring her friend about a week ago my sister female 28 and her friend female 27 moved into my place due to some unfortunate financial difficulties I work 6 days a week and make a good enough salary to accommodate all of us considering they are both unemployed oh job this guy has he's doing them a favor what tastes like sugar day any anyways sorry it anyways I wake up usual time ready to get take a shower and take a shower to take a shower sorry continue an out com said friend wearing only a short robe with her cleavage o oh I mean how else do you wear a robe I don't have a lot of cleavage to have out you don't know what that's like what's that like mean but she's got it and she's shown it know what it says no oh I hinted at her revealing clothing and she just smiled and said it was no big deal want to hit she wants to hit keep in mind I'm quite religious and they are not and they both know it oh they both know he's religious correct okay so they're not being respectful continue another day or two and I see her again same time just before I head out to work and she's only wearing a crop top and panties oh okay that's that's a lot a robe is one thing like getting out of the shower that's disrespect I tell her to put on something when she's out and about the house and go off to work and then I come home to an angry sister who says her friend now feels scared of me and he's is uncomfortable what I try to reason with her and tell her it's conflicting with my tenants but she says I should apologize oh m i the scall wig no I mean right off the bat first of all your house you're providing for them they're not even paying rent they came up up in your space you're doing charity for them and then they're walking around like a bunch of wh or maybe a little one sorry you're not but like kind of honestly I don't I don't know I I really don't think you have any legs to stand on there like I think that it's your place and they need to respect that boobs out is one thing booties out is another level I just don't I would be uncomfortable I don't know no it's not okay that's like how dare you make the like the person whose house it is uncomforable like if you were to invite your friend to come here and she's like walking around in her underwear it's my house I'd be like hey um could you I would I'd really appreciate and he said it nice like first I'd really appreciate if you didn't walk around like that like it kind of makes me uncomfortable and then they proceeded to put on less clothes and do it like at that point you're just being a dick she's really poking the bear yeah she's poking the bear yeah I don't know so I think you're not the he's not the SC let's see let's see what people said people said she's the one walking around half naked and making you uncomfortable and at the same time complaining about you not the scall wig she's the one making you uncomfortable agreed facts gloomy sa 8821 yeah in his own home that he was freely sharing crazy yeah not even to take in account that he is paying for these unemployed ladies yeah there's just no they have nothing to argue about or yeah that's ridiculous no respect around here next number two thank you just in case you lost track know am I the scall EG I am getting married in a year and have set an age limit of 21 and over at our wedding but my family are asking me to budge on this decision am I the a-hole wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait 21 that's kind of wait there's an age wait okay I've heard of no kids but just 21 and up 21's a lot what about like 18 okay whatever I'll let you read it my thought is what are you doing at this wedding that they have to be you having sex parties what the hell is this I'm just Kid read the story basically we're getting married and have said that we want no children kids or k kids of friends kids of family kids of relatives Etc okay fair enough and the amount of backlash we have received despite us paying for the wedding is ridiculous my brother who has two loud children in Brackets and has never been favorable of our relationship but is absolutely adamant that his kids should be at the wedding we have said over and over again that anyone despite relation who is under the age of 21 cannot attend the ceremony or as it were the big day however we are now receiving an influx of messages 18 months before the wedding from folks who can't sort child care you got 18 months 18 months you can hire a nanny fire her and hire another Nanny you could have a baby it could be the nanny in 18 months the so far that was so good so thank you I have children to raise children what our mom always said not kidding either hey hey I know a little secret about you I know that you can't look me in the eyes right now and tell me you've drinking enough water today no no you look at me you look at me because I care about you okay I want you here for a long long time and I need you to take care of your health and one of the easiest things you can do is drink water okay and I figured it out and you need to do that was a very aggressive way of thanking the sponsor of today's video which is Arup and I'm so very passionate about Arup cuz I have literally never sought out to work with the brand but I have never loved a product so much and a product has never worked for me so well that I quite literally asked them if I could promote for them because genuinely I I am the worst at drinking water and I started working with Arup a couple months ago and they sent me all their products and I have never had something revolutionize my water drinking as well as Arup for those of you who don't know Arup is the world's first hydration system that flavors plain water through scent so for me I just I just hate drinking plain water it's just boring and I don't want to do it so I was always adding like sugary flavors or unnecessary chemicals to my water just so I would drink it but this way it's just plain water and it's cool cuz it's through science because it relies on smell to create taste all you have to do is activate the flavor by pulling up the pot and you'll hear a bubbling sound as you sip which is totally normal as the bubbles are carrying the flavor from the Pod I am always walking around with any of my a bottles I've been really actually liking this metal one because it keeps it really cold throughout the day lately I've actually been obsessed with the Apple flavor cuz it's fall but I am now a new fan of the mango passion fruit it is now my new favorite used to be watermelon a couple months ago and also they last for a long time like I'm using these flavor pods for days on end so it's not like you have to change it out every time you fill the bottle which is awesome so if you want a fun way to drink water or you struggle with drinking water on a daily basis Like I Do Without flavor get addicted to drinking water and experience flavor in a new way with era click the link in the description below and use code Chris 10 to get 10% off your order thank you so much ER up again for sponsoring this video I love you I love water now I really appreciate you for keeping me hydrated and let's get back to it my partner and I don't want children aren't big fans and frankly don't want to waste money on extra tiny guests but our families don't get it MI i/we the scall wigs edit we are both 30 and most of our friends bar a few don't have and will not be having children okay so most of their friends don't have kids correct um okay um interesting and it said that this one they are voted the which is interesting but I think that comes back to the fact that it's 21 and up and it's not just no kids no kids listen love everybody with kids but like if I ever had a wedding or something I kind of wouldn't want kids screaming around like at the at least the ceremony yeah and stuff and like just it's one night off and they gave you 18 months like I understand that but you're excluding like a whole group of like mature like I'd say what like 10 to 21 I feel like you're mature enough not to like scream your ass off at like the ceremony and stuff yeah agre I feel like no kids is yeah no kids is I think it's okay no kids is okay but 21's dang yeah like when I think kids I'm thinking like five and under 18 you can go in the army you can't go to this guy's wedding yeah true yeah go fight for your country you can't go to David's wedding though that's awesome that's all you got no that's true so I mean I'm interested to see hear what the people have to say I don't think he is anyway I well 21 is I want to hear what the people have to say I need context that's the thing with these stories it's like what's the context these are two different things 18-year-olds don't require babysitters so simply relaxing the rule as in allowing say 16 plus instead of 21 plus would address the babysit issue at all yeah I mean no one is required to arrange a sitter to attend your wedding it costs money on top of what it already costs to attend wedding not to mention good sitters are hard to find and many parents just don't use sitters at all have your childfree wedding just don't get upset when parents choose not to come everyone has choices to make oh yeah I mean don't get upset if people choose not to come like I wouldn't get upset about that but I'm whittling out that crowd man I hope you don't go that's a thing to do too that's why I think people do a lot of like destination weddings cuz they don't want to pay for 300 people to come to their wedding so they're like hey it's childree and it's in Mexico uh oh but you know I think the secret is to do it like a month before the anyway that's just a little life hack for me but um no I I don't think you should be getting upset that people are declining I mean it's weird that they can't get a babysitter or something for 18 months but I don't know what do you think I just feel like there was a lot of sass behind that lady's comment like who are you so important that I need you at my wedding oh oh like if you're going to be so sassy to say oh I am not going to find a sitter in 18 months yeah right like maybe I don't want you there maybe maybe you don't need to come maybe you're a stupid maybe I'm just kidding yeah interesting I mean maybe there's more context there than I'm missing but it seems pretty like it's their wedding if they want it to be 21 and up which is a little weird it is what it is but then they can't get upset about that that's a little weird no little kids I feel like is reasonable I don't think you're an a-hole because I think your intention behind it was completely acceptable uh we have a new addition uh Jessica was bored so she's here what is that my pregnant sister so she's got some hormonal advice very passionate advice for you probably yes read the story okay am I the scall EG for not having ibuprofen at home so I male 24 have been with my girlfriend female 29 for about 6 months now we go to each other's places frequently and sleep at each other's occasionally so last week she slept over and woke up with period cramps she asked her ibuprofen and because I only had two Pils I gave her those I don't really use ibuprofen much because I'm generally not very prone to pain apart from headaches lucky you apparently those two pills weren't enough for her and she got really upset at me and said I should have had ibuprofen at home and it's basically a necessity and that I should have it especially because she needs it frequently for her cramps I don't see a reason for me to have large amounts of I be profen at home I don't need it she's the one who does now I asked some friends and they said that since I know she needs it I should have some at home for her I feel like if she needs it she should take it with her instead of me having to provide it agreed you agree I agree I feel like you can't I mean being like you should get ibuprofen for me no so like as a person who suffers from chronic migraines I always have ibuprofen Tylenol whatever I need that I know will help but if I'm with somebody which are May or be if I'm with somebody and they know that about me I think it's just like sweet of the other person to do that they don't have to I shouldn't expect that but like I think it would be like really sweet of you as you know a boyfriend to have that for her I don't think he's the Scot wig for not having it in the first place no no that's dumb I think a little bit of a scallywag if you just refuse to get it yeah that's weird uh which I think that's what's happening but at the same time 29-year-old wound what are you expecting dating a 25y old 24y old dude his brain's not even fully developed I don't know I'm sure there's lots of 24 year-old males that are very very very mature and whatever but no but it's true no it's true I don't I agree I don't think that's it I was going age well I agree because I don't think that he she should be mad at him the first time but if you're like oh she needs ibuprofen yeah it would be really sweet if you went got her some ibuprofen I don't like that like when people are just like condescending or like passive aggressive when they're like everybody has ibuprofen or like it's I feel like it's the same energy as like oh you haven't seen the Titanic how could you not have seen the Titanic the Titanic's the best movie ever who does that our mother our mother she's spraying the mom and she's probably watching this I love you Mom love you Mom stop doing that all right God Almighty he's voted not the scallywag okay yeah and let's hear what the people have to say now you know you should maybe buy a bottle but you're not psychic I generally have a backup supply of stuff like that in my bag when I stay at my boyfriend's house a grown woman who has her period every month should be better prepared true she's 29 I agree she's been doing this for a while I'm 29 yeah she's the oldest I'm her eggs are drying up that's why she's pregnant right now I'm just kidding n she's very fer just kid we're all very what did you just say did she say she's very fertile the hell I just it's true my mom popped out four of us just like back to back I can't see anything other than your hand at your CR with a gun this camera can't see it so I'm just like sorry this is a familyfriendly channel it's a family friendly Channel next next one am I the scallywag for kicking my sister out of my wedding wao that's a lot it would take a lot for me to kick you guys out of my wedding okay okay I'm excited to hear this I M 27 recently got married to my wonderful husband it was a small wedding with just our family and closest friends my husband and I both love space so we decided to have a space themed wedding cute oh space themed oh I love that I love a themed wedding let's playay we love that we love a gay space sweating that's great so fun I wish I was there we had star decorations at Galaxy marble cake and fairy lights I even wore tuck with little white stars my sister 32 female was invited to be the ring bearer as she and I are very close however when she showed up at the wedding she was wearing a Halloween costume of Saturn oh like the planet girl oh like a huge okay yeah okay she was literally dressed up like the planet we made very clear in our invitation that this wedding was strictly formal my sister and I joke around a lot I laughed about it and asked her to get ready as the wedding was starting soon but she fully planned to bring us the Rings in her Halloween costume oh she refused to change into a serious outfit saying that our family wouldn't find it funny because Saturn has rings and she's the ring bearer it's kind of funny that's that's that I would do going to lie it's kind but if you were like no I really don't want this then I wouldn't but okay sorry continue I interrupts me sorry this was the most important day of my life and I expected her to take it seriously even though we often joke around so I told her she could change or she could leave she called me over dramatic and left I think it's hilarious that she left angry in a Saturn costume I'm so sorry that you missed her wedding but can you imagine walking that's you saying it I thought you still reading no that's me she's just like yeah she's just like I know I think that is the best thing ever I mean I think it's opinion on the actual thing I'm taking these cupcakes she she puts them on her rings and walks away she's like this is such a like a unique situation yes but like okay Jessica has been married Jess or sorry she is married she's had 12 husbands I don't know we'll see how long it lasts yeah oh watch out so Jessica's Mar B say so I show up to your wedding it's themed and I show yeah so I show up in that what do you say like cuz you know me and I'm a jokester so what do you say if I'm like hey I thought this would be really funny would you be kind of like um I just like what would you say I feel like it's I and hey I totally it is the most important day of your life for sure I would hope you had a backup for like pictures for sure you know what I mean but like to walk down the aisle but like I would never refuse to take that that's where it goes that's where the line is so that's where it's just like it's like oh wait you're refusing to take it off but then again K didn't he to say that he kicked his sister out he didn't really no she left she chose she made that choice picked up her ball andit she was unprepared I get it was a joke but like the joke should only go so far yeah I agree and you should have a backup it's not your day it's not your day you shouldn't be like the center of attention which or the center of the universe I wanted to say that center of the universe yeah like and I get that okay like I'm constantly the center of the universe great joke you took it too far you took it too far yes Alissa you want to yeah I want yeah I feel like you're not the scallywag because you gave her a choice she made her choice and damn as great of a joke as it was she should have had a backup agreed with Jessica for sure yeah but like also fix your humor dude cuz that's that was so good that is so good the ring bear come on that it's so punny bro come on man well maybe he took it as a joke at first but then he like he did he did he said he laughed yeah okay so you're not the scwg my friend all right here's what the people say her idea sounds hilarious but yeah I agree not the scallywag there are many days for her to be punny this was not one of them yeah fair enough agreed super funny to turn up in it early and then off to change her thinking ex typable to be dressed in a Halloween costume at the wedding because it would be funny and bring her attention there it is it is is nuts yeah agreed yeah the people are right what do you guys think I hate that why I I'm nervous now you're nervous now nobody's here I mean they're there but they're not here OHA you think too much loosen up it's just the camera get your J make that look real call me Chris beat siblings That's all folks for me Po pig out your I didn't no Porky Pig does that right he's the one that says see you later folks That's all folks oh yeah yeah let me redo it I forgot what you said that's all okay next am I the scwg for not taking down a post my boyfriend doesn't approve of say that sounds terrible I 20 female have been with my boy boyfriend 20 male for about 9 months now I have a tendency of posting bikini pictures on my Instagram as being in the ocean and going to the beach are regular things to me I personally don't see any of my posts as overly provocative or sensual however my most recent Instagram post has caused my boyfriend to give me an ultimatum never a good sign what are you are you having intercourse what is happening that's the only way that that's okay but okay continue I posted a picture of myself alongside my two friends in which we were all wearing bikinis while sitting on a floaty and smiling what he was the floaty inside youy I just don't understand this reasoning nothing sexual about any of our poses but once my boyfriend saw the post he demanded I take it down or else he would break up with me because my nipples are oh my gosh visibly showing through a bit of my top that's human body man we've had discussions about this kind of thing before although mostly just about my actual you can say nipples I don't know what gets censored around here no it's fine slipping out and wearing bikinis sometimes I even wear pasties underneath my bikini tops so he won't get upset that's this girl's doing the most for him she's doing the most that day I didn't good am I the scall W for not taking it down go so proud but no you post it post it all I mean not all of it I mean post whatever you want but like it's your body and there's like yes respect like there I think there should be a level of respect in maybe what you post I don't know but even then it's like if he's like that then he's not secure in your relationship he's not secure in himself he doesn't trust you to be honest like people like that I just I just think like I don't know I just think it's terrible I think he's trying to control you and it's super toxic I agreed with literally everything you said yeah that's just terrible like it's your body you should be able to do what you want and even if you didn't live at the beach and you weren't spending all your time there all the time it doesn't matter you can still be posting all the bikini pictures you want you should have a guy that's like in the comments like yes slay Queen I love that that's my bit like that's who you should have a cheerleader taking the photos for you taking the photos for you like he should be proud of you and that you're out being social and that you're healthy and just it's not like you're out there taking photos with another guy like sitting on his like stomach I don't know it's just I don't know sorry I'm ranting but like I used to be in a relationship like that and I think Alyssa did too where it was really controlling so both of us have experienced that and it's it is it's just they convince you that you're a piece of and that you're like a like a slew B person that you're a bad person that you're doing things you shouldn't be doing when really you're just trying to have fun celebrate your like your own body which both of us struggle with body image as well so like for our partner to be like you're disgusting for posting that and all that like it just doesn't help anything so like no that's just never okay and to get to a point where you feel confident posting in a bikini I think it's such a huge thing that people don't think about a lot like it takes a lot like I want to show my day at the beach and not be so self-conscious you know what fine go for it she's not posing like crazy sexy or whatever and like even if she was like everyone wants you know like feel yourself power to you anyway sorry there's an add-on to this an edit she sees his actions as controlling but he sees hers as disrespectful right edit I left some things out him being controlling is not what obsess me the most what upsets me the most is him texting me afterwards saying that I lack morals and respect and boundaries I'm aware that you that you all don't know all the previous drama of our relationship that he has been disrespected of my boundaries multiple times as well as shown little morals but never tried to break up with him over it maybe that was my mistake girl run get out oh she's she's she's dulu so she's defending him in this I kind of didn't understand all of that yeah she's saying she's not upset that he's controlling she's upset that she texts him afterwards and like comments on her character basically based on this yeah so like she's up controlling he's saying he's saying exactly what we just said that like our partners would say that we're like like disrespectful post basically for like posting stuff that is just we're doing in our lives mine was yeah I mean yeah it was even just like ler things like I don't know I feel like mine was never like centered around Instagram so it's not like neither was mine what was yours centered around it was just like literal things like how how much you answer how often you answer answer yeah like text messages and stuff and then he needs to know exactly what you're doing at all moments cuz he like doesn't trust you or something yeah but you know everybody's got to grow at their on Pace that's okay I'm sure there's lots of things she's with somebody really nice now so ni we love him he's great he's great he's so great but yeah everybody grows in their own pace I hope he grows and I hope take you run bikini pictures and own yourself cuz you're beautiful yeah okay so as you could see I went Ham on her head and look down law highlights and for those of you that like to judge me in the comments on how I do hair I'll just let you know what I'm doing so basically I did a money piece in the front going diagonal back and then I basically just do a shitload of baby lights which is weaved baby lights so when you weave it it just falls down a little bit less harsh than uh like just a straight across highlight so looks nice kind of like Jessica's hair but I'm trying to make this a little bit more Blended because Alyssa is a little darker anyway let's get back to the stories am I the scwg for acquiring that guest change clothes before they sit on my furniture oh you're sounding already pretty bad my friend I'm going to leave my prejudgment yeah this is a throwaway I'm 20-year-old male and I live alone I am a very neat person my mother kept our house pristine okay growing up and I helped her for as long as I can remember I recently moved out and into my own place and something that I started thinking about was how many germs from outside we track into our houses I always change out of my clothes as soon as I get home but whenever I have guests they don't and I have no idea where they've been or what their clothes have been exposed to about a month ago I bought a bunch of those clear disposable raincoats oh no oh and started telling people who I invited over that they could bring a change of fresh clothes to change into or wear one of the coats before they sit on my furniture I also offer to wash the clothes and change out of if they want to hold on this feels like gym class when you don't like you forget your gym outfit in grade school yeah he has like an extra shitty gym shirt that was from the 8S that's been worn by 12,000 people we're the sweaty one with holes that's what you get Rebecca you're not sit and after I'm going to put it in my locker smell it that's your gym teacher too just mine cool my girlfriend doesn't have a problem with this and started just leaving clothes in my place my mom and my little sister have also been okay with this new rule but I invited a friend over yesterday I told them about the clothes thing before they came and when they got there they were surprised that I actually enforced it and said you got to be blank with me yeah I told them no I'm serious and then they left friends sound dope can I hang out with them they haven't been answering my messages either okay all right I have a lot of things to say is this done no okay I was talking to my mom about it today and she said it was pretty excessive and unreasonable to expect everybody to do and that's your mom the one that was clean mhm I disagree but I'm kind of double guessing myself am I wrong here I think maybe it's pushing it a little bit to expect everybody to change are you saying this now yeah are you done this is me sorry I think it's changes a lot I mean if that makes you uncomfortable that's totally fine like that you provided things do what you want in your own house your you no but it's that's totally fine I respect that but jump scare I might have been like I didn't know you were serious and then be like I need a minute but they're not answering you anymore that's kind of not nice yeah I mean your friends sound kind of shitty but also you're asking a lot of your friends like for them like they thought about what they're going to put on they're comfortable in what they put on like I don't think unless unless your friends are you know rubbing through I think it's okay like but or your place is just isn't the place to hang out and maybe that's okay but I also don't want to like shame this person for maybe having like OCD or something like that cuz that's definitely a thing um I know a lot of people that suffer with that and have issue with that but it sounds like you're pretty self-aware and it's just like you you just you just want a really clean home but you're asking too much of your company I think so maybe look into like getting a cover for your couch or something like dis on you C that sounds like yeah at your grandma's house great but like if that works I think that's more accommodating for your company than making them wear you know uh rain condoms just a thought though I think if something makes you that uncomfortable you should be the one to come up with the solution and not expect the people around you to accommodate you all the time next okay am I the scall for not letting my son go to homecoming this weekend oh my gosh my son is a freshman and his dad is telling me he wants to go to homecoming but it's 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. on a Saturday when did you think it was going to be on a Saturday Okay 2: p.m. on a Tuesday you're losing so far I get him Friday night to Sunday night oh it's a divor oh I'll have a lot to say about this I only see him 4 days a month right now and he only sees his brother on the weekends because my ex took my older son away from me to go live with him when he wasn't doing good in school with me so I told his dad no and said it isn't fair for me or his brother to allow him to go and I can't drive him there because it's an hour each way so it' be 4 hours for me driving wait math isn't mathing I I see why he failed when he was with you I see his dad said he would give up the Monday but I'd still only get him from Sunday morning to Monday evening Which is less than you my usual time well my son is throwing a fit now and his dad is telling me I don't put my kids first but it's literally just a dance girl I barely literally just a weekend yeah I barely see my son and I already a lot of time for his football practice that's the end of it what the hell girl you win a shitty mom award this is your son's one homecoming he's ever going to have I don't know our homecoming I guess it's not prom it's a big day and it's one day and you can have every other weekend you sound like a selfish piece of I don't give a and also I just think he's going to want to spend more time to you in the future if you're nice to him now um true like not that you don't want to be best friends with your kid but like just be a decent person you're just kind of being shitty you're being selfish selfish that's self and like me being like I grew up in a house like a split house like me and Alyssa we have different dads and man I love my dad but I can't tell you how many times like stuff similar to this happened and it like it ruins your relationship cuz like it's really not asking a whole lot you know you're just asking to show up luckily now he's like great you know but like growing up just yeah just show up for your kid man show up for your kid it's really the least you could do I also think perspective is important because the hurt's just a dance but I'm sure he's been thinking about this for a long time and it is a big moment especially when you're like what 13 14 yeah of course like they should have those experiences yeah absolutely people agree with us okay yeah what do they say fa said your son isn't a possession he's a person prach girl facts he has a life your job as a parent is to help him successfully live that life at every stage even when it is inconvenient for you yep that's being a parent for real absolutely as an aside I can't imagine the mood a 14-year-old will be in when he's at her house that weekend yeah you're not going to have a good weekend yeah no sorry about that no he's going to resent you man and like again love that you should have to cater to your kid all the time but like that's just he it's not like he like you know went to a party and wasn't allowed like this isn't a punishment if it's a punishment then that fits the crime but there's no crime there's no crime you're the crime crime he has no time to do this is why I say there should be a test stay with me there should be a test for people to be parents and I I will I will die on that grave man don't you think don't you think I think it is odd how anyone can just have a kid I think so too some people don't deserve it not saying you don't you need to work on it though you need to work for that I got feelings I just want to express them accurately and I just treat your kids right please treat your kids right that's all I want to say treat your kids right all right well that does it for stories I I need to um finish this up it's pretty much done she's got to sit for a little bit and then we're going to wash it and then we're going to maybe tone it maybe now it's late but you're going to see it right now ta look at that look how gorgeous she is she hasn't even seen it yet but can you see it in the monitor yes I love it I'm obsessed look it down and into the side and up and look at that look at that look at the color she's a magician looks like she's a natural isn't it it's cuz I'm a natural all right do you like your hair I love it thank you that's good you're welcome and thank you for reading the stories to our lovely audience but uh if you like the video please like the better better look Bo I love it I if you like the video please like the video it really helps out the channel and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously best Channel ever and I will see your beautiful face in the next video bye bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 2,200,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u_Z6dilHcXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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