Reacting To Viewers Projects!

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hey there my gorgeous friends on the Internet today is a special day you know why it's a special day because I told you to send me all your projects your games your websites your apps your mom pictures and you guys did you guys send me over 300 submissions with different kind of cool things now unfortunately I cannot do all of them because that would mean five hour video but let me know maybe we can do a part two if you like this now to make this as fun as possible I have a look through them at all because I want to make this kind of a reaction type if I have a look through them it is a reaction time oh my goodness it should be a review otherwise so I told my girlfriend to take a look at all of them and send me one by one right here for us to see and visualized on this 21 inch piece of display a very bad display has a magenta color to it it's a new feature okay you ready let's take a look at the first one I just refreshed real quickly and we see a snow man going through the mountain wait a minute is this snow man mister Jesus oh my goodness what is this magic alright so we have can we scroll we cannot scroll but maybe we can click now the first end thing instinct for me it's another one hmmm defying laws and physics so the first instinct of me is to open the presents but we learn from our mothers is that it's always better to give than to receive she lied she lied to me so what we're gonna do is we are gonna click on the house now nothing happens can we click on the trees can we click on the presents not even the presents well anyway so I'm guessing this guy made this full either and CSS or SVG so let's find out if this is full in CSS I'm gonna be super impressed oh my goodness everything is in CSS let's take a look just to make sure that we don't have any images and no we don't so this guy made the whole website in CSS so that's very impressive name card I'll github that I oh good job you you made what other people can never do not even me so I'm highly impressed but why can I not open my presence fix that next one is by Kevin Nita wait wait wait you throw me some animations and you got me there we go okay that's pretty cool cookies we don't want cookies okay so this I like this is a very original way you can create this nav kind of thing or whatever you have now one thing I would do is whenever you go to the edge so that this doesn't jump like this because the reason why this is happening is that it loses that hover State so it goes like disco disco disco so you don't want to have that so the way you can't fix that is have a bigger parent div and whenever you hover over that parent if this one starts animating but this is very cool and we also got some background changing there and the lines animating so that's probably with SVG very very nicely made like it's very simple just text but it's very effective let's take a look if we click so this also transitions with some animations I'm not gonna say anything you are very good you know what you're doing obviously next one is fine finding Kanye I feel like I'm gonna have trouble with this one okay Kanye I listen to all your albums graduation that's my favorite so this should this should be good all right start here is oh there we go that's not too bad 2.5 seconds fine income [Music] yeah there we go oh my goodness and the Kanye masta there he is I feel like if you just kind of generally generally look over all the coffee beans you can just do it very fast all right garlic coca-cola with garlic you are absolutely insane my friend okay let's take a look though so we have this nice color here maybe a wave SVG animating here that's cool can we scroll we cannot yes we made it okay let's take a look what we have are these clickable and you know why there are no nav links or anything because this website is a lie it's not true it's not true I did not hit her it's not true I did not oh hi mark but can you send me one please next up we have a link on methyl Fi and this is by mr. hey hey folks I'm a developer alright Jayesh Tim Bekker okay that's your name all right what you got here let's see you have a portfolio and the first thing that pops in my eyes is that you have a dark mode so that's nice okay so we have these images from on draw I know and then let's take a look what we have here things I have designed for digital media agencies all right so let's hit next CIA alright see you have a heavy use of on draw which is fine they are very nice but let's just take a look at one that is not can I click we can also drag so that's very nice yeah I wish I could see these though if this would be like clickable or maybe you don't have them there just concept than in that case that's fine like from what I see here looking they look pretty good I like the the way you use colors because even here as you can see you have that yellow and you have this grayish blueish kind of thing but it kind of works as well with the images so you kinda mirror whatever you have in your image on your text which i think is always very nice same as you can see here he kind of changes up the color the color is which is fine you can just experiment with different colors but he also changes it in the text so as you can see we have the the pinkish color here and here as well so good design skills I really like it let's go down here what experiences do you have angular JavaScript sass react good on you my friend get Adobe XD and team player okay so you're I'm a proficient in team player the one thing I would say that you might consider changing if you want is to kind of get rid of this generic man here as the portfolio and just add maybe a signature or make your own logo other than that good job next up we have something from vagueness good weakness okay double weakness that's that's good you doubled your name level up good on you alright so we have three dots here it says choose your difficulty so let's go green I assume is easy medium and we have difficult alright let's go with that's good difficult so what am i doing three two one okay wait average reaction time zero milliseconds that what that's what they told me in school that's my average reaction time I don't know what the means but I hey I got an F zero you cannot even get a zero in school I got the zero though I went to do math they told me to do an exercise I was staying there with my crayon with my crayon with my char coil writing IDI was ten plus ten you got a zero your reaction time was zero and then I ate the char coil okay so I assume that we have to do we have to click on that green thing that we saw and the we just test our reaction time how fast we can click on it so let's give it a shot ok boom boom oh let's go again ok maximum let's go boy here we go you never been so impressed in your life alright there we go there we go I'm touching all the greens touching all the greens alright so hmm okay this is getting a bit easy and I choose the most difficult difficulty all right there we go okay so well you got a bit used to it and gets a bit easy so one thing I would say you could do is make them a bit speedier so with time they should speed up or just kind of make it so you like the fade in and they fade out fast and you have a certain amount of time that you can click on it and then multiple piles of the these green boxes appear so you have to click multiple of those I think that would be a bit more fun so they were young 67 we were so close to more we needed next up we have a portfolio made right and space and there we go we have a loading screen hello my name is Alex I'm a front-end web developer perfect so we have this guy we have planets getting killed by the Sun and alright we cannot scroll we cannot do anything at least we can grab the text I do like the animation on the text you have that glitch kind of effect so let's click on the menu oh my goodness what's happening okay projects we cannot click on it but we can click on the barber there we go so this was basically me five years ago when I was a professional barber my name was Dmitry Johnson so I like that he added me in here so thank you so much and yeah it just shows up basically the project I'm not touching anything it's moving on its own what is this it's sorcery the witch I'm leaving I'm leaving this website witchery is crazy okay other than that I don't like it I wish I could scroll through this because a lot of people just don't have patience okay trust me on this one when I say people don't have patience for you to just leave a PowerPoint on for them to watch but other than that it's pretty good I like it I do wish there would be more things here for me to click rather than because you're kind of a bit confused on what to do when you're on this website and you're like okay never mind I do have to click up here and I just wish this would be a bit more visible for me to to kind of visualize rather than having nothing and you're like oh well I guess that's the website good bye everybody okay next up we have is insanely elegant oh my goodness take a look at that so basically just a lot of very nice illustrations going on here I do like the animation we create powerful web apps all right can we scroll so this is what happens when you scroll you get this slide but it also does it by itself in case you are lazy and you also have the buttons here if you want to do it so you have a lot of options okay let's take a look when we head here we have this nice little animation okay so basically the text that you hover over gets filled up with juice with white juice and when we click on portfolio let's just take a look at what we have okay PHV we have 5.7 the latest of the PHP technologies brought to you by none other than we transfer draw banks calm okay so take a look at the project is amazing I'm blockchain we have seats to lab and we have expense er so it's an expense tracker okay and I gonna spend too much time on this but I do like the look and feel of your website I think you have everything going for you you know what you're doing and I give it a 5 out of 7 we had the next one which is called bread dot cool and it says hey do you want to use my microphone so I'm not sure if it's gonna hijack my microphone but let's give it a go so I'm gonna say allow say show commands to view commands show commands show commands now there we go it's working and we have some options here well let's try one pineapple pineapple are cool I guess but not really clear alright let's try another one refresh page refresh me page refresh now it worked very cool what is this alien technology you're using are you listening to me on the microphone right now mr. bread dot cool can you hear me how are you doing very good projects I love these these are one of my favorite just having fun coming up with random creative things so that's a big yes for me mr. Britt cool I love it okay launch the website so it's an interactive game type website okay oh my goodness scroll down or press key forward down all right let's go let's go everybody level one oh my god this is very cool beginner all right all right we get the Mario references going on there yes oh they're coming for me the building is this I feel like this happens to me too often the the buildings are attacking me can we go through the buildings leave me alone buildings alright let's score the hoop alright can I get the ball leave me alone blog boy okay now to be honest my swimming skills are not that great but we're gonna try but if you have if you're not gonna see any new videos for me it's because of this so lets Illuma guinness we have the fishies we have the jQuery CSS javascript the crabs I'm not gonna make a joke about that one okay and then we have turtles and then we have whoa what happened there I just blew and I just love it ate it out of the water okay incognito digital animation 70% codes 15% graphic 50 percent luck twenty percent skill ten percent power and we'll okay let's keep moving let's keep moving okay very cool very well I do love this whoo now we're flying that's one of my other phobias let's keep it goin let's keep going and we can send a message very cool good job very cool this is again another very creative thing you can do just kind of make a game out of a website and absolutely mind-blowing now if I already know your website and I want to send you a contact email I would hate this next up we have this James Webb's alright adding a quote to a landing page is stupid thank you for visiting James wells [Music] load it up everybody looks okay next up we have a website called lunar dot pura HQ and let's take a look how dare you how dare you so there we go everybody thank you so much for watching this episode and let me know if you want to see a part two because these are kind of fun I'm not gonna lie so if you have any projects websites games whatever you want whatever you want send me a meme I'll review the meat okay let's do that then then just let me know and we can do another part and until next time I will see you in the jungle next to the Lions are
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 304,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dev ed, reacting to your projects, reacting viewers, website reaction, project reaction, games reaction, web development, programming, funny programming
Id: btFsjiugudk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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