Get out of Code Tutorial Hell now, and Get a Job!

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hey guys welcome to the video so tutorial hell web developer developer tutorial hell how should you deal with this so let me just get to the point you don't want to get caught up and trying to do this tutorial about tutorial this tutorial dot tutorial this tutorial that tutorial if you find yourself in that situation that's because the tutorials are not really teaching you how to code that's problem a lot of coding tutorials out there they teach you they show you rather the steps to do a particular type of thing like build a shopping cart system or create a Twitter clone with no js' and react etc but that doesn't teach you how to code how to be a programmer and that's why you're stuck in tutorial hell because you know that there's gaps and you know it's you don't understand it's like eating a bag of chips you eat a bag of chips and they're like I'm not I'm still hungry I'm still feeling I need to eat more why because there's lack of substance in the food chips may taste good tutorials may look cool I'm gonna learn to build this in order to provide but they're not actually teaching at code don't get me wrong tutorials are fine if they're used at the right time when is the right time after you do your fundamentals if you understand your fundamentals also in the bazillions of tutorials out there on youtube or any other platform or just the quick article on how to do x y&z with weather note or react or whatever technology you want also in all these articles all these tutorials that are very difficult for you to understand out I also only become very very easy if you have the fundamentals in place so remember if you are running into a situation you're in tutorial hell you're you're not confident about your skills you're wondering oh how do I know enough oh I really don't understand that's because you have a gap in your knowledge which is the fundamentals that's why that's that's what I teach in concentrate on I do have some project courses in my curriculum but they're not that important in fact people just do my foundation courses which teach a lot and then they don't you know I say do one or two a little simple project courses crowd and basic database stuff and then go out and actually write real-world code that's the key to all this by the way if you want to become a developer quickly if you want to quickly get a job if you want to quickly start your freelance career if you want to quickly be able to write production code the key is not getting involved in tons and tons of tutorials you don't want to be a forever prepper you don't want to be a forever student where we see that in universities where guys or girls will get their bachelor's and then they'll do a master's and this and then those ships shift over to another another type of degree and then get their bachelor's there and a master's there and then in 15 years later they're still in school and and they don't know what they're gonna do and they're caught in to to become professional students in their late 30s and 40s even not a problem with that and the reason they're doing that is because there's they're not doing anything that they really like and they don't want to actually get out there in the real world it's fear a lot of it it's fear you get comfortable doing tutorials a lot of tutorials are you get comfortable in that place you don't want to actually you're insecure about jumping into the real world of coding the irony is this if you jump in and actually do little projects start doing little projects consider them your stashes you're gonna learn how to code so much more quickly there is a misconception put out there by a lot of these young noob teachers out there and you know from an old crusty nerd like me I'm 169 years old it's obvious to me that what a lot of these courses out there tutorials courses they're not there they're taught by taught by young guys who don't have much experience in the real world when I see that right blind leading the blind so let me summarize this you're in tutorial hell because you feel there's lack of knowledge holes in your knowledge that's because the tutorials are not really teaching you the fundamentals of coding proper real world coding number two you want to get into the real world actually building projects as real projects real clients as quickly as possible here is a basic reality of being a developer but I don't hear people talk about enough in the first few years at least you are constantly learning new tech you are constantly learning new tech in fact your job as a developer is to be able to evaluate new tech and to decide whether or not that new tech or that tech stack or that library or that framework should be deployed for the very particular for the particular project that you're working on don't get me wrong I'm not saying you should always look to brand new tech in fact I've done videos recently saying that a lot of the new technologies that come out you got to be very reluctant to jump into it because a lot of these things are unproven immature offer a marginal advantage over well-established technologies in fact today in 2020 a lot of the technologies out there especially in the web stack are very very settled and very very capable whether you use the dotnet stack or the Java stack or Python Django I'm talking web apps here PHP laravel know deus express their ho even Ruby rails I'm just joking about Ruby rails all these technologies can produce good apps today that's the fact of the matter is you're not gonna pick one and it's going to be amazing the others all suck that is a young noobs perception of things in the old days and they can understand back in the 1990s when I started writing cold commercially yes every year or two a new tech would come out which was significant where you had to learn it and you had to migrate to that but over the years this quick change in the technology that we use as developers has really diminished quite a bit that is normal any industry when it starts off new there's a quick evolution in terms of in terms of the technology and you have to adapt and adopt quickly this has really slowed down in the IT sector because we've pretty much solved how to do things right nbnbc based apps web apps very very mature we know how to do it and you for example learn Python and in Python Django you have to learn your website this is all the web stack tech for Python world and then also and you had to do PHP laravel or know it express your ability to move from one from the other wouldn't be be very difficult at all because they're all very similar at all very similar personal tastes we'll have people who have people say I prefer this I prefer that stack up but for no and I prefer Java IDE companies a lot about its personal taste a lot of that is circumstantial etc anyway so tutorial hell if you found yourself in tutorial I would say you probably like the basics you're definitely insecure about jumping into the real world but if you find yourself on your third or fourth tutorial it's time to move on forget about the toilets you got to get into the game close with this I remember when I was I did a lot of martial arts almost three decades and I I coined the term back in the day the professional pad hitter so I was doing boxing and yeah and bar I was in a gym where did boxing it was type offs and jujitsu etc etc even George st. Pierre trainer we had a lot of professional fighters who trained there remember there's a group of people who I would call the pad hitters they would never step in the ring to actually fight or spars they would just do pad drills and they were great at hitting Pataca before what - before they looked amazing hitting pads or hitting heavy bags occasionally well these professional pad hitters as I would call them they would jump into the ring to actually fight and what they learned very quickly but they didn't know how to fight at all because at the end of the day if you want to learn how to fight you're not gonna do it for drills tutorials doing pad work you're gonna do it jumping in the ring and actually fighting now don't get me wrong doing pad work has its purpose but it cannot be the only thing that you do you have to do the real thing if you want to learn to fight you gotta fight you want to learn to code you got a code real projects not follow tutorials which are just templates again I'm not dissing tutorials tutorials can be useful but tutorial should be after you do your foundations then you do one or two tutorials and then you jump into the real game and you start doing stuff now you do a first couple of little jobs for free as a freelancer even if your end goal is to get a job working for a company do a couple freelance gigs don't prefer you consider your stat consider those freelance gigs your stashes you're learning the learning the real-world learning portion of your training here's a great thing a lot of people will go to boot camp spend five grand 10 grand 20 grand because they can they say well I'm gonna get started when it gets stashed out in some company you don't need to spend five 10 grand 20 grand to get stash works you do your foundations you put up a nice site and then you can go out there and find a company small company a startup whatever who needs people to do X Y and Zed and do little projects you're gonna learn so much you're gonna learn so much and guess what I'll leave you with this I said this about three times but I'll leave you with this for sure there's no coder in the world there's no developer in the world who knows everything that's out there by software development I'll take it you take it far far further the best developers in the world may know three to five percent of the tech stacks that are out there at best right I personally now system 169 years old I literally all joking aside I literally have forgotten much more than I still remember it simply because the brain can only hold so much so much information but if you know your foundations and your fundamentals which all these technologies are based off of whether it be Python and Java c-sharp C++ JavaScript or a PHP Ruby they're all based on the same basic constructs of programming so if you learn how to create functions and variables and how to write code properly in Java for example you'll be able to do it in Python like this as I said to other people in the past I rather hire a JavaScript programmer with five years experience to do a Python job than to hire a Python programmer who's done five tutorials a programmer who has maybe one year experience because the guy who know doesn't know Python it has five years of experience writing JavaScript his code and his Python code in about three and about an hour will be much better than the junior Python developer of only a year of experience and the reason I say that is because the language constructs they take they're universal they've been settled if you will in the industry so yeah if you're in tutorial he'll do your fundamentals then go out there and do the real deal because you're gonna learn as you go you're gonna research as you go you're gonna implement as you go that's how I did it when I was freelancing I would walk into a lot of gigs I wouldn't even know my favorite language at the time in the late 90s was Java I had walked into a lot of gigs and I would just say okay let's see what the project is and then I would decide what language and what frameworks what libraries was gonna use based on the needs of the project and it's not just technical needs there's also business infrastructure oriented requirements as well if if they've invested a lot of money in Java for them to want to jump to c-sharp net they'll be very reluctant to do that if they're invested in a lot of Python they'll be very reluctant to jump into PHP or Java or C shop whatever that's another consideration I talked about this in other videos so as a freelancer I'd walk in look at the project okay we should do this in this technology and several times I didn't know anything about that tech I was learning but because I knew the fundamentals because I was professional developer I was comfortable learning any new technology depending on what the needs of the job were I hope this helps you out with tutorial hell don't get caught up in it it's time to get into the ring and start coding for real trust me you're gonna learn sooo much quicker when you do it that way
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 43,375
Rating: 4.9512939 out of 5
Id: kedlCFBoKM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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