Paying People To Create $5 Websites On Fiverr

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what is the best way we can create a website is it learning HTML CSS and JavaScript haven't I taught you anything on this channel so far no we go on and buy five dollar websites that's how we do it so that's what we're gonna do this episode we're gonna go on and we're gonna buy a few websites and we're gonna take a look and what we get and before we get into the first website I do want to show you the messages I talked to this guy and obviously I'm gonna keep all of their names private for security reasons again so let's take a look this one is called I will build you a professional WordPress website for your business who already excited so obviously I choose the $5 here the basic plan just like me I'm basic and I thought this would work perfectly so look at that straight outta bed we get responsive design whoo check we have three pages created for us so that's really good plugins and extensions we have two and delivery time is two days well I'll let you know that it didn't take two days it only took two hours okay here are the messages so I try to be even more convenient towards this guy and I wrote to him I only need one page I don't need three I don't need anything else just one simple page however you want so you have created freedom to do whatever you want and he wrote to me yes but it's so less and I need to sit in WordPress and do do you have a domain and hosting please make it $30 $30 I thought this was the basic plan for five dollars so I wrote to him basics as five dollars basic I want simple one-page WordPress and he says oh I see I'm new here I have no idea how gigs work that's why and that got me thinking a bit aren't you the one that sets up your plans with how many pages you want with with the price and everything I'm guessing you set that up and fiber doesn't do it for you so you should know your prices so that was kind of strange let's assume that I was trying to be scammed but nevertheless I moved on I said yep it's okay and that he said but can you leave me a tip what you like I will start working so the funny thing here is that we didn't even talk about my project so far right the first thing he asked me he asked for more money and the second thing he says is can you leave a tip before we get going and yeah that's a very good way that you can set up a good client relationship all right the wonderful thing is he actually sent me a link with the website so let's take a look at the dream dip dot-com I like the way that sounds so it's loading up it's kind of taking a while here my entering that is quite fast I have one gigabyte Internet so I'm not sure why is it taking out there we wait a minute this is not my website what's happening right so I wrote to him and he said that he actually took it down because he had to do somebody else's work so then I asked him if he can put it up again but and never really got a response so what I did is I got the vaporous file I think he migrated he used a plug-in to actually put out this V press file so I installed man on my local server and everything and I just imported that with a plugin that he used and I finally got it working so that's close up the other side here and this is what we got take a look bread tray brewery I know hello my name is Brad tray berry and my passion is photography and animals I love to see him visualize everything and capture it forever who here's a picture set blah blah blah my goals are to travel around Europe and beauty of each country on my camera joint on this adventure and here are some pictures that I took very basic so as you can see there there's not much styling or anything going on here this kind of just kind of copy pasted everything here and yeah just a few pictures there's some weird empty spaces here so I'm not sure what happened here and we also got this further but to be honest at this this guy clearly has like zero knowledge of web development all he did was probably just install a wordpress plugin and just dropped in the text that I gave him which is this and he just dropped in the pictures and that's it so yeah okay let's take a look let's take a look at this at least slightly mobile-friendly I'm gonna make this smaller Oh take a look we do have some mobile friendliness here okay what does this do it doesn't do anything of course so that's great all right so let's take a look at the pictures because I saw something weird and I kind of want to show it to you so when we're kind of in large screen like so we get this cool effect on the pictures so as you can see we have pictures but when we we make the smaller they kind of disappear however the problem is that they disappear and sometimes they do that or sometimes they never even come back so they just stay disappear forever so let's take a look we have these two pictures of me standing up and looking and smiling at the camera let's make this smaller kind of want to make sure all right jumps down there never mind sometimes it did for me and sometimes it didn't as you can see we don't don't have the dog picture anymore so there's some weird things going on here but all right so that's it that's the first one was it worth the money to be honest not really I spent too much time with actually getting the WordPress thing up and make this run so you can so I can show it to you now the second one was actually straightforward and the messages are not really interesting so I'm not gonna show it to you but it was I just asked for the same thing like the Brad for everyone and he just said okay I'll do it no problem so there we go this is the second one and this guy actually took time to build it out in HTML and CSS which I really appreciate okay you didn't just drop in a word poet press theme in there and call it a day actually hosted this one for me and also gave me these HTML and CSS files so take a look at this already a bit better I'm not sure if I provided this flower picture but hey it is what it is I appreciate that he also did a bit of shadow on the white text to make this pop a bit more we have a simple grid here with an about and again kind of the same text that I did a nice picture of me on the right with dog there in the corner and just a a bit nicer read going on here so as you can see it kind of keeps everything here they have the same space which makes it look nice even here where we have three pictures as you can see because these are longer these are kind of landscape mode these are portrait mode so he fed a three of them in here but as you can see they never extend this grid that he created which is really nice so he probably used bootstrap for this I assume or CSS grid we're gonna take a look at this but as you can see this is kind of very nicely organized and we have also like a small little footer here which is which is good alright so let's take a look let's just jump in quickly and feed into these source files here and let's take a look at what he used alright so we have our body here let's open the header here and yeah there we go as you can see we have bootstrap going on here we have jQuery I'm not sure why we have jQuery but we're gonna take a look if something is interactive here because this would be a library that is not really necessary to be important in a super simple website like this there's nothing moving or going on all right and then other than that it's just simple simple bootstrap yep we have a container we have rose-colored containers and all the good stuff so okay we have the bootstrap I do want to see very quickly if yeah there's nothing interactive here so the jQuery could have been taken completely out let's take a look at mobile view all right still looks good okay yep everything looks very nice now to be honest for $5.00 this has been quite good I I am not complaining the design is very simple that's completely fine again it's five dollars let's keep that in mind but at least everything is structured everything works the way it should work and when we have everything responsive that's also very fine the one thing I would remove though is D jQuery plug-in because that's not necessary it 14 last one I switch my persona I'm not breadth rebury anymore I'm Dimitri Marco and I'm a male model so that's gonna be my persona for this one okay let's take a look at the messages because this is kind of funny again okay so this guy basically asked me how I want my website to look and again I gave him the creative freedom to do whatever you want I said do whatever you want I don't understand anything about websites or design so have fun and then he wrote to me that I will develop a high quality content I'll use team WordPress I'll provide you the hosting and domain but I will charge you a little bit more expensive so I said don't worry just give me some HTML and CSS very simple I'll do the hosting and everything on my own okay so he said yeah even better how many pages I said one and he said yes I would increment to work for $20 and at this point I was like you know what is this I am asking I'm doing the basic package again for $5 one page or two pages very simple and they keep asking me for more money I said I paid for the basic version one page I don't get it I am gonna ask for a refund and then he said you just threatened me and Fiverr has a very strict policies for trance though I'll create it I don't get angry as I said I'm not threatening you if you put on your website that you are selling it for five dollars then that's what I should get right you don't go to a store and you buy something from twenty dollars and when you go to the counter they ask you for 50 and I said I'm not threatening you your basic plan says five dollars for one page with source code you wrote it and you said I thought you were asking for this plated website something more elegant that's why I made an offer for $5 trade me again and I will go to fiber support support and cancel this project I'm a professional developer with five years plus experience and I'm not slave to a person who has five dollars in his pockets you want some work done try to behave and humanely matter again I have no problem with this ask for more money put it there on your website on Fiverr put it that you ask $50 I will give you the $50 just let me know but don't put $5 and they then you say that you it's $20 that makes no sense as for more money from the start anyway after all of that he just said delivery by midnight all right to be honest this is one of the best $5 websites I have caught in ever and this is worth it it's so good I'm gonna put it up on my main website and you're gonna be able to see it so check it out in the description so let's take a look doom here we go take a look Dimitri Marko and it's Hallion model and there's my face right there in the corner on the oh whoa I like that I kind of I like that because then when you see me you're gonna be like you're gonna be like oh okay so that's good we have the Tunder that's an expression of my Italian swag all right we have a home about contacts this is perfect like the way this looks read more click oh okay but I don't want to read more let's close that up let's go down here biography my name is Dimitri Marco model located in Italy I will provide services including commercials editorials and semi-nude so we can contact now contact me at the meet remark or Gmail if you didn't want to do business and discuss a price so here is me actually put these pictures off of my Instagram take a look but this looks great I love this picture here it's so expressive some images of Marco not polo expressing his feelings through the camera true true the kid okay never mind take a look take a look right there right there this is how I feel about my youtube channel alright let's zoom out here oh you even have a carousel here click ooh all right perfect everything works just fine copyright by in Phoenix at okay in Phoenix okay cool let's take a look at these links to the do they do something no no not even the contact no all right too bad but other than that this is this is highly impressive let's take a look if it's mobile friendly he'll take a look at that even mobile friendly ooh we got so much out of this these don't work no all right other than that take a look at that take a look at five dollars okay what do you want more everything's perfect the grid nobody cares about the grid screw the grid I just want to have the first two pictures that's fine from me but that's it I'm gonna get it put this up on edify for your enjoyment but there we go so what have we learned from today well we learned multiple lessons one you should put higher prices if you feel like your work deserves more money and the second thing we learned is that you get what you paid for so if you pay five dollars for a website you're gonna get five dollar website if you pay $100 you're probably gonna get it get something better right because professionally made websites take a lot more into consideration than these even though I like the last one okay Dimitri Marko will live on forever they take a lot more consideration so how the design flows together your what's your call to action on the website your website identity with logo and everything of that sort and if you want to support me you can do it on patreon there's gonna be a link in the description I recently added more and more source codes from my coding videos so if you want to access all those files they're gonna be in there and also I'm gonna add the offline videos as well and I also did a special discussion type video for you guys talking about frameworks and vanilla JavaScript so that's already posted there that you can watch on patreon until next time dimitri marco zelf
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 1,258,681
Rating: 4.7588058 out of 5
Keywords: fiverr gigs, make money online, fiverr tutorial, fiverr websites, paying people, 5$ website fiverr, fiverr, fiverr website, fiverr gigs for web development, fiverr gigs ideas, fiverr gigs that shouldnt exist
Id: -1h8HQ6rd5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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