I React To Viewers Projects!

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good morning my gorgeous friends on the Internet today we are gonna review your projects and your games and everything else that you send me and before we get going if you don't know how to make games and build out websites or design websites Skillshare is today's sponsor sculture is an online learning platform with over 25,000 courses yeah 25,000 you heard me right they have courses on if you wanna learn programming they have HTML CSS JavaScript everything to get you started if you want to edit videos like this there's courses on Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve and also my personal favorite are the courses on UI and UX so that's something that interests you I think the courses on those are excellent the awesome thing is that once you sign up you have access to all the courses and it's not expensive it's less than $10 a month and I have a special bonus in the description you're gonna find a link and if you sign up under that link you're gonna get two months for free hey everybody wins ok first website we have is this one hyper so Chi take a look at that we have a girl and with green stuff first first look the design is very nice I like the way this looks I also like that you animate these bubbles these weird bubbles and everything is green it's looking nice I wish I mean it would be pretty cool if you could animate these text bubbles as well and maybe animate the girl kicking the plant okay other than that it looks very nice I like it a lot let's scroll down see what we have all right we have these cards I'm not sure if you got these from Andhra but if you got that's not a problem because you're pretty good anyways and we have the green glow on the border yeah okay let's go down fully dedicated okay looks nice I like it if you want to be cliche you can also animate these in with JavaScript and other than that I like what you did here next up we have mr. Arjun dotnet la-5 comm that's his real name Arjun Detlef I moving on okay so what we have here is let's see myself I am Arjun I am self-taught what changed no skills JavaScript yes I did you gotta stop changing these what I want to read it because it's difficult okay I'm slow I'm not as fast as you might think okay so let me see can I click the dots yeah of course I can click the dots and it would be nice if you can leave this open for a while because I might want to okay now it's open I don't never had jumped okay nevermind I feel stupid just leave these open and maybe you can scroll through it but you know what there's actually not them much on this page for you to make the scroll thing maybe just have everything on the page and just yeah just get rid of this hole it looks good the animation looks good but maybe have it so you have to scroll down or something yeah okay let's see your projects though my projects click OK I'm clicking ok it's not working maybe maybe we can go up here about okay about this just a text okay we have all been there let's not judge anybody well let's go down here and there he is look at that handsome boy okay let's go to what shall we do react projects let's see the react projects okay that's not working Thank You Rajan I appreciate you sending this website Mattia Patea t was nice enough to send his website his little portfolio here he also has these illustrations going I know these are not from under ah so you probably made these okay there we go we have this girl just chillin on Saturn is that Saturn I think it's Saturn and just looking at the other stars and looking at your portfolio this is kind of deep I like this but it also looks like an O so maybe the ocean is the tot of the of the Saturn the ocean flows through the memory of the start okay never anyway so Mattia Maria T is an ICT students with babe which basically means I see tutorials and he is self-taught in electronics okay so let's go and scroll and see what we have here so here's a project that he created and we also have the woman now sitting on an onion or some kind of grass so that's interesting I'm not sure what that means but maybe the project is gonna explain everything to us so let's check out his project alright so there is the Saturn I feel like everything is connecting together Marco De Marco what's Marco de Marco is it Dmitri Marco is this all connected to my channel let's leave let's see Netherlands I speak Italian English and Dutch whoa what was that was that rocket the girl is gone she left the onion grass and went away with the rocket straight down the clouds Thank You Marietta for sending me this I want all of you to tank what does this mean what's the story behind Saturn next up we have okie-dokie which is a WebGL game built in unity ok let's see what we have here made with unity let's scroll back up Wow ok let me mute this ok so I'm the guy with the milkshake and the milkshake popped and the dark flew away with the ball Doki Doki makes sense ok I want to be sillier which is ok click this one and I wish I could read and and figure out what this means so we might have to just kind of click through this and figure it out by ourselves okay take a look we opened the fridge we're gonna get our apples because dogs love apples no it doesn't work can I click can I get anything I need to put the cheese and the bulb but the cheese in the bowl I'm dragging I'm dragging and sorry dog you are I can't close let's go get the ball let's play with the bulb try it doesn't work okay that doesn't work can we open the fridge can we make a milkshake click click and that my energy is my energy is full okay we don't need can I get the key from the dog maybe I just need to move in frame in here and then kind of do everything can we go to the fish I feel like I need to do something with the fridge and just can I figure it out click get the ball oh we got the ball whoa what no we try again we we were not supposed to get the ball let's go here actually let's just get the ball again click and trow here okay the dog got the ball now we can go to the fridge and we died okay there we go phenomenal game you should put it up on Steam make sure you beat out last of us that's coming next year clap for doki-doki this guy mr. Alonso also made a game called pin pong I love ping-pong let's check it out now we got an option to actually choose English okay so we might have some luck with this one pink upon what it's not pen punk it's the monkey pong Wow let's start okay next control vs code up and down left and right 11 whoo okay next okay good luck alright here we go okay let's let's go up here ooo look at look at the monkey space like who can I control it sped up okay we went peace out monkey boy don't ever come back to this city stop we have Andres dev Tao web alright so he sent me his portfolio and we have this nice greenery with black and and that's it thank you very much for sending me the project next up we have a website about tea so welcome to the world of tea and then you have a big cup of coffee in front of you I'm joking okay so we have this going on here we have some tea and a meeting in yeah protip would be probably just make this a bit faster but I'm just being picky other than that that's a lot of tea wait a minute that is not tea what is this what are you trying to sell me tea or cookies I'm confused now okay let's get back anyway let's scroll down more and there are five reasons that we should add green tea to our diet Wow all right let's read if you're wondering what the hype is all about whether you should add green tea to your diet here are five amazing reasons to consider okay I'm intrigued I want to see what's up read more that's not working okay that's just I just scroll down more okay chai location so if you ever want some cookies you can go here and not tea okay there we go pretty nice for kind of like feedback I would say and the logo maybe you can simplify it I actually like the logo that you used here maybe you can do that and add some text to it thank you very much for your tea website it looks good I like it I wanna order three pieces send it to my address and we'll do a live tea review reaction next up we have this hi my name is I didn't get a chance to read hello alright I design develop and create okay that's cool I like this thing this tentacle thing okay very nice I like the way you did this I like the way that you use this orange and I like the way that you kept it consistent here everything was very very nice this is actually very impressive font very good this looks very good if you made it good job let's scroll down okay this looks good maybe this a bit bolder but I'm being picky again this is just very good-looking okay this is probably the the best design one that I've seen so far I like this one a lot okay let's see what else you got here we also got me a little animation is panettone as I would like to call it let's check out maybe a project or two here okay okay so the text here is a bit pouring out make sure to fix that yeah just make sure we all mess up it's okay we can actually view the project which is which is a shame because I like this about alright so basically this just kind of navigates you through the whole website okay cool yeah so maybe maybe you could have also just had this in the nav here somewhere or something so I don't have to open this up like this and then boom boom like this maybe when you scroll down so when you're up here and you scroll down a bit maybe a top nav bar opens up here and I can just navigate through that and just auto scroll and you can have that going but this is very nice looking your design skills are very good you beat me you are a better designer than me so congratulations you get two claps one's not that loud and the sec louder we have a game finally another game that we can see I'm bringing the laptop up so we can play and what we're gonna do is we're gonna discover your favorite color what if I don't have a favorite color okay I like blue click I like this one and I like the blue the blue the blue the blue it got me the blue let's try again okay I kind of like the purple I like the the blue and the blue and the blue [Music] that's the best-looking one okay this one looks cool too okay it's the okay I wanted the blue thank you for sending me thank you for helping me figure out the color my favorite color where is my blue last but not least we have a game that final game oh no windows protections your PC did you send me a virus more info you know what let's run this anyway oh no we need Java Runtime do okay [Music] is that can we play the game let's play how they move how they navigate okay so I have to hold W no s and D actually so the bomb is coming towards me and I have what is this what is this madness I'm collecting the the yellow tang how am i dying okay I need to avoid everything I think can I shoot I can shoot the bubble again how they avoid this rocket till it feels like it's impossible who swooped a dupe OOP yeah okay I like the fact that I can blow the bubbles up in the sky but just I cannot avoid these Rockets okay maybe there's something in shop that we can buy okay we know we cannot okay never cook in there is no shop like I can destroy the Rockets but once you're down here it's kind of over I'm running out of bullets no more bullets is it over okay it's over it's over great game I need more features I wanna live stream this for a year thank you for sending me meteor breaker everybody one good clap everybody thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed this one let me know if you want to see more of these reaction to projects kind of episodes because you're fun to make I love them alright until next time make sure to slap the bell like Leonardo DiCaprio from inception when he wanted to wake up and until next time it's it's like summer outside I don't know what's going on it's like so hot outside and we're almost in Halloween it's crazy alright bye bye I love you
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 159,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, react to websites, viewer projects, react to viewers projects, web development, game reaction, website reaction, dev ed, i react to viewers projects, fan projects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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