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I try not to laugh you laugh you lose we only get five live's each live we're not three oh I wanna talk in a half tone about coming right up boom I want laughing emojis know me and a hat that kind of look like you mean cousin yo gg welcome to react timing this video is brought to you by tic-tock make sure we go download Tik Tok first thing in the description check it out because we're on tick-tock of you to know we love Tik Tok post every day yeah actually yeah oh he pranked me like three times already on Tik Tok at the reaction time make sure you go download it through my link in the description and follow me follow these guys as well Anthony Rivera's for those pranks coochi general Wow Anthony you see this little car so he tricked me in doing this I don't realize fall for you for gonna show me something cool how is it cool how do you fire it's dude money still funny so if I like but I realize I could I just reached over and just a brain cell or something like huh yeah I was hanging out they have any too much oh yeah all right I mean he doesn't bring me sweet us the latest one guys here so thank you Tik Tok for sponsoring this video we're doing it trying to tell if I'm ready to go let's do this are you ready yeah I saw this before but I think you're actually gonna show me something cool dude how do you fall for this no it's not funny Jason laughs Jason laughs you lose a point you lost boy Jason what are you serious you hi you guys ready okay you ready five lives each welcome to reaction time let's jump right into it you have to know I did enough to know I didn't know oh you are slide - if I wasn't good enough Anthony since I want you to lose you want me to lose oh yeah yeah you're getting pinkeye again no I'm not laughs in my eyes is pink his eyes pink again Oh bats look so pink yeah sorry yeah it's it's pink no is not both eyes are pink actually once this one's worse oh yeah way worse it's not only your itching anyways buddy [Music] such is John Wester laser gun no one touches junkets me too chill like that my own Jason makes the same noise that nice scheme with [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is fire fire fire fire aah [Applause] [Music] that's just my ear you're super loud yo it's a cool trick I know it's funny 3 off Yahoo like what I have to do if you know it's a cool it's cool not funny prank it we got coming just had to lick my feet also god no I am posting a video on tick-tock right now or I pranked him and burned one of his Gucci shirts burn his eyebrow he has been pranking me three times three times in a row I decided to give them back Lysanne take talk so again first thing in the description to go download tic toc and follow me at it was Zee reaction time check out the video and go give it a like it's brutal I'll show you a quick clip I cried literally cried at the end of the video here I'll show you just the beginning clip but you'd fire some guy doing a robot dance II just see Jason realize about this that's cool that's cool I think we're gonna get the fence I would hide up here defense that'd be so funny oh I want to do that it's actually scary because they up when he's stuck when the body plane [Music] [Applause] oh that horse was just like nope oh my god oh and you Superman oh my god [Music] feet Oh can't we just bro how did that just eat it so he's lucky the horse ain't on him you just hit your feet oh you know how big are those bicycle how hard is it really believes in his own product ready next up right there's plenty of fish in the sea I'm sure my friend just not me yeah speaking of this Jeep right what's wrong Wow in that order I don't know a guy in order a white and then a girlfriend Wow that's why jason has a warrant in every Little Mermaid this is my voice one month on Dora you just love now they've done a percent just laugh take it away take a life yeah pretty good really nothing okay Jason this is my voice one week on Dora this is my voice one-one front door Oh Donna Wow it was loud I was not myself [Music] ah ya know what no no look you boss you are nothing how does it not count you're like you know actual love oh my gosh just how much do you have you have one life left up 32 no no you do not have the way left twice this is all right time oh my god [Laughter] [Music] no I should do I saw yes no Ben [Music] [Music] Llewelyn no lone buddy laughs Emily breathes out now you let is spit on your face there's literally spit on your face should be absolutely nobody but squirrels in jail [Music] oh yes yeah I can do it right he doesn't know how to do it it doesn't matter that point just phase dude mr. face he makes ready to come over don't look at me why why their prank on boyfriend hahaha my gosh no we wait it's time you spray tans it's being of Seoul remains the next spring we're gonna do I don't really have a hostile spray tan somebody but that's the next prank this prank is the Gucci burned it's the burn of the Gucci I cried I actually bye dude guys please please go watch on 6 I'll go follow me at the reaction time go check it out Brendon you can't sleep Oh Jerry forensic traps dang Jason that's why I laugh pisum avi is mad weight that counts of that count no backhaul no yeah I found it absolutely y'all that counted that counted yes four times two more times no other see you laughs y'all see you laughs makes gonna last so much more hope this the first one was the funniest he like you look like a very looking where's my money oh my god where's some money I had in my wallet did you call me a [ __ ] that's it I'm getting the [ __ ] back that's it you [ __ ] I have to what is he's finally left three only laughter you're watching we have a loser I only left three hey Anthony only left three started the channel again don't forget to download tick-tock they sponsor this video so make sure you go download it first thing in the description check out the video I pranked Jason I check it out and I'm very small and he bring me he only pranks me [Music] that's true that's true tongue never pretty salon Frank good boy why ain't breakable dude thank you for watching we'll see you next time three Tama be as enjoy subscribe to the channel see you on tick-tock and peace you
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 4,524,250
Rating: 4.9085865 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: aNhCzLOA35U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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