REACTING To The Breathtaking World Of One Piece

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somebody post this at my discord uh if you want to join our discord check out the links in the description um and somebody mentioned that this is a non-spoilery call video about the world of one piece i'm gonna react to it so yeah let's check it out i have never watched one piece i have no idea what any of this is about um i'm probably never going to watch it because apparently it's like thousands of episodes but you know never say never maybe i'll read the mango i don't know all right let's do it [Music] also always give credit where credits do the youtube is called straw what straw what [Music] is is it has so many it looks like it has different art styles like sometimes it's a bit how do i explain it like here it looks how do i explain this in a it just looks different every time i look at it like look this looks like a com if i showed you this picture and in this picture where was it even this like that just looks like a different anime every screen looks different from the other like look at this oh of course okay that's cool that's really cool somebody mentioned in my chat i'm watching this on twitch for more rpg come check out uh it has a thousand episodes art styles changed dozens of times huh interesting that's the beauty uh if if there are super heavy spoilers or something then just let me know and i will stop reacting to it but i was somebody mentioned that there are no spoilers though it's pretty much just about the world i guess that can be spoilery but we'll see your name [Applause] you know what maybe we'll check this out jeez it's so loud so what i've gathered by the way holy crap the worlds do look the areas look amazing um is it is it basically a rat race for pirates to get to this treasure is that what the show's kind of very brief main story line is about it's like a rat race to find the the main treasure of uh roger i i think i've gathered that that's what it's about you know like if you were to explain vinland saga you'd in a nutshell you'd be like it's about like a kid trying to find a new place called finland it's a lot more than that obviously but you know what i mean like all right is it really about that who knows bro holy crap these worlds are insane how is there not an open world rpg just how has someone not made an open world rpg about one piece this area this looks like it could have an mmo made up after it disgusting bro oh my god that looks amazing so is this a literal city on top of a volcano pretty sure this is a volcano it might just be a giant circular um is that a freaking whale tree is that like a whale or am i overthinking that look at that ah [Music] okay [Music] he's literally using witcher music did i just see what i thought i saw if there's a world made out of cakes and nobody's told me about this to everyone who's wanted me to watch freaking one piece okay we're back all right so as i was saying before my internet went everybody's been trying to get me not everybody but a lot of people have been trying to get me to watch one piece and i saw it very briefly but i rewinded because i need to see if this is a thing if there's a freaking world made out of cakes and that wasn't your first idea it looks like to see in my mouth and that wasn't your first idea to make me watch one piece how have all you one-piece frogs not told me that there's a world made out of cakes we'll see if there is then now i'm definitely not watching it because shame on you all [Music] you might have to watch one piece you have to do it this bastard i feel like whoever's made this video is in my discord because he's put he's listen bear with me i know i sound nuts but bear with me bear with me he's put my favorite game ever the witcher 3 music over my favorite delicacy sat and sassy about this sat and sassy like this maybe i don't know if this is actually one piece like maybe this is what this is weird this is too good to be true right now we've got the witcher music and we've got cakes nah nah it can't be true foreign [Music] [Music] how different every single frame that they've shown us looks from every other frame literally nothing looks similar so far and that's what's blown me away another thing that's blown me away is this bastard's hat do you know how confident and how much of a giga chad you have to be to wear such hat the flying dutchman nice so one would assume that one piece is gonna have a lot of like uh pirate law in it i guess is what makes sense right like maybe davey jones is in it and uh who else got blackbeard maybe i don't know i don't know much about pirates i'll be honest was that another cake island well now am i seeing okay that's cool am i seeing things i think i saw another cake island now i do look insane i knew it i knew it you gotta give me i've got an eye for this stuff i've got an eye for this stuff hey how you doing yes we're watching all of one piece in one stream yep we're going to be here for a while hey listen two about three of my favorite things cakes boo east and bob's [Music] [Music] i knew it was a whale that tree is stunning that is so cool i saw that in the distance and i was like is this is that a whale and i thought i was overthinking but as i usually do and shout out to my overthinkers i was actually over thinking about me over thinking crazy how that works isn't it i doubted my overthinking by overthinking the doubting it it's in my discord the video is in my discord if you're in there i'll do it after the video [Music] it's in the reaction suggestions so it's not you know what it's not just the um oh that is such a sick design they were like you know what's badass sabretooth tigers but so saber-toothed tigers don't sue us let's just give them more legs genius absolute genius octopus trees that's so cool yeah you've got to give you've got to give respect like you've got to respect it so it's not just the worlds and the areas it's all you know good adding tons of really cool areas but you've got to make those areas alive right and as we saw just here it says it has a plethora of different species [Music] [Music] [Applause] are the characters good [Music] [Music] vast array of natural phenomena nice [Music] oh math was there hitting us with the with the pan pipe top 10 shows yes the characters are good there are hundreds of characters so everyone so everyone's saying the pacing is probably its weakness if i was to yeah in the anime manga mango's fine yeah we call it mangoes around here we don't call it manga um okay is it are we is this guy is is he you know what never mind it's anime that's cool at least like hey like now you're just being obnoxious at this point just being a little bit obnoxious like at least wear a scuba diving outfit just in case you do fall in i mean you're taking the piss a little bit here but buddy you know you know you know what's weird is this doesn't make me want to watch a one-piece anime this just shows you what type of person i am it makes me really want to play a one piece open world game and i know there are one piece open world games but i've been told they're not very good which is such a shame man yeah i can imagine that i can imagine that i heard the naruto games are really good oh sick i i i truly am blown away by this world i really am i i didn't expect this now it's probably a stupid question i don't think this music one piece music right i think this guy's just using like epic music [Music] how is the music in one piece okay it's not yeah it sounds like he's just lion king music um oh [ __ ] is it is it dark are there times where it goes dark but this seems pretty dark no like is it not as happy-go-lucky as i assumed it would be yeah i guess that makes sense right i assumed all anime was like happy-go-lucky do you want me until i started watching anime [Music] like what the hell wait oh these are giants because look huh unless these aren't giants and you're these are normal and you're uh tiny people we'll never know we'll never know what year did one piece start 1999 and what year did the mango start justice you're trying to tell me this whole big-ass world only has one throne so there's only one king for all of this let me go over this again land okay so it's got a land of the gods [Music] a world government call 170 plus allied nations damn so i'm assuming the show can get very political as well in the in the show i mean not like 50 representatives huh and one throne hey that's a badass throne that's a badass throne [Music] love the anor londo vibes [Music] one day the world will host a gigantic event [Music] she [Music] well done well done to whoever made that video well what do i mean whoever made that video shout out i don't want to scroll down too much because i don't want to look at my recommendations um i'm not gonna look there's his name you can see it right there straw oh straw hat uh god i'm gonna oh no i'm doing this live so i can't get my editor to take out you're fired it i literally said straw what at the beginning of the video i was like [Laughter] [Music] i was like shout out to straw see this is why we need punctuation shout out to the grammar police in the youtube comments we appreciate all you do for us see shout out to straw that was amazing go subscribe to him go check out his other stuff um regarding the video i really i really am blown away by the amount of uh the amount of what's going on like the world really is unbelievable it really is um will i watch one piece one day maybe maybe i'm super intrigued super intrigued i don't know how i'd go about watching it though like here's the problem if i watch one piece is for those for all those episodes there's so many animes that i won't be watching does that make sense that's my biggest problem with it like um for example how many episodes altogether is out in aot right now chad youtubers do five episodes per vid oh hell nah see look aot has 90 episodes that's insane so what i mean is like instead of watching a thousand one episode of one piece that's ten amazing enemies i could watch instead you you see my predicament if i was if i if i wasn't uploading and stuff i'd i probably would watch this it looks like my kind of my kind of [ __ ] but i don't know i i do a okay aot has 87 i'm assuming you just rounded it up it's fine the premise still stands you see what i'm trying to say um but anyway let's talk about let's talk about it for a second um that that was really really cool and um honestly whoever posted a discord shout out to you this is it's stuff like this that will make me watch you know big shows like this i love world building in games and shows i really do um apparently there's a fan made cut yeah but my problem man is i think i like filler i think i'm one of the guys that likes filler you guys have seen my reactions man i like random episodes and shows that most people might not find their favorite you know i mean i don't know like if a filler episode yeah is just some of my favorite characters just chilling on a boat having a conversation about what they're gonna do or something okay in in the chat right now non-spoilery can someone give me a good example of like a filler episode in one piece or would that be too spoilery can you like you know what i mean like say it was character a and character b and they're on the boat right and they're just on their way to them to the non-filler episode right and they're chatting about like you know their life or something or what makes them want to do certain things i love that kind of [ __ ] i don't know if that's a filler it was good long that's good long live the characters have a conversation competition with a baddie and but it's funny pirates yeah that sounds hilarious bro that sounds good i think i like filler uh because some of my favorite episodes and i'm not saying there is filler in aot but some of my favorite episodes in aot are episodes where really you know not much happens um i mean stuff happens in aot all the time but for example one of my favorite moments in uh vinland saga is literally ah it's a little bit spoilery not really one of my favorite moments in vienna and saga is when the vikings are having a conversation with a priest about love now is that fillery probably not but it could also sort of be filler what i'm saying is if you watch all of vin and saga i highly doubt that's most people's favorite moment but that's what that's what comes to my mind when i think about venn and saga i don't know man i don't know so the fillers are good the pacing is the issue what what does that mean there's a part where one of the characters has to make a huge cake for some function yeah if that's filler then sign me up if you're like phyllis watch naruto no oh man you say that now but phil episodes start to get old as you see more of them so what what what's a bad filler episode that that comes to mind when when you think of the when you think of the word filler what's the most annoying filler episode you guys have seen ah maybe you can't answer that because it'd be super spoilery i get i guess not oh recaps oh recaps would be annoying the characters look at each other for a minute before battle [Laughter] [Music] uh what they they're just is it not epic though a fight can be filler it was a filler episode they take one episode worth of story into three episodes for the episode but not important side characters doing non-important things yeah but are the side characters not not you know charismatic and good and funny to follow
Channel: OmarioRpg
Views: 71,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece episode 1 reaction, one piece episode 1, op episode 1, op episode 1 reaction, op, one piece, one piece reaction, one piece reaction video, luffy vs alvida, luffy, my first time watching one piece reaction, reacting to one piece, one piece openings reaction, one piece openings, anime openings reaction, anime op reaction, anime opening, opening reaction, anime openings, anime opening reaction
Id: I1G9zxhiMnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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