I GOT GOOSEBUMPS! | Anime Hater Reacts To The BREATHTAKING World Of One Piece !!! |

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why did that give me goosebumps dude this makes you this makes me want to go to the Sea what the [Music] [ __ ] god dude dude that's beautiful look at the sunset oh my God oh my God look at all the sunsets you have to be on acid to think of some of these things I'm your God there's no way he came up with all this stuff sober oh I had chills I want to watch it yeah I don't care what you guys see will have made one piece with an acid or entrees or some sort of drugs why is he biking along the [ __ ] ocean this because you do not come up with this stops over this is I think I'm not gonna take too much time thank you guys so much not even one month in we're almost at 2 000 subscribers and it's just ridiculous to me like it's just mind-boggling I literally thought that it would take me about a year two years three years maybe to even get to like a thousand subscribers and it's mind-bolling that people even gave up give enough [ __ ] to like join my Discord to follow me on Instagram to comment on my videos like my videos like it boggles my mind like it actually does and I'm I'm genuinely so thankful enough with the weird [ __ ] I'm gonna stop just that's it thank you [ __ ] six I hate doing that [ __ ] okay but in other news today we're reacting to the astonishing or the I keep [ __ ] the name up the breathtaking world of one piece and I'm actually really excited I want to watch One Piece a lot and a lot of people like why do you want to watch One Piece I'll tell you I want to watch One Piece as a kid I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z my cousins watched that my friends watched one piece I used to fight them like one piece sucks one piece is [ __ ] trash Dragon Ball Z is better and I still feel that way because I haven't watched one piece obviously but all my friends still watch One Piece to this day Dragon Ball Z is discontent it doesn't it's done that's the only anime I've watched mind you I watched Dragon Ball Z as a kid like when I was 10 years old and that's the only anime I've ever watched that's kind of the reason why I want to watch more anime because I love Dragon Ball Z but Dragon Ball Z is done one piece is still going on so what happens my friends talk about one piece when we're together all the time this and that and that and this or did you see this episode this is all this [ __ ] [ __ ] pisses me the [ __ ] off but I thought it'd be cool like if one day I I've always thought of it like one day I'm gonna catch up on one piece and be like yeah guys Luffy Luffy fluffy Luffy is like see I know a little bit one piece movie isn't looking cool that Luffy just killed like his [ __ ] dad or some [ __ ] like whatever the [ __ ] happening I'll just say some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how do you know so that's why I've always wanted to watch One Piece because all my friends watch it I just want to be part of the conversation but um a thousand episodes is a [ __ ] ton so I'm just dipping my toes into the water and seeing what it's about I'm gonna watch this and react to the openings and maybe one day for now let's watch this because I'm actually interested in breathtaking world oh dude I love Japanese voices they're so good I don't know what's about them but something about Japanese voices wow I love it the ocean saw the world begin [Music] should I say it like this too and the ocean [Music] holy [ __ ] there's so many different places so this doesn't take foreign why did that give me goosebumps dude The Voice the narrating oyster is so good in this look at this what the [ __ ] [Applause] whoa what the [ __ ] is yo what the [ __ ] is this oh my I totally slipped my mind I totally forgot like they're they're on the ocean because they're Pirates right so obviously they're at different places but this is so beautiful dude everything what the [ __ ] let me just watch let me shut up I don't want to pause too much dude the world is built so beautifully like everything is designed so nicely like look at these shots we're looking at dude like look at this it just feels like I just want to be inside the show like look at like tell me this isn't like fireworks some hot girl beer drinking what the [ __ ] why is he spilling on himself poker half naked girl with drinks gambling I don't know about you guys but I would want to be in a world like that but look at this like everything is so nicely designed City Lights Towers fireworks this is beautiful Santa Claus what the [ __ ] a light we were over here oh dude this is oh the music dude holy [ __ ] is this a fan edit or is this like something one piece made because this is a fan edit shout out to the guy who made this because this is beautiful dude holy disgusting foreign like I wanna I wanna follow gold Roger okay this is stupid like you guys showed me just want to be shocks by itself I'll be like holy [ __ ] because we're getting back to back to back such beautiful shots like it's becoming the Baseline like this is normal like all the [ __ ] I'm seeing here is normal in this show if you show me one of these shots another show but cool [ __ ] this is amazing but like now because I just keep seeing amazing stuff I'm getting normalized to it this is beautiful what the [ __ ] is this why is there a mouth in the middle of the leaf oh my god dude oh [Music] wow dude this is so nicely designed every single like biome there's like different biomes like Minecraft was that a cyborg dog what the [ __ ] I want one of those these voices are so nice like these voices are giving me chills like the voices are so beautiful is it I don't know if it's the language I don't know if it's just a Japanese language or the way it's spoken like it's just so beautiful something about it is like I don't know I don't know how to explain it it sounds so nice Flying Dutchman what the [ __ ] from SpongeBob look at these different Islands too many islands and countries that we've never seen before dude this makes you [Music] we're talking about it I want to go to the [ __ ] sea I'm gonna become a pirate my pirates still a thing in the real world dude what are these bubbles did you have a city with bubbles that's so [ __ ] sick I will live in a bubble City so look at these shots doesn't they just want to make you live in this world wow what the [ __ ] is this there's no way they like you're telling me the whole like the whole show they just live in the [ __ ] Dreamland this is [Music] that's the main character I don't know why I keep saying Luffy I know it's Luffy I just said Luffy [Music] is that how the Muse is drilled no way the news is delivered by birds that wear hats and have a satchel and throw papers that's sick I would literally read the news if that's the news was delivered here where I live if those birds throwing papers I would read it this music is what the [ __ ] is that was that a cat or lion shoot ass kill like an earth line God this fish is in the sky [Music] creative what the [Music] what the dude what the [ __ ] is even happening right now what the [ __ ] is actually going on there's turned like Vortex water tornadoes with whales and lightning and fire on the sea landing on the sea guy what the [ __ ] why is he biking on the [ __ ] ocean there's I oh why sick it's a bike that makes ice as you that's [ __ ] fire what is going on there's fishes in the sky landing on the sea fire in the water bikers on the water this is so creative like holy [ __ ] the person like who writes one piece like I've heard like [ __ ] I know the name I've heard of the name so many times uh my friends always talk about I can't put my name on it but like that's so creative like all the things he comes up with you have to be on some [ __ ] acid to think of some of these things dude that reminds me about like as a kid when I used to go out and play like those three kids playing on there beyond the clouds so this this island to the sky dude that's beautiful Jack and the Beanstalk like the Beanstalk where the Giants live oh my God this is so sexy Egypt no way they have underwater cities and cities in the sky to look at this I just [Music] what the [ __ ] is happening bro I'm sorry I just want to watch like I don't want to react this is so beautiful like this is like what the [ __ ] is even happening I'm telling you the creator of one piece to come up with this [ __ ] he was definitely on some crazy drugs bro there's no way foreign he came up with all this stuff sober oh look at this wait these are the characters right I've seen some of these characters for sure [Music] this is just so it just feels so good it just makes you feel so comfortable Sunset oh my God oh my God look at all the sunsets [Music] dude this is [ __ ] gorgeous I don't know how many times I've said this is so oh my God it just whoa [Music] shots what the [ __ ] in the nighttime Festival do I want to go to a nighttime Festival [Music] look at this just you and your friends someone look like [ __ ] freaks but this that's fire [Applause] ocean I'm not gonna have the ocean scares me what the [ __ ] is dragons [Music] these dragons and turtles what the [ __ ] they're executing people damn one piece is like that I don't know are those giants because these are this is the normal sized person they execute Giants [Music] ugly ass monsters [Music] dude the ship is flying dude I literally like I had no idea one piece was like this I just thought it was some pirates on the ocean [ __ ] destroying Islands that's what I thought it was so I don't know it was like this this is beautiful the whole world is just sexy and amazing I don't want to live in it [Music] dude look at this uh it's an island in the [ __ ] Sky I would never leave that place I would live there and I'll look down on all the peasant humans and be like I'm your [ __ ] God good thing we don't have islands in the sky because I'd lose my mind oh it's like an ancient place bro [Music] dude I literally have every time this [ __ ] speaks I get goosebumps the narrator voice is so good the conflict also because I'm reading subtitles the ads land of the Gods there's gods world government 100 semi nations are those all the kings a throne bro this looks sick but there's the land of the Gods so like other gods like Kratos and [ __ ] in here about to fight Kratos and Zeus foreign [Music] god dude dude I actually like I'm not even joking like I'm not not I don't give a [ __ ] call it what you want call it overreacting suck my dick I actually have chills like I actually literally have chills I'm I think I'm watching One Piece dude I have to watch it I have to watch after this like if someone watches this and didn't watch One Piece afterwards I don't know what to say because that was beautiful dude the world I think there's too many characters but the world like the creatures like different places the land of the Gods the LA the islands in the sky islands and the ocean like it's just beautiful there's so many cool creative things this fish flying people ice ice bicycle man on the ocean I bet you I'd even catch half of the stuff that was there like I I know there's probably so much [ __ ] that I missed and I'm sorry it was really overwhelming with how much stuff there was if you just took like one clip of this and showed it to me one day at a time every single clip I'd be like what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this is crazy but because it was back to back to back amazing things I feel like I was so normalized to seeing amazing things that it didn't like it skewed my perception of how amazing This truly was but I want to watch One Piece after this I really do and like I said I already have a huge incentive to watch it because of my friends and this just adds to it so I don't know I'm not gonna watch as my first anime because I want to finish an anime before I watch One Piece but I'll watch it eventually definitely hopefully a couple months down the line but that was [ __ ] beautiful like that was actually good and shout out to the guy who made this video honestly uh I'm gonna link his video Straw Hat V dude like [ __ ] well done man like that [ __ ] was like so good the narrator voice gave me chills plus with the subtitles and the music added together yeah I don't care what you guys say whoever made one piece was on acid or on shrooms or on some sort of [ __ ] drugs because you do not come up with this stops sober this is beautiful it's so creative like I could never think of the [ __ ] because I'm stupid but this [ __ ] was [ __ ] amazing like you don't just come up with [ __ ] like that by yourself oh [ __ ] dude I was already confused on what to watch first so I was on U.S vote and I was still confused now I'm even more confused but either way I love that tell me what some more one piece stuff I can watch without spoiling myself because I want to still see some more stuff before I react to one piece but what's some stuff I can watch without fully spoiling myself let me know and I'll react to it my first impression of One Piece I love it this fire dude it looks [ __ ] sick like I want to watch this [ __ ] I want to watch it that's it thank you for watching guys
Channel: Marp
Views: 49,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime reaction, one piece reaction, first time watching one piece, The Breathtaking World Of One Piece REACTION, reacting to the breath taking world of one piece, non-anime fan watches one piece, first time reacting to one piece, one piece episode 1 reactions, one piece anime reaction, reacting to one piece, watching one piece for the first time, The breath taking world of one piece, first time watching the breath taking world of one piece, one piece reaction breathtaking
Id: fFneVJxCkYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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