NARUTO FAN Watches " The Breathtaking World of One Piece " For the First Time

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how's it going fish fam welcome back to a brand new reaction today we're going to be doing something a little bit different um for those of you who didn't see my posts or my like most recent upload um I'm actually going to be taking a step back and doing uh content like outside of one piece for a little while um just so that way I can kind of more focus in on that but in the interest of trying to make sure I'm putting out as much like quality content as possible and as much content as I have been in the past I wanted to take some time to watch a video that a lot of people in the one piece Community um have recommended that I check out it was sort of a really good introduction to the world as a whole so today I'm going to be taking a look at the breathtaking world of one I wanted to take a quick pause here uh just because I realized in the process of editing this video that I forgot to shout out the creator of the breathtaking world of One Piece uh it was created by straw hat 5 I'll put all their info down in the description below all right back to the video and PE from what a lot of people in the community have said uh this is a really great sort of introduction to everything that's going on in the background of the story as a whole from what I've heard there shouldn't be like any spoilers for me me throughout the course of this but I'm hoping that in watching this I'm going to get a little bit better understanding of some of the questions that I've had in regards to you know what was the past like before our current characters and like the bigname Pirates of today um I just want to have a little bit more of an understanding of that going forward obviously I'm sure it's going to be information that is revealed but it it's just something that I feel like would enhance my overall current viewing of the show I don't think there's a whole lot else to say um I'm just excited to check this out and you know hopefully learn a thing or two about this world that I'm exploring right now so let's just get into it [Music] this is already like beautiful okay okay so definitely like what I thought it's going to go a little bit into into the history so that's awesome that's definitely what I was hoping for just because I feel like that's something that I don't know enough about early on but I feel like would enhance my current viewing experience or at least give me a little bit more of a knowledge base going forward so I don't have as many like unnecessary questions obviously throughout the course of the story a lot of questions are going to be answered but I feel like questions about the historical context of everything are important to know moving forward the goal right oh this is so well edited so I'm assuming it's going to show like a lot of characters that I haven't met yet I'm not I don't consider that to be like spoilers been on the internet and around anime culture long enough that I've seen a lot of One Piece character designs so I don't think there's going to be anything that's like particularly new to me as far as just seeing characters um but I just like the fact that it is you know fleshing out the world wait Santa Santa exists in one piece damn 43 okay so just seeing like some of these towns and like cities and stuff it's like I wasn't expecting like the cities and stuff to be the scale that they're at I guess I mean I under obviously I understand from their explanation of the world it's big right there's five oceans so it's a it's a huge world it's you know the roughly the same size as the world we live on right but I just I I didn't think about like the cities just being as Grand a scale as they're showing here just because of what we've seen so far has been like relatively small villages I guess they have trains this is they have like crazy infrastructure okay holy [ __ ] okay so this are like some giant [ __ ] dinosaur skulls right and then we have like what looks like Islands floating in the middle of the ocean but with giant mouths okay so there's aside from the big sort of sea monsters that we've already seen there's some crazy like humongous creatures potentially that we see at some point okay at what point does one piece become a Kaiju anime that's what I'm wondering right [Music] now [Music] [Music] fore so is that like all the Navy DN or the Marines yeah Marine bases are huge they're like as big as most of the Cities so I I was going to talk about the fact that it seems a bunch of different cultures are kind of represented throughout this like obviously I've seen pyramids and stuff like that shown throughout the course of this video but we just saw the flying Dutchman so are there actual tiin in one piece to real life historical Pirates like we're we're seeing the Flying Dutchman right which for those of you who uh haven't seen SpongeBob is a real pirate ship um historically a legend are we going to see like Blackbeard or something at some point that's wild okay uh [Music] again yeah like the scale of everything is just so much bigger than I thought it was [Music] [Music] initially bro it's like it's almost like a game like at a c like obvious it's not it's like a it's like a real world real worlds are based on the games are based on the real world right so it's like there's just so many different like areas and cultures that are just specific to seemingly is or I guess like areas of land land masses that are just strictly this thing like we saw would seem to be like feudal Japan and then we've seen areas that have pyramids and we've seen areas with snow covered mountains and I did not expect it to be such like a grand scale of things especially coming from the perspective that I have being someone who's such a big fan of Naruto where yeah the villages each have their own sort of like separate feel and separate Vibe obviously Sand Village it's sand right it's in a desert Cloud Village for whatever reason is the only village where people have darker skin everywhere has like its own culture and feel in Naruto but it in this world a much grander scale of [Music] that we saw dinosaurs I I hold on let me go back let me go back a second bro I saw big monkey right I saw a King Kong and right now I see a dinosaur in a cape that's nuts that is huge so we're going to get dinosaurs at some point in this show that's [Music] crazy oh yep Birds delivering the mail just like in Harry [Applause] [Music] Potter what so there's like the tsunamis that people use to like gravel that's crazy that is a train traveling on the ocean um outside of Snowpiercer like I don't know that I've seen anything like that right and then this is probably another devil fruit user I'm not sure at what point we're going to see this but this is clearly like someone else similar to Luffy I'm assuming who ate a devil fruit and now has like ice powers or can freeze water something like that which I mean is probably the most useful of the devil fruit powers because it's the only one where you're not going to like immediately drown right but dude is riding a bike across the ocean that's [ __ ] [Music] Wild wait so there's like literally cities in the sky then so not only is like the land itself and the ocean's like super vast and has a bunch of stuff going on all over the place but we also have like separate cities that are just in the sky jeez honestly with how like WID scaled and diverse the different like Landscapes and type of environments are it almost reminds me more of like not an anime but of Magic the Gathering like that's how seemingly separated all of these different like cultures and land masses are that different universes unto themselves or different planes is that a flying octopus okay and there's that's what I expected we have stuff under sea also wait how is Luffy going to go visit anything that's underwater that's interesting oh I know those two places something I recognize [Music] where I'm at right now visually comparing it to like the stuff that I'm seeing in this video so wild because obviously like this anime is so long running and has taken course over so many years that the art and Technology available has just changed so dramatically that I can see I I see the future visually in terms of what I'm going to be watching and I'm super stoked because don't get me wrong like it doesn't look bad right now especially for the time period it came out in but seeing visually how beautiful the settings are and like some of the scenes that I'm going to be watching it just gives gives me a lot to look forward to for [Music] sure Jesus okay we got submarines maybe that's how Ry gets underwater is that a [ __ ] Dragon [Music] what okay [Music] wait is that the octopus the flying octopus it just [Music] inflates the world government two okay so does that mean there's like a separate World governments or is that just like like the world government's second like flying vessel also it's crazy to me that they basically have like in this world where there's seemingly like super low technology right like there's dudes running around with muskets and swords that are the apex predators seemingly of the of the ocean are dudes with like muskets just running around right and then we have the world government that has a sky elevator with a Giant floating city attached to [Music] it there's just so much going on do we even have like aspect pirot or cultures a representation of the [Music] [Music] Gods seeing those are all [Music] Def okay I'm really glad I watch that honestly it gives me so much more of an insight into like the scale of everything that's happening in the background is obviously like most of the things we're going to be seeing we haven't seen right we're we're so early on into the show that there's just an insane amount still to come I I I really like the fact that there's so much like represented inside the world of one well it's like it's built out to be a world right whereas a lot of animes they're like okay it's set in modern day and it here's this one exception that's the only exception or it'll be the case of like isekai animes right it'll be like okay it's basically olden times but there's also magic that's like the one difference like the way one piece has built out this world seemingly having all these different like cultures represented and um you know different sort of just based on geography how these areas and people develop I'm just looking forward to getting to see the whole the whole shebang I guess I I don't know I don't know um I've heard that from a few different people like what specific arcs are are their favorite but honestly just getting to see everything put into perspective I'm excited to just see I I guess the the development over time um because they depicted it a lot here but the difference in visuals compared to you know what I'm currently watching and what I'll be seeing in the future as we continue on through the story are something that I'm really looking forward to let me know in the comments down below what's your favorite aspect of the World building within one piece um cuz for me I honestly think it's how like I guess like diverse might be the best way to put it but just in terms of having like there's so many areas to explore right whether it's you know there's apparently Islands floating in the sky there's stuff Beneath the Sea which I it it being kind of a pirate anime I kind of assumed there was always going to be something more involved down there but and then seeing how there's you know different land masses that have just developed completely differently culturally and you know everything else from what we understand to be the core world or at least what I understand to be like the core like premise of the show having like these small villages just sort of scattered on Islands or whatever and then every once in a while there's like a bigger city but that's definitely doesn't appear to be the case there's you know gigantic cities everywhere it's just a matter of scale because the world is so big and there's so much that we haven't seen yet and that needs to be developed with all that being said don't forget to hit the subscription button down below make sure you tap the notification Bell so you get notified the next time I upload a one piece video and with all that said I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Spartnfish
Views: 21,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime react, anime reaction, anime reaction first time, anime reaction mashup, anime reaction one piece, one piece, one piece amv, one piece gear 5, one piece opening reaction, one piece react to luffy, one piece reaction, one piece reaction mashup, anime one piece, one piece luffy, reacting to the breathtaking world of one piece, the breathtaking world of one piece reactions, reacting to one piece, naruto fan reacts to one piece, the breathtaking world of one piece
Id: jLpxwS6pgDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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