WHAT Is This Fun Show | ONE PIECE | Live Action Reaction 1X1

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what is a one piece I know nothing about the show piece of what one piece of [Music] what I know nothing about what this show I don't know anything about but I'm excited there's a bunch of hype about it it's based on anime It's like got good ratings everybody wanted us to watch it so I'm excited however disclaimer to the anime fans we will not be promising to watch the one piece anime just now so it's just too big of a project for us right now right now we're not saying we'll never do it right please don't come at us okay are you ready yeah I'm excited we need something like happy after what we've been watching on our channel oh my goodness if I don't know if this is feel good but it better be because I don't want to be yeah me too this is a world like no other filled with hundreds of islands strewn across vast Seas just like right into it and throughout these seas are those who live according to their own rules Pirates ooh okay this is a world of pirates stop I have Goosebumps for too long villains and misant have swn Havoc across our seas but the Marines on behalf of your World Government strive to keep you safe and protected gold Roger the soall Pirates has been let this be a message to break the spirit of anyone foolish enough to follow in its footsteps he's so unbothered yeah he's got a plan like Jack Sparrow mhm you have any last words yeah you take these off starting to which I warned you you brought this upon yourself now I'm bringing it to one in all oh authority of the world government there's a history there I declare your life for where is your treasure tell us where you H it who's this she has cool eyes did you see his sideburns yeah you want to know where am my treasur Is wealth Fame power I found everything this world has to offer free yourselves my treasure is yours to [Applause] find now everyone's going to be a pirate oh shoot oh oh are they all running out to find his treasure a new age was born the great pirate eror setting off a race across the seas to find the pirate King's hidden treasure the one pie okay oh okay so it's a treasure but still what is it ever since I was a kid shs would tell me stories about pirates in their Adventures so yeah the se's been calling well not exactly calling because I pretty much can't swim what I'm set enough to follow my dream find the one piece a come King of the virus little boat love this guy all I need is a loyal nothing about 10 men you do 10 men and a bird what that's cute so what did you say wait how did they make it look like real but cartoon at the same time so a mutiny Mutiny oh no oh oh man this my first [Music] day stop this is too funny how fun that ship that is cool did that just have confetti what is going on this is amazing Al but leave the crow to me [Applause] is so cool already this is [Applause] awesome dang she's amazing girl power oh I love her it's just so unapologetically pink right where is the pirate Hunter roronoa Zoro you book passage to Island after that I don't know liar I know zorao must be after me who else is worthy of his Pursuit pirates and their bounties and of course I was at the top actually your name wasn't one oh you oh that'll make her mad yeah oh oh oh dang who's the most powerful power this little nerd is so cute I feel like he doesn't belong there I know who's that oh it's a barrel I don't know my I jump please don't kill me hey hey hey I'm not going to kill you all right do you have any food here what ala doesn't let me eat until after she finishes homeing H she's captain of the Alita Pirates oh that's great it is yeah cuz I'm a pirate too he's going to recruit this kid they're thieves and murderers not the Pirates I know shs he's back [Music] a that's so cute easy with this R it's worth more than the rest of the loop put together all Captain pretend it's a Lego lamb he wouldn't drop that oh he was in the crowd the bright I mean I'm pretty sure 10 years later but or 12 years later our favorite street urchin come to welcome us back I'm not an urchin I'm a pirate the sea isn't a child's game it's dangerous scars on my face are proof of that you're not ready I am and I'll show you it's got a family to speak off the kids on his arm better a disappointed kid now than a dead one later hey oh ready it down Luffy before you hurt yourself I'm not afraid of getting hurt and I'll prove it to you uh wait did he just stab himself in the face don't get it why would anyone want to be a pirate was that yeah that was him yeah that hat was on the other dude I think no he must have gave it to him you never know what's in the Horizon it's all about being free you should never let anyone tell you what you can do if I did that I never would have left my Village to go find the Wes you're so cute why shouldn't I be the one to find it as soon as I'm out of here I'm on my way to the Grand line once you enter the grand line you never return it sounds kind of fun oh no everyone's just sleeping on the deck yeah is that normal is that what happened on ships I don't know which way is noral ohry going on up there now what oh no you dare betray me to a bounty hunter no that's not it at all you she thinks everyone is after her I'm monkey never heard of you well remember the name cuz I'm going to Pirates I love how just like happy he is I know I'm sorry I didn't hear you who's Pirate on the SE answer me you sniveling rant he doesn't have to he own man he's mine and'll always be mine that's not what he told me no stop and they as dumb as a SE wait he didn't say those things he didn't oh no oh H wait what what is going on a dream kind of a monster this this cannot be real the stretching kind he I'm so confused I was not expecting this so people have powers I don't know at least she does what this is all your fault is he just Invincible I'm guessing so no wonder if he has no fear he scared of anything what is happening anyone else got a problem with Kobe oh love this no sir I'm the captain now that's what he needs to say coming with me right a okay stop what did we just watch first of all I love this what was that sixes sixes yeah I can't get over it so he's like last girl last you people often visit shrines to light candles for those they've lost who are yours for this one was for someone on knew a long time ago and the other what do you want you may call me you have three swords yeah I represent an organization known as Baro works we are interested in your unique set of skills pirate Hunter Runo aoro ah oh oh you should know it's a high honor to be asked to join our Rex does it come with a free face tattoo my favorite is number one oh okay down sass forfeit your life if they were that serious they should have sent someone better than number seven o [Music] [Music] okay wow he's [Music] cool oh oh I was unex love him you how did you stretch like that it's kind of a long story at least you didn't get your eye I was aiming for it but [Laughter] missed don't Stitch too good I want everyone to see my scar SC a look I've been practicing what my face is going to look like on my want poster oh my gosh this is adorable he's so cute my ship already has an anchor I'm not an anchor shirt stupid treasure I love him uh-oh that was the box that one guy said was worth a lot of something oh really yeah oh what is this is that a fruit is that what he ate to make himself stretchy a fruit yeah that thing looks [Music] cool the whole thing oh no bring us your best whiskey afraid we're out that' be our fault friend we've uh been doing some celebrating we've drunk the place dry but uhoh perhaps this will make up for it what are we supposed to do with one bottle generally you drink [Music] it uhoh okay now got a up this dude wants to fight slap him with the mob do it you got you good huh G you got a m why are you laughing how could you let him insult you like that all he did was spill a drink on me not everything can be solved with violence a man needs to be strong but he also needs to be good you're not a real man you're nothing but a coward come on he's a good role model seems like he is Luffy oh okay what the heck did he eat he knows he's like uh-oh you ate a devil fruit a devil fruit I was the gumgum fruit it turned my body into [Music] rubber what in the heck next up to the Grand line do you know how to get that Kobe if you could do anything in the world right now why would it be it's dumb oh stop SP it out I've always wanted to be a Marine wanted to protect people that we can't protect themselves a he has a good heart yeah if that's what you want I think you should do it I'll help you out you even know me we sh the meal Kobe this is so cute I know I'm feeling emotions yeah help me you're in luck sweetheart we're all the help you'll need crew I'm fre my Pirates I barely managed to make it up ah no she's uh she's tricking them yeah yeah she's on their boat already sorry boys see you thanks for the [Laughter] rescue sh Town that's cute I didn't know there were so many Pirates there are way worse pirates in the ground line where's my face we already have out egg more is better more is better maybe maybe what if I get inside flying I can grab into a bird or something and there's Marines right there they're everywhere oh oh it's him oh Bounty Hunter oh my God okay a bottle for me and one for my friend wait what is nobody questioning this what is happening that was creepy going buy you drink oh they're all here too tall what what is the next guy a the next guy she got R for you you made them yourself mhm R you stupid stupid girl that is so mean I'm so sorry so sorry ew what a jerk what a jerk oh no that's very sweet yes but he now you eat apologize he's a psychopath come on tough guy three see the guy in the bag I already need [Music] one oh my gosh already he's not even un sheathing his sword [Music] no wait what that the guy she was flirting with yeah she probably I mean she's like a con woman or [Music] something oh that's why she needed a shorter one she's still in the uniform makes sense shouldn't dry your blade unless you're prepared to use it don't kill me please my father will give you anything I knew it I knew it was going to be some spoiled kid Captain Captain Morgan stop roran NOA Zoro the demon most feared pirate hunter in the East blue all of these characters are just so like eccentric looking I know I love it it's cool you can try to arrest me will be the first one I kill hey he can't speak to me that way you'd make a hell of a marine kind of got my own thing going on one doesn't leave much time for playing dress up oh what's the deal with threes with this dude yeah since you won't be able to collect a bounty at any Marine base once I get the word out uh take his job just can't stop thinking about that fight that guy was amazing he was with the F sword I mean where does it even go to protect that little girl from the Marines who was supposed to be protecting her if there are good Pirates and bad pirates then they're going to be good Marines and bad Marines too a I love his view on life he's very optimistic mm the great demon no I hate stand him what do you say puppy do you want to do a trick for me H put it down what's so special about this old thing enjoy these seven days cuz when I get down from here you'll be the one begging you are going to die in this yard his hair is fried bleached oh hey you're the guy from the bar lost I am lost you don't know anything about me I know that you protected that little girl from those Marines last night you're a good guy I'm Ro nooro the pirate Hunter well I'm Monkey De and I will be the king of the Pirates I love his name I said that together we'd make a pretty good team i' kill your son for a leging ooh you're kind you keep saying that you are it's like he's just the right amount of crazy yeah I made a promise to someone a long time ago to become the world's greatest swordsman impressive I love him me to I just think it's a waste of time for you to be hanging out here there's something you want out there he's such a good actress like she's so cute you're not supposed to be in here Captain Morgan sent me to find a map of the grand line ahead of his security briefing this afternoon oh she's after the same thing hey we don't have any maps to the ground line down here do we no we didn't get any oh that's the guy she beat up go from the B whoops stole my uniform she's a good fighter yeah both hiding from each other I love it I'm taking you into custody for trespassing on a Marine base better take yourself into custody too cuz you're not a marine you're so smart yeah you stole that guy's uniform now you're looking for my map it's my map and I'm not leaving here without it yourself hey hey get back here that's your plan just walk into aan Morgan's office and ask him for the map I may have to fight him for it why do they call him accent anyways I guess he's never seen him oh oh it all makes sense wait is that him him I can't see it I don't see it no there's no resemblance stop I'm so uncomfortable stop oh oh that's that is so humiliating are you I know Captain Morgan sir I was just escorting this prisoner to The Brak he was arrested for causing a disturbance in the Square what's your name TR Nam me sir I put in a request to serve under your command she's a quick thinker yeah I expect great things from here she's the best he's all impressed car that was amazing admited we do make a pretty good team we are not a team are those okay she's a pck pocket too so resourceful love it you should think about about joining my pirate crewp I hate Pirates hate them that's because you don't know me yet oh why do you want the map so badly anyway need to find the one piece and become king of the Pirates figures so why do you decide to become a feep I didn't decide I needed to eat you do what you have to to survive Pirates probably killed her parents or something yeah oh okay what going on here Pirates inside the base we're under attack a woman with orange hair dressed like a marine she was trying to steal a map to the CR line my Kee Sound the Alarm uh-oh hurry up I have an idea idea yeah is he that strong no wait is no way oh no wait did they take the whole thing or just the door oh I think the whole thing wait they just ripped it safe out of the ground what oh my goodness he's so happy [Music] everything's just so fun like a game to him making a choice is it going to help okay let's go from a bar glad I made an impression the impostor the pirate Hunter and the Prisoner yeah you're a crew Noe not together I alone defeated the black cat Pirates I alone captured Kuro of the Thousand plants okay is this going to get crazy uh-oh this ain't good I love that he's wearing zbra Strip band oh no he what did he just do he find both of them now I'll go high you go low oh I'm serious okay looks like Zoro oh he's using his third sword what wait straight up he just fights with it in his mouth that's crazy no [Music] way wh gum gum whip yeah spiders call out their finishing moves maybe some rope or something oh or we can do that he's struggling a little bit but this is awesome I don't work for you I'm sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew I can't leave without my friend can't wait the Marines will be here before you know no you can't leave him the Marines are here already you're under arrest hang on okay he's so ridiculous looking what's wrong with his hair did he cut it I'm taking you in and handing you over to my father I'll be the hero no I might even get a medal yes it looks like berries and cream guys berries and cream yes Kobe with you what yes you are stop it he wants to become a Marine you sure before we met every choice was made for me a now I'm going to do what I want to do we'll see him again at some point mhm and he'll be a marine M and it's going to be great but for now we're friends a that was so cute that was really cute look at him captain of his crew that doesn't want to be his crew yeah it's so cute oh that's heavy duty wow this is scary very Gary Carri this name is that a phone heck pirate she that's the guy from the beginning oh yeah what did they take weapons gold worse the map uh oh a map to the Grand Lon has been stolen by a p it in a straw hun a pirate they finally finally recognized that's all he wanted they were pirates Captain just like us and you didn't stop them who is this guy been planning this for months no where did he come [Music] from ew we saw him on one of the wanted posters yeah yeah buggy 15 million he's scary my M I don't like that I'm going to get it back wait I just got chill I kind of like him though no I know I [Laughter] know oh oh my gosh that was good that was so fun I like this I like it too it's so like random yeah and I don't know I like the tone of it it's like a good vibes show like it's so fun and the acting is really good like it could have been cheesy really easily but it's not it doesn't feel cheesy so far I think the same thing I like it a lot yay episode one I'm excited though to figure out like if I mean I feel like there's knowledge about the one piece being in the grand line because all the Marines are like scared that somebody has a map to it yeah so no wonder I'm intrigued me [Music] too up
Channel: Haylo & Kiss
Views: 204,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, One Piece Live Action, Reaction
Id: F7XQydoyWtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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