Reacting to Playing God by Polyphia

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hello YouTube in this video I will be reacting to Playing God by pfia now I've heard a lot about pfia through bandmates colleagues other musicians Instagram reals mostly I've seen Tim Henson I've seen clips of interviews with him clips of shredding I've never given pfia a proper listen to going in I've got kind of a bias I'm not necessarily against but not necessarily for Instagram influencer guitar playing could be that I'm just jealous if the focus is going to be most mostly on your abilities as an instrumentalist and less about the art you have to really rise to the occasion so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen here is playing God by pfia fancy overdub but it's a nice [Music] overdub stunning visuals [Music] okay right off the bat not what I was expecting I was definitely expecting it to start deting and it could still very much Dent at some point it's great we got some Latin jazz in there some Prague rock some Instagram influencer guitar playing the atmosphere is amazing Tim Henson's guitar playing is unmistakable as [Music] well very much not a real kit and that's what we're seeing but whatever the music business is like like that okay I'll shut [Music] [Applause] [Music] up vibing straight [Music] vibing obviously it's had that sort of R&B flavor I say that like a total Dad it's got a little R&B to it I am mostly Blown Away by by the fact that they haven't started chug chugging yet that it hasn't started turning into the usual quasi mugar ripoff that everyone seems to really love these days again total Dad sorry I will shut [Music] up dig the hair [Music] yes it's almost like if there was a like a rock band from the world of Zelda Hyrule pfia would be from Hyrule I'm also digging the actual v-neck that bass player is [Music] wearing the most hated okay we will take your word for [Music] it okay okay [Music] I'm most impressed by this [Music] part [Music] so I definitely love the dedication to relaxation in this song The headbanging happened at the beginning and now they're chilling it's stunning visually and the audio is stunning as well again I'll shut up very nice peep the whistle I want those lamps I want that mirror very nice very nice are they in God's house is that what oh it's that's it I talked through the whole thing that was very entertaining it's not what I expected and not in a bad way I was expecting it to get way more heavy and brutal again I've never really given pfia a proper listen but I was very impressed with the musicianship I feel like there was a lot of emphasis on on a lot of just like laser focused production there's a lot of attention to detail in all of the things I will definitely be checking out more from pfia in the future I feel like I want to listen to pfia and Conquer Hyrule thanks for watching if you like this video please subscribe leave a comment let me know what other content you'd like to see on this channel and I'll see you on the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Jake Nolen
Views: 18,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CfZBGGScesc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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