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okay well a new prolific song that's it's great we always you know we always love guitar playing here and definitely prolifia we had tim here on my twitch channel a number of times and recently you just saw tim and scotty from prolifia playing on stage with us on the dragon force tour that was super fun that was in dallas texas in the hometown and that was a blast you know if you guys didn't see it hope to um they put a video out there on our social media you can check it out it was super cool to see tim and scotty but let's check out playing god by prolifia which is actually trending at number seven on youtube now look at that look at that if you don't think guitar instrumental music is cool well i'll tell you man this is cool that is huge that is massive i don't remember a instrumental guitar music trending on youtube at number seven look at this [ __ ] this is unreal this is [ __ ] amazing let's check it out and i can see here they also got some tour dates lined up starting in september around the tour sometimes happening in september you know these youtube dates are not always accurate that means they don't have all the dates that they're touring only the stuff that is linked to ticketmaster and other affiliate um ticket ticket places that sell tickets so make sure you go to prolifia's website and check out the complete tool dates of what's happening okay go check it out they have i think they're working on the new album right now so let's check it out come on [Applause] [Music] okay i think i mean this is like political songs are hard to play on the electric guitar which means the action is low it's easier to play everything is low action set up i think that they're turning up another notch now going on nylon strings guitar and i have nylon string guitars i played a lot of nylon string guitars at the beginning when i was learning how to play the guitar i used to bring my nylon string guitar to school and i would sit there and play at lunch time when there was a break and because it's a much bigger challenge than playing your electric guitar and doing the nyling strings thing is like this is like pushing it they're pushing the boundaries to show you you know how much further they can go and they're not going to stop this is what's going on i mean the technique there is going so fast literally there's so many techniques harmonics the chords the high the low the natural harmonics the strum the timing in terms of songwriting they're setting up something for you to show you like you know what i'm gonna grab you here you're gonna stick here and listen to this song because we mean business i mean the moment you hear that it's like damn okay i'm gonna sit around and listen to this thing i'm not gonna turn it off it's like oh this is the same stuff this is not the same stuff okay you guys feel the same when you first heard that it's like wow it just grabs you ah wow what's happening what is this guy up to out of their minds okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh okay wow so i think if you look at this right now it's actually now think about it even further it's even more difficult the strings the action the dynamics i mean you gotta compress this with a compressor really hard on that tone to make the evenness and even if you put that much compression sometimes you kind of kill the tongue a little bit so they have to play this really well dynamically to play and you can hear it you know just the beginning when scotty was doing his solo he's going they can't compress it that much then you kill the dynamic of the song so there's still a lot of dynamics in it well i mean dynamics is like the level the things going up and down in terms of level it gets louder it gets a bit quieter it changes they're showing it there so you know you can't just compress the hell out of it because they have dynamics in the song so you gotta play this well i can't wait to see people trying to cover this song um probably no one's gonna do it they're gonna try but you're gonna spend like 12 hours on one riff just at the beginning um [Laughter] let's let's carry on listen to this thing [Music] oh i don't know what to tell you on this one this is actually i'm kind of blown away on this this is the second time for me to hear it the more you hear it the better it is actually there's a lot of um notes to remember and a lot of timing to um to think about concern and to play it naturally while still counting and playing the notes you need a lot of brain power that is crazy and you can see there's a play of the harmonies between scott and tim you create that sound it sounds like there's like four guitar players the way they make the harmonies and the way they like using the finger pricking and the pics at the same time oh i know you guys you are you guys are all a little bit speechless now thinking how am i gonna play like this is anyone gonna cover this song hands up who's gonna cover it anyone anyone covered it on youtube already i don't think so maybe next year that someone put a cover [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay i think to understand the song and understand the music we have to look at the influences that the players the musicians have in the band and how come politi has such an original sound is because they don't just listen to one style music they listen to hip-hop different kind of pop music you know popular music all the way to like metal you know they've grown up in a different in the area where you know it's got you got easily you've got easy access to all style of music easy it's a press of a button and i think that's something that contribute to um how these new players are so great the internet era you can press a button and you get access to different kind of music you want to hear right now that's something i didn't have when i was learning how to play the guitar you know you have to wait or you have to find someone or go buy you know this kind of music you have to physically go out there and get it and then put it on now there's so much information out there on learning how to play the guitar in different ways more different style and you can just stream something on there and watch something of someone how how someone performs something so this makes well let's say it makes it not easier but if you have the mind to want to create you can can go out there and absorb that and make it into something and the way they you know as guitar players they're not just like trying to like you know copy the music they like to hear they're able to kind of combine all the little influences together so it's important to um even if you don't like what tim listens to it's important to recognize what he's listening to him why is creating this this kind of music and how it come around to make it happen this way same thing with them with scotty it's a it's a very interesting combination there's definitely no boomer bands in there they bet they don't you know they barely bans or actually i don't think there's single band in that play on that song but you know what they're thinking playing a nylon guitar so the bands don't usually work that well compared to electric guitar you know the heartbreaking bands are needed you're creating different kind of slides and tabs and harmonics and rhythm change it on that changing the style and approach on it and guess what you know they can bend if they want to they just choose not to to kind of like put themselves in a style that you haven't heard they're spending more time on something else yeah this is a one hell of a song and i know i was messing around with you guys about no one can cover it of course there are people that can cover these songs some people are really good at covering songs they can listen to something and copy it and play it back but really the creation is the main thing man be able to create that piece of music is much more difficult than copying and covering a song even if you're going to put your own spin onto a cover hey that's why sometimes band cover songs you know it's actually easier than writing a song doing cover yeah this is not your typical type of music you'll hear what trending at number seven on youtube and you can think about if like it or not man the next generation the future of the guitar is here there's a new style in town it's been here for a while accept it or not you know what it's here this is it i mean what do you guys think do you guys like the track what's your thing about it what's your favorite thing about it what what's your favorite thing let me know i want to know what makes you take on this song is it difficulty level the tone the creativity or just forget about techniques we don't care why analyze techniques when we can just listen to music and let yourself be taken away from the music it's more important than all the technique techniques guitar players love techniques they love to talk about techniques but really at the end of the day we learn it just to create a sound that's why we learn the techniques because we want to make this sound don't let the technique control your music you're learning it to control your music as a tool to create but i think this is so cool that guitar instrumental music which we thought was dead after the shred era you know the shrub no records shred error was done you know steve satriani obviously able to keep it going but you know that scene was gone and there's something here right now that is fresh and creative that we have never heard before being created this is really cool someone loves guitar music like me you know i still listen to so much music so much guitar music i'm always learning so hearing this just makes me smile and go you know what it's hard never went away and it's not going away at all good job great job to um the guys in prolific awesome sounds great yeah it's just one hell of a trip you know to be able to think this way to create music this way and think well actually you don't think if people like it or not who cares if they like it or not when you create music you do it for yourself you want to hear it you like it you make it and of course you can see the whole aesthetic of the vibe that prolife is putting together is different too they have their own thing their own image the way they want to show their music visually and also you know how they approach it you know so you can hear it oh all right you know should i look at that cover you guys talked about let's talk about the cover i wanted you know what i want to see the cover tell me something about this person who did the cover straight away i mean obviously that guy must be must be you know obsessed about to pull it up already [Music] okay sorry i'm sure he's very good at this but i'm i can't hear the guitar i only you know he's playing on top of the track so he's playing on top so no it's not a cover yet you're telling me that someone's covered it no they haven't done it yet i think it's very relaxing very relaxing music [Music]
Channel: DragonForce
Views: 2,214,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polyphia reaction, polyphia, tim henson, goat polyphia reaction, playing god, polyphia playing god, guitar, reaction, guitar reaction, polyphia - playing god (official music video), polyphia instrumental, scott lepage, the most hated polyphia, judge, johan lenox, polyphia goat, polyphia the most hated, polyphia goat reaction, polyphia the worst, goat polyphia, polyphia yas, polyphia live, polyphia od, polyphia 40oz, polyphia playing god reaction, herman li, dragonforce, thedooo
Id: L5cpcCTGyNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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