5 Things NOBODY TELLS YOU About Being A Big Twitch Streamer - w/ Ludwig

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29 seems crazy late to jump into that speech i feel like she should have hit you at 24 with that one uh you know surprisingly she was more okay with it the first time but i think that's only because she hates video games oh okay i think it's a video game with music yeah my mom always thought video games are a waste of time and jokes on her hi do you stream do you want good background music but don't want dmca that makes sense use stream beats it's got over 600 tracks all these different genres they're all free right from spotify apple music or whatever you use plus we've got a rock album coming out next week that sounds like this i'll put the spotify links in the description down below if you're using a different streaming service just search harris heller thanks back to the video all right i got one more topic for you i don't want to take up your time the things that new streamers have no or completely clueless about that you learn as you're older that you you need to tell them like hey this is something you're completely unaware of okay things that until you have hundreds or thousands of eyes on you you don't realize are a thing you don't realize are a thing yeah things that you just can't understand doing this as a career until you're doing it as a career you go first harris you go first i demand it okay very first one the amount of thought and planning that has to go into every piece of content good one damn it that's a good one i know i've i wanted to say it before you did yeah that's true yeah you should probably spend uh a good amount of time maybe even as much as you spend streaming thinking about what you're going to do and planning it out i feel like a lot of the new streamers a lot of the small streamers that want to grow say i'm i'm going to go live this many days a week they play video games and they just hope people come in and then you get to be you know like you you said you put like two to three hours into that slideshow yeah i took the day off the day before to make it chat genuine question how many of you have spent two to three hours planning a single live stream on twitch i think the live stream was shorter then right i think i spent about three hours making it and i think uh it was about a two hour stream so it's five hours of work but only two hours live it's like uh movies movies pre-production is much longer pre-production and post-production are much longer than the actual production of the uh the show the movie or whatever it is yeah the the most difficult part about my job is figuring out like what is a clickable video what what are what are the options i have around me and what what can i turn into a clickable and then enjoyable video and that literally i will have to think about it for like hours before for every single video to make sure i've got something useful and entertaining all right i got one i got one your setup doesn't matter i respect that answer tell me more everybody focuses their first question on what your setup is and it really doesn't matter that much i mean there are exceptions to the rule sure but i think if you ask you know 95 percent of big streamers uh what they have some of them don't even know cykuno uses one obs scene lily peach did the same before michael reeves fixed it uh xqc's setup was never done by him i don't think he knows what the hell mike he's even using and so these details are at the end of the day just details and they can help but you know i promise you the most important part is the content and no matter how good your setup is that won't change that fact i i don't know if uh anyone in chat has noticed um my my content has changed quite a bit over the last year uh or two years because i did i i started doing way more gear reviews and like high-end gear reviews and nice cameras and lenses and i still do that occasionally because it's important to know but uh it's been much more geared around what is necessary what will actually improve your content i've done a lot more videos like how to turn your webcam how to make your webcam look like a dslr you know yeah or or how to you know how do you how let's compare using your phone as a webcam to an actual camera and then comparing the prices and you know if you're using your phone with a nine dollar app versus spending a thousand dollars on a camera and lens setup are you really getting an extra nine hundred eight hundred ninety one dollars of value out of that yeah your phone is an amazing camera it's so good and that's what actually island grown the uh the pokemon uh box opener card opener does on twitch he uses his camera and you need a high quality camera to capture your your carts and uh and just use this phone anybody has a good phone yeah he just uses his phone cameras are amazing phone cameras are amazing it's very true that your camera on your phone is probably the best thing if you really want to get started with something nice but a c920 and a blue yeti will get the job done it's harder to make a good youtube channel with with crappy gear you can still do with your phone but like the bar is just so high on youtube and you need to treat streaming as just a way to connect with your audience and then it just doesn't matter yeah i agree all right my next one internet careers are very more often than not super short but okay if you look at i'd like i should love to see a poll on this i wonder if devin nash has these numbers i want to see how many twitch partners stream for less than 30 people like current twitch partners current twitch partners stream for less than 30 people not that there's anything wrong again now there's anything wrong with streaming for less than 30 people we've all been there at some point but uh because most streamers and even most youtubers once they hit that initial they have a video that pops off right or they collaborate with someone or they do something on twitch that brings them up to partner status and they don't know how to maintain it they don't know how to innovate and they keep doing the same thing and the internet is fickle and they find someone else that's more interesting right so many i see so many partners that hit partner they do that partner push and they get there and then within a couple months they're back down someone to chat saying it's all about virality that i'd say virality virality is the reason i had a music career and it's the reason it died is because we entirely relied on the success of a single vine and we weren't able to innovate off of it and even with a vine that got a hundred million views within a year and a half we were making no money anymore yeah it's more like uh you start creative you find something that works and then you keep doing that thing and then you have to also keep innovating to make sure that uh you don't die because people get bored of your thing i will add on to that i went into streaming thinking i will only do it five years and i'm still kind of on that same path but uh i'd like to do something longer term something more creative you want to stay in the space maybe film maybe a book maybe a tv show maybe a i don't know could be even just a podcast just something that i think is uh that's not this and this will go to my my second one as much of a creative outlet as you might think youtuber twitch is it is so impermanent compared to every other creative outlet uh mainstream creative outlet like what what do you mean your stream doesn't matter after the stream ends and your youtube video only matters for maybe at most like a year or two it's just that trends come and go and and videos are being made every single day by the thousands uh hundreds of thousands probably nothing you make is permanent and will be remembered you will only be remembered for your body of work and this obviously has exceptions for people like bill wurtz or something like that but for streamers pretty much every single video you do uh and stream you do won't really matter it's just gonna be your body of work that matters so what's what's the advice there the advice is if you are thinking of it as a creat a creative outlet i don't know if that's the best way to think of it that impermanence matters in a way because i think a lot of people get into it because it's like you know more accessible than filmmaking or writing or acting or whatever but i don't think it holds the same uh value that those do in terms of how they're seen like no one looks back on uh equals three or i was gonna bring up equals three what's that ray william johnson ray william johnson yeah yeah so many others back on any specific video i i couldn't name one you know maybe some of his your songs but uh that's also music which is a little different but yeah the videos and the streams they they really don't matter after they're done uh so you can have the greatest stream of all time and and it can have a hundred thousand average viewers and you'll still have to go live the next day and that can suck yeah but yeah it's it's kind of like uh what unis honest i think unis honest kind of drove this point home a lot i can actually i can think of one more stupid one yeah you look rounding out to a nice five people do not look for already existing answers before they ask for personal answers this is another thing that almost stressed me out until i like learned to roll my eyes at it uh but so yeah two days ago three days ago when our distributor screwed up and a hundred thousand copyright claims went out to streambeat users which by the way have all been all been uh reversed we got it all taken care of i immediately tweeted out from the streambeats account and then retweeted from my personal account hey this happened we're taking care of it it's not gonna be a problem it was a mistake on somebody else's part uh we will we will get it fixed literally the rest of the day hundred tweets screenshots of copyright claims how come getting copyright claimed hey i thought you said this was safe how come it's not safe and i spent the entire day copying that original tweet and pasting it in responses to every single person please read this i already gave you the answer to this for for two days i i like made big announcements please share this this is exactly what happened and uh you will get hundreds and hundreds of tweets that didn't even people didn't even check yeah and they think to themselves on twitch i think i was on twitch the moment you do any announcement or anything is people aren't there so they want to ask they don't look or anything yeah and the person who's never had an audience before to their credit of course they're not going to think this way they've never experienced this they think to themselves i asked a question how hard is it just to answer my question you don't realize that when you get a hundred people screaming at you for something that you've already explained it's overwhelming i see it going through my unbanned forms is that for every person who thinks they did an innocent joke where they were they say you know whatever the hell it is where they're counting or spamming there are like literally 20 more people for that exact week that i have to go through and check their bands and unbans as well yep uh so you are part of a mass and the mass is very consistent and there's not a lot of originality in it we're gonna let's tackle one more question from tactical tickler okay because i think i think it's important he says question for you too would you say only less than one percent succeed because they're not honest with themselves and their content do they mistakenly pursue a dream when the reality is it isn't as simple and easy as it seems most people's content is is and i don't think that they think about that and i think the the ultimate litmus test is are you willing to send your stream or your videos to your friends and family and be like hey check out what i did and if you're not it's not good enough and you should change it i think there are a lot of reasons people fail um i think lack of creativity is one of them i think there are a handful of others but i think a big one is that i think a big one is people don't realize what it takes to be a content creator and how much effort you have to put into it and they think hey here's shroud playing video games and making millions of dollars all i have to do is play video games and make millions of dollars or they say i like video games i want to play video games for a living and they don't realize how little unless you're unless you're pro and not even just pro unless you're good pro you can't it's that's not what it is it's it is i play more video games off stream than i play on stream because it just it does that's not what it is it's not a video game career it's a content it's a production career and you have to put that effort into it so yeah i think a big part of it is kids who say i want i like video games i want to be a video gamer for a living i should just play on stream and they don't realize what they're getting into also they don't know what it takes even if you think of shroud imagine shroud at one point had to go to his mom or pop and be like hey i want to be a competitive video game player and he had to be good enough to say that confidently and then follow through with it and deal with the conversations that probably ensued i don't think it is easy to become a pro gamer i think that's a very hard thing to come out to to your parents and tell them that that's what you want to do you have to be really good at a video game for them to a even begin to accept it and b to prove them wrong my mom yelled at me when i was 29 my mom is like the most hands off hey we raised you right you do your own thing i had already been a full-time content creator for five years we already had that vine that vine success made a lot of money for a little bit i had experience more than anyone else did and i was trying to stream and she called me and she was like what are you doing with your life you're sitting there playing video games yeah and you know she was also fortunately the lady who was like hey prove me wrong you know nothing i would love nothing more than you to prove me wrong but like that was the most off-brand for her as a 29 year old who had been a content creator full-time my mom yelled at me for trying to be a content creator so it's very hard to tell your parents what you're trying to do 29 seems crazy late to jump into that speech i feel like she should have hit you at 24 with that one uh you know surprisingly she was more okay with it the first time but i think that's only because she hates video games oh okay i think it's a video game with music yeah my mom always thought video games are a waste of time joke's on her i am healing hey ray stop no don't shoot stop it what paris you just ran me over no i didn't harris can you get me up
Channel: Senpai Gaming
Views: 177,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, elgato, starting, new, dmca, copyright, strike, strikes, copystrike, algorithm, learning, start, make, videos, first, gear, lens, ludwig
Id: _byEfd05Q48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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