Reacting To Every Tik Tok Community Before it Gets Banned. Every. Last. One.

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- Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, ticky, tocky, ooh. Shut up, oh my God! Damn. I'm kinda dressed like I'm in a Kanye West fashion show. Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait. Here we go. Some of y'all aint going to get that, but-- So the tocks, the ticks, the ticketies, the tocketies, A word I do not understand and I probably never will. This is my water by the way give me a second. Oh yes, daddy. It's like right when I think I understand what Tiktok is, suddenly there's something else. And I'm like, "Oh, we do that on here too?" Tiktok is a worldwide platform full of so many things, peoples, and places, oh my. But now, my president is trying to get it banned from my country. So, I have made it my mission before the infamous death day, that probably will never happen, but if it does, I have decided to make it my mission, to try my best to view every single last community on Tiktok before it is gone from my sight forever. Before, I have to download a VPN and hope that suffice. I originally thought I can do this in one entire video. There was going to be a handful of communities I can review and watch. After tweeting to ask you guys to name as many communities as you know on Tiktok, I got all of this, all of that. Jesus Christ, calm down. I don't know about my For You page, is basically the same type of videos over and over again. Literally my For You page is just filled with videos like-- That's it. And for the longest time, I was like, "Yeah, that's Tiktok" But at the same time I kept on watching people post videos on Twitter of all these shirtless men dancing with their bulges swinging all over the place and I'm like, "Where the hell is that? I don't get any of that," Are those boys under age? Those boys are probably underage. Tiktok's like, "No, we aint getting you pulled into that bullshit, "I'm sorry, man." If there's an entire community of dick slinging straight boy, what the hell else is on this app? So yeah, I asked you guys, you sent me a lot more than I expected. So this is part one. I'm going to review this first page in my notes. If this is successful enough, if this gets enough views and likes, I will try my best to review every single last community on Tiktok before that final goddamn ban day, or unless it gets bought by Microsoft, I don't know what the hell is happening. The first one on the list, title font, Frog Tiktok, because, why? Frog Tiktok, there's Tiktoks about frogs? So many to the point that there's an entire community called Frog Tiktok. Let me taste it, here it is. Oh my gosh there are a lot of frogs. Okay, Frog Tiktok Sis said sizzle. That's the sound I make whenever anyone comes into my general vicinity, so this frog is not special, shut up. Next one, what's this one? - Oh hey there. - Hey girl, what's up? - I noticed you could use a little pick me up. - Yes I can, give me a pick me up, girl. Show me them frogs, show me them froggy legs. Do frogs ribbit, or are those toads? What's the difference between a frog and a toad? Is there a toad Tiktok? Yes, it is here. Is toad Tiktok more superior than frog Tiktok? Shall we see for a second? Okay, let's go back to the frog girl. - I brought you something, I hope you're going to like it, - I hope so too. - So, a bunch of frogs in a tub, and they're all here to say "I love you." - Oh my God, that was cute, that was so wholesome. A bunch of frogs in a tub, that's saying I love you. Can frogs speak? I'm sorry can you speak frog? Is this the superpower you want to tell us for a second? Low key, just looking at her, it looks like she might actually speak frog. Not in a bad way, not in a bad way, you don't know what gingers can do. Cottagecore, what is that? The word core sounds so terrifying, I'm actually terrified. Is it like hardcore, but cottages. Hardcore cottages, cottagecore, I don't know. Okay, okay, she's making bread she bread making, she's making that bread making that bread with these views can you monetize Tiktoks? Can you monetize, if you can't, I'm so sorry. So, what I'm understanding is that cottagecore is just people baking? I don't know, it's like if they lived in a cottage, what they would do back in like cottage times. - Vape? Nah, ocarina. - What? So it's, wait, what? I'm trying to find what cottagecore is and right now I have no clue. So far, we've got a girl cooking bread and we got another girl with ears blowing on an ocarina. What? She said, "Vape? Nah," I can't believe she completely just destroyed the vaping industry. I can't believe she just single handedly canceled vaping, oh my God. - So you guys have been begging for house tour. Let's go inside - Okay - Now, the ceiling is less than six feet, so no boys allowed. - Sis, I'm 5'11". - Pretty cute, huh? That's all, love you, bye. - Okay, okay. So what I'm understanding is, cottagecore is people that live in small cottage houses that like make bread and wear elf ears? I don't... what, what? Skater Tiktok, that's easy. Yeah boy, you skate that, skate that boy Ooh, you skate that! (laughs) I like how he slowmoed, him going up around, no trick, nothing, just like going up. I also like how I'm criticizing him as if I can do that in the first place. Bitch, if I even touch a skateboard, I'm breaking an ankle. And that guy's face at the end is like " Wow, he really did that? " He really went up in the air "with a board and some wheels." Once again, I'm breaking an ankle. Oh wait, there's also figure skaters on here. Oh wow, look at that, wow, wow, wow. Actually, actually, wow, okay. Also breaking an ankle, whatever. Healing tick tock, that sounds great actually. Ew! (screeching) I was not ready for that, I was not ready for that! I thought healing Tiktok was going to be holistic. Here we go, see this is what I thought. Seven crystals slash stones or beginner chakra unblocking. That is healing Tiktok, that is what I was expecting. Tell me some crystals, girl. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I'm not reading any of this. This is a lot of words, girl, I'm just trying to be entertained. Hema-teetee, hema-teetee, y'all want some hema-teetee? Going to get some hema-teetee, hema, give me your teetee. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have rights. Opalite improves communication on all levels. Oh, so much reading, I love what you're doing, but that is not for me. Inspiration Tiktok You're seeing this for a reason Tiktok. I've seen that, that's on my For You page. I feel like I'm being attacked. - Yes you have a dream, you came here and the process is not supposed to be comfortable so if it hurts, welcome to the big leagues. If you feel like you're under heat, praise God. If you feel like you're being pressured, praise God. But when God looks like he's pulling you back, eventually he's going to let you go. And the farther he pulls you back, the farther he pulls you back, once he releases you, boom! - I just like the cutbacks to the one archer person holding the arrow the entire time. I'm into it, that was cute, inspirational. Wow, I saw that for a reason. Oh my gosh, wait, this one, oh Jesus. - Do it, just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So, just do it! - Do it! I know you guys know this, but I made like a sketch using this video years ago, Do it! DIY Tiktok, that's easy. I like how every single Tiktok I've reviewed has not just had one hashtag, but eight. They said, "y'all seeing this." - [Woman] This is one of my favorite things to make. Add one cup of baking soda, half a cup of corn starch. - Is it rude for me to say that her voice kind of reminds me of Julia Child. What's her name, the cooking woman? - Bon apetit. You know what I mean? Not a bad thing, not a bad thing. - [Woman] Slowly add the two mixtures together. Next, I add food coloring. Now that you have your color, you've got to work on the scent and I just use Doterra oil, - Wow, wow, I can't believe she just invented color like that. - [Woman] Peppermint, oof. - She said "Peppermint, oof." She said "bitch, y'all don't know about this peppermint." Why am I over hyping this? Wow there she goes, she made herself some bath booms. And that's DIY Tiktok, y'all get it. Thrifting Tiktok. What y'all do? I remember when thrift shopping was like looked at as a negative, because we were so trapped in such a capitalistic mindset, that the more money you display the better of a person you were without realizing that a lot of the super rich people are pretty shitty. Y'all remember that? - Calling all thrifting fanatics, the weirdest thing you've thrifted, something designer that you've thrifted, the last item that you thrifted, something you thrifted to DIY something someone else picked out for you, and your favorite item that you've thrifted. - Okay, so what I'm getting is that thrifting Tiktok is just a bunch of people flaunting what they found. Like "Bitch, look at me, I found this Gucci." That's the type of life we need to promote, save a buck. If you can't afford that shit, don't reach that high, go thrifting. That's where they put the clothes they don't want anymore and you take it, bitch. K-pop Tiktok We cannot make one of these videos, we cannot talk about Tiktok or any aspect of the internet without and acknowledging the K-poppers and their army like mindset to take over every aspect of the internet. You cannot go under anybody's Twitter reply, without seeing at least one fancam. And just like I thought, when you search K-pop, you get a bunch of, you guessed it, fancams. Its a fancam, look at this fancam, look at that fancam, look at this fancam, fancam. Hey, she said, "I know every dance." She said, "You name it, I got it." She said "I spend time practicing this." She said, "This is my hobby and y'all going to see it." Go ahead, go off, go off, go off, go off, go off. Get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it, get it. Y'all get it, y'all got it right? Y'all get this. I'm going to keep it moving cause we got a lot to go through. Aspiring film student Tiktok. Okay, $0 and experience in filmmaking. This is my journey, this is my journey into filmmaking. The life I'm inspired to be. Watch me make this journey all the way through it. Okay, I get it. Aspiring filmmaker, aspiring film student Tiktok. It's just basically them talking about their journey into filmmaking. How they want to be a filmmaker and this is their journey doing it. We get it, we get it right, we get that? Film people aspiring to be in film, talking about films and what they do with films. Great, let's move on, we got to go. Furry, Tiktok. Am I ready, am I prepared for this? I don't know! Girl, I am sweating, do you see that? Here we go, furry Tiktok, here it is, here it is. I don't have much against furries, its just, knowing how much it costs to buy and restore and keep those outfits that some of them get, I'm just very confused. Just know, that if a person is walking around with a full ass furry outfit, that shit wasn't cheap. That was like a life savings. I don't know, I don't know. Y'all already know I got an opinion on people spending money on a lot of shit, okay. I don't know why I just bought a drink making machine even though I can make drinks myself, the shit broke too. - Yo, at cons we tend to like to make panels to help you guys with your Tiktoks They can talk in the suits? I never knew this! I always think of mascot type suits where you can't even hear a shit the person says when they try to speak through that. This man is speaking clearly at us. What kind of technology? - Tiktok tips. And today, we're going to talk about hashtags. - Okay, we have a furry fox? Is it a fox? Is it a fox? It might be a fox, could be a fox, could be a dog, or his own creation, I don't know. - What do hashtags do? Basically hashtags are how to-- - Okay, I don't need an explanation of Tiktok, I just wanted to see you in this fur suit. What I understand about furries is that like you have a fursona, it's kind of like drag Queens, I guess, I'm not sure, I am not certain. You get a name and the you talk to other people like that, I don't... What? And these big ass tails, you see that big ass tail? I bet you that tail costs $5,000 alone. Okay, I'm done with furry Tiktok. All I want to do is talk about the money, I don't even know, wait, no, lets watch one more. Stop calling Riot short sized - I swear if one more girl or guy comes up to me in school and says, "Oh my gosh, you're so short and fun sized." I'm going to take my fun sized foot and break it off in your ass, stop that shit. - Okay, okay, I wonder if it gets hot in those suits, it has to get hot in those suits. People go to full ass conventions wearing those fur suits. How are you not fainting? Sword Tiktok. And just like you expect, it's about swords. People holding swords, and waving swords around, and doing tricks with swords. Couldn't be me sis, I'm not touching something sharp. The amount of times I've stubbed my toe on my own bed just getting into it. Y'all really think I'm going to have a sword around me? - Hey sword Tiktok. - She even said hey sword Tiktok. This is a real community, sword Tiktok exists. People collect words, you know what, that's better than collecting guns in my opinion, honestly. I couldn't, that terrifies me. Having a bunch of sharp items around me 24-7, I feel like I will kill something in this house, once, by accident, by accident. - Wire wrapped around a blue leather hilt, which is just stunning. - Stunning wire wrapped around a blue hilt. What, Okay, but this is like a cool sword though. It's a really cool sword, it like gives me, Game of Thrones, I play RPGs, maybe I should collect swords, dull ones, fake ones, plastic. Alt Tiktok. Jesus Christ, meaning alternative Tiktok Not Alt Jay, you weird ass hipsters. - Blood off my brain is poisoned and I'm searching for the antidote, but every time I find it, my defenses scream, "Oh, no you don't," whoa, but it's fine, no really, I'm fine. - What? I thought alt Tiktok, I thought, grunge, Oh, Billy Eilish, Greenday, Alanis Morissette, you know what I mean? But instead, we're getting this. ♪ Have you ever been snaked by a friend ♪ ♪ than just for the cloud, they'll do it again ♪ ♪ Got the time line popping the-- ♪ - What? (laughs) - [Girl] I want to be a pretty girl. - [Older Woman] But you're not a pretty girl and you know it. - [Girl] But I want to be. Okay, Alt Tiktok is scary. See, this girl, this girl, this is what I thought alt Tiktok was going to be. This is what I though alt Tiktok was going to be all about, not any of-- Nevermind Booktok I wonder if it's about books? And guess what, it is! Thank God. Books with loads of sexual tension. Ooh, look at that book, ooh look at that book. Ooh, do you see that book? Ooh, that book, that book, and ah that book. Weeb Tiktok, let's just go. I believe a weeb is a person of non-Asian descent that has a very hardcore admiration to Asian culture. I think it's specifically Japanese, but I am not 100% certain. How anime characters stub their toe, part five, with 10 hashtags. You're putting 10 hashtags on a fifth part of your video? I don't know if the series is doing well sis. - Oh my God! (foreign language) Ow, as class president-- Ah, Naruto-Kun - Y'all saw my face watching that entire thing, I was just very confused. Weeb Tiktok y'all. What about this one? Okay, I'm guessing that was an anime joke on top of this. I think Naruto, never seen Naruto, but I believe they do this and then they multiply. Let's move on. Witch tic Tiktok, also known as Witchtok. Okay, witches for Black Lives Matter, okay sis, let's see. Oh my God. Oh she a witch, witch. Oh, that's on witch, witch. I think I saw that on Salem once. She said jar full of what is happening? What is happening? What does that do? What did she just do? Was I just cursed? She just buried a bunch of crickets in a jar with the dirty nails. Was I just cursed? Is that offensive to ask? It says #hex #curse, bitch, I think I was just cursed. Was I cursed? Who was cursed? What was cursed? Was there blood in there? What is-- I have so many questions! This one says, justice shall be served. Oh, and she got the salt, girl. And it's fire, fire, ooh, ooh. I need to read a book sometime, you know? Disability Tiktok Me as a baby chilling in the supermarket, Her whole hand is in her mouth. Oh, is it not her hand? Oh, yep, she doesn't have it. Okay, Okay, Okay. (laughs) Okay. That guys, this killed. Disability Tiktok, I stand. Cosplay Tiktok The main head pillar of all of Tiktok. The people that were there thriving before all of those dick slinging straight boys came slamming in. The people that existed on the app before anybody else came on. Cosplay Tiktok was the birth of one of what I believe, the first trending things that came off of Tiktok. ♪ You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss you ♪ - I've seen a lot of cosplay Tiktoks in my time and they all seem to be like the same vibe. You know what I mean, like that cosplay, right? I don't even know how to do it. ♪ I guess they never miss, huh ♪ - See, yeah, like that, that, there it is, there it is. You know, it's like that bounce it's like that cosplay bounce. I don't even know how to describe it, it's just like a-- You know what I mean? (laughs) The cosplay on Tiktok is just always like-- ♪ Hit or miss, I guess he doesn't miss, huh ♪ I don't even know how to describe it. I find it cute, see there it is, there it is, there it is, you see, it's like this. They just have some bounce to them, you know, its like every single word got a bounce to it, you know what I mean? McElroy Tiktok, I don't know if I spelled that right. Some one suggested it to me. Never heard of this word in the first place. Okay, I don't understand, but I think McElroy is a podcast, a podcast, I don't know So, it's community around a podcast. I want that. Can there be a MacDoesIt community in Tiktok? MacDoesIters, MacDoes Tiktok, MacDoesIt Tiktok? Can I have that? Art Tiktok. I should've gotten more specific, but art Tiktok, we've all seen art Tiktok. Okay, what's happening here? Ooh, that's glass too, glass art to me is so terrifying. Glass should not be that hot, Jesus Christ. My ass would burn myself some way. I know that, I know that for a fact. Art is great, art is important. Respect your artists, comment your artists, Art help the world move forward, and art helps culture move forward. So, shut up! Author Tiktok. Wouldn't that be the same as booktok? Or am I making an assumption? - I feel like this injury you gave me is pretty severe. How have I been walking around for two chapters? Okay, I'm not gonna lie, I forgot you were injured. Oh yeah, you should be dead, that might work better. Dead, like dead, no! Oh, actually it doesn't hurt that much. I can totally walk, I'm not dying. No, I think you are, yeah, yeah, you're dead. No, don't. I-- - Authors making jokes about writing books, that's author Tiktok. Book Tiktok's about the books they already wrote. Author Tiktok is about the books they're writing. Straight Tiktok Oh no, oh no, you know what, for this one, we're just going to review one person, one person I've been very curious to see. There it is, see there it is, there it is that dick slinging, you know what I mean? (laughs) Should I play it again? There it is, that's what I'm telling you. I don't get that, I don't see that on my feed. That's all I wanted to see on straight Tiktok. I don't know what else they talk about, having rights, I don't know. LGBT Tiktok I've already basically made a video, highlighting this entire community or at least part of it, so I'm not going to waste that much time on it in this episode, but I am going to highlight my favorite gay Tiktok of all time. The one and only. I don't know why I love that one so much. There's also a bunch of Tiktoks about tops versus bottoms, all that other shit. We can get more deeper into that, but y'all, you know, what's up. Maybe in another episode, I'll get more into the specifics, but I just want to move on cause the next one... Moth Tiktok and sis is curious. Okay gays, we're going to take a seat for a second, right now is about the moths And yep it's a lot of moths, a lot of moths. You know, I used to be absolutely terrified of moths growing up, don't ask. Oh wow, it's shaking, oh its kind of pretty. Oh wow, look at the feet, oh wow, its so cute. Why was it vibrating like that? Let's look at this one. Oh wow. Oh, it's shedding out of its skin. It's on the floor, it's rolling around. Oh, what is it squirting out of its body? (gasps) Wow, yummy. We got through that, kids. Wow, What a beautiful creature. That looks like a monster, but it's not, it's cute. Okay, we're going to move on. Maybe I'm not ready. Gardening Tiktok, garden time. Wow, ooh, did it drop pollen on it? She's just like casually holding this flower while a bee is just is just all over the place right now. Girl, you're strange, I could never. If I even see a bee in the distance, honey, I'm running. Ooh, look at this. - [Tiktok Woman] She's actually a Russian Red Footed Tortoise. An amazing thing about tortoises is that they can actually feel your touch on their shell. So, if you were wondering how to give a tortoise a belly rub, this is the way to do it. - Ooh that's so cute, is there a turtletok? I'm adding that to the list. Foraging TikTok. Really? Really? Hey, so sometimes when I'm having kind of a rough day, I'll go for a forging wander or I won't have a destination in mind, I'll just walk and see what I find over the course of an hour or two. I found a ton of purple shiso, green pine cones, I found some Cornelian cherries, some sour ones, and some sweet ones. Wow, this is legit, people really make Tiktoks showing people what they found on their foraging adventures. My city ass is like, where am I going to do that? If I went foraging right now, I would get arrested for trespassing. What the hell is my ass going to find foraging in Los Angeles? Bricks, syringe needles? (laughs) Bean Tiktok, the second most requested Tiktok in my twitter feed was bean Tiktok. There's Tiktoks about beans? There are Tiktoks about beans. ♪ Beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, ♪ ♪ beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans, beans. ♪ - Beans but make it teeth? What? Oh child, my For You page is going to be fucked up after this I might get a knock on the door from Tiktok executives being like "You have watched too many a variety of Tiktoks "We have to shut down your account" "We have no idea what to suggest to you, "we're just going to shut you down, okay?" A bunch of people posting about being beans. Congrats, you've made it to a checkpoint and bean Tiktok. This girl just put beans in her stilettos. Sis, I'm actually really curious, one more beantok and then we'll move on. Oh please don't, oh please don't, ♪ Beans, beans, beans, beans. ♪ - Okay, moving on. Prison Tiktok In my Tiktok mind, when I think of prison Tiktok, I just think of a bunch of teenagers being like "I am grounded, my room is my prison now." Now, after watching bean Tiktok, I know I'm 100% off. Oh my God, oh my God. This guy is literally Tiktoking in his prison. Oh my God, you're not supposed to have phones, right? Am I missing something, wait a minute. Oh my gosh, legit just in prison, being on Tiktok Go off, honestly, our prison system is something else. I don't give a shit. Jello Tiktok Ooh, wow, ooh, wow, okay. Okay, okay, calm down, calm down, calm down. Activism Tiktok. Y'all know what that one is. Just in case y'all don't I'm gonna play this one in four. - So now that the Black Lives matter movement is no longer a trend and you can't monopolize off of it and get followers and likes, are you going to be silent? are you going to... and not say a word? No, little miss thing, you just posted a black screen the other day talking about, "I stand with you guys, I'm an activist, "I stand with you guys." Bitch, then why aren't you standing right now? Get up, you're sitting down, get up. This isn't ending, oop, well guess what, the Black Lives Matter movement was not a trend baby, black lives are not a trend even though y'all love to steal our culture which you used to call us ghetto for it, unprofessional, but that's besides the point, right? To sum all of it up, y'all posted your black screens, Y'all posted your couple of story posts, and now you feel like an activist. You feel like a little Martin Luther King jr. No baby, we're just starting Until we get our rights that we deserve until we stopped getting killed out on these streets. We're not going to stop. And you shouldn't either, babe. Come on, get with it. - Okay, we have two and then we'll call it a video Skincare Tiktok Skincare products that deserve more hype. Let's see, never heard of her, never heard of her, never heard of her, never heard of her. All these products will probably make my skin break out even more, here we go, here we go, sensitive skin, here we go. And last but not least, we're going to end this one on a note that I really want to end it on anyways. Avatar The Last Airbender Tiktok. Ooh child, I've been through that so many times, up and down, all around, sideways quarter winders, sidewinder, I don't know. I actually have a few Avatar The Last Airbender Tiktoks that I absolutely love. Specifically from this one Tiktoker I don't know, this one Toker @daddlydells This Tiktok in particular, I don't know why every time I watch it, I just crack up or smile so much. - You're beneath me, you'll always be. Don't ever (beep) get it twisted. So when I gave you opportunity to hit that stage and hit that stage, you should have hit that stage and did what you were supposed to do because you said to me Trick vouched for you Trick vouched for one bitch and one bitch only. That's the baddest bitch, there will never be another. Let's be very clear, so don't ever-- - They got the Fire Lord just standing there like, yep, that's true. - Beside yourself and be disrespectful because I'm not. And till this day, I've been doing it for 20 years. You won't make it two years in this industry. And I would never give any bitch that's beneath me a chance to get under me. Nobody knows your music, you're not an artist. - Oh don't know why I get that, that one just makes me crack up so much. You know what, that's it, that's the end of that. Won't feel like two hours for you, but it was two full ass hours for me. What did we learn today, kids? Bean Tiktok. If you guys want me to review more of the Tiktok communities on Tiktok before the day of reckoning, go ahead and give this video a like. Comment down below if you want to see another one. Comment down below which communities you want me to review, if I get enough comments, maybe I'll bump it up the list. Shout out to @morgan_noob and @bunny_hunny98 for retweeting me on Twitter. Last week I asked you guys who your favorite cursive singer is, Kimboblous said "I Think I just had an aneurism." Thank you guys so much for watching My name is Mac and don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe. ♪ Hit or miss, I guess he doesn't miss, huh ♪ ♪ Got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss you ♪ - [Man] Is there more lyrics to that song?
Channel: MacDoesIt
Views: 2,288,304
Rating: 4.985023 out of 5
Keywords: funny, MacDoesIt, reaction, tik tok, witch tiktok, bean tiktok, baked bean tiktok, tiktok community, jenna marbles, funny tik tok, furry tik tok, witchtok, alt tiktok, reaction time, best tiktokers, tik tok news, tik tok compilation, straight tiktok, tony lopez, lgbt tik tok, tik tok ban, tik tok memes, tiktok, tiktoks
Id: d17HcygzYs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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