I Watched This Racist Movie So You Don't Have To

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if I still want to [ __ ] you afterwards that I will if I don't then it was honestly because then you end up doing this where you're like I gotta go home and change my [ __ ] covered shorts and just never show come back after telling him you're that good Oh Pisa Brown oh just chuckling it up in that corner look at him go get him sorry at him look at him making that money so racism I watch the races movie so you guys don't have to yeah I guess that's where tiling this today I totally did not tweet out the Tao of this video literally like two weeks ago no I just came up with the title right now I am a gene I do genius che produced unionism identify the gene Yin hasta T's of geniusness now have you seen this Messina seem a genius genius genius [ __ ] no you have it it's right here in front of you okay so racism movie was called low cliche it was a movie that was kind of going around the Twittersphere for like a good few months last year it it was a lot okay a man auditions to be a radio show host but then doesn't get it because he's white I guess because he's white that doesn't stop him there he then decides to pretend to be a black woman in order to get the show have success for the sake of glory basically it's a man that pretends to be what he believes is a black woman let's underline that to create a talk show on a radio station that he did not have to do okay that's why were the other dive deep into this hearing that from the get-go you're like wait a minute what people had some opinions about that what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is the [ __ ] are you talking about big were yelling racism from left and right you wish the creator of the film then responds with hey white chicks exist because the best way to excuse your decisions you made in the press is to bring up a movie created in 2004 oh hey I also failed to mention creator this film is also the writer the director and main character that already set some type of Saturn ambience this man who our just forgot the name of right now give me a second Jeremy Seville you're me Sofia was sitting down one day and his lion just randomly thought this is an idea that should be existing in the world let's get into no please first off let's talk about the name loke we show real quick there's nothing wrong with that name my mom's name is Keisha I name is Marcos le so I can't really judge names in the first place at the same time on [ __ ] he then went on full ass record say that this name came from no one it was just a name he randomly came up with right on the spot whop wheesh the name the firs East you've probably ever ridden that included people of color who went with the name a little queasy no connection to the name whatsoever nothing inspired or sparked a name apparently it was just the name thought would fit let's figure out why radabaugh main character man is a bartender he's talking to one of his many patron as this empty Oz bar and straight off from the back first 20 seconds to pretend to be someone I'm known as laughing you right in the face with tomorrow I always say gotta be me otherwise who else is given to it okay sir calm down we're literally only one minute and we're already getting nasty chana or any meal about being authentic be the black woman inside that we all are then it just gets like weirder the guy then perceives to walk all appalled I don't know if that was the goal maybe he was supposed to look enlightened and all that [ __ ] but all I saw was how dare you already be yourself how the hell will you learn the moral this story at the end and then on top of that and then what made it even weirder our tender man says no one writes to us as if this [ __ ] has like happened before like he's like constantly telling people to be themselves as he's being himself and these people are like how dare you how dare you tell me someone who told you they can't be themselves be themselves what do you think this is are we suddenly in camp rock it's every bottle suddenly walking down stage giving us a roll call I don't know be yourself so what guess was man doesn't end up being himself this opening was just so cuz then out of nowhere a man that was just sitting there the entire time randomly appears in shine says something lot of lines oh wow I've been coming here for 10 years and you always say the right thing what's your secret you literally just told a man that was complaining about not being himself to be himself I don't think he's the king of all advice like how the hell else were you supposed to respond in that situation oh that's sad Duke Amberleigh Oh brah you can't be yourself bro damn bro that's that's bro and the man says something along the lines oh really just talking to myself [ __ ] shut like what why if you thought this movie was gonna be bad based on the pitch itself the beginning first two minutes of dialogue you just seal the deal right there we're only two minutes in but then hold on kitty the dialogue just gets worse eeek gah a woman comes storming a black lady so there's our representation right there did it got it there it is thank an angry black lady on camera Brown break first-of-its-kind I would have never thought mister I've been here for ten years suddenly gets uncomfortable now although she kind of looked like Tiffany had if Tiffany Haddish grew up being that unti from down the block at her lying delivery along with everyone else's line delivery in this film was just give me something strong what are you trying to kill me choices choices my favorite part and she finishes her apple juice supposed to be whiskey whatever the hell movie magic that was and then just randomly shout no girls say I see them too and they get into some type of all men be like just her not all men argument stir bartender man does some Indian accent oh Madrid Lin dude all or no plot moving reason whatsoever then perceived to call her up tells her to stop enabling men or whatever the hell I don't know but I think mister I just talked to myself was not keeping up to his mod let's recap this I'm not being myself just be yourself man Wow woman comes in men be like [ __ ] idiot one of the greatest I log pieces I've ever heard in the history of dialog he's trying to get a job no drugs sobered you up why are you trying to get me drunk no I'm trying to sober you up shut let's jump ahead basically we have bartender men that just happens to know all the answers to life and how to live it we love a mufasa who then visit his ex-wife I guess his life giving advice did not work with her Jason your father's here typical bickering between ex-lover makes a transphobic joke for no reason yeah then after that weird mom may have a conversation about how their third grade son is really smart and they gotta put him in smart school but they can't afford it 13,000 semester no then suddenly bartender who apparently has the answers for everything seemed to find the answers to his bank account how relatable son comes out of this room look in the disturb and then dad Vartan a man has some weird quote along the lines of things they look bad but that's just hiding the goodness on the inside literally and at this point it's praying to God not every scene of dialogue ends with some weird as Disney moral now we are back at the bar and what angry black lady ain't angry anymore I guess bartender man flowers for his kick has advice awesome oh sure and a job listing for a radio host that can suddenly answer all this financial problem that she had no clue about what a great plot moving to by random customer that she called a [ __ ] idiot a few minutes ago comes back with flower and a resolution to all your financial need that's when a bartender gives me advice I always come back with them with a new job take note with the weird part about is that she hands him a slip of paper with like simple words on once hit radio ho like that's it oh no it also says we're and minorities are encouraged but we'll get down that line later let's not acknowledge that on this paper with three lines written on it it's not acknowledge one line of the three its way into that's important but it's just on a sheet of paper like just typed out like she took the time out of her life open up Microsoft Word write about this information Brennan and then cut the B and then give it to the bartender like she couldn't get the bartender a full ass he's a paper with like the listing circle not to present it in the weirdest way possible seven minutes we are seven minutes and so far all we got were some moral lesson and a lady with a lot of time on her hands into the bartender midday as it seemed then bartender man is like I don't want to be famous and the lady was Maisie like being a little bit and go get this money but like with morose and [ __ ] cuz this is that's I fulfillment apparently there's no guarantee they'll even one it says right there want a oh my god pullout gave him a slip for a radio show host with no information yesterday times new room minorities and women encouraged to apply and then straight up says it's perfect for this white man hold on to your trousers for this plots where's his application gets denied holy [ __ ] this one radio station did not accept his audition and suddenly all this long could he applied to a different radio station he make a [ __ ] podcast or something no no no that is an existent movie world there is just one station now jump ahead next morning I guess I don't know bartender guy sees two angry black ladies fighting on TV there goes more of a representation right there I'm very happy of this progress camera zooms in on the slip that just so happens to be sitting on this table still it was a black woman that he perfect jolly good God does he have an epiphany and then this is where it gets choices Aubry she's got no sponge no spark no sizzle thanks you're a Sagittarius there's a good reason for that Oh qui sha is born do you guys see my Christmas tree right next to me I saw Mike who's a tree up by the way am i weird Laquisha is born and when I tell you this man's version of a black saying just a lot of grunting of words Oh the sassy twang at the old and it was just a grunting of words with a sassy twang at the end sound like he watched one episode of Murray and decided that is all I need to know he saw the opening credits for Madea family reunion was like that's the answer to black people it was at that point I realized I was watching what is labeled a common and have-nots he upped one could actually work you sure and yet it did after a weird iPhone I mean smartphone scene you said you hated phone he gets the job you want nope we shut and then there's a drunk guy for some reason I guess comedy reasons once again no shuckin on this and not a single but how would this white man get past an entire radio station being a black woman shut up cuz he never meets that they never mean not into like the final scene of the entire movie they see this man's white ass man we're trying to be a black woman like they have no clue for the entire movie until the a never meets them never even really talks to them ever again after that one phone call and then suddenly he's a radio ho and who does he enlists in helping him create this show no not the black lady that gave him this job listing already did her part using his white bastard so we're gonna do what every movie does to a female that's already done their part to expanding the plot or the main head white man turned her into a loving trash the black woman has no further additional need in a movie where a white man pretends to be a black woman no make her love in chess casters he gets help from a black man representation through they got to all these black people helping this white man achieve his goals Wow the green book will be proud how does he get this man to help him Rachel Dolezal his way through the industry thrown free drinks for life okay alcohol Wow and he does it go to this empty ass studio with no suspicions from anyone whatsoever and he does some more grunt he literally sounds like Colonel Sanders the bishop and then surprise his radio show is a success a king over the radio waves with his sassy twang $20 Philip and also says all these years white people honestly interesting things polies don't come in here because I'm gonna do all this [ __ ] no please and then like any award-winning high quality' Kalia claim movie duh at one point after this random as montage of success and grow he says everything's working on just perfect workout perfectly holy Joe ends up being a success radio executive people that he still has not met yeah said they wanted to move his show from the night time to drive time rush hour or whatever number one Colonel Sanders a person aiders like rock on but black sidekick is like hold your horses show is gaining so much traction so Laquisha should have a face up the audition different types of black women to see you can give the best low qui shut tight performance another weird micro aggression towards trans people will crucial thanks for coming in he's got a squeeze that in real quick it's not like I'm offended I'm just like hired at this point lady offers are suck their dicks and they deny it and then BOOM Asian representation we are all making it guy you're making it together straight to the top I am so proud of it and they found their loquacious parents put on horribly CGI than Photoshop billboard and then more and more success yummy yum yum yum yum yum yum yum your lack lady from beginning is written back in and becomes the love interest like I said and through the entire scene there's like this weird filter placed on the main characters like no reason there's this weird glow around his it's just like there once you notice it you can't unsee and then they're getting it on right or getting steamy hot and heavy world is watching this interracial relationship for me he can't be racist he's into black girl then bartender man's Laquisha accent randomly jumps out oh you don't know Joe because of the sexual chemistry he was getting from a black black woman inside of him decided she wants to come out feels good girl I guess I don't know and then suddenly after this great makeout session with this black girl though please show just won't go away oh the Queen shows too much just always talking back being happy and sassy like the black woman she is you're out of control can't call me white boy it's at this point this movie wants us to believe that throughout this entire plot bartender man I don't know his name at all his Laquisha voice so met it started to develop another entity within his head good luck but alas they pushed that [ __ ] and though please sighs just who does he turn to in distract his mother a character we have not met until now sixty minutes into a 90-minute film and that seemed lastest for a good like 30 seconds a you don't see her again for like ten more seconds at the end all she does I [ __ ] you not tells him to listen to local yells at him then randomly accuses him for being gay ruk and then tops it all off with yet another micro aggression towards trans people are you sure that you're not feeling like you're a woman trapped in a man's body what is your problem against trans people this movie beams to cycling the same 5jo like over and over again in hopes that it creates some type of cinematic breakthrough and surprise it doesn't then uses his Lucretia voice to give himself at by in this very weird back in force that I ended up having to skip because I was cringing so had my [ __ ] started to hurt whenever he you his black woman my [ __ ] wanted to not exist and then he suddenly succeeds to talk a woman off the leg you know something you would hear on a normal radio broadcast during rush hour suddenly people love la presa even more oh Laquisha is a savior everyone's talking about even Oprah who decides to offer Laquisha a TV show herself through email written by Oprah Winfrey herself hi-low cliche you love your show and once you offer you a show on we believe you deserve a much larger are you please contact us a so we can get you set up we're excited to work with you sincerely Oprah's creating show on national television as simple as a single email from Oprah Winfrey honestly it might be gets an email from Oh and humbly denies and black psychic is like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the money bartender man is like we already got the bag so let and I quote not do something idiot and mess this up ladies and gentle man that started this entire fiasco and recruited people into helping him in this Fras now a higher conscious all the black people are pet oh god this is the direction we're going now this white man just once again enough money for trying to be black and peace and these black people are just bothering him so far all these black people that he recruited in this fried are like let's take this up a notch [ __ ] if we're going this far and he's like no that's bad where is this guy so miss I'm the face of low cliche comes barging in the rich have learned their name has basically says because he denied Oprah she deserves a higher cut in this entire frog factory and then said greatest law anyone has ever said in the history of cinema itself but no I'm black female in you I am black female in you life is going great for us and because all the black people around him are stepping out of line what does white Savior man do I'm signing off for good pull the plug on the entire operation oh no black people can't play it right Wayne nobody get in this bag Oh y'all Negros want to speak out of turn and threaten oh no we killing this [ __ ] I'm no Queen suddenly white man that was in the wrong for using a characterized black entity is now the golden man of the hour and then the black lady becomes the jockey tries to take over to little queenship broadcasts and you simply fail where are we going with it at this point there's like five more minutes left of this movie like it's almost oh my face is like are we really about to take this turn this is really how this movies about to add but they're the white man comes back and save Oh greenbook would be in Pratt he comes down with this big oh we gotta be are sell realistic holistic healing goes back on the air admits everything and then things come out okay but then here comes angry black lady in black oh look an entire scene with him trying to justify his micro racist and misogynistic choice you know it was a very weird scene once again butthole gone at that point I was just more focused on the fact that I was almost done with this film and I can move on with something else in my life but then the movie ends with him getting the radio show back as himself and Laquisha what's your problem he was both and people were okay with that people knew that and people were fine with it moved on that's the happy ending of that world yeah I don't know either I feel like morale of this movie was supposed to be evil may make bad choices but it's the goodness inside them that matters okay I mean everyone thinks they're good everybody actions is justified in their own head for being good at some point or some form does that mean it's good in general no it was racing let's get down to what is the movie races yeah but not in the I hate the black kind of sad boring like the plain ignorance at the end of the day no matter what moral was pushing his film any be yourself kumbaya my lord mumbo-jumbo still used to characterize voice of a stereotypical black female and as we seen in history act people especially black female hadn't really been portrayed the greatest in media or haven't really been portrayed at our fully until like the past recent year that fact alone as this like thick layer of racial ignorance out the entire film so what's the movie races hi but was a movie racially ignorant hell yeah overall the movie into give off more of a misogynistic tone than anything else I'd like to think it was just the bad dialogue and the writing and the semi okay acting but every single female character in this movie came off either mass media rationale oblivion or just like plain flat at the same time everyone in this movie was pretty flat so may me it was quality after all no character we're all just pillars to his story telling his story which is quite hypocritical is his story involved the actions of a black woman it was even weirder because there were moments in his film purposely written by this main character me where people were calling him racist and misogynist as like it was some way to counteract and counterbalances 'm and misogyny showcased in his right it was like this movie was trying to say he can't be any of those things cuz there's goodness in his heart yes the goodness in your heart can be read so easily or the fact that you were pretending to be what you think is a black female for the sake of money [Music] it's [ __ ] you so I'm just finishing up editing this video and I feel like I left out like a good portion of like my opinion overall this movie was right after like if this movie was like well created well written well cast it probably could have been something very well satirical and funny and a good chuckle and maybe some overall more realistic mean but it wasn't and here we are just left with a movie about a man that committed fraud because [ __ ] it was fraud he's walking in there getting money from Radio execs to 100% believe they're signing a check to a black woman named Lucretia that's fraud the problem with this movie was that every single thing was this man short like there was no point as movie where this man was backed up into a corner and had to force himself to do the things he was doing like he made a decision to do what he did have picked up an entirely different real choice way to make money but no he maybe a decision and then try to turn it all around and say that this man is a good guy after all because he has empathy he's empathetic he's good don't look at his decisions that he chose to make he's good there was no horse in this finish like an hour and 30 minute MOBOT a man making decisions that no one told him to me and then trying to turn around and act like he was the good guy after all that's the part that I can't fully lay myself on your good cousin empathetic if you were in pathetically you probably would have made some of these decisions that you made well I see is a man that's very oblivious to the society that he lives in it's all an opportunity to make some money excited he didn't care about the faces or the people that he is standing on the back so as long as he's getting money to send his child to some smart school he doesn't have to send him to who could just enroll your kid in Kumaon or something neighbor but he's empathetic at the end of day so he's good and still gets everything he wants it was also the problem you didn't lose [ __ ] the day Ben did a bunch of shitty [ __ ] that's what happened when the main character is also the writer and director this man wrote and directed a film he ended up coming out okay after making so many decisions where he shouldn't have if he would have like fully thought this out maybe had actual people of color join his team in writing this entire situation then maybe I would have approached his movie in a different light but the fact that he was the sole writer rector of this entire film makes it seem like he just saw a topic that will be seen as controversies it as a tool to gain view and conversation or Tim just so you can get three different paycheck for one project which is why I end up a genius con but like bit reviews for the movie are all over - man I never talked about that I don't care that the movie had some type of more I noticed them I acknowledge that at the end of the day there was still some problems in this movie and I'm going to critique you my favorite view was a guy that wrote something along the lines like kill is dead baby I don't know if this is the film to make that type of statement at the ground point this entire film felt like it was written by someone that was outside of it would you gentlemen oh the stories aren't writing from what you know first oh you might make something like this and also just start a [ __ ] podcast anyways thank you guys so much for watching they're not sad Hotch Kade um and that rhyme the writer for retweeting my last video comment down below what would you do if Oprah emailed you hide da hood early I just come by it'd be gory wouldn't be funny you'll just be grown last me to ask guys who do during the winter months and that one crackhead said I don't remember [ __ ] what's that definitely doesn't beat tiny specimen that told me they nut a lot during the winter also ask guys what fabric would you use to dress yourself on a red carpet and some replied shower curtains what fabric is a shower curtain there's multiple fabrics girl you got it you can't you can't last call yesterday there's some silk ones Ben if there's some even made out of granite [ __ ] we can do that we can try that [ __ ] anyways I'm gonna it's already 4 p.m. my name's Matt and don't forget to Like comment share and subscribe a boy laQuita no Krisha no what [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MacDoesIt
Views: 2,193,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, MacDoesIt, reaction, loqueesha, loqueesha review, loqueesha trailer, racist movie, racist videos, ksi, react, racism, react to racism, TRY NOT TO RACISM CHALLENGE, COLLEGE KIDS REACT TO RACISM IN AMERICA, reacting to racism, racist commercials, teens react, fbe, not because you're a rabbit, try no to laugh challenge, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, donald trump, try not to laugh, so you don't have to, Oprah, jeremy saville, idubbbz, Jarvis Johnson
Id: vvs3fJ9z06g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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