THE FINALE. Reacting to Every Tik Tok Community Before it's banned. I. AM. DONE.

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- [Man On Computer] This is my intro. TikTok, TikTok. (muffled speaking) - (screams) Man, this is the last one. This is the last one. Big finale, ladies and gentlemen. I had a great time, but we can't do this anymore guys. We can't, let me tell you real quick. This is the last one for now until I decide to do more later if TikTok doesn't get banned. I thought this was just gonna be one video. Then I thought it was just gonna be two, maybe a couple. Here we are on the fourth one. I have never in my life made the same video every single week for an entire month. Do not come for me, do not come for me, do not come for me. I feel so bougie. This is the finale of my series. Welcome to the finale of my series. But the reason why I'm ending this, I'm scared. Girl, I'm terrified. Okay, you remember what I said in the last video when I said that reacting to TikToks is a dangerous game because in y'alls TikToks y'all react to music that I cannot put on my channel, right? And I thought I was being slick, pitching 'em up and down, making 'em sound cracky as fuck. But no, you YouTube don't play that game. When I tell you in the last month I have gotten five copyright claims. In the last month I have gotten five copyright claims and I am afraid. I don't know the entire full rules of the YouTube, but the one thing I am terrified of getting is a complete strike on my channel. I think if you get a certain amount of claims within a certain amount of period, you get a complete strike. I don't want to touch that threshold. And when you get a strike on your channel it messes up everything. I don't want that. And then three strikes, the channel's gone. The channel never existed anymore. I'm gonna stop, this is the last one. Might come back in the future if the bitch still hanging, but I don't know, we don't know that yet. My last video did like five seconds of a Doja Cat song and that video got blocked bitch. It got blocked for seven whole hours. Arsontok! ♪ Oh fire ♪ ♪ Burning up ♪ ♪ Down this pussy boy ♪ Y'all thought I was singing an actual song, didn't you? Y'all forgot already. Okay, here we go. (upbeat electronic music) - Mom. - Oh. - [Child] Let's get one thing straight. - Okay. - I murdered the family dog. ♪ Party party party party ♪ - Ah, it's gonna be a long video, isn't it? I don't think I have the mind capacity to comprehend that right now. I think I'm just hi ey! Was a salt shaker murdering a pigeon? What is arsontok? Where's the fire? Show me some fire, show me some fire. Show me some fire, show me some fire. I want some fire, I want some fire. Give me that fire. (intense electronic music) There it is, there it is. That was it, that's the arson. Not pepper shakers cutting up pigeons, shut up. ♪ Enslaved dog ♪ - Okay. ♪ Free him ♪ ♪ I freed him but at what cost ♪ ♪ No the dog is committing arson ♪ - We're done with arsontok. Kidnappedtok. As you can see there's a reason why these are at the end of the list (laughs). Is it gonna be a bunch of POVs? POVs, you were kidnapped by daddy master bear. Watch. Kidnapper, one of these drinks are poisoned. If you survive you can live. Me, drinks both, oh my God. Why would you do that. (upbeat electronic music) Oh, depression, okay (laughs). - It's all from the situation. Your handcuffed to the zip ties. I got two heavy duty zip ties here. Cleaning out the garage, found these. Thought I'd make a quick tutorial on how to escape, never know when you're gonna need this. - Wait a minute. So you just found a couple of zip ties in a garage you were cleaning out and decided hey, guess I'll just make a tutorial on TikTok of what you should do if you're kidnapped. Just a casual thoughts you make when you're cleaning out a garage. Just the casual thoughts you have when you find two random zip ties in your garage. Let's teach people what to do when you're kidnapped. I mean, go off. - It sounds counterintuitive. The first thing you want to do is actually tighten this with your teeth as much as you can. If you're gonna do that-- - Okay. - All right. Now the next step is simple. You want to raise your hands above your shoulders. - Oh, it's the (muffled speaking) thing. I know this. - It's pretty easy. - Boom. There you go. Now you've learned. If you too are ever cleaning your garage and find some zip ties, you too can make this TikTok. Squirrel girl TikTok. Maybe. - I'm going shopping. - Does this person have a-- - You're going shopping? Who's paying? - Squirrel on a, on a leash? Can we not do that? Wait a minute. Can some animals just stay free for a second? Like wait, what's happening? Why are you putting squirrels on leashes? Squirrels need a leash? We don't gotta own everything. We can calm down for two seconds. How you gonna explain to the squirrel when it's on a leash and it sees its squirrel buddy, it's just roaming around on trees doing nothing? What is it gonna think? That squirrel's just sitting there like. (laughs) So is this a TikTok community of people just owning squirrels-- - No, you don't. - And putting baby conversation-- - Yes, I do. - No, you don't. - Nouns over it all? - Get your nut out of there. - Okay. Fish dissolving TikTok. What? Are we dissolving fish? What does that mean? Okay, okay, okay. Oh, (blabbers). (gags) What? (gags) Why am I, just poured something onto fish and it dissolved in the water (gags). I don't know. Is that what this community is? This entire community is just around this one video. This isn't a community! Cult TikTok. Cult Tok, Tok cult (laughs). TikTok cult (laughs). Please don't freak me out. Oh, uh oh. You have arrived at the box side of TikTok. Box side of TikTok? Box side of TikTok, box side? No, that's it, that was it. That's all you get of that side. - If you knew what this women did, you'd be horrified by this photos. - Okay. - This 17 year old girl is Tylee Valo and this is her little brother, JJ. He's seven. They're both currently missing. This was her husband, Charles Valo. He got killed last year. - Oh. - This is her brother Alex Cox. He killed Charles Valo. And guess what? He's dead too. And this is her new husband. Guess what? - Dead? - He's alive. - 'Kay, whelp (laughs), surprised me with that one. - But his wife died of natural causes in her sleep at the age of 49. - Ah, 'kay. There it is (laughs). - Two weeks after his wife died, Lori and Chad Daybell got married on the beach in Hawaii in November while her children were still missing. - Oh wow. - Lori and her new husband are being accused of being in a cult called Preparing the People. - Oh. - Which believes that the world is gonna end in July. If you want to check out the full video make sure you head on over to my YouTube channel. - I heard of this cult (laughs). Also get that promo, bitch. Get that promo! Thirst TikTok. Thirst Tok, hopefully it's about water. Yep, yep, there it is. There it is. It's not about water, it's about this. It's about this, it's about all that. All that, right in front of us, right now with that and all of that. First of all, I feel like he's wearing make-up on his chest. I might be just being salty, I don't know. Ain't nobody's chest that deep brown. Bitch, that's bronzer. Subway Surfer TikTok. Please be about the game. Don't be people trying, oh my God. - [Woman On Computer] Once my teacher was pregnant and two months before her due date she went into labor in the middle of class. So we were all rushed into the hallway, but they couldn't get her out of the classroom so she ended up having her baby in the classroom. But since it was premature it was weak and they weren't at a hospital so it died in the classroom and we all saw the dead tiny baby being carried out of the classroom. And my teacher was so sad her baby died that she quit her job and a month later we went into lockdown, because turns out she broke into the school with a knife and tried stabbing people 'cause she sorta went insane with the grief of her baby dying. And now she's in jail. Girl, what in the shitty tit flip switch? - I don't believe, sis. So what is this, TikTok? Just a bunch of videos of someone playing Subway Surfer while a robot is telling stories? I'm down. - One day in class we had a substitute and everyone knew the substitute for being the rudest. And we had a test that same day. So when the substitute left the class for about two minutes everyone starting throwing paper and pencils everywhere. - Oh my God. - And once the substitute came back in class, someone stood on the desk and yelled, "We hate you," and threw a chair at the substitute. The kid got suspended for two weeks and no one has ever seen the substitute since. - Oh my God. I believe that. Some of y'all kids nasty as hell. Why Subway Surfer though? Why did they decide that was the game? - [Woman On Computer] When I was nine years old me and my sister snuck into my older sister's room to play around in there. We were going through her stuff when I went to see what was in her cabinet. I found something pink and long. It smelled weird but it was fun to play with. I was smacking my sister with it and hitting other things with it. It was very rubbery and my little nine year old self liked to chew on things. So I got curious and started chewing on it. It tasted weird and the smell kept getting worse. I was chewing on it so hard that I took a huge chunk of it off. I heard my mom calling us, so we left quickly and I put the thing back and in her drawers. My older sister comes home and at night I heard her screaming. My mom went to her room and I heard my older sister say, "Who the fuck ate my?" I don't want this sound to get taken down so we will just call it toy. I didn't know what it was at the time, but I was so scared to get in trouble. My mom got mad at my older sister for having a toy. Since the bite mark was so small my mom thought we had mice. - Why do I have a similar story though (laughs)? Divorce TikTok. What, are we about to get weird? It's about to get triggering. - Middle-aged divorced people are like, "Young people don't know anything. "They're just a bunch of stupid liberals." But as soon as they get a TikTok, the first thing they post is. (man with curly hair breathing) (fire sizzling) (host laughing) - Husband, I want a divorce. Oh, oh, if that's what you really want. I hope you have a terrible life. Make up your mind. Do you want a divorce or not? What (laughs)? Oh, I just got it (laughs)! Nerodivergent TikTok. Oh, I believe nerodivergent is, let me Google it real quick before I sound stupid. Yeah, I'm right. Nerodivergent is about mental function that people have different variation. Some people have ticks, some people have ADHD. Some people have ADD. Autism, OCD, SID and trauma. Oh, who this? He cute, wait a minute. (soft delicate music) - Ow! - Oh, my God. Wow, I admire the perseverance he has. What else are you gonna do with life when you have hurdles like that? You just gotta keep on trucking. Honestly applaud you, sir. You made juice. It mighta been too much carrot, but you know what? It was juice. Wait, I wanna wait watch another one of his. Yes, he's cute. I didn't say that. I become very good at masking my ticks. Today I wanted to trigger them. This song, a mirror and something fragile was enough. (man in red shirt whistling) Oh, oh no. (eggs cracking) Oh! (smooth electronic music) Oh, oh, oh, oh, okay. Oh, oh, oh, okay. (man in red shirt whistling) I'm afraid he's gonna, oh no, okay. I don't want him to hurt himself with an egg. Okay, you got this. I believe in you. (eggs crunching) Oh, (laughs) oh no! Oh (laughs) no! Oh God, he was cute though. Am I allowed to say that? Horny TikTok. Let me take a sip of water for this one, 'cause I'm not ready. Here we go, being horny on the main. I like how I type in horny TikTok and there is no suggesting. They say you're gonna go down this alley on your own. What do you mean? You're officially on horny TikTok. Calm them hormones down or do something about it, evil face, okay. Thank you for the introduction. Since we're exposing ourselves, I am extremely horny. Is that all this is? There's a bunch of people declaring they're horny on the main. Okay, okay. POV, you're straight and you see your two year old son playing with a girl. Okay, calm down. - I see a love connection. You guys boyfriend and girlfriend now? Are you in a committed relationship? Okay, sparks are flying. Oh my God, the chemistry (laughs). It's lighting my eyes. Who's gonna pay for the wedding? Not me (laughs). Just kidding. Of course, I'd be happy to. Can we get these two a room? And a motel on a rent by the hour? You know, so they can go fu, I'm gonna go get you two some condoms 'cause that's clearly where this is going. I can see that, so cute. They're so in love and straight, most importantly, straight. Straight, straight, straight. - (laughs) All right. Chaoscore. Sure, what's happening? Once in a lifetime almost caught on camera. Part 24! 24! Me making these videos, if I kept on going. Honestly, helmet falls off player's head and lands on back, what? Kid makes backwards shot to win the game? What? Truck then goes back, whoo! How did all that happen? I don't believe, sis. What exactly is Chaoscore? Wait a minute, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. So it's just chaotic TikTok, that's what I'm learning. Depressed TikTok. Once again, there's a reason why these were at the end of a list (laughs). - Hey, hold on just one second, please. - Yeah? - Yes you. Out of everything you could be looking at right now, this is on your screen. That means that it's for you. Okay? - Okay, yeah, great. Even though I selected it, but go off, go off, go off! - All those things that you have been hoping for and dreaming for and working so hard for-- - Okay. Oh, they about to read me. I'm about to get read. I'm about to get read. I don't wanna be read, don't read me, I'm not a book! - They're gonna be here soon, okay? - Okay. - They'll be here soon. It's not stupid, it's not for nothing. You're worth it, you're amazing. - Oh yay, oh wow. Oh wow, I prejudged for a second. I might have a guard, you don't know, you don't know me. Depressed TikTok. Trying to take you out of your depression. - Depression. - Oh. - [Narrator] Depression is all about overthinking. - Okay. - [Narrator] When you are depressed you don't control your thoughts. - Okay. - Your thoughts control you. - Okay. - I wish people would understand this. - Great, great. Why was there a beach? What part was the sand and then the depression? With the emoji, the emoji. You can't forget the emoji. Talking about depression, always gotta have an emoji. That's what I say (laughs), ding. - Know what's really fun about depression-- - Tell me. - Like all the things that you love about yourself. Your humor and how happy you are and your exuberance and the things that make you you and you get to see them leave out the window, slowly over time until you're left with a husk of yourself. Really a zombie with nothing identifiable that you like about yourself anymore, except just a boring sack of shit who's sad all the time and lame and loses relationships and doesn't know how to talk to people. And you're just awful to be around and you look in the mirror and you're like, "Who's that? "That's not me. "The me I know he's a cool dude "who's funny and does cool stuff. "But this dude's just a sack of shit. "That can't be me, but it is you, ah!" - Can we go back to that motivational person real quick? Chair TikTok. No, not Cher TikTok. No, my gads would have loved that. Chair TikTok. TikTok's about chairs and chair-like products. I hope, I hope (sneezes). Oh, portable chairs, oh, oh. Oh, look at her sitting. Oh, look at her sitting here. Oh, look at her sitting here. Follow for more. Follow for more portable chairs. Have you ever wanted to look like you're going to the beach or going to a children's soccer game just everywhere you go? Follow me for more portable chair content. Baby cult TikTok. Do I have to call the authorities? Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh. ♪ Hey ♪ - Oh. ♪ Hey ♪ (smooth hip hop music) ♪ Hey yo ♪ - What is this (laughs)? Is it an entire TikTok community of people taking a bunch of these plastic babies and making art out of them? Oh my God, I gotta watch another one. 44 babies for my mom's 44th birthday. Jesus Christ, here we are. Oh my God, oh my God. What? Maybe the authorities do have to be called. What, we are done with that. Baby cult TikTok, Jesus Christ. LARP TikTok. LARP Tok. This is a TikTok community I don't know if it exists. I wrote it on the list myself because I am curious. But it does, it does! You can't have a good medieval fair without some LARPing. Do you sell health potions? What are you doing? Common, superior, greater. Got anything bigger? Oh, supreme, oh bigger? Oh, a paramount, oh, bigger! Oh, oh, an elixir, utmost. That'll be 100,000 gold. Oh yes, let me just file into my pouch and throw it into my inventory. Well, I shall conquest (muffled speaking) of the recipient (muffled speaking). Okay, we're done with LARPs. Turtle TikTok, another one of my additions. (laughs) And here it is. Oh my God, look at it! Oh, it's so small. - Wait, uh oh. He's so beautiful. I love him so much. - I love him too. - Don't fall. He's such a little boy. - And he's so small! - But he's so fast already. Hi. Ah! - Oh, okay. Wait, but look at this one. Oh, look at this chunk. Oh, look at this chunky chunk. Okay, wait. - That's right. - Oh, look at the chunk. - That is some pounds of pressure right here. (turtle chomping) - Oh, wow. Yeah, I know. Snapping tortoises, they have very, very strong jaws that can literally rip off a limb or at least a finger. I don't know, I'm not a scientist. Zoologist, who does this? Calligraphy TikTok. (upbeat rock music) Y'all get it. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. Look at all this writing. This calligraphy. This art of writing. Oh, ah, that's not in English, right? That's not in English, that's not in English, right? That's not in English, I'm not going crazy, right? That's not in English? It's not in English, it's not in English, okay, okay, okay, we're back. One more and then that's it. We're done, that's it, that's all we're getting. One more community and then TikTok's dead. I'm joking, I'm joking. Gothtok, Gothtok, Gothtok! Toks about goth! Y'all ready? Are y'all prepared for gothtok? Are y'all ready for the gothtok? Oh, ah, eh, oh, ah, ah, eh, ah. When you're a professional, but you're also secretly a goth. - Create a false reality. - Oh, ah. We love an all black to a non all black look. What? I don't know. You encounter the goth girl. She invites you to smoke with her. No, smoking's bad, goth girl. Don't do that to yourself, don't be like that, goth girl. She made you a bracelet, do you accept? Yes, sure I'll take it. 10 point. She invites you to go to 7/11 with her. Sure, why not? I need a Gatorade. 10 point, wow, I made friends with a goth girl on TikTok. My life is complete. I have fulfilled my destiny. - Water solves everything. - Oh, oh, whoo, those teeth. That scared me for a second. Okay, okay goth, okay, we got you. We see you, goth. - If you're thirsty just drink water. Trying to lose weight? Just drink water. Trying to get clearer skin? Just drink water. Have a best friend that stabbed you in the back? Drown them with water. - Okay. I don't know how you got your teeth like that, but I don't think I want to know. And on that note, thank you guys so much for watching! You have made it to the end of a series. Wow, call me Shane Dawson. Every episode's 30 minutes long. These were the longest videos I have ever made on my channel. I'm just gonna put that out there. Never expected them to be this long. Did not expect this to take that long. I'm not even done. I just have to stop for a second. Will I come back to this? I hope so. I really want to, but right now a sis needs to play it safe with these copyrights 'cause they going crazy. What did we learn today, kids? Ah! Yes, shout out to @ItsDemOats and @ArtCats27 for retweeting me on Twitter. Comment down below. What was your favorite community I reviewed? Maybe I'll make an entire video talking about them. if TikTok's still around. If TikTok's still around, that is still in the air, guys. But it ain't over yet. You know what I mean? Anyways, thank you guys so much for going on this journey with me. Sorry, I cannot complete it as fast and where I want to, as you want it. Hopefully I'll be able to come back to this one day. Hopefully, but until then I might take a week off just to breath so I'm not editing for countless hours for at least one week. But I'll be back with another weird video doing some weird shit. I don't know, we'll figure it out. But anyways, my name's Mac and don't forget to like, comment, share and scream, babe! Wha! ♪ This is the end this is the end ♪ ♪ Of the series ♪ ♪ Of the series oh ♪ ♪ Thank you for watching with me ♪ ♪ Thank you for being here with me ♪ ♪ Sunshine and rainbows ♪ ♪ I really need to find ending music ♪
Channel: MacDoesIt
Views: 1,336,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, MacDoesIt, reaction, tik tok, bean tiktok, tiktok community, jenna marbles, funny tik tok, reaction time, best tiktokers, tik tok news, tik tok compilation, tony lopez, tik tok ban, tik tok memes, tiktok, tiktoks, sssniperwolf, tiktok meme, goth tiktok, chaos core, baby cult tiktok, subway surfers stories tiktok, neurodivergent, fish dissolving, calligraphy
Id: ktHvNmrvpl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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