I bought that robotic cat from your childhood and I regret it (FurReal Friends)

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♪ FurReal friends ♪ (cat meows) - There you are, kitty cat. (cat meowing) (upbeat music) You're so pretty. (cat meowing) (upbeat music) Pretty. (cat meowing) Pretty. Pretty. Pretty. - [Announcer] Kitty cat is light and touch activated. (cat yelling) - I am absolutely terrified to open this box. So, first things first, let me explain. So, at this point, I think we're already clear why we're here. - Pretty (loud roar) - This box has to get open at one point today. (man laughing) Sorry for this weird audio. There's a lot of stuff going on around me right now and I don't wanna wait to film this video. Guess what! Oh, guess what, bitch! Y'all guess what, bitch! 2021, starting on a great note for me, sis. Y'all remember the family that lives above us? With their loud ass kids? And they call me about almost every single video? They just moved out. (upbeat music) Bitch, I know! They moved out. Now, the people upstairs are doing like, a shit ton of construction because I 100% believe they put floor damage onto that building. Because I swear to God, those kids were going to break through our ceiling one night. So, there's been a lot of drilling and a lot of like, hammering happening upstairs all day today and I did not want to wait anymore. So, here we are with some iPhone audio close to your mic. Probably super loud, completely peaking, probably puffing up the entire thing with the (loud popping) You know that? (upbeat music) (loud popping) That shit? (loud roar) Also, I'm wearing a beanie again. (man laughing) Look at me like, just giving excuses. You know a Mac Does It video has to start out with me explaining the environment I am forcing you guys into. Every video. Got a new blanket a few days ago and I haven't fully washed it yet so my hair is completely covered in red fuzzies and I really didn't want to wash and dry out my hair before this video because that was gonna take like an hour or something 'cause I'm black. Oh Jesus. So, we get beanie Mac today. (flute music) Once again, get used to it, she didn't go that far she's been here all along. You're just jealous of her swag. What? I'm also gonna try to stare at the camera more because I know I like, don't stare at it at all. Most of my videos is me looking over here at the viewfinder. Not because I'm narcissistic, guys. Not because I'm narcissistic, it's just, I'm afraid of what I'm always looking like. Is that narcissism? Is that narcissism? What's narcissism? (loud roar) You know what? 2021, how 'bout we leave the professional terminology to actual professionals, you know, you know, 2021? I don't know what the fuck a narcissist is. I can't label that but I think what I'm doing is not that, that's all I'm going to say, so shut up, shut up. But anyways, we have a box. You already know what the hell is in this. I've already showed you the commercial probably at this point. - There you are. - Crazy fun, magical, super realistic. Oh, look, it's head turns. Oh, look, it does that. Oh, look, they're smiling. That's not forced, they're actually having fun, they're not terrified of this gigantic, weird looking, realistic robot creature. No, they're enjoying their lives 'cause they're normal human beings that aren't afraid of random things like other human beings are, sometimes. To the point, they're afraid to open up a box after buying the object. That's me, I'm someone, I'm bitch. But today, we're gonna find out, is the furistic. Furistic? FurReal, furistic. FurReal. It should have been furistic. Bitch marketing. 'Cause then we're gonna find out if the FurReal, feline cat, whiteness, I dunno what the fuck. (man stammering) Was it worth the hype? The high answer is probably gonna be no. ♪ Oh, baby, do you know what that's worth ♪ - 'Cause it was made in the 2000s. Let's alk about 2000 shit. I've already reviewed a few thing from 2000 and we've already come to the conclusion that the 2000s was one of the biggest scams for children toys in children toy history. Okay? Freaking (indistinct), Moon Bounce. Those shit weren't worth it. Now, we have FurReal feline the robotic cat. Because for some reason, kids in the 2000s were so obsessed with owning their own personal robot. It was weird 'cause the robots back then weren't even that cute, honey. They were disgusting looking. And they couldn't even do much! They couldn't do much! We really would like, ask and beg our parents for like, hours. Go on hunger strikes and shit to own our own personal robot that would just bark and play music basically. I had one of those. Y'all remember those motherfuckers? I don't know what it was called but it was like. (man barking) All day long. We all wanted to own our own personal robot and I blame cartoon network for that. So, this is one of those atrocities in this box right in front of us that I will promise to open in a second. Oh, look where it's from. - [Woman] Daddy Bezos. Yummy, yummy. (crosstalk) I know! I know! I know! I know! But girl, listen. Listen, girl, listen. I tried to look it up at different places, girl. Every other place either didn't sell it or the shipping was like, two weeks long. We all got the Twitters, we all got the Internets we all got the articles, we all see what the hell is going on with this smiley face. But that shipping, bitch. That next day shipping, bitch. Hurts my feelings and I can't escape it. I got Stockholm syndrome. it's called Stockholm syndrome. I've decided I'm a professional now. Okay, so the box. Okay, should we just open this? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Come closer, come here. (loud yelling) Oh shit. I don't wanna look. I don't wanna look. I don't wanna look. I don't wanna look. Oh, my god, it's open. Oh, my god, I opened it. Okay. Here it is. (electronic music) - Do you see it? 'Cause I'm not looking. (man laughing) Oh. Oh. (man laughing) - So pretty. - So, this is this is her, here she is in all her glory. Y'all can't even see me second. There she is. That's her all her glory, sis. Don't judge her, she's shy, she's a bit fragile. Let me be got to the other side real quick, give me a second, I'm trying to do this thing where I'm not looking at the viewfinder, but girl, I can't see. I literally like, don't know if I'm in frame. I'll try my best not to look at myself. But you've already discovered that I might be a narcissist. Not really sure, not a professional. Wait, I am a professional, I am a professional. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I am a narcissist. Did I? - This is absolutely terrifying and I would never gift this to any of my worst enemies. Welcome to my channel. Look it, there's a hole in it. There's a hole so you can touch. You can touch your daddy. A hole to touch daddy. Daddy cat. Is there a name? Does it have a name? Lulu, my cuddlin' kitty. Lulu mon petit chat. Lulu mi (man speaking gibberish) Lulu I think her name is Lulu. She's gonna be a little bit whited out because honey, I'm black, I can't darken this anymore, I'm sorry. If I put this down two more notches, I'm gonna disappear into the background, girl. Actually, matter of fact, let me turn on these lights. I just bought all these brand new lights for this place. So, I'ma turn these lights on. Y'all got me messed up. Acting like I can't let y'all see shit. Is there? There's nothing incriminating on that shelf, okay. Okay, whatever. Let's get back to the daddy hole. Shall we touch it together, kids? Are you ready? You're gonna touch a fur realistic, FurReal, FurReal feline. FurReal, FurReal. FurReal? FurReal. (man groaning) Doesn't feel real at all, bitch. (man laughing) It feels like a synthetic rug. Feels like some good bath slippers. But that's that, thank you for coming to my channel. (R&B music) (man laughing) Guys, I really don't wanna open this, I'm really afraid. I really don't wanna see it move. Like, I'm actually terrified. Like, this looks, first of all, do you see its eyes? Do you see how soulless those eyes are? We really sold a cat with eyes like this and said, "Yeah, it's realistic. It's realistic." Honey, this is like, a terrible Disney ride. Like, if Disney in the 1950s made a ride about cats, this is what the cats looked like probably. Were you in that president room? Where you sitting on Abraham Lincoln's lap? I don't fuckin' know, okay. And on the back you can see it's paws move. It can sit in your lap. Wow. And there's also a dog version - [Children] Walkin' Puppies! that looks even more terrifying. You didn't hear that from me. Sold separately. Oh, really? I just thought it was chilling in the back of the box. I really come to life. (man speaking gibberish) I'm trying to get every audience I possibly can, okay? Oh, and on this side, this side, I purr and roll back just like a real kitty. (man speaking gibberish) I'm not done, I'm not done, I'm not done. (man speaking gibberish) And then. (man speaking gibberish) Oh shit. I'm really trying to procrastinate on this shit, guys. I don't wanna open this box. I'm terrified to play with this. Whoever knew that I would be sitting here, 24, in my own apartment, terrified to play with a children's toy? I knew, actually, this is not the first time, sis. Should we open it? Let's open it. We're gonna open this. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, there's another thing. Pet me. (man speaking gibberish) (man burps) I'm so good at words. Oh shit. - Pretty. - Okay. - Pretty. - Wow. - Pretty. - Wow. - Pretty. (man cheering) Oh my gosh, I might throw up. Okay, here it is. How do we get it out? Oh, she's stuck, sis. Sis, she's stuck. (man stammering) She's stuck, sis. Sis, she's stuck. I don't know how to, I don't know how to get her out, sis. I wanna quit right now because I just don't want, I really don't. Like low key, this cat looks like Splice, I'm just saying. Same skin color too. I didn't say that. Okay, okay, here we go, here it is, here it is, here it is. We got it, we got it,. We got it, we got it. Do you see it? (flute music) Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Lulu. I really wish it was just done right here. I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so scared of this motherfucker. Okay, Lulu, I'm gonna get you out, okay? Get you out of this box. Out of your contrapment. Out of your oppressor. 2021, we're making our own underground railroad. Don't quote that, please? Do you see this? Y'all can't see it. I'm not fixing that. (man gasping) Ew! Here she is, sis! Here she lies. (electronic music) - There's a comb too. Wait, give me a second. Look at this. Oh, they gave you everything, girl. A comb. And that's it. Oh, you guys wanna see this A plus combing action? Is this a niche? Will this give me views? (speaking gibberish) Is that a million right there? I swear to god, please? (man yelling) You're gross! You're disgusting! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I mean, Oh my god, you're so beautiful my little Lulu. Oh wow. - So pretty. - Look at you. Just stare at the audience and terrify them real quick. (haunting music) You are the absolutely most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my entire life, do you know that? (man yelling) Get off of me. Get off of me. Get off of me. Don't. Stop it. You're tangled. Shall I read some random FurReal pet facts before I actually turn this on? Because I really don't want to play with it. Created in 2002. A robotic pet. Robotic pets. Like, I get it, some people can't have a pet. I understand. But a robotic one, sis? Honey, I didn't even know this could be considered a robot. Like sure, it had a couple of motors and that was it. But like honey, this ain't a robot. If this is a robot then I'm a white lady. We can be whatever we wanna be. The robotic toys ranged from Guinea Pigs to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs. That is not a pet! Like, in my mind, I'm imagining some rich ass parent just bought their child a gigantic Jurassic Park animatronic. Happy Christmas, little bougie! Go get eaten. Merry Christmas. I don't want any kids. Some are able to be held in a child's hand and others are able to be ridden by a child. Ridden? Can I ride you? Can you be ridden? Are you one of the ones I can ride? Don't, don't put that in something else. Girl, you can't be looking ugly right now, this is your debut. Girl, calm down. Girl, this hair is everywhere, girl. Girl. What is your gender actually? I'm sorry. You wanna tell the audience? Okay, so girl, you mess. You been trapped. You said I've been inside for over 200 days. I ain't gotta look pretty anymore. Y'all just getting what you get. Now, honestly, I feel that, I feel that, sis. When this is all over, I'm going to the club in sweats. Y'all cannot tell me otherwise. Okay, let's just turn it on. I'm sorry. I'm procrastinating. (man yelling) Okay, okay. Here we go, here we go. Okay, here we go, here we go, here we go. Here it is. What do I do? (man laughs) Were there instructions? Where did the instructions go? I think I threw them away. I think I like, threw them that way. Hello? How do you turn her on? What's this? Oh, I got an adoption certificate. Or, (speaking gibberish) Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of a special, okay, I'm gonna open, I'm sorry. Y'all told me to place a picture of the pet on the adoption certificate which is stupid. 'Cause they could have put the picture themselves. It's not like they sell a large variety of these shits. It's not like every Lulu looks different, okay? Y'all need to calm down. I don't know if you can see it but there's like a little pouch on its bottom full of like, all like, the little mechanical bits. Looks at that. Wait, no. Here, look. Wait, okay, sorry, give me a sec. Look. Okay, give me. Okay, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This looks terrifying. I just realized. (man laughing) I swear, I'm really nice to pets. I'm gonna put you down. I'm gonna put you down before I pee (indistinct). On. Now do you're thing. Do it. Do the thing. Do something. Do some, hello? Hello? Hello? There's no batteries in the bitch, give me a second. Girl, what kind of battery? Pet her left cheek and Lulu will move her head towards your hand. Yeah, she needs batteries, okay. Have me over here searching for some C batteries. Do you hear that? Do you hear that construction? (distant drilling) I'm gonna kill somebody. Stupid C batteries. Do I carry C batteries? Yeah, these are C, bitch. Y'all thought y'all had me. Y'all though I wasn't prepared. Y'all thought that this was gonna end right here. I did too, I really hoped that, I really hoped. Okay, this is gonna require some surgery. So, if you are very attached to this not that realistic, realistic looking cat, I'm gonna ask you to look away before you decide to call some group and they decide to throw some paint on me. But I'm just trying to live my best life. Okay, okay, wait, I'm sorry. (man whining) Here it, ope! There's already batteries in it! Why aren't you working? Wait, okay, I'm gonna replace the batteries and see what happens. Stop crying. Stop crying, it's almost done. It's almost done. It's almost done, hold my hand. Hold my paw, we're almost done. We almost got it. There we go. Now you're nice and tight, Lulu. Pause. Okay, now let's turn it on. (loud thud) Girl, I swear to god. You're on and I'm gonna nee you to do something. Like, right now Hello? Hello? Hello? Am I missing something? What's happening here? Don't try me. (plastic rattling) Sis, did I get a defected one? Is there a reason why they don't sell you anymore? Is there a reason why you were like, nowhere to be found? Do you just like, not work anymore? Where's the instructions? We're gonna get this to work, I'm sorry. There's also like, hair every- (man sputters) There's also like, hair everywhere. What do you do? How do I use you? Hello? She's not even making a noise. Lulu. Lulu. Lulu. Girl, girls, this ain't cute. Girl, I'm gonna need you to stop doing this real quick. Lulu? Lulu? Lulu? Lulu? It's not working. Sis, it's broken. (man stammering) I'm still uploading this video. (man laughs) (upbeat music) Wait, I'm mad. I'm like, big mad. Hold up. Give me a second. Wait. Oh my god. Wait, wait, wait, wait, sis. Huge mad. This is not right. (man laughing) Oh my god, was I just cheated? I was just cheated. Sis, I was just cheated! Sis, it cheated me. When I tell you this bitch cost me $150 to then not work. I am going to commit murder! I'm going to murder! (thunder rumbling) (man screaming) What the fuck, sis? Oh my God! You know what? It's Jeff Bezos' fault somehow, someway, I'm blaming him. I really spent $150 on this bitch. This bitch is some work. Oh my God. Like, I'm not surprised that they stopped maintenancing them. This this was probably sitting in the back room for like, 13 years burning a hole through itself and it probably short circuited without even being turned on, sis. I bought a toy so old that it retired before it even got turned on. I hate this. I hate this so much. Wait, you have to work, Lulu! Come on girl, don't be shy. I really don't know what to do. I really don't know what to do. Sis, she's broken. I have to return this, sis. I have to give it back. Can I return it? Probably not. They probably don't want it either. You know, we're just gonna make her work, okay? Here we go. - FurReal Friends. - Oh my god, it's Lulu, if you pet this side, look-it. (man meows) Oh, wow! Pet this side (cat meows) Oh, my God. Pet it's body, then just. (man meows) Ob, wow! Lulu! And if you pull its tail it just. (loud thud) Please don't, okay, guys, it's a fake. It's not gonna be one of those don't fuck with cat documentary bullshits. I'm not 'bout to kill. You guys can't see right now but there's literally fur all all over my body. Sorry for throwing you, girl, here you go. Here you go, now you're pretty, now you're starting on them hoes. You can get yourself a man one day. You know, if you just learn how to work I can get you some meth. You want some meth? Will that make you (man meows) Ope, there it goes. Told y'all. It already looks, look at its face. You can tell. Lulu, if you think I'm sexy, say nothing. The bitch spoke. Lulu, is you think I deserve 10 million subscribers, say nothing. The queen said it. Lulu, if you think you're the baddest bitch in the room, say something. That's what I thought. Look at that face. Look at that smug ass looking face. That's the type of face that doesn't wear a mask, bitch, you already know it, you already fucking know. I'm above the matrix type of bitch. Look, you, shut up. I'm not gonna take the vaccine because I don't want the government to microchip me. Bitch, you think they're gonna microchip you? Do you think the government gives a shit about you like that? Girl, do you have an iPhone? Do you have a laptop? Do you have any electronic device you bought in the United States of America? Girl, they got yo ass already. Stupid micro chipping bitches talking about how they don't want the government to track them on a social media site tracked by the government. Nevermind, I don't know why this video turned that way. It doesn't work, I'm mad! That's a, "My Granddaddy owns a yacht," face. You know it, that's that, "I was born rich." "What do you mean people can't live off $5 an hour?" Type of face, you already know. ♪ My pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola ♪ type of bitch, you already see her. Look at her, look at her, look at her! She is so smug! Look at her, she be out here just posing. She chose not to work. She said, "I ain't moving, bitch. I haven't moved in 12 years. You think I'm gonna move today, bitch? No, cancel that." I really wish it worked. Like, I really wish it worked. I just wasted $150. Do you guys understand how upset I am right now? Like, this video better get like some type of viewage or something, I need to get that money back. I am so mad. You tell me you think we got space to waste that money like this? I mean, I bought it in the first place, so I really can't complain. (man groans) I don't know. I don't know what to do now. I don't know what to do. I did buy a different toy. I bought that slushy thing. - [Children] Slushy Magic! I can also throw it into this video. Apparently, it already sucks. I've been spoiled about it on Twitter. Here it is. - [Woman] Daddy Bezos. Daddy Bezos, don't pay those taxes, daddy. - Yeah, I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, girl. Girl, I'm sorry. Don't I have to freeze ice or something? Nevermind, this video's ruined! Y'all get this. Y'all get fucking Lulu. Broken ass Lulu with a smug ass face. My dad has stuck in Tesla, have an ass. You wanna regret some money you spend? Then buy FurReal Friends. (man laughing) Shut up. You wanna fill your room with synthetic fur that's probably bad for you? Then buy our girl, Lulu. (man laughing) That's what you fucking get, bitch. Healthcare is a privilege, have an ass. Thinking healthcare is a privilege but being able to Tweet anything you want on a private company's website is a right. Have an ass. You know, I'm mad now, 'cause this is just getting political. We're getting political at the end. I really just spent $150 on this thing. Guys, you don't understand, I am so angry! I'm angry! I really wanna throw this thing but I know I can't because some of y'all are gonna get upset I Just. Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look, look, it's not real. It's not real, sis. See? It's not real. It can't feel pain. It can't feel anything, sis. Sis, it's not real. I'm not like this to normal pets, okay? I have two dogs that I haven't seen in like, months. But I have two dogs. $150 for a broken ass wannabe robot. Let that sink in. I want you to feel how upset I am right now. I want you guys to give me sympathy. Go by my merch or something. Feel bad for me. (man laughing) I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Should I end this? I should end this. Let's end this. (loud thud) We're ending this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just mad. I'm just pissed off. Maybe if I like, throw it enough maybe it'll just start working. Actually. (loud tapping) Nope. No, no, wait. (loud thud) Nope. Didn't work. Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, no more, she's safe, she's with me. She's as cute as she can be. You can't judge, you know, beauty's in the eye of the beholder. And the beholder that designed this does not know what beauty is, okay? What did we learn today, kids? We learned nothing, bitch. We learned not to spend $150 on a piece of animatronics made in 2004. 'Cause the bitch ain't gonna work anymore. They even animated the ears being cut. They went all out with this bitch for it not to freaking. (loud thud) (man shouting) So much money! I'm sorry, okay, I'm gonna get over it, I'm gonna get over it, I'm gonna get over it. Okay, anger's a rainbow. We're Dorothy. We're getting over the bitch. You know, she sang a song about it. I don't know, tell it to @bredoitbest and @thedanceofitaly for retweeting me on Twitter. Comment down below what toy in your life that you pay for that was also a waste? What toy made in the 2000s do you feel like was such a waste of money? 'Cause I think you guys already know my freaking answer. Last vid, I asked you guys classify to my humor. Bog frog commented saying, "Mac's humor is tired, but like, in a sexy, gay way." Yes. (man laughs) I am a tired, sexy, gay. Thank you. Thank you for including sexy, you didn't have to do that, but you did. You now get me now get me, you know understand. These curves are the answer. Shut up. Shut up, I had a bad day today now. M_ari_e02 commented, "I would classify Mac's humor as early gen Z gay Shrek core. Okay. And Jessica Oquist commented, "I classify Mac's humor as chaotic gay humor trying to scare away the depression." And that, my friends would be the best classification for my channel one could describe in any way. If someone were to walk up to you and ask you, "I've heard a Mac Does It, what kind of videos does he make?" Chaotic gay humor as he tries to scare away his own depression. Was that too deep? I'm sorry, just look at the cat, look at the cat. But anyways, my name's Mac, remember give like, comment, share and subscribe, babe (man yelling) Fuck you, Lulu. (dance music)
Channel: MacDoesIt
Views: 1,400,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, MacDoesIt, reaction, furreal friends, furreal pets, reacting to 2000s toys, as seen on tv commercials, as seen on tv reviews, 2000s toys, 90s toys commercial, robotic cat toys, robotic cat, fushigi ball, moon shoes, hasbro, reaction time, jenna marbles, tik tok memes, as seen on tv, nickelodeon, cartoon network, worst
Id: I8NCocD79XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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