What's The Most Overrated Food? (Taste Test)

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I always love in these episodes when Rhett gets the right answer, and Link “goes with his gut” and convinces him to change it to the wrong answer. Lol.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/ARussianSheep 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love the ranking episodes. Weird choice for number one, imo. How many people here have even eaten caviar? I haven’t.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/prismabird 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

Skip to 3:00 for the actual episode. Unless you want to hear all about head space

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/tharp575 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

I’m still laughing at Link eating caviar outta his “hand taint”.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/zoodee89 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Weird cut when Chase had the bacon sign upside down. Part of the ongoing time traveling gag?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MrNoodleIncident 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really wish they wouldn’t include the ranking on the graphic/on the bottom of the screen… at least not right away. I want to guess too! Stop with the spoilers!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/OneKaylbClub 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Today, we uncover the most overrated food in the universe. - Let's talk about that. (lively music) Good Mythical Summer. - We're about to taste and rank 10 of the most overrated foods out there. But before we do, this portion of today's episode is sponsored by Headspace, an app that helps you create life-changing habits to support your mental wellbeing on a daily basis. - Yeah, you probably heard of Headspace. In today's multitasking world, it's easy for worries and to-do lists to fill your head, and that can make it hard to stay focused in the present. I mean, if you could see my mental to-do list, well, boy! - Why, how long is it? - Let me see. One. Two. Three. Four. Five pages. - Wow. - Mental pages. - Can you print that out? - No, I'm waiting for that upgrade. - Okay. Headspace has tools and resources for any mind, any mood, any goal. They got something for everyone, from guided meditations for beginners, and less structured programming for more seasoned individuals, to three-minute breathing exercises, to 20-minute guided courses. - Headspace has over a thousand pieces of premium content. You can find any resource for any mood or any goal that you want to achieve, like helping me feel less anxious about tackling my to-do list. Oh, I'm looking at it right now. Page four! - Oh ho, page four, okay. And speaking of resources, Headspace has a wide variety of experienced meditation teachers that each bring their own unique expertise and experiences. - In addition to meditations and breathing exercises, they also have eyes open exercises, like mindful walks and runs, sleep content and focus playlists. - And not only are Headspace's practices rooted in ancient history, but they are scientifically proven as well. For example, studies have shown that 10 days of Headspace resulted in 14% decrease in stress. - I'll sign up for that. And for the next week, you can get your first 60 days of Headspace for free. Just use the link and code in the video description to get that 60-day free trial. - Thanks again to Headspace for sponsoring that portion of today's episode. Now, we here at Mythical do not condone the idea of basic. When something is commonly liked by most people, there's usually a reason for that, and it doesn't make you boring or lame to like it too. - True, but recently the word overrated seems to have taken the place of basic. - Okay. Yeah. - Apparently the term basic is now too basic. - Ah, yes. That's what happens. - So people are throwing around overrated. But basic is not a synonym, technically, for overrated. Overrated is when something's really popular, but it doesn't actually deserve it. And this idea of overratedness is especially big in the world of, say it with me, - Designer handbags. - Food. - Food. Yes, food's what I was thinking. But what is the most overrated food being served up today? It's time for, "Excuse me, dear Madam, is that food your favorite?" "Sorry, you're wrong. It's so overrated." - We posted a survey online featuring a long list of potentially the most overrated foods in the world. And this list was assembled using highly scientific (robotic beeping) research, meaning that the Mythical crew found as many message boards and listicals they could, and then put the most overrated of overrated in one spot, and then you told us which ones you agreed with the most, which generated the 10 highest-scoring most overrated foods on the Board of Overrated Foods. - [Rhett] And then Chase, our brainy research assistant... Hey, Chase. - Hey. - Feeling brainy today? - So brainy. I've done a lot of research. - I see that you have also placed three of these items in their proper place. So we just gotta do this with seven, but we've gotta get-- - Let's look at these for a second. So we got oysters at number three. - [Rhett] That's true. Oysters. - We got kale at number five. A lot of people talk about kale being great. And number nine, avocado. Man! - Yeah, but it's low on the list. So it's not that overrated. Oysters being high makes sense, because if you don't add something to oysters, they're not good. You're just eating sea slime. - So what's our task here? - We've gotta get seven outta 10. So that means we have to get additional four right from what's up there already. Seven outta 10 in the end, if we get that many correct, we win overrated gold medals. - Alright, let's over-rank. (whooshing) (lively music) What we got? Lobster. Lobster. - Now I know for a fact-- - How overrated. - that you think this is overrated because you, like, I think a lot of people, prefer crab over lobster. Do you not? I've heard you say this many times. - Yeah. Crab is the underrated little lobster. (crew laughing) That's what I've always said. You just goin' bite it? - But that's good, man. - Oh, I'm not saying it's bad. - It is easy to have bad lobster though. - I like it. - It's not hard for lobster to end up being too mushy. People are paying a lot of money for it, and so I think that there's a disappointment factor, because why am I paying so much money for this thing that is not that much better than crab, maybe? - Yeah. Now, Stevie, I heard that you might have a fun fact about some of these. - Oh, boy, do I. - You got a fun fact about lobster? - I thought you were gonna ask her about those lobsters that her mom gave her that time. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know that lobsters have a crusher claw and a pincer claw. - Which one is this? - [Stevie] But did you know that some lobsters have the crusher claw on the right and others have it on the left? - Well, that's a fun fact. - Yeah! So there's right bread crusher and left crusher lobsters. - Are they more popular? - [Stevie] Yeah. The ones with the left crushers are more artistic. - Ah! (laughing) - I mean, to me-- - It can't be above oysters. - This is definitely below oysters. I think it's below kale, because kale is so hyped. Lobster is not as hyped, - Six or seven. - which then, you know, the level of overration. - [Rhett] I think it could go as high as six. Six or seven. - Let's go with seven. That's what I was thinking. - Seven? - Seven. - Seven. That's the one below six. - Nice. - There we go. (whooshing) (lively music) - What we got? What's this? They gave me a little spoon here. - I think I know what this is. Sriracha. - Sriracha. Sriracha. - Oo, I love it. (coughing) I love it! - Oo. - Oo, ha ha! - So we got a comment from Liv. - Liv? - "Every time I say I don't like sriracha, everyone thinks it's because I think it's too spicy. Sriracha is not spicy. It simply tastes like the room between your pinky toe and your ring toe." - Oh, come on. (crew laughing) - Oh, yeah. Liv's sucking on her own toes. - This is the reason that I could see this being considered overrated. I don't know how overrated. - 'Coz it's bad. - You don't like it? - No. - [Link] I don't love it either. - This is the thing. People who like it rave about it. But it has a polarizing flavor, so you most likely know somebody who really likes it, and you don't like it. So-- - Going, it's going high. I mean, I'm thinking do two. - It could be one or two. - Could be number one. - [Rhett] It could be one or two. - It could be number one. - I'm a sriracha lover, but let's see if a fun fact could help us, Stevie. - [Stevie] Did you know that you can find sriracha in the refrigerators of 16% of households headed by someone over the age of 35? (crew laughing) - Yes. - Yep, exactly. - Put it in number two for now. - Sixteen percent? - That's a lot. (whooshing) (lively music) What we got? - A variety. Okay, those are truffles. - Oh, I've never seen just a truffle. - I wouldn't suggest eating just a truffle. - [Chase] That's a shaved truffle. - Wow. Wow! Wow, that is strong. - Maybe you should. - So it's a mushroom that, it's like it's superpower is like overpowering even garlic. - Should I just eat? I'm just gonna eat a straight truffle. Why not? - A pig'll dig it up for ya. - Oh, god. Now again, I feel like this is polarizing. A lot of people are like, "You put truffle on something, it overpowers everything." In fact, we got that exact comment from Janice, "Truffles instantly overpower every single other flavor in any dish." - They do. - Not untrue. But if you really like that flavor, you'll like it. - I do like truffles on my fries, and I do like it on my mac and cheese. - I definitely don't know if I'd tasted truffle until I was in my thirties. - Sixteen percent of people over 30 who've tried truffles, er... (Stevie clearing throat) - Thirty-five. - I don't know. Stevie, you tell me. Is that your fun fact? - Well, - Did I steal your thunder? - [Stevie] I feel as if I'm providing very fun facts today, and this one is also a surprise to me. Did you know that truffles have a similar, like cilantro problem? So people are genetically predisposed to either like or dislike truffles. - And what do they think they taste like? Feet. - People who dislike truffles will often describe them as similar to rotten wood, sweat, or even urine. And it's because around 25% of humans can't smell the compound androsterone-- - Androsterone, my favorite compound. - [Stevie] which is a key player in realm of truffles. And 40% is hypersensitive to its odor. So those people don't like truffles. - Forty percent. That's a big percentage. She's really helping us out finally, or, again. (crew laughing) - But if everyone were to taste all these things, truffles may be number one, but I just don't think, I think there's a lot of people who are just like, "I don't really know much about truffles. I don't-- - So it just may not be getting votes. I'm thinking number six. - Number six? - Or lower. - But just in reference to kale, you know, I think it's gotta be lower than kale. - What Chase has done right now is confusing for all of us. Six, six. - Six? - Yes, six. - Gosh, these fries are good. (whooshing) (lively music) What we got? - Oh, I don't need any hints on that, Link. I know that's bacon. (cloche clattering) - Oh! Sorry, cloche. Bacon? - Don't apologize to the cloche. - How could bacon be overrated? - Apologize to all of us. - Let's go to the comments here for some clarity. Jolene commented, "Bacon is good." Okay, I agree. "But is it good enough to make it a cornerstone of your personality?" No. - Yes. - But people do do that. Do you think we've done that? Is it a cornerstone of this show? - Well, the passion for bacon is so strong. - It's very much hyped. - And so if you don't like it, but I mean, how often do you run into somebody who doesn't like bacon? Not often. - Right. - [Rhett] Number eight, man. - So it is hyped a lot, but it lives up to most of that hype, which brings it down. - Number eight, right? - I think it could be 10. - Ten? - [Link] Let's go all the way to 10. Flippy, flippy. - That's upside down. - I do that every time. - [Rhett] He really didn't know. - I feel strong. I feel good about that placement. - Okay. Well, I was thinking eight, but if you feel good about it, I guess we gotta let him do it. (whooshing) (lively music) - What we got? Ooh. - Okay. - [Link] Black eggs. Fancy black eggs. - Let me tell ya, this could be number one, because-- - Caviar. - I know so few people who like this. - I do not like it, but you know what? We didn't get a fun fact for the bacon. - [Stevie] That's right. - Can we get a caviar fun fact? - [Stevie] I'm so glad that you asked, because there's actually a correct way to eat caviar-- - With a little spoon. - You don't. - [Stevie] You're supposed to eat it off the back of your hand, between your index finger and thumb. - So out of this part, out of the taint, the hand taint? - Yes. - D'you go like this? Or you go like this? - [Stevie] Unclear, via the writing that I have. - 'Cause I feel like this could get pretty obscene-- - Her writing is unclear. (crew laughing) - Is this like one of those things you're trying to get us to make some sort of... - [Stevie] It seems like that, right? (Link shouting in disgust) - Are you gonna come up and slap me in the face? - Nope. - It's not great. There's a lot of people who probably haven't tasted it, but--- - This turns into fish? - I think that most people are grossed out just by the idea of it, and everyone knows what it is. It's little fish eggs. I think this might be number one. - You're right. - It feels like. - [Link] You're right. - Feels like this could be number one. - Number one. (banging on desk) Number one. Channeling your sentiments. - I feel good about that. (whooshing) (lively music) - Tall cloche. What we got? - Oh, yeah! Hey, I chose red velvet cake as my last meal over there on the Mythical Kitchen channel. - But the reason why people don't like it-- - 'Cause they don't like red. - Is because... - It's true. - Because why? Because it's just, it's chocolate cake that's just red? - It's all image. It's not. Yeah, it's like red-- - And once you find that out-- - Red doesn't taste like anything. - [Stevie] I mean, that's not quite true. - Is that your fun fact? It's just chocolate cake. - But not really. - And it's overrated - [Stevie] Well, the difference is, so I guess most chocolate cakes are made with non-Dutch processed cocoa, and this is made with raw cacao. - Did you just get stung by something? (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Yeah. (chuckling) No, that actually wasn't my fun fact though. My fun fact is that Naomi Watts really likes red velvet cake. - I mean, she's got good taste about one thing. Cake. - I think she was in the "King Kong" movie. That's all I know about Naomi Watts. - She was in that "Tsunami" movie too. - She's in a bunch of disaster movies, I guess. It is just chocolate cake, and once you find that out-- - But it's still good. - you're like, "Whoa, this is overrated." - Yeah, but it's still good though. It's gotta be number eight. It can't be number four. - [Link] Yeah, let's put it at number eight. It's gotta be. - [Rhett] I mean, it may even be number 10. - It's in a good spot. I think we're queen sweeping it. - I always feel that way. (whooshing) (lively music) - And the last slot is, oh, I know what this is, but lemme taste it to be sure. - Yes, kombucha. - Ooh, yeah! - And, boy, it might be something about moving to Los Angeles, but we like kombucha around here. - And you know what? Anybody who asks, I'll tell 'em. It's such an adventurous drink. It takes you on a taste journey. - I think one of the reasons this is considered overrated is the fact that people who like it, again, are very passionate, probably to an annoying extent. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And then you try it and you're like, "It's not really that great. What's wrong with you?" - Any fun facts, Stevie? You know, you don't have to have one for everything, but maybe you got one for everything. - [Stevie] If you dry out the scoby used to make kombucha, you would have a leather-like cloth called microbial cellulose that you can use to make seamless clothing. - You can wear the mother? The little-- - Yeah. - The living thing that makes the kombucha? - Yeah. Make yourself a little scoby in it. - Listen, if you've got-- - Like a scoby Speedo. - Like a vest made out of kombucha scoby, even I think you've gone too far. Like, you need to reign it in, okay? And also, don't go out in the rain, 'cause I'm sure it'll just turn back into what it was when it was inside the kombucha. - Excuse me. What are you wearing? - Scoby. - Scoby? (Rhett chuckling) Well, see, that's another thing. Stevie's fun fact weights it higher. - "Who are you wearing tonight?" "Scoby." It does sound like a designer. - Now, I feel like it should be at number four. - [Rhett] Number four feels right. - [Link] Put it in number four, and then... Obviously, we have to go there. - [Rhett] Stevie, we feel like we've gotten a queen sweep. - We feel very confident. And you know what? We get to be crowned as overrated, which you see, you don't wear it here, you wear it here. Don't put it on. - Oh, not yet. - We haven't earned it. But go ahead and tell us, Stevie. - [Stevie] You currently have-- - [Link] All of 'em right. - [Stevie] One outta seven correct. (crew laughing) - What? - Hold on. So the three that are, so we only got four total, including the three that were already placed there. - But I think if we took one out and just shifted them all, (Rhett blowing a raspberry) then I think, what do you mean (blowing a raspberry) (crew laughing) I think sriracha needs to come down. You know, the number of people who like sriracha is higher than oysters. - To me, it's what is the most popular? Like it could, I mean, this is a weird sort of-- - It could be kombucha. - [Rhett] You think kombucha would be number one? - [Link] I could see that. - I just think there's a lotta people who haven't yet tried kombucha. It's more of like a newer thing, versus caviar, which has been around for a longer time. Pull sriracha out. Put sriracha... Now move everything up. - And then you'd be keeping two. - No, we need to move bacon. But the question is... Go ahead and move bacon up, and then put sriracha at the bottom. - [Rhett] And that would be correct right there. That's everything has moved except caviar. - But now we need to say sriracha... You know what? Could we have been that wrong about sriracha? I think that's, I think we've got a queen sweep now. - This is it. This is the queen sweep. We're confident. - We're locked in, Stevie. - Pretty confident. - Fun fact: We got 'em all right. - Yeah, we did, with that one little switch. - [Stevie] Listen, you're not far off, because you have eight out of 10 correct! (Rhet and Link laughing and clapping) - That was good! (Link blowing raspberry) - [Stevie] Alright, let's go for the reveal here. Starting from the bottom, 'cause we're gonna go from the least overrated to the most overrated, at number 10, we have red velvet cake. - Ooh, which would be wrong about that? - Oh. - [Stevie] Nine, we have avocado. Eight, we have bacon. - Yes. Then sriracha? - [Stevie] Then at seven we have sriracha. - Dude, we got all the rest right! - Six, we have lobster. - Yes! - [Stevie] Five is kale. Four is truffle anything. - Yes! - [Stevie] Three is oysters, Two is kombucha, and one is caviar. - Dang! - The biggest swing in the history of rearranging stuff probably on this show. I mean, who's keeping track? - We're not overrated. (laughing maniacally) - Fun fact. We're not overrated. - Stevie, do you have a fun fact about us? - [Stevie] I have a fun fact about bacon. (crew laughing) - Oh, yeah, the one that we'd... Okay, what is it? - [Stevie] Did you know that 70% of all bacon in the US is eaten at breakfast time? - Yeah. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. Oh, yes. - You know what time it is! - Time it is! - Hi, my name is Gregory, and I'm happy to be a senior high school graduate. Later this evening is my graduation ceremony. Without further ado, it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Mysterious graduate. - Click the top link to discover what we think is the most overrated activity in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] We're less than one week away, so get your tickets now to join us for Good Mythical Evening, September 1, at GOODMYTHICALEVENING.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,854,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, Headspace, mental health, meditation, mindful, mindfulness, stress, anxiety, sleep, meditation app
Id: ym5vBIjO5TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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