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oh no oh my god i'm physically sick hey guys welcome back to my channel so nice to see you all here today okay so today i'm back with easily one of my most popular types of videos my reaction videos today we are going to be reacting to get yet another natural hair videos one of you guys slid into my dms because i told y'all listen if you want me to react to any videos please just slide into my dms on instagram chizzydroo somebody some of the stuff you are telling me to react to are great so please keep it up all right money oscillates to my dm's and told me to react to this video it is titled straightening my biracial daughter's natural hair for the first time this is by lily petals seems like she's asian i'm just gonna say asian because i don't know exactly what country in asia yeah we're gonna see what this is all about so if y'all like these types of videos you want to see more you're excited for today's video make sure to give this video a thumbs up oh by the way we hit 500 000 subscribers i just want to sign gold honestly it's been a really long time coming so i just want to say quickly like thank you to all of you guys that have been rocking it with me from the beginning those of y'all that are new like just thank you so much for supporting me and joining the family it's only off from here now we gotta get to one million then we get satari billian tudia come to you just thank you for that i appreciate it and let's get into this video well actually hold on in lieu of like celebrating things first of all i didn't even tell y'all because you don't follow me on instagram you follow me on instagram then you already know but your girl collaborated with a really big brand y'all i am so excited so i actually got the opportunity to collaborate with tula which is a skincare brand that i love and have been using for forever y'all have seen me talk about them in some of my skincare videos and i created a skincare kit y'all i created a skincare kit so my kit is called the brightening skincare kit and not to be confused with lightening because no no we don't do that over here it's more so brightening just removing any excess dead skin cells you want glow you want renewed fresh skin protective skin so yes i'm so excited so in this kit by the way if you do get the kit you do get like this little makeup pouch it's really really pretty um and the two products that i have in this kit are the triple vitamin c serum so this vitamin c serum if you don't have it you need it it still has vitamin c in there which is great for brightening the skin reducing the look of any dark spots and um this is also great just to protect your skin vitamin c is amazing to pair in the morning with sunscreen so that's the next thing in my skincare kit it is the daily sunscreen gel this is spf 30 and this is one of my favorite sunscreens okay i've talked about it before taking it talking about it again so that's why i'm like when i knew when they said they wanted to do a skincare kit with me i said it needs to be these two products these are the two products that you get in the skincare crit this is great because vitamin c pairs amazing with sunscreen it actually enhances the effects of sunscreen did you notice you need sunscreen in your life if you don't already use it if you're trying to like lighten up your dark spots you need to put sunscreen on because if you're just having the sun touch your dark spots all day it's just gonna get darker so you need these two things so you get this in the skincare kit um i do also have a code for you guys chizzy and you can get 15 off when you purchase anything from tula but if you specifically want to get my brightening skincare that'll be great i'm gonna have a link in the description box so you can get yours today and please tag me on instagram let me know when you got yours i want to see it um and just i want to know what you guys think about the products in general um but yeah i'm really excited about it i literally use it every single day it's a part of my morning routine so i hope you guys love it too and shout out to tula for like collaborating with your girl shout out to the other four ladies that are also a part of this collaboration i have links to their skincare kits as well in the description box in case you guys want to support that definitely check this out and let's get into the video hey guys today my mom's gonna curl her i am going to straighten my hair yeah she wants to get her hair straightened he's been asking like begging and i'm like oh okay for two weeks let's try i never done it y'all i'm so worried i am so worried this woman just said i have never done this before first of all you have straight hair what do you mean you have never done this before you you dehydrated [Music] can you use a curl [Music] anybody if [Applause] all right so she's taking pictures i'm gonna just fast forward to the part that we need to watch because this is 23 minutes long we don't have time today i think just the fact that you know the little girl is excited to have her hair straightened for the first time it's very interesting because it reminds me of you know back in the day when like we would get excited to like straighten our hair i'm almost like why are we excited to straighten our hair but it's like fine we're allowed to do these things um and if she's never had her hair straightened before then i would understand like as a child you want a different look you want to straighten your hair anyway let's continue let me fast forward just a little bit now this hair should go straight and down like this i'm gonna need her to not put that comb through her hair like that i just i just i need to never see that again you know it's just little things and i'm like ah even if it slightly feels like a microaggression to me i'm just like this makes me uncomfortable let's keep watching oh she's excited oh she's so excited to get that comb through her hair bless her heart all right let me just say so immediately as i was watching this mother bless her heart i don't know this woman from anywhere in the world so i never want to come off negative and i'm sure having kids is a lot right and having kids with long thick hair is a lot you know what i mean and i just looked at this woman and i said poor woman you know like it almost it seems like she's a little in over her head here seems like she's a little in over her head but she looks like a champion and i believe in her you know what we're going to take it back i believe in this woman i think she will do a great job i have faith let's keep watching everybody come on hit both hip bone length hair almost like you're not sure why she walking around where where are the sections oh my god let's go oh no oh my god i'm physically sick no no no no no no oh my god she did not start with the top of her hair you see this is what i'm talking about this is what i'm i'm sorry i'm going on a rat i don't care if i haven't seen the whole video yet i'm going on a rant because was it is it really that hard to just hey look up hey how do i straighten curly hair is it that difficult okay i'm just a little frustrated because i i know this feeling all too well of when and i think a lot of us do right when someone just doesn't know how to deal with our hair i'm sure she's not doing this on purpose but it almost feels like a micro aggression because it's like why there's so much information in this world and from what i'm looking at this video was posted four months ago okay so there's so much information on the internet on how to do our hair her hair is not even that curly so i'm just a little heated my lip is quivering okay whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] it looks like a wig but it's actually your real hair all right here it was even hotter than that one ah it's a hot day what she's trying she's trying she's trying let's you know let's give her grace she's trying i just maybe this is how she's straight into her own hair okay i'm trying to give this over the benefit of the doll okay maybe this is how she normally straightens maybe she usually starts from the front like the top from the top maybe not it's hot you know what it's fine it feels like a wig for some reason they're so excited [Music] he's even trying [Music] come on affirmations okay so she said you're beautiful you're beautiful with your curly hair right and the daughter said yes she is affirming her daughter that you know even though we are straightening your hair today you are still gorgeous with curly hair and i like that you know what i mean because my thing is you can have learning curves that's fine but if you're gonna sit around here and have some biracial kids you have to reaffirm their beauty their blackness like you have to do that because if not they're gonna see whatever parent is the majority which is the the whatever parent has the lighter skin has the straighter hair because that's society's norms of what beauty is the child is going to look to that pair and go why don't i look like you so it's important for that parent to really reaffirm their beauty and their blackness it's just if you're going to have biracial kids you got to do that you know what i mean so i really enjoyed that she did that come home miss mamas you know this baby love her hair girl the texture of this girl's hair the texture and curl pattern is truly saving the straightening job because if this baby had 4c hair okay and not just 4c hair i think even if she had like type 4 specifically more type 4b4c i don't know it's the look of awe for me [Music] [Applause] she tried me she tried ah how many times four times sis five gymnastics hey okay so she is done she's clearly [Music] [Music] they are gorgeous children first of all let's shout out the fact that miss mama's i don't know if this was on purpose but the little daughter she banded her hair so i'm assuming she's stretching it out come on all right let's see what daddy gonna say [Applause] [Applause] so it looks like she's going to be straightening her daughter's hair as well i'm just going to fast forward let's see what he says not the daughter saying the back of the hair is still curly this little girl do not like it coconut oil james doesn't know anything about straight hair you don't cook coconut oil after straightening the hair come on girl i saw me her name is dasomi that's actually a really pretty name oh there's zafiah [Music] but you know hey you know what i mean she tried i love that she reaffirmed her daughter's like beauty um her beauty and her blackness her curly hair just reaffirmed that you know her hair is still beautiful curly and straight so gotta give her props for that because i think at the end of the day like that's really all parenting is about like you're not gonna know everything that's fine not everyone is called to be a hairstylist for their children that's okay but i just think a parent's job is literally to reaffirm children's like beauty let them know that they are worth it no matter like you know what i mean you're just there to guide them and bring them up so i enjoyed that she did that you know everything else the the little learning curves it was a little triggering it was a little triggering but i think in the end she's just coming from a place of love and i didn't hear any negative rhetoric and that's my thing if i even get pimp about oh your hair is too that's why i would have just cut the video off but you know you hear that so i love that for them um and i and i hope you know even when the camera is off that she's still doing these things because this is important like your children like they're being brought up into the world like you know what i mean so those are my thoughts please guys comment down below what did you think about this video like what were your thoughts like do you feel like she tried did you feel like she could have tried harder like please leave it all down below i'll be there we have discussion time um but yes so that is it for this video again again again now that you know about my skincare my brightening skincare kit in collaboration with tula make sure you guys go check it out again i have a link down below in the description box so you can purchase yours and make sure to use my code so you can get 15 off okay it was a pleasure hanging with you all today if you have any other videos that you want me to react to again please slide into my dms on instagram at chizzydroo i am in my dms all the time looking and searching so i will see it more likely than not um and yes i will catch y'all in my next video bye y'all is
Channel: Chizi Duru
Views: 254,774
Rating: 4.8481402 out of 5
Keywords: chizi duru, reaction video, reaction, natural hair, curly hair, type 4 hair, biracial, asian and black, blasian, straightening natural hair, straightening curly hair, asian mom, chizi duru reaction
Id: i9FFFNM6J7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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