Zach & Tori’s Family Growing Pains | Little People Big World | TLC

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I feel underappreciated all the time this is also an issue in our marriage currently because I'm exhausted I'm like literally pouring from an empty cup and everybody wants something from me and so like if I don't have anything to give it's the whole everything just like freaks out also we have lost our babysitter roster up here so that's been hard I definitely need a break [Music] hi Mom I'm so obsessed with him go to the other side yeah josai as a little person had Aon to plasia like his siblings and um yeah now there's four of us my little dwarf tribe okay we ready for this yeah get used to this infant car seat again we've arrived home and it's time for Jackson and lla to meet the new baby I'm definitely nervous yeah it didn't go well when we brought Lyla home from hospital you want to say hi to mama jackon who is that up little man can you come can you come get Mama hug I miss I'm like expecting the worst but hoping for the best yes here one more you'll do the cheese okay all right oh oh wait a minute who is here where's Lyla careful I'll be gentle hi honey how are you oh hi Lyla what is that what she go straight for the baby lla what do you think so Jackson it do you know if it's a boy or girl what do you think a boy it's a boy oh oh yeah oh yeah yeah it's Josiah his name is Josiah Luke roll off jiah Josiah we told him that it was a brother and he was excited show him your baby oh my gosh I can't over it Lyla is that your baby look at she is like focused we thought he was going to lash out or freak out freak out lla was everyone's going to start crying toe was going to be stubbed who knows like every I want milk like something irrelevant you know but it ended up being fantastic mhm well like the hospital sucked and the first two nights sucked home but now I'm like I don't hurt as bad I am feeling better I think I've just been up faster quicker it's definitely like you got to life goes on you got two other kids that you got to worry about so you're up and going faster he also just doesn't have weird quirks like the other kids did you know there's nothing for me to like worry about the worst thing he's had is diaper rash I'm like there's nothing else like weird about like there's no throwing up there's no crying all the time you know Jackson as an infant was also very easy however he was my first and so I panicked about every little thing I mean he hiccuped and I like panicked Lyla love her so much she's very Cy very finicky she had really bad gird so she threw up all the time she had like really bad reflex she was a hard baby Josiah's made it easy cuz he's easy like he's a straightforward kid he eats he poops he sleeps like he's not clicky he's not finicky he's just easy so it's made it easier to enjoy everything what are they doing right now like are they playing together right now I mean I don't hear screaming so is Josiah good down there I'm going to go check on him right now yeah um I think he needs a new onesie Josiah is 2 months old and he's been doing really well my only complaint about Josiah there he's such an easy baby he just doesn't sleep at night with Jackson and Lyla they would be like once a week maybe they would go like five or 6 hours and we don't get that with Josiah just guy is like 2 hours 50 minutes he's up ready to eat so I can't get any sleep it's hard well Tori's sleeping so quietly okay no no no don't wake him up my tolerance is so much different than Tori Tori's tolerance for crying anything is very very small and then she gets mad at me she like Zach are you just going to let him cry I'm like he's been crying for like 2 minutes nowhere near my like limit so the whole nighttime routine can be very challenging that is so gross stop okay there's times yeah we feel outnumbered there's times when like yeah Jackson has his needs Lyla has hers and then Josiah and it's like we're getting pulled in different directions but like we're super blessed with three kids healthy kids very good well behaved kids look at him guys you can write your scooter right here if you want do you you want a snack Lyla do you need to go potty yeah do you need to go potty don't go pee peee in your pants okay we're starting to potty train she's a little more interested in potty training than Jackson ever was man we got to set our trail cam though Savage Savage her life man it's so rough L's never been camping so she does have any feelings I will not be taking lla camping I'm sorry I will take her to the princess castles of all princess castles I will not be taking her camping she won't be camping in the backyard either she's going to be a handful she already is a handful we not be waking up at 11:00 for her crying and saying m m I can't really picture her camping at the moment come here you come here you come hang out with Mom unbelievable can you go get the burp cloth please that was disgusting Shai is getting to be four months and um we've been sleep training them last night was probably rougher for me yesterday I have never I like literally can't remember a time in my life I've been that emotionally physically drained in my life I'm very sleep deprived literally my only complaint about Josiah there he's such an easy baby he just doesn't sleep at night like he's just on The Struggle Bus which is like it's killing everyone we're struggling like it's just it's not fun to be honest it's it's hard my niche in life I truly believe is being a mom I love being a mom and so when I have days like yesterday where I just didn't have patience for my kids like I just when I get upset at them because of something that's like affecting me I hate that like I just went to bed last night with like the worst mom guilt when I get mad at the kids it's because mad at the kids I don't feel dad guilt that's not true there's been times that you've gotten mad that you've felt guilty after every now and then maybe but it's not like the same guilt we're talking not same guil my guilt is like did I spend enough time with them did I like listen to them my is probably like I probably shouldn't have done that we can joke but when you have a lack of sleep and you feel like you're sinking and failing as a mother it can be like frustrating well and like just when I like yell just cuz I don't feel like I yell a lot ever I literally can I can you leave you don't yell that much but I don't yell ever oh I wouldn't say ever but yeah you're right you don't compared to a lot of parents you do not yell you can this is what's frustrating about you though this is why I get overwhelmed honestly Zach this is why because you don't give me any credit for anything no you I'm giving you credit I'm just saying you do not though you don't ever is strong wrong you know what hurt my feelings the other day what hurt your feelings you don't even care give me what hurt your you literally I'm making Jackson's lunch and you go oh it's just you're just make trying to make it look good I said cute okay look cute whatever that's even worse instead of like Tori thank you for making our children lunch I would say Zach takes care of the outside of the house and I take care of the inside of the house I do breakfast feed the kids get ready get jockson ready for school take him to school and then come home and Sai goes down for his first nap then it's just me and Lyla and we play and then he wakes up we do lunch it's like exhausting I just wish you would give me a little more credit I give you credit but I also hold you don't I hold you accountable too but that's why I have days like yesterday though Zachary that's why I get burnt out because like I can't always like be like that no I get it no you don't I do so you're sleeping upstairs tonight sleeping upstairs tonight I'm going to sleep down the road tonight I feel underappreciated all the time this is also an issue in our marriage currently because I'm exhausted I'm like literally pouring from an empty cup and everybody wants something from me and so like if I don't have anything to give it's the whole everything just like freaks out also we have lost our babysitter roster up here so that's been hard I definitely need a break uh okay so yeah you're upstairs lyla's with me Jackson's in his room and Josiah's in lyla's room musical beds when we bought this house we knew only having two bedrooms for the kids downstairs could be an issue but uh you know at the time we didn't think about that right now Josiah's been sleeping in lyla's room and the challenge is to wake up in the middle of the night uh and we don't want him to wake up lla so we have to go in there instead of letting him just cry we give him the binky and we don't want him sleeping in Jackson's room he has school so we want to make sure he's getting a good night's sleep and we don't want Joi in our room because we want our own space accurate and so we're just trying to figure out what to do we'll get through this I do just wish you would appreciate me more I appreciate you Tori I just you don't say it I keep you sharp on your toes then lock it in and then keep it Sharp okay any guesses on how this goes last night was rough last night was r u FF rough it's not a fun time like I'm literally dying on the inside Josiah is 4 and A2 months and we've been trying to sleep train him for a while and it's uh it's been tough the last like three nights it's been like every hour he's crying like he doesn't sleep we never have really had to deal with any sleep issues because our previous two kids were like oh I can sleep 11 hours I'm going to do that but it's not even like at night though too it's during the day he naps for 20 to 30 minutes and that's not normal I think there's a little bit of a challenge having three kids to have such a set schedule cuz life just flows differently this house we did not think about the three-bedroom situation it sucks currently Josiah and lla are sharing the room because Jackson has school and just we want to make sure that he's not interrupted but also lyla's tough if she gets woken up in the middle of the night she can be tough to get back down to sleep so that's causing the issue because then we have to go in that's part of it too Tori can't go in because once he sees Tori he's like oh feeding time okay let's hope I did this right because of this we've been having to have Zach sleep upstairs with Lyla and have Josiah be alone in lyla's room it's a whole cluster it's hard like right now cuz there's days that like I love where we're at and I'm trying really hard to enjoy the stage but then there's other days where I'm like I straight up am miserable I'm very sleep deprived and then I have days like today where it just all like boils and I just can't even like do anything like it's just frustrating babe do you realize how easy you have it though what do you mean what do you mean you have it so easy you literally you can leave whenever you want you could just leave the house you know I don't like that comparison though oh because it's true and it's no you your mom you have a special gift oh yeah is that what it is so like enjoy that appreciate that Zach does not understand I'm constantly like needed by someone in the family not that he is not but he's needed in a different way like I have like a role that I cannot escape from like I literally physically cannot escape from my role as a mom like with breastfeeding and I am a stay-at home Mom that's my job and so I understand my role it just would be nice to be appreciated for that role a little bit more often I just I haven't slept since I gave birth to him it's just a little chaotic at the moment it's just a little it's a season of life that's what I keep telling myself one day I'm going to miss this I'm going to miss this I know I [Music] am anyway a date night I could use one is it a date night is it a time to get closer to one another as a married couple or is it a time to get away from the kids it's a time to get away from the kids at this point yeah I appreciate Tori and everything she does for the family this moment in time it's harder for her she takes a lot more on emotionally so I want to get her out of the house we need to go on a date she just needs to know that the whole family loves her and yeah she's doing a good Joba lla Lyla is definitely a daddy's girl and she won't let Tor me show any form of affection in the house whatsoever [Music] L you're upsetting her I don't know if it's a jealousy thing with lla or is it like a she doesn't like when and me wrestle for example I think she just wants things just to be calm oh is that your man that's my man my man no yeah Daddy's mine not your you get your this is why we need a date night I need to be alone with my man have a good dinner thank you oh it is a little chilly out here though um what is your favorite place though right I do love me some wild fin we don't have to rush we don't have to order the minute this guy shows up we can like chill isn't that weird Zach is notorious for us sitting down at family dinners and him being like all right know what you're going to order when she comes around we're going to order right now this is Basics though this is B and when we're at a date night he like wants to do that but I'm like no just like sit here let's get an appetizer let's get a drink we're not in a rush cheers to date night a date night kidless yeah oh I've been dreaming about this since the last time I got it it was so good yeah sleep training is tough but I think we're coming out of it you know what I'm saying I think it's been great with three it's hard at times but like it's all natural progression though because as it gets hard with Josiah needs more and more of us Jackson becomes more and more independent and then L will become more independent yeah all right you were upset with me or something no like it like I do feel underappreciated you know I appreciate it though you know I know that you do but it would be nice to hear it more often you've been doing great with jiah it would just be nice to hear it feel it absorb it I like Tori because she takes care of our family she appreciates me and yeah why do you say it like it's so painful it's so painful for you we're lost on talk about about their feelings it just never feels genuine it's always like when I tell you that I need it then you're like yeah you're great you're fine it's been fine I feel like I can't say anything you can't you can't you have to say it when it's not if I'm not saying anything you're doing a great job okay like thank you if I'm not saying anything negative then it's like it's positive obviously you know that makes zero sense no it's like like when I wake up talking about though he internalizes it and he needs I wake up in the morning and she's like why do you hate me I'm like I literally just woke up like I I didn't say anything bad like I'm just like living you know like we're just have you read that book love languages that are wedding counselor G your words of affirmation what was your second one though quality time what's mine though what's my love language physical touch oh yeah except not in public ever we can always have more of that though too I need more words of affirmation in my life like daily or like I mean that would be nice if I'm doing good just you know God you should wake up every morning though Tori and assume that you're doing great like I just don't say it every day but it's like just I'm here obviously I appreciate you like but see that's for relationships go if I'm not being critical what is it assuming makes an ass out of you and me [Music] humans don't do that like I wake up every morning assuming that like I'm in the hole it's the morning how can you be in the hole nothing's happened yet who's in the hole that's why it's your job to tell me I'm not in the hole and that I'm doing well I'm going to wake you up tomorrow and be like you're not in the hole okay like thank you I don't think to like give her affirmation every day because some of the things she does for me that's is just what we do we're parents yeah I'm not going to say thank you every time you change the diaper but I do understand that that is her love language I've known this from day one you know so it's something I have to get better at this is why we're so good together though if you receive Love by acts of service and you give love makes sense I give you flowers I we were actually able to have some conversations reconnect enjoy each other's time together and um I think that's what will keep our marriage strong is we still actually like hanging out with each other yeah how many years until Jackson can watch the kids by himself yeah this was amazing yeah love you I love you cheers for dat night [Music] cheers for
Channel: TLC
Views: 109,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, little people, little people big world, Zach and Tori, Zach and Tori little people big world, Tori and Zach, little people big world new season, Zach Roloff, Tori Roloff, Zach and Tori's family, Zach and Tori's new baby, Zach's new baby, Zach and Tori's Growing Family, Zach and Tori's Growing Family Pains, The Roloff Family, little people world, little people lifestyle, Dwarfism, Dwarfism show, little people big world compilation
Id: 6LQhHhDC1Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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