Why EVERYONE is grabbing PAVERS from Walmart for their outdoor patio!

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hi DIY friends today we're actually going into Walmart they have some really affordable pavers that are going to make for some awesome outdoor hacks and you know I'm a Dollar Tree girl too so I have some Dollar Tree items we're going to roll into some of these hacks and you're not going to want to miss any of those so make sure to stay tuned to the end I also want to thank hungry root for sponsoring today's video now let's dive into the first paper hack idea all right so Walmart has some different options when it comes to their pavers but for the most part part we're going to be using these really affordable Square pavers they come in two colors gray and the red so grab your favorite color this first DIY we're going to take some sandpaper and we're going to go around the edges kind of knock off some of those sharp edges and then we're going to take some P tape and we're going to tape off around the edges and kind of create a little frame around the outside edge [Music] once you have your border taped off take your finger and kind of run it all the way around the Inside Edge to make sure your tape is pressed down all the way now we're going to come in with some chalkboard paint I found this at Walmart and I will link this down below for you we're going to take a foam paintbrush and we're going to paint that inside a square you're going to take your paint kind of tap it down on the paint edges and pull it to the inside of the P that's going to help lessen any kind of paint bleed and keep that paint in the middle of our P where we want it so you're going to do two coats of that chalkboard paint let it dry and then we're going to come in with some white paint you can use acrylic paint or some paint pens if you want but this is going to withstand any kind of weather as this is going to be an outdoor Tic Tac toeboard so this is going to hold up a little bit better so I will link this outdoor paint for you down in the description box below you can find it on Amazon we are literally just taking a paint brush here and we're going to make our Tic Tac Toe board so two lines going top top to bottom and then two lines going left to right and we're going to let this dry come back in and do a second coat of that as well once that paint has dried you're going come back in and remove your painters tape and now for the fun part enjoying your Tic Tac Toe board outside so just use some regular chalkboard chalk or sidewalk chalk and have some fun [Music] I would also recommend keeping a towel or a rag nearby so you can erase after each game that you've played it does a pretty good job of erasing and another idea that I have for you is if you head to Dollar Tree in their Dollar Tree plus section you can find these great stools they are only $5 each and you can turn your paper into a raised uh game table you could even flip your paper upside down and make it dual and double-sided and in between uses of your game you can use it as a side table for drinks or even use it as a plant stand so you may not know this but at the beginning of the year actually had a ton of health issues and it got kind of scary so it prompted me to start this Health Journey not just to get healthy but also to just feel better in general and luckily I was able to find Hungry root which has made this part of the process so easy so what is hungry root well they are literally one of the easiest ways for you to start eating healthy they send you fresh highquality groceries plus simple recipes I also love that it's made to fit you and your family's needs just take a short quiz and hunger root will curate a personalized card of groceries together for you plus recipes to put those groceries to use and now that it's warming up outside I've been cooking more meals on the grill or the outdoor griddle we love to cook and eat outside and hungry Roots made these meals even easier since they show up right to your front door no shopping necessary now it's your turn to give hungaro a try too the first 100 people to use my code daily DIY 40 will receive 40% off your first grocery order with hungry root you can use the link that I'll have down below or you can scan the QR code and use code daily DIY or 40 to save 40% off your first order and who wouldn't want to save 40% off their groceries right so be one of those first 100 people and snag that deal save 40% off your groceries with hungry root today now this next paper DIY is so quick and easy and we can actually use it with some of that yummy food we just made let me show you yep it is super easy to turn a paper into a center of your cable Lazy Susan with the help of this plastic affordable lazy Susan that I found on Amazon I'll link it down below for you and all you have to do is plop a paper right down on top and you've got a nice little board for you to use Outdoors so I am just using a fire pot that I made from Ikea and Dollar Tree items if you miss that DIY I'll link it down below for you and adding some mason jars full of s'mores items so we can have our own little fire pit and s'mores station right in the middle of our outdoor [Music] table and as I also showed you earlier it's perfect to add your food on for serving you know we love working with wood beads here on this channel but we don't usually work with beads this big let me show you what I mean so these are actually 2in size wood beads and they have a flat side on the bottom that we're going to need for this project I will definitely link these wood beads down in the description box below for you you can leave them plain you can stain them or you can paint them depending on the look that you're going for I just painted mine Brown and let them sit and dry and we are going to attach these onto the bottom of a paper to make a raised plant stand so we're going to flip this over to the back side of this pav and we're going to need some type of adhesive that is for wood and also for masonry or in this case concrete and E6000 is a great item are a great adhesive that works for all of those items so we are actually just going to put some of that onto the bottom flat side of those wood beads and attach them to the four corners of the bottom side of this paper so E6000 does take about 24 hours to cure all the way so I did let this sit overnight and then came back in and took it to my front porch flipped this guy over and then gave myself sort of a cute little raised plant stand to get a teared effect on our [Music] porch this next idea I saw on Instagram and Walmart had all the supplies and I was like I'm going to give this a tries this is not my original idea but it was super easy and cute that I wanted to share it with you too so I grabbed some constru instruction adhesive and we're also going to need four of these scalloped pavers from Walmart and we're going to match that with one of these red square pavers from Walmart and make ourselves a cute contemporary looking side table so we're going to take that construction adhesive put it along the flat side of the scalloped pavers and sandwich that together with another one you're going to set this aside let it dry for a while and then once it sets up you want to sit those up and then add some more construction adhesive to the side and the bottom side of another pav and then set that up and kind of make a t-shape here do the same thing on the opposite side and you will create an X shape and also the base of our side table and then all you have to do is take that square paper and sit it right on top easy peasy and as you can see we've made a really cute contemporary looking side table that'll also make for a cute plant stand too [Music] for this idea you're going to need four of these Square papers you could do the gray ones you could do the red ones whichever ones you want you could even paint them after you're done building it if you wanted a totally different color we're going to take the first Pap put it flat on the ground come in with our construction adhesive again and we're going to run that up two of the sides of the bottom P the second P we're going to set up on its side add some adhesive to that and then set it onto one side of the base repeat that with the third p and add it to the other side of the base add some glue on those top edges and we're going to set another P right on top of that to create an open [Music] Square so here's what this looks like once it's all put together and if you're going to leave it like this it's pretty much ready to go but it does take about 24 hours for that adhesive to set up before you can really kind of move it around but here's what it's going to look like you can use it as a side table it also has a nice little shelf on the bottom where you can display extra items uh or plants like I'm showing here add a candle add a flower add a coaster and your drink really really cute side table you can also take this and flip it on its side and now youve created your own concrete base and [Music] planter honey also made for a great assistant this day so I thought it would show her hanging out in the background in one of her happy places looking pretty cute back there but this planter and concrete side table turned out super cute love that too so this is a DIY from the past but I used some Square papers to Gussy it up so I wanted to share it with you again I will put the full tutorial on how how to make this wood bench down in the description box below this is a great beginner friendly wood project one that we ended up doing times8 because we use these as seating at our outdoor wedding so there's an idea if you've got an outdoor event coming up these are super affordable and easy quick to make and look really really cute in the end and we ended up up actually giving these to our guests as it'll keep sakes and we did some wood burning on the ends with our initials on them just as a nice little reminder of our special day so after the wedding I actually brought mine home and I painted the feet or the legs white so that's why it looks a little different here but if you want to turn this into an outdoor bench all you have to do is add some papers to the top just like I'm doing here this side uh needed four of them so just setting them right on top you can use some construction adhesive and you can make them permanent if you want but they're heavy enough that they stay on there pretty good you just want to make sure you're careful that this doesn't fall over on kids or pets as obviously it's heavy and then we're going to sand this down I got this sanding block from Dollar Tree and we're just going to go over those edges and sand them all down really smooth so when you sit on it you're not catching some of those rough edges on your legs not fun but this helps out a ton and for $125 super affordable to get a nice finish on this just wipe it down with a cloth and enjoy oh honey she has always been such a good model hasn't she she just does this on her own completely unprompted and have to catch it on camera every time all right let's go on to this next DIY did you know you can actually add vinyl to these papers so if you have a vinyl machine you can actually create your own design print it out on some uh commercial grade vinyl I'll link the ones that I use down in the description box below for you just Create Your Design print it out on your vinyl weed out all of the excess so we have our design and then I'll also link my transfer tape down below for you too because I always get questions on what products I use we're going to squeegee the top of this remove the vinyl from the paper backing line it up on our pav press it down and then just take your time it takes a little bit of work as the pavers have some pits in it and some loose cement in it so it likes to come up a little bit but if you take your time you can get a really nice transfer of the vinyl onto these pavers you can see here this is just kind of like a faux pav with a dress on it and a name on it but you could also put welcome you could put something like this in your garden so just some fun ideas take this idea and run with it if you enjoyed today's video then you're going to love this one right here which is even more paper hack ideas that you don't want to miss and please check out hunger root be one of those first 100 people to snag that 40% off offer that I'll have linked down below if you haven't yet hit that Thumbs Up Button subscribe if you are new click this video next to me and I will see you over there thanks again for watching and I will see you in the next one have a creative day [Music]
Channel: The Daily DIYer
Views: 119,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree diy
Id: uMmxTFGxFE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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