Flashback to our 1st Date! ❤️

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good morning from leand on a day as gray and murky though so far not quite as wet as yesterday which is lucky cuz I feel I've only just dried out after the sudden bant at shamb yesterday but I'm not going to stay all snug and warm at home today we're going to go and explore the local area a bit because Philip's parents are staying with us [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am out walking Lance Lot on a patch of grass behind the Renault porcelain Factory because Philip's parents are at laand at the moment and we've come to Lio as we usually do when they're here and Reno has a very special place in our hearts because we sort of see Reno as the site of our first ever date which was actually a patron video it was before we got together it was the first time Philip and I went out together for the day we came to liage we had the most wonderful day and we came to Reno and he bought a few plates here actually and I filmed it all for patrons so in a way you kind of saw our first date even though it was a long time before we actually got together after that it's just very understated so we just discovered once you've chosen your plates yeah that they'll never have anymore cuz it was a special order for the Sultan of Oman like I know I have expensive taste but this is getting ridiculous and they are actual real gold yeah they are stunning am I allowed to eat something I want I get home yeah sure that I made McDonald's again we should have taken them into McDonald's we love coming back here and whilst I'm here I'm going to be looking for mommy to see if I can find any more of the set that she has in South Africa I promised I'd keep an eye out here we've had an excellent walk and now he's going into the little handbag of shopping a great shopping bag so that he can come in with us yes hopefully he'll be allowed in good boy there we go look at you you are good you are the best of dogs my darling this place is an absolute Wonderland I love all of the patterns that they have ATO I find them so elegant and this one is the Alberto Pinto set that my mother is collecting for South Africa it's just so perfect for place by the Sea all that lovely red coral this is such a familiar site for me going through piles and piles of plates we've decided to get a salad bowl and the Deep plates cuz I think these are very very useful they're good for pasta they're good for ratoo and they're good for salad which when you bu the beach is you just want something simple like that I think these are probably not that one and this one are probably the nicest these are on special offer so I think we'll take these charger plates always looking for different color charger plates because it can completely transform the look of a table just by putting our plat that we already have on a different color background and I have 11 plates at home in this set quite small plates and I've got nothing to use them with so we think that if we get these plates with 11 of these little plates that go with it they're all on special offer that will unlock the small plates that I have cuz those colors are so beautiful together well we had a little change of plan just as we got to the till because it was an amazing special offer on those beautiful bright yellow plates the big ones are usually 82 and they're €1 15 today so that's why we got those and I thought then that the smaller plates to go on top would also have been adjusted accordingly but in fact they were € 3850 each and we wanted 11 of them which is all of the ones that they had so we've only got the big presentation plates of that set and we also got the plates for my mother the bowl the sort of salad bowl and the Deep plates because I think she can make a big pasta put it in the bowls and then serve it in the plates or a big salad and do the same so it's a set that works well together we're heading home now and we are going to stop for fish and chips in a really pretty Village we've only been once before to this restaurant we absolutely loved it so we want to take Philip's parents there cuz I think they they love fishing chips there too though I think Philip is in the mood for a cheeseburger without the cheese it always cracks me up when you have to order can I have the cheeseburger without cheese no one ever just says Burger anymore it says cheeseburger [Music] this is a very ancient and very beautiful Village it dates back at least to Roman times it even had a big castle belonging to an extremely powerful local family in the 12th century but sadly the castle doesn't exist anymore it was destroyed over the course of the centuries fish chips has just arrived it looks so incredibly beautiful and we also had little nibbles to start this is a local cracker with rosemary and this is local lentils made into a little paste very very good and this is the third time chips 2 hours I kind have forgotten that we had them twice yesterday no I haven't forgotten I feel so guilty it's not going to stop different they look different they're all different we're on our way home from the restaurant and I am just reading to philli from Rita koenig's domestic Bliss we always have a car book it lives in the car and I am the human audible cuz you're always driving and I'm always reading not sponsored by audible by the way and I have thoroughly enjoyed this I really recommend it it's very fun she's really really funny Jesus yeah we're reading the chapter entitled me me me me and how to spoil oneself which starts with a sentence that I wanted to share with all of you life should be a succession of little treats isn't that a nice sentence this is a nice sentence and I think it's true I think lelot wholeheartedly agrees oh he loves the succession of little treats don't you darling yes H and so do I and so do you and because they can be really tiny things absolutely it can be just a moment perhaps if you've got a book that you're really enjoying and you give yourself a minute to just stop what you're doing and read one page or it could be a little chocolate that you've saved up for a time in the day okay I don't think they have to be expensive things at all it's more about looking after yourself and having little things to look forward to I think that's got to be part of the key to the secret of Happiness home sweet home and are we going to try to see if we can use the yellow plates oh let's try let's try it's going to be super tricky because we didn't buy the normal size yellow plates with them and we don't we're not sure that we've got anything that's going to quite match but I think they might work with the Rothchild Birds we're not sure no lelot doesn't think so so let's go find out hello to see you so happy to see you yes look who we found haven't seen you all day I know it's been very very sad without you what you talking to us oh yes I mean both and us we haven't seen you all day we missed you miss you so much where have you been um he's been to the factory shops he's not a hug fan I'm going to be honest oh the flowers arrived yeah Andy brought these from heren beautiful oh they're magnificent yeah they are so I just thought put them yes and have the other flowers arrive for the week yeah like on Tuesday very nice thank you these are ready to go in the bedrooms when beautiful thank you how has your day been very good excellent I hear you move tons more boxes it's all they're ready to be move moved so I spoke to Amry about the venting yeah so he said we probably need to look into doing something I think so I think it's going to get too down especially because of your summer here yeah it'll be a sweat box yeah yeah yeah once it's locked up it needs to breathe all right let's look at some venting then um so is it looking different upstairs in the everything is ready to rock and roll and leave that's great cuz that means if there's space on the shelves I can start taking up books that were lying around the house there's not one box from this end born and then you can Gap fill yes okay I'm going to have a little sort out there 6 62 boxes and I think that's the tip of the iceberg it's amazing isn't it this is hilarious yes Philip just told Andy that he's bought her a gift and was just about to hand the gift over and atie said I've got a gift for you Philip and didn't realize they bought each other I'm still watching you mine is clean of course that's the difference thank you oh my good oh I can't wait to see it this is very funny you two really know each other oh oh I love it I love that behind like the traing thank you so much I love it yeah and I thought that would go very with your plates yes indeed a lovely I spell this is so lovely let's just creep away and leave them to their lovein oh wow unbelievable cash for love you're just having your beer in here like I might join you clean clean well a well to be fair I'm I'm going to give Andy the win on this one but that's so beautiful it's like spring in a V yes so's your favorite color I guess I love it yeah and I mean look how pretty it looks with all of those Terin everything looks better porel lovely colors mix so much yes that's exactly how I speak to him all day long I wonder if he's thinking in his brain goodness these these poor women so simple but I do my bit I look after them as best I can I do well he does yeah he's so cute maybe he thinks we always speak in a baby voice of course one of the first things I want to do when coming home is try the new plates this is the Roth child bird service I think that looks beautiful with it so this as far as I'm concerned is a summary success but apparently this is not what we're having tonight because it's a very simple taco night this evening we're going to have fish tacos and so we're going to go for something a little simpler but if we can we are nevertheless going to be using the yellow charge plates Grant l a lovely fire in here for us this evening and just as he did the sun decided to come out and it's suddenly most unexpectedly a really beautiful beautiful evening which is reflected by the color of the plates on this table just look at that table tablecloth with it my father would be proud did he CH it this tablecloth belonged to my parents I knew that but in the' 60s my father had a little car and he covered it with transfers of huge 60s psychedelic flowers really yeah so he would very much have liked this and what are you pairing it with oh we're going full 60s the set your grandfather bought you yes oh he bought me six bats look how good it looks I mean utterly kid you know my views on these plates but they are so bad they're good that's 100% it works really well I think it's elevated both sets be nice for like Thanksgiving or something yeah it's really fun and we haven't find the tablecloth because it's just us this evening it's a quiet little night got quite a strict starting time for dinner yeah and we wanted things that went in the dishwasher as well it is taco night tonight and we are going to have fun they look gorgeous there with the new yellow plates I hope you noticed the new yellow plates very exciting day how many have we got 20 of is this just uh just the under plates yes so they really jazzes it up doesn't it it does we have salmon tacos and we have shrimp tacos and life is so good oh and a little squeezy bottle mayonnaise with is that got a bit of chili has that got a bit of heat in it uh no just a tinge a tinge but it's already on the top a tiny tinge of heat nice I'll put it on the table and then we can grab some more if we want it loving this table Marie this so good oh both of them with caor as well you're a Marvel you're scaring me I just wanted to show you what Andy brought me cuz she always brings me things and so she's brought me chocolate and Dutch which I both of those she gave me this this I don't understand um apparently you smash things with it that scares me well did she specify what you smash with it no I don't think but I could smash potato mash I think and then she got me duck egg oh nice I know I've never received duck egg before well both of those gifts are pretty left field I'll be honest uh yeah I never had duck egg before either maybe smash the duck egg rather than any of us yes I just want to show you quite nice isn't it one wonders why you wanted to show me it's a slightly threatening aura about I have my rolling pin don't forget oh that's heavier [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 105,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, escape to rural france
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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