r/Choosingbeggars Seeking Full-Time Slave, Pay: $0

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where someone expects a free vacation does anyone got a free holiday completely free of charge it has to include the following it has to be for an adult and one child it has to be all-inclusive it has to be somewhere hot with a swimming pool it has to be close to a theme park it has to be the best place in the world for a two-year-old oh and i'm more than happy for there to be no phone service whatsoever down in the comments i'm going to read this reply from mile salomons camp in a tent in a motel parking lot by a theme park that has a pool posted to facebook jobs any real employers looking for a worker i'm not trying to win any popularity contests i do not work to make friends so any competitive male dominant field is right up my alley i will not pee in a cup or give you police clearance for the love of god do not tell me to send a resume if you're not actually gonna hire me i'm sick of employers wasting my time i love i love how this guy is just self-filtering himself out of any potential job opening look there's only two things you need to know about me one i'm a total butthole and nobody likes me and two i will absolutely under no condition participate in any drug test and it's not because i'm like using meth or anything it's just that i'm spiritually opposed to drug tests selling 22-inch tv for 20 hi whereabouts in blank are you hi i'm over by blank okay that's not far would you take 10 if i send my wife to collect in a mini skirt you've been drinking buddy no it's 20 dollars well no not at all she's done it a few times for me before what a woman she sounds like a keeper it's always good to get a discount i've had some good ones ah yes whoring your wife out for a 10 discount i'm sure i'm sure my wife would just love it if i suggested she show off her butt to save ten dollars job posting we're looking for an unpaid internship as a personal assistant in the city of london what the fight against slavery is a charity based in london we're working to fight the issues of human rights and at the moment we're looking for a personal assistant it's like that star wars meme you were the chosen one you were supposed to destroy them not join them review three stars i went there yesterday to celebrate my birthday and i was not happy when i asked the waitress about a free dessert and she said that she wouldn't do that when i left i said to her that i usually give a tip but today i don't this review was posted on june 7th of 2021 so this is when restaurants are still reeling from kovid and a lot of restaurants have gone out of business and this person is expecting free cake it's like lady no one cares about your birthday our next reddit post is from silken whisper i'm a 34 year old woman and i live in a small three bedroom house with my mom i have some health problems and my mom couldn't afford to live by herself so it works for the two of us i have the larger bedroom because i spent a lot of time in there due to my health and my mom has one of the smaller rooms the third bedroom is also smaller and it just has a bed and a wardrobe my sister has been suffering from mental health problems for a long time she couldn't work and she was going to become homeless my sister demanded to come move in with me completely rent free and because she couldn't stand to live in the tiniest bedroom she wanted our mom to move out and live with her boyfriends her boyfriend who by the way she didn't want to live with my other family members have always given in to my sisters every demand and my mom was willing to move in with my sister's boyfriend i told my sister that if she had to move into my house for support then she absolutely could but i couldn't afford to cover all the bills and the mortgage for more than a month so she would have to either pay the 50 or let my mom continue to live there side note i hated living with my sister growing up she was filthy never cleaned up after herself and played loud music until the early hours so me letting her live with us was actually a major concession on my part my sister had a massive go at me saying that i only cared about money and i was a terrible person she tried to get my mom to convince me to let her move in rent free for as long as she wanted but i did not give in my sister then cut me out of her life for the better part of a year she blocked me on all social media and phone apps taking this break from her made me realize how much stress she was adding to my life and i have no relationship with her anymore to be clear my sister didn't become homeless she had many options available to her but none of them met her standards and down in the comments we had this story from emwax my brother mooched off on my mom until the day of her death she bought him cars that he would just crash she would pay his insurance where the yearly premium was more than the entire cost of the car he lived with my mom rent free he let his friends move in off the street and also live rent free my mom once rented him an apartment which he vandalized and was kicked out of my mom then had to pay thousands of dollars in repairs when my mom died i arranged and paid for the funeral i didn't even ask my brother for help it's not worth the discussion besides he has no money anyway from that point on i would just call him on his birthday once a year and that was it but then my brother decided that he wanted to try mooching from me now he calls me randomly and i hear nothing but yelling and screaming in the background apparently he has a girlfriend now and they're having a bad time because they both lost their jobs my brother had been smoking in a meatpacking plant fridge and he got caught he says that someone tattled on him so it's not his fault that he was fired alone after my brother told his delightful new girlfriend to shut the f up so he could talk he asked me if he could move across the country to live with me it took a lot of control not to burst out laughing no i'm not gonna buy you a plane ticket so you can turn my garage into your hangout room for all your piece of garbage friends since this time he's changed his number and never updated it he never logs into his facebook or messages me although i did receive a message from someone claiming to be his fiancee who wanted me to go to his wedding after a quick look at her facebook wall she seems to be 100 broke and does nothing but star go funds me asking for money and food and if someone comments that they'll buy her food she says she just wants the money so clearly what she really wants is drugs so far i've just ignored and not responded maybe if my brother reached out i'd answer but that's about it review for a coffee shop one star couldn't be worse beware of rude people the staff is incredibly rude i've never been so mistreated in my life scotland is a place that's famous for having nice and welcoming people but in this place we saw the very opposite we went in with a group of five people my husband wanted a coffee and the rest of us wanted hot chocolate which they didn't have so the only one to have a drink was him i am a pregnant woman and they didn't want me my cousins or my aunt to sit and wait for him because the space was too small so we were being accused to only be there for the toilet their toilet is apparently a big deal for them in fact we saw the two staff members arguing with other customers because of the use of the toilet they might spend the rest of their lives complaining about this because of course a cafe in the middle of the road means that people will stop and use the bathroom we were being rushed to finish the coffee and leave that a horrible place because we were occupying one table and only drinking one coffee and then the owner replies natalie your party was here for 20 minutes enjoying our lovely cafe trying out your clothes taking up five of our 16 seats and using our toilet no one was obviously pregnant and in any case pregnancy doesn't excuse your rude abusive behavior we were polite and we even cleared a table for your party to sit down before your husband took the coffee you all knew that we didn't have hot chocolate but you took the seats anyway how rude is that you couldn't go into a restaurant and sit down with only one person eating and get away with that this was during lunch time we were busy and other people were waiting around with trays in their drinks waiting for a seat this cafe was built by my husband the guy behind the counter or staff people as you so ignorantly call us he traveled 600 miles to get the beautiful wood flooring that you were walking on before he sanded and varnished it on his own hands and knees he spent days working to build and tile the bright clean toilet that you used and he spent days building the countertops by hand i the other staff person behind the counter make all the art in the cafe i fill our walls with color to make it a beautiful experience together my husband and i prepare cakes and coffees wash the dishes and clean the toilet we work 12 to 14 hours a day this isn't a starbucks with staff people this is our home our business and yes we do object to people who come in and use a toilet and not pay for anything this part of the island gets over 1 million people a year and we have to fight off the use of our toilets so the people who actually pay and enjoy the place have access to it we fight off people who want to change their clothes in there who want to spend 15 minutes washing themselves off and we don't accept groups who sit around pretending they want to buy something while using it maybe that sounds unreasonable to you but not to us so who really got the short straw here you got time to warm up dry out go to the toilet and sit and enjoy the artwork we got your toilet use abusive chat you slammed the doors when you left and you turned our sign to closed by the way one of the customers who witnessed your little tantrum went out and turned our sign back to open because they were horrified so i think everyone would agree that we got the worst of the deal and all for 2 pounds and 50 cents scottish people are welcoming and friendly but we're not stupid and we won't be abused by anyone down in the comments op says the name of their cafe is sky blue gallery so i did a google search for sky blue gallery and i learned two things first sky blue is the name of the porn stars so that was unexpected and two yeah it looks like this is actually their home it looks like opie and her husband took the actual home that they lived in and turned it into a beautiful art gallery and an awesome cafe honestly this seems like an awesome cafe and anyone who would open up their own home to the public clearly really cares about quality so let's counter karen's review review 5 stars beautiful cafe post i have a challenge to engine mechanics they said my hyundai sonata is unfixable with an engine knock and an oil leak you could take my car for as long as you need to work on it several months even to get it drivable or sellable if you don't fix it i don't pay if you do fix it i'll pay an affordable price you'd probably need to think of it as more of a self challenge than a lucrative job anyone up to the challenge and then people reply you must be some college educated a-hole who thinks that all blue-collar people are beneath him in his time anyway buy a piece of garbage car and this is what you get and then someone else replies i highly doubt that a college education is responsible for this post all right ah yes an unfixable hyundai the one thing that every car mechanic dreams of not to fix a mclaren not to fix a lamborghini but to fix up some dude's old busted up hyundai that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 395,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1zk2h3g6OE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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