Mousetrap Powered Airplane??

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Wow that's a lot of okay energy right which one is it Sam its bone yeah so this they say this is a mousetrap it basically stores potential energy by pushing the spring back and then once the lever is released it releases all the potential energy and turns into mechanical or attempt to connect energy yeah there we go so a lot of you have probably seen these this is a mousetrap powered car this is actually the one I have left over from college class it actually goes really really really far it basically has a gear reduction system and all that all the BLA everyone's seen these this is not very amazing you didn't get under steer so we are going to make something that I've never seen before a mousetrap powered airplane what Peter what very funny it's only day or should you stick your finger where it doesn't belong anyways I don't know how we're gonna do this so I think we're just gonna tinker and document what what what has happened or what is happening okay so I know I didn't really quite document this but this is what I got done so far I basically copied what I do with my mousetrap car which is basically say basically a lot don't I take this lever arm you do I shut up I take this lever arm shut up Steven I put this lever arm over here winding around this axle now I see a lot people do master cars like this where they make this axle it goes the drive wheel so you get a very low ratio of them in induction and reduction it was this is Gary induction what do you call it when you're not being reduction because we're not reducing the amount of turns we're increasing them I have turns this is a do before the outer wheels make one revolution around the axle but anyways I can't be like gearbox here I put this on here and this is what I get so I'm gonna try to find it to find a program prior to play on this look at that it goes pretty good this is pretty slow I'm not really sure this is gonna mean anything or Prius any meaningful thrust but now what do you gotta know so far by playing where's the mousetrap so let's see I'm a scratch fly mousetrap powered actually I got an idea no it's mine is it my airplane hey all right I'm gonna attach this here and we're just gonna try this I'm pretty sure this isn't gonna work but all right you ready let's do it this is a great success all right this is gonna be all hard right I think it's whoo this is gonna be too it's broken you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I think I'm ready to test it wait wait Han has a nova montage how I can't do what you get that done I got my tail on this morning I got my nose away as fast oh god that's really big compared to that size of that airframe yes super heavy too oh okay this might actually work I thought this might be too heavy because I didn't do any lightning yet but it's gonna be really this is gonna be yeah this is reaffirms how much of the challenge this is gonna be trying to make something super light okay back to the UH [Music] stop the music all right well check it out you this is so bad on your spar is cracking me up hey all right see how this works oh oh oh all right check it out putting this back on I added a rudder to it now so now you know it actually just glides yeah the way I Stephen that was pretty that was pretty good though all right well I think I'm just gonna wind this up and see what it does I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna bend this and start over after this go but just pull this off here with a little wind this up to wind it and we're wound and what's your prediction Sam listen you're gonna fall slower than before okay okay it still fell slowly honey yeah it's not being altitude that was still pretty good it's good but not good enough better than I thought all right he's a good boy you want happiness and ears to see if it doesn't you better oh yes still your mother yeah let's just tries cuz we have two days to actually get a working master airplane exam your turn to send it I don't even know if it's trimmed it is throw it Oh mine is better yang KCM you got an audience go go go go Oh your wings broke bruh I took you should have beefed up that wing structure with some carbon-fiber [Applause] [Music] hey come on tada we're done check it out look at this it's way more bigger the fragile flyer mark - alright what'd you do Sam give me a camera let's see what you've done here well I finished my motor I put some carbon up here this is just kind of stuck in for some testing that looks pretty pretty good Oh see your nice break oh my god are you broke oh no wait I think you for cars turning the wrong way - if you gotta turn it the opposite way kinda dummy alright just go throw it oh my god you're broke you a more see I'm smarter I I whined my mousetrap away from my aircrafts and I'll destroy it go over there alright the air is nice and let's try that again I want to just bend this so it has a little more up elevator to the airplane well that's climber putting the rod in there you can bend where did you see that I stole this I seen since all this fear your airplane hey I'm an engineer I still do good working parts I'll just see how it glides first well that's us you're not bad that's better she went to gearing okay I'm allergic to this BS I can either drop weight which I have nothing to simply cut out of this airframe or increase the amount of torque in less revolutions so we gain all this I think I'm gonna go that route so what we're gonna do is we're to take some tape and tape around this axle so I get a stronger torque force but less revolutions so you always you're always trading something for something there's no free lunch here all right now you can see I got the tape on it we're just gonna line this bad boy up it's almost doubled I Dameron you can see I'm getting a lot less turns in here so we're gonna less of a duration but more of a sprint it's it's gonna be a better stronger sprinter now basically okay let's try the better reduction I think you uh okay I think just looking at this in looking gears I think I got a better idea so I really wanted to try this you know mega right oh that's fine make a duration thing but the problem is I have to carry the way the spur gear the exercise of bearings and this pinion gear which is honestly is a lot of weight for something this small and I'm turning this property pretty higher rpm real relatively speaking for such an aircraft so I think I want to go with maximum maximum diameter so I'm gonna do is copy your thing and rebuild this gearbox so I just turn just one one shaft one shaft maybe we turn this faster but the thing is I'm gonna get bigger prop so it didn't it it slows down take that out and put a stick on that and you're set up okay [Music] if these pretty much maintained the level flight up until it ran out of energy then it's it's gonna go to the dive I think there's still more improvement to be made here mainly because if you look at those these props I pitched them with the water warping technique and there's just a little bit too much I think this this right here just more of like just blocking air and it's not really shoving that much so I'm gonna increase the diameter i canta the propeller put less pitch in it though so let's try that out I need to find a better way to shoot I mean a different way to make money huh you better get moving we got one day to finish these projects [Music] second off Sanders made it all right you ready to try this thing out let's see whose is better [Music] way better advice okay [Music] [Music] I'm pretty sure yours glided better because uh oops I think there's this brunch right Sam no okay this should be better my string [Music] what do you think Sam it's pretty cool I mean it is diverging a little bit from the mash up fire plane but hey alright look back on subject ok back on schedule or back on track whatever alright time for the last full record-breaking flight were also back at home I've just found out the secret to the Mervan part let me throw it I think the plane hit the fan ah there's still part of it on there well what have we learned today nothing absolutely nothing ok ok ok we captain events so we went to the under fly and it was a lot of fun for just 30 minutes we flew the airplanes we did a dry one with mine first so he glided to about 22 feet and then we measured it there and then we just want up the Reverend motor and we threw it again and this time it went to a whole total of 36 feet so that's not bad it did 36 22 what is that 12 14 14 yeah yeah you're bad at math okay so that's 14 14 feet so that wasn't bad you threw yours however you're slighted further than mine to a total like 24 26 something like 700 boy 78 it's irrelevant though because once you wanted your motor your plane went less of a distance so too much flexing the wings yeah so that's pretty awful and I also did the RC thing so that's pretty neat we did that as well but overall the experiences with the mousetrap plane this isn't really good b-roll I'm done with that one it's got the good one out here yes this is what actually end up happening so the reason why I redid my design is because I looked and a little more research and also stole from your design aspects and look at the f1d style airplanes now for those you don't know F Wendy's like this really really competitive super lightweight airplane building that uses rubber bands typically not mousetraps but on another note that stuff is really fragile and I haven't really tried that but it's really interesting but I have a feeling the mousetrap would probably a story in those airframes they're also a lot smaller so that's why when I basically just blew up one of those things made it super-sized and this is why I ended up coming with now the reason for the giant size I want to keep the speed low because you know the faster you go the more exponential drag becomes because you've seen these things they go real fast but they're not energy real quick so the mass trapper I want to use the energy over longer duration of time that's why we have this giant propeller because you look at things that are efficient and slow and lasts long time they usually turn figure wheels bigger propellers like cruise ships and all that so that's what ultimately led to the giant propeller so that's what I did always talk about the mass drive that was just awful so the reason why the mousetrap didn't work well I'm actually see a Buick station for that Oh mr. scientist well we are only using about 1/2 turn of the spring oh yeah that is true yeah because if you notice that like this spring is a lot turned inside the coil and we only use half of that revolution like if this is optimized I would turn that spring multiple times over but the problem is now we have to run a gearbox and that that gets away from the traditional mousetrap snap like this so we have a lot of guesses and even then when it's like at the bottom that's a lot of it's it's still put me pushing my finger pretty hard so it's still have a lot of potential energy to go around multiple revolutions so that's why this is generally just awful for this and that's why things such as through our band works a lot better because this is what is this this what would you say this does it more efficiently uses the potential energy put back into it that Boston where it uses this stored energy more efficiently yeah and it's lost not lighter because it's a rubberband is just not all that metal and all that stuff to do it so typically what we get what we turn in we mostly get almost all the energy back out now on our percent but product closer is a ninety eighty percent I think other revolutions you get so you turn this and then you throw it so a lot of you product seeing these is pretty amazing little free flight toys I lost sight of it but anyways that was a lot of fun do you have any other creative input that Sam I just know my plan was way better you're out you're gonna RC car your plane is worse this kind of an RC car maybe I'll be in the next video anyways I hope you guys enjoy the video I don't really know what else we're gonna do the mousetrap pirate ear playing maybe uh this would be challenge for you guys in the audience for all of you that are engineers I'd love to see if someone can beat this cuz uh I think my record was 14 feet a mousetrap powered flight I don't even know what the time was but it was pretty bad but anyways if funny guys want to try to do that that'd be really interesting and maybe we might try to Rattrap harder play in the future too but that'll probably just as awful just on a larger scale anyways that's all for now and we'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 2,062,286
Rating: 4.8306775 out of 5
Keywords: mousetrap, mouse trap, mouse trap car, DIY, mousetrap vehicle, science oly, the wright stuff, mouse trap airplane, mouse trap competition, mouse trap plane, airplane, free flight, rubber band powered, mouse trap monday, best mouse trap
Id: 0MQ7jdVgXZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Unoriginal. Here Is The Original One. ~~Shame \Maraca* Shame *Maraca*~~*

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DanManT_503 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I can here a lot of off beat so they probably gust took it from jacks outro and edit it to sound worse

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/foxyboy21 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Peter sripol is one of my favorite youtubers, next to jack

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gravitythedfyr 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
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