Faking a UFO Sighting 🛸 How hard is it? | Area 51👽

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there's this area 51 thing going on and it got us thinking how hard would it be to fake a UFO sighting the only way to find out is to actually build a UFO sit on the drum from a drone yeah we're gonna do about an 8-foot UFO I have to go to our hardware store to figure out how to build basically the inner structure of the UFO my buddy Kelly fpb actually races giant drones and he did something pretty cool where he did like a budget x-class drone he bought everything at a hardware store so I'm gonna go in pretty much Bob exactly what he bought and we're gonna build this frame up and get the UFO structure around it it's gonna be awesome I got a couple of things for us Jeremy we got our aluminum square tube in here nice and then I got some of this galvanized steel which is actually pretty strong well it's the whole buildings together I would hope yeah I'm gonna use one for a top plate and one for a bottom plate and we need to find tools where do we find tools at first game plan probably I like to lay everything out make it look like the drone that way we to measure some stuff and know how long we cut that square tubing for the arms will go from there then start drilling and bolt and stuff together and hopefully it works and it looks like tiny props for the witness any props props but do you think that this is gonna be able to handle the weight well what I'm basically building off of is an x-class ground and what they're known for is high-performance racing drones so they usually have like a 13 to 1 sometimes all the way up to a 16 to 1 power-to-weight ratio if we just build basically an x-class in the middle of it it's gonna have more than enough power all right this is my game plan I say we take one of these square tubing and we'll measure the 42 now I marked out where the motors were gonna be going on the frame and now all I'm gonna do is take these aluminum square tubing and cut them completely in half for arms next I need to drill out the top and bottom plate then I need to drill out the arms and then I'm gonna assemble it all now that I got the frame together it's time to put on some electronics so first I'm gonna start out with my brain fpv flight controller and Power Distribution board and I also want with my peg leg technique where I only put three standoffs on there that way it's less vibrations to the stack and then I got a bus bar and then after that I'll install the ESC so Motors should we just go for it wing it prop it up in the air should I be standing this close your minds me stand for you're fine I don't know maybe let's move back yeah I just want to be safe guys be safe safety first I love that about you because I can't see a dang thing oh yeah there is hover hover pretty good he's not even breaking a sweat picking up that frame huh oh dang it did something weird it like wanted to take off on its own so I had a disarm and I freaked out I freaked out dude let's go it looks so light when it hit it's just like I'm gonna just like yeah exactly so let's check it out yeah you fixed it so what give me a breakdown what happened all right so it was fine good and then like all of a sudden it yog on its own but then I wanted to take off to the sky a little bit the motors ramped up on its own so it could be vibrations closing it I'm not 100% sure how vibrations could cause your motors to spend faster well if it's shaking the gyro it's gonna do this and like want to climb so vibration is bad bad yes yawning without you telling it to Yas bad and throttling when you're not telling it to throttle is bad it's all bad I'm gonna fix those issues and then we're gonna be good you're gonna plug it into the computer yep I'm gonna grab some stacks of phone correct and I'm gonna start adding to it while you're fixing yep so I have my foam spiral of death I'm making this up as I go so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut each one of these foam boards into a triangle that's a little fact and then I'll glue all those together I mess this up three times so hopefully this lays out correctly for our prey [Music] hey let's uh do this together be awesome yeah lot of home one alien one umbrella in some lights and one night of fun it's not turning out how I pictured in my mind and I've got three quarters of an inch out from a straight line should be just enough ker to do like a flying saucer apparently it's more of a umbrella I've just made it hard for it yeah I just made my life difficult for myself so now you got some challenges potentially I can cut a good bit off from the bottom yeah cuz the bottom is really where it starts coming down hey we came to a conclusion that might work really nice we have a plan what do you know that works up looks pretty good so now I have to make the bottom and I'm gonna try to make the bottom less curved than the top this is a little flatter we'll see how this turns out well I got the geometry wrong for the bottom so now the bottom is taller than the top what I realized is even though I made the arc less I didn't make this less so this part flares it out so much so what I need to do is take her it in here a little more so the bottom lays more flat oh I got to do all of that all over again where everything comes together is just like a mess of like trying to get the alignment perfect yeah if it's not perfect you got to start over well you tell them easy want to glue the sides together so this seems what I'm telling you is that I'm actually pretty overwhelmed I'm gonna revert back to my approach to life of do one step and if it doesn't work go a different direction but just focus on that next step to keep moving forward nice with this kind of thing new problems present themselves that you would never think that they would exist until they happen so trying to plan out three steps ahead it just overwhelms me so yeah next step a lot of people watch our videos and think wow those flight-test guys are real experts I could never do that and yeah each one of us has our expertise I have an expertise in video editing among other things josh has a great expertise in designing aerodynamics and designing foam board airplanes but every single project that we take on that's the first time we've ever done that project and it is a completely new learning experience we always walk into it not knowing if it's gonna be a success not knowing if we're even gonna be able to get a video out of it there are some projects that have never come to fruition you've never seen those videos it is really easy to get overwhelmed by trying to solve the entire problem all at once and what I've learned from this is you just go one step at a time sometimes you may have to take two steps back but you'll be moving forward knowing what you learn from those first steps so the next step for me is to make the ducts for this I'm not sure how I'm going to do that but one little step at a time I know I'm gonna be able to get this thing in the air alright guys so we actually have a community member that's an independent game developer he reached out to my buddies Orban I she sponsored this episode he's developed a spaceship game called Artemis Artemis is a sci-fi Windows PC and it's been around for quite some time so you know it'll work on just about any Windows PC herb this is like playing your favorite space TV show you and her friends get together and work together on a space bridge players do different jobs like how weapons science and engineering and everyone works together to save the space sector from alien invaders get out of here is war Artemis is filled with space stations to protect nebula and asteroids to navigate black holes and minefields to avoid space monsters to study and lots of alien battleships coming to wreak shut up Artemis is are about shooting your friends it's about communicating with them everyone's on the same team working together you could play Artemis online and there are lots of online clubs they play every weekend you could probably find a game of Artemis at any sci-fi or fantasy convention in America so probably the best way to enjoy the Artemis is grab a bunch of friends tell them to grab their Windows PC bring them over to your house set up the big screen as your main screen and then you turn into a whole house into your very own spaceship bridge so the cool thing about this anyone can play and some of the best crews out there tend to be families whether you're a hardcore gamer or just a casual gamer this game has a bunch of different difficulty levels so it fits pretty much any person out there another awesome thing is you can even download special mission scripts or even create your own so probably the best thing about this game is it was actually developed and brought to you guys by one of our community members so by checking the link below you're not only helping us but you're actually helping one of our community members so big thanks to Artemis for sponsoring this video and a big thanks to you guys for watching because if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be able to make content like this now speaking of crew let me see what these guys are doing out here on this UFO I'm gonna plug this in with this giant lumineer battery I'm not gonna get shocked if I touch anything metal right no everything is pretty well isolate okay pretty well oh dude I figured I'll be able to use on my orientation at night so yeah green it green and felt what you hear that is smart I want to turn the lights off [Music] I made a spiced we gotta weigh this thing see how much it is pull this rig up alright now we're gonna let go in three two so it's about thirteen six that's pregnant well my goal what I wanted it to be was under twenty so the be good point to point to one one pound right here two point four so so five pounds of pain I don't think this Howard we don't wave the cam to okay so take some of the camel most of the weight is the cam is this thing make me nervous seven no manners so like we've spent so much time to build this thing if you crash it we have to rebuild it all and this is supposed to be done by tomorrow we are here at ready board runway gentlemen plugging it in Eddie this wind is sketchy right now basically I'm just flying a big wind catcher drones don't like this much wind oh we got a deadline let's do it should we be further back I think we should be further back maybe let's get off ready board run away real quick okay let's stand back here give us a little bit of buffer zone and I'm just gonna harm it yeah if it arms all right so it doesn't arm yes wait [Music] as in army so Alex thinks it might be a short on the frame metal touching metal makes it no-go and we take it up and it shorts in midair it just falls out of the sky so hopefully that don't happen I use my multimeter though there's no pressure should it be no shorts shouldn't be no shorts are dudes it's loud [Music] it's rotating it's like constantly spinning yeah it could be I mean I put zip ties on the wires so maybe let's take the zip ties off the actual motor letters and see if I can zip tie the other wires somewhere else because that one was like glitching I've put zip ties too tight on 5 inch quads and it actually like cuts I don't know if it cuts electricity or something through the cable itself or through the water but I know if I put those too tight that might be an issue I had these two tight on these motor wires and it was causing this motor to bog down it sounded different than all the other ones with the props off and spearing off the motors so I took those zip ties off make sure none of my bolts were touching the windings plugged it back in ran up the motors and now that one's not ball get down we'll put props on it let's test over why why do I feel like this is a wonderful idea to fly this thing inside [Music] alright it goes nothing [Music] hmm this prop was completely slowing down these motors you may or may not remember them but these are the motors from the box fan which had limited to moderate success and once it had the little success that I had Maddie went ahead and flipped it like a hamper or straight onto the ground and the motors didn't fare too well if I remember correctly I hated fair one yeah one of those I think that's what it is and that's why it always is with quads it's always like one little [Music] yo Jeremy what are you doing are they trying some meditation see if I help clear my head we haven't been able to get the thing to fly but I went ahead and put a sweet paint job on it so at least look cool not funny and it's still not flying well we haven't been able to narrow it down to one thing that we know is causing the issue we have a bunch of different things that might be causing issues so we decided to move up to the larger 16 inch props but in the installation of the 16 inch Ducks they got a little cattywampus and they're hitting so what I had to do is I had to take our 16 inch pops put them on a drill and spin them so that they're hitting sandpaper and sand them down so they're about 15 and 1/2 inch props we also swapped out the old beat-up motors from the box fan quad and changed them out with our radial monster motors we also discovered when I put in the ducts just because of how everything kind of twists and warps with foam two of the ducts were pointing in opposite directions opposite each others instead of cutting the ducts new I just added another layer of foam so now it's funneling the thrust straight down instead of pushing the thrust over to one side exhausted man who would have thought faking a UFO sighting would have been so hard I'm super exhausted right now I'm not feel it like usually I try to be a positive person right now I'm not feeling too good about it it barely hovers I don't know I don't even know what to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] monster motors for the Webster motors you feel great I feel great I do I like weight lifts literally a weight lifted I am still really nervous about how this is gonna end we got to get our cockpit canopy on we got to get our Delian my buddies or zorb in there we got to find some people that are gonna freak out over a flying saucer flying a foot above the ground we're so far gone right now so I did pretty much everything I could do to this guy the weather finally broke it's not windy and what's pretty cool is we have a bunch of people out here Thursday and Friday night I brought our Air Products officially open to the public so we have a bunch of people out there that are out there flying and learning I'm gonna take it out there we're gonna get reactions and I'm gonna send it into the blue yonder and see if it comes back throughout this entire project my hopes were a little down getting it all set up with my dudes orb inside I think he's gonna fly this thing awesome my nerves are on fire right now like heart this is a second nervous thing I ever did you race like a national drone competition stuff you're flying today tensions high as you can see Edgewater Air Park is officially open we got a crowd of people here flying every Thursday Friday night if you're in the area stop by open to the public free for everybody to come fly at this beautiful flying field I think that the UFO is gonna fly high in the sky and it's gonna look epic it's gonna look like a real UFO once it gets way high up in the sky I am unsure of what will happen next for those you guys that aren't familiar with quad copters when you come down from a higher altitude especially on a slow quad like this typically you're coming through your prop wash your props are shooting the air down causing a bunch of turbulence and then you're descending through that and it can oftentimes cause the quad to be unstable so that's my number-one concern but the I'm after I think Matt's gonna do great I think it's gonna go up turn man to do his best and then my do a hard landing I have full confidence with Matt's abilities perfect yeah it's gonna work doesn't that is awesome that's something I would go always gonna fly near fly most of them end up fly one way or another we will I mean they flew a toilet after all so this should be no problem you crashed that to them oh yeah I can't lie because I got to see them work on so I have a good feeling what it will do it's gonna be awesome no matter what I think he's gonna get it up I think it's gonna hover around but I think we got to keep the cameras on because once it gets high and starts doing the death wobble watch out we think it's gonna work baby's gonna work no they don't think you've gonna wear one of course it's gonna work Jeremy Matt have been killing themselves to get this UFO to gives orb to fly up in the air but I want to take this time before they fly it to ask you guys to please subscribe we noticed a lot of you guys are watching the videos out there but you haven't subscribed yet which is awesome and we'd love to have you come join the flight test family so hit that subscribe button it's free and it literally is the reason that we're able to do crazy projects like that I am nervous have been really busting your butts over this this past week yeah kind of a lot of stress on this one but I loved every second of it you got it man all right you guys ready let's go all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on all right [Music] hold on I got this he got this man [Music] isn't your umbrella and might be I see a puffing up yeah we haven't had the umbrella on there before you see a Python here bouncing down and bouncing inside of it [Music] don't Brella something's going on and see it one more time dude that's crazy do you let me just pull off yeah look we should probably pull it off all right so the unbranded throttle it's like puffing up like a balloon and it's not letting it take off for some reason when I was a test hop flying it before we didn't have the umbrella on we haven't tried it with our mans orb in there they alien so we're gonna give it a whirl we're gonna take the under all off and see if we can get in there I'm sure there's plenty of alien aircraft to have a convertible hey round three that's cool on the field feels uh pretty good it's a little unstable but it's quiet you got a let-up dings over there man we got to glue that back on yeah no doubt I see a throttle slowly creeping up and I'm wondering why oh just keep it covered okay that's exactly why but it's actually fine pretty good good doesn't have your body here in it but that's okay there's still a freak me out it is flying better than I hope for me we need to fix that light though so here's what I'm thinking thinking the reason this isn't working is because all that yours bouncing down and bouncing back up in the actual thing it should be sealed off your bottom oh that's done I don't know ever something was going on we should go over there check out the UFO we'll get around to that oh yeah I I hope so okay yes he's got hot look at that look oh yeah they melted melted wow those EEOC's got hot now these es es we're rated for six l2h sell the battery cables are warm I say we switch it out as long as I see you sees good then uh yeah put it through spaces what's the UFO if you can't get it super high in the sky and you can't identify exactly so up up and away [Music] [Music] I feel not having the F feels horrible and sketchy [Music] [Music] Oh yes that's all yes all right so in the future monster motors came with the monster you see correct yeah man this was very unofficial aircraft right here but what UFO is efficient make sure to subscribe hit that Bell and if you guys want us to rebuild this or make it even crazier put some more lights some smoke on it let us know in the comments but until next time later Oh vibrations could cause your motors to spin faster well if it's shaking Lazzaro it's gonna do this and like that at all
Channel: FliteTest
Views: 3,826,753
Rating: 4.7971816 out of 5
Keywords: Flite Test, Flight Test, DIY, Science, Hobby, Airplane, Plane, Build, Craft, Kids, Crash, family, family friendly, fun, funny, area51, storm area 51, area 51
Id: gL4kgJEkvbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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