How to sharpen a small chainsaw. (What file to use).

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hi friends good morning everybody hey is that okay okay top and saw calls for five thirty seconds file right which is this little guy okay well i don't do it i use 13 or pardon me 3 16. i do i use it stay tuned and i'll show you why it's a hard start [Laughter] wow [Laughter] [Music] wow wow runs good morning friends how's everybody you doing good good uh my boy's just heading off to work um i've talked about this before i've i've i've showed it i'm gonna show it again this is a little power saw that calls for the five 30 seconds files right this is what it calls for it calls for this little guy right here okay that's the five thirty seconds okay well i don't do that i go three sixteenths okay like that's a small file now let's go in and i'll show you why five thirty seconds see okay it it'll it definitely will work it it will work but look so boom boom i'm down see i'm down well look at the so if i were to you see how i'm not even you you see the space there don't you okay this is the difference in files okay three sixteenths boom watch what happens look at 3 16. you see what happens it's right up against the top plate okay but you can't just go like this there i'm sharp well because you're gonna end up with that thing i talk about where you end up with no hook so friends [Music] get down get down there see that a little burr there just takes off okay um i've been using this for years i'll use the 5 30 seconds in a pinch no problem no problem so you've got options now too okay you see what i'm saying right so let's look at something else you see that there's the tooth we just found you see you're actually you're right underneath now here's here's this little guy look what actually happens i mean look at friends you can see the space so i don't use them i i don't use the 5 30 seconds you can in a pinch but it means you have to stay up on here like this you see what i'm saying so that's the 5 30 seconds excuse me well here's the here's the 360. okay these call for a five thirty seconds they they do friends they call for five thirty seconds i don't do it look it it's beautiful it rips the gullet right out gets underneath the top plate now remember this is full chisel chain so let's look at what the other side looks like see even this chain doesn't really have a hook in it right now see this look at it right let's go back to the 5 30 seconds let's have a look you see what i'm saying i just don't do it i don't do it now i've got you guys here so i'm just showing you i'm trying to not knock the camera as i do this [Music] it's it's tight quarters in here but i'm making it happen [Music] okay did you see what just happened okay sorry there we go let's get this down a little bit more if we can yeah there we go this is what i'm talking about okay so you can see you see okay [Music] it's really tight quarters with that phone and right here friends okay sorry okay there we go super acceptable you see what the see that the line they give you i change it a bit so there we go there's that little burr right there hey there it is here it goes okay you can see it there um yeah i want to show you guys something we're going to come back in close i'm going to show you something i'll just hit this can you guys actually see that with my hand in the way oh yeah you can good there you go friends just because you see me taking a bunch of strokes it's my first ones are tough or hard watch this is what i do watch these are these are kind of harder i'm going down right down now that i've done a couple hard ones down i ease up on my pressure and i let the file do the work but my first few strokes are down they just are and you'll hear hear that on the way back that's me tinkling the raker that's what that is okay so this is what we end up with a very acceptable hook it's actually what they're calling for so that's that's that's what i do friends for that okay that's on the top and saw here's our top beak here's our top piece here there it is there see it's glorious all right excuse friends see these are kind of hard see that down a little bit of a boat action get me and get me a gullet and then i straighten out and i just carry on i need a sharp side plate and i need a sharp sharp top plate that's what i need and a hook that's what i need so my first couple strokes are kind of body like this it just rips me a gullet that's all it does then i straighten out and i make my two sharp these guys that are doing three strokes aside oh i i don't there you go mr gullet and if you want to see it transformed i'll show it to you again so you'll see the transformation happen let's watch this one transform right there that's what i do there it was that was three strokes you see what i just did see that i went right there i ripped that gullet out just don't even rebuild the top plate friends don't don't do it don't worry about it just get the gullet you got to get the gullet see this is why the 3 16 file is beautiful look i'm still up against the top plate and underneath it at the same time see so now i just once i got my bottom out i straighten my file and i let the file do the work and just do a nice that's why uh this three-stroke thing is silly you just put it put put the pressure you need on the file see this i know it's a lot of strokes i i know that okay that side's done see that rip the gullet right out of her boom now see that falls right underneath that top plate so in order to get it sharp keep it on a straight line there we go off to the races this will give you an idea what i do you don't have to do the boat you don't have to do that just what i do because it concentrates on the gullet you can get it by going like this i'm pushing straight down straight down there go it's gone you'll notice it pick up your file jaggedly here and there that's because you've created a hole now you just glide that file through there and get that top piece going and you'll notice if you're going into the side strap don't worry about it it is not a worry these husky files i don't recommend these husky files for these topping saws they're okay for 3 8 chain but this is slow small stuff see how they're quite jagged pretty coarse they pull material though that's for darn sure go now see see how that picks it up see that when you so i'll show you something here's a different 3 16 file right here let's use this one this is an organ file okay this is an organ file right here hear the difference right away i quite like the organ files on these small chains there we go that's smooth yeah right there i i like the organ for this one so that's that friends we got it yeah that's gonna cut nice this one we'll see how it cuts these still all be the same might be a little hungry we'll see this is a 404 acre gauge i think they sell raker gauges for these saws [Music] what is ah it cuts done 3 16 files so catch you on the next video be kind to one another
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 204,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Phwu50-5fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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