Best Chainsaw Sharpener Ever - FINALLY!!!

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I've received hundreds of requests from my subscribers to do a comprehensive test of the new revolutionary as I'm told Stihl chainsaw sharpening system [Music] ever since the first chainsaws came out on the market I think man has been looking for a simple effective way to sharpen saws without having to have tons and tons of experience it's not an easy thing to do and if it's not done right it is well the results are actually quite disappointing I have worked for years and years to perfect my ability to hand shape and saws with well you know the more I do it the better I get so I started hearing rumors about this thing no I don't know maybe six months ago or so and I looked at it online maybe it was a year ago I looked at it online and I thought oh yeah here we go more snake oil another homeowner hope another homeowner tool some some nonsense for well the non-professional and you know I just completely dismissed it because it just looked kind of well it looks silly yeah it's me and I've seen lots of different ideas and you know you've seen this stuff from Oregon and the things that go on the bar and all this stuff and I just have not found anything really far as far as a hand filer that really was worth any time so I continue to get more and more requests for it and so I went on Amazon and I ordered one and here it is and it it is it's look kind of ridiculous so let's break it down so what we have here I think they're calling it a two-in-one and what it claims to be able to do is it claims to be able to file not only the teeth but the depth gauges some people miss miss no more miss miss appropriate the name rakers they're not rakers their depth gauges and from what I see here this file in the middle which is obviously proprietary I've never seen a file like that before a flat file is intended for the rakers here we have the third file for of course the other side so if we could flip the tool then we can file both sides so that is basically it the solid be filing today is my new 461 with the 32 inch bars so that is a factory steel chain that has yet I've not sharpened it yet but I've ran it a fair amount and it is time to be sharpened so let's jump into it and see what happens so let's talk briefly about what we're trying to accomplish right here okay there's we got a couple elements to the the chain and the depth gauge or some people call the rakers if you look at this from the side you'll see that this tooth is angled towards the rear it's angled backwards and the cutting point is this prominent is this point right there now when a file is chain is filed properly this should be I would call it sticky sharp you know how a cat's claw is how it just is so wickedly sharp it should feel like that that stickiness on your finger I can feel that the this the edge has been knocked off slightly from use and it's not doesn't have that sticky sharpness now when the chain is new it's the this height and this site is perfectly set they're matched so this controls how far this cuts if these are too short the chain will will take out too much wood and it will bog the chainsaw down it won't work properly if this is too tall then this goes skimming along the top of the kerf not allowing the tooth to cut so what happens when you sharpen is that this angle changes and it drops drops drops drops drops now if you don't address the height of this depth gauge then your chain is not going to cut well at all so those of us who filed for a long time know that you can file this a couple times and then every three or four times you file you need to take these down and it's kind of an arduous process and you end up filing the chain twice and it's just is kind of a drag what this steel to the tool is claiming to do is to do these two things simultaneously now if that's possible I am all about that I would love to be able to I just dread this process because that you know once you file the chain then you go back and they know all this stuff so that's kind of what we're doing or that's what we're going to see now I've filed one by hand here just to demonstrate you'll be able to see here this is what it looks like when you've taken the depth gauge down now I have ran the hand file across here forked I made four strokes on there and if I feel that that is cat's claw sticky sharp and you can see there that I have also taken down that raker you can see how it's got that shiny flat spot on it right there now that's at the proper depth versus this one here that is unfiled we can see now that is that comes up to the point that's the factory edge so let's see what we can do here did I mention it was skeptical about this well let's see here okay so so right off the bat so here's the idea so do you see that shape right there what steel is telling us is that that is the optimal angle to file this chain but if I contrast that with what's actually the angle on the factory chain if you look on there you can see this has not been filed this is a factory steel chain with a little laser mark on there delineating the angle that that is not even close I don't know where the conflict is right there I mean that right there I don't know what that is but that is steep I have never filed I've never filed chains that steep before I always go something like this and I don't know what is up with that but that's not very promising but no matter it doesn't really matter I'm not going to really pay attention to that anyway so I don't really care so I'll just kind of hold the angle that I that I wouldn't you know following the factory angle and see and I'll do four four passes here so I'm a little bit jerky I'm in a bad angle is the camera tripod okay so what do we have here so that was four angles so indeed it has taken down that's kind of cool actually that flat file right there has taken down the raker and this metal guide right here has rested on the drive links and that way you really can't go wrong is that how that works how does it how does it how does it go down oh it's also oh I see so this so this gauge this right there that that piece of steel bar is writing on the top of the link fought as it follows it down that wood will drop and compensate for the that's really clever actually so that is really sharp you might be onto something here you see here let's try a couple more here I'm a little bit a little strange at the angle way that's that way I wonder if the big pro saw is run at a different angle than the then the smaller saw us anyway no let's see here you want to keep keep track you do the same every time if you can and there we see we have that that has drop drop that has certainly brought that depth gauge down let's try a couple more of those there boy that's those are nice files look at that that really works good it actually was a really nice files so let's try this at the other angle here kind of getting the hang of it it just takes a little bit of getting used to it's actually really good because I can see the laser mark right between the guide that's fruit can be really accurate this way was good files now I'm the backstroke I'm not filing I'm just taking the pressure off and moving it forward a little bit so I just throw another chain on I've had a chance to kind of use it a little bit here and it is the fastest filer I have ever used it's really good let's take a close-up look here at the depth gauge in the and the cutting tooth you can see where you can't see but it is it's very very sharp we've got a nice file there a nice deep gullet not too deep not too shallow something that's really hard to do by hand you end up pushing too hard and getting cutting down in here in the drive link or up too high and you have the right gullet it takes all of that guesswork out we've got at the same time when not only do we have a nice filed tooth there but we've got our raker or depth gauge that's been set at the proper depth I mean it's just it's brilliant [Music] [Applause] no nice to have a place to sit after a hard day's chase on so what's my conclusion or what do I conclude here this thing is awesome this is going to be this is going to be my mic go to gift for friends and family for Christmas and birthdays because I mean it's I was where I was wrong I thought it was gonna be I thought it's gonna be kind of a homeowner silly homeowner deal but it's not it's excellent look at the you saw how how well it cut I did the crosscut had just ripped rip cutting it ripped there to plunge cut or any really good really aggressive the the what I used to do when I hand file if I haven't saw this really powerful is that I would actually file the depth gauges a little bit lower than they were supposed to I'd use the depth gauge and and knock them all down and I go around one more time and just hit them give them a good one hit each one and what that did is it gave me control over the how fast the saw cut I could you know when you do that you'll be careful because you can bog a saw down but if you have the feel for it and you the finesse you can you can just get a little bit more out of it but this I found to be a very aggressive somewhat aggressive I guess support variation between the top of the raker or the depth gauge in the top of the tooth but even when I pulled hard on it and I bit the dogs into it it still it was it was great it was really it was just it was right in there it was a I thought maybe they might have you know defaulted kind of on the lighter side but it's it's it's really good it's really good I I can't see any downside apart it's kind of heavy kind of a heavy thing with all the steel rods but you know I mean you're you're you're getting rid of a bunch of tools too you're getting rid of your raker gauge gage you're getting rid of your extra flat-file extra handle you've got two files in here so it's gonna go a long way so that's really nice so you can go out and you know you're only cutting with one file per side so they're gonna last twice as long so for me like got a wildland fire now as you know I'm super selective about what I'm gonna take out there with me am I going to take this you bet your life I'm gonna take I'm getting rid of all that the stuff this is this is really really good thank you still thank you for coming out with such a innovative piece of kit here that makes our life easier and I think it simplifies the sharpening process I think it's pretty much idiot-proof it's really built built well and man it's about time isn't it well done well done indeed I like that alright thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video so your chainsaw shavings are gonna tell a story they're gonna tell a story just like on your crosscut saw on what's right and what's wrong with your chain got two shavings here we'll start with these are the these are the crosscut shavings and that man that is good look at these long old bits this that that chain was just ripping the whole bunch of them let in this you see big chunks of wood you don't see small to much small stuff you don't see a bunch of sawdust you've ever had a dull chain you'll see just sawdust coming out the book back but look at that let's look at the size of that chip right there that is a properly filed saw that is just I mean that's cutting good right there I like that I think that the depth gauges there the Det yeah the depth gauge setting on that tool is deeper than the factory chains I don't remember seeing big torn out chunks like that and yet it didn't vlog the saw down as you saw it there that's that's the best of both worlds right there I'd like to see that here we have on the other side we've got our this is a ripping cut now we're cutting with the grain instead of across it and what we see here are these long noodles here look at the length of those things that's just chair and out massive pieces of wood big ole globs of it just look at that right there that's that make some nice Easter Egg basket stuff yes that is really really good so you can analyze we can analyze this and see that indeed the saw is really cutting and this is this is what type of wood is this is lodgepole pine right here annal that smells good good good good dry very very dry taking out of the desert standing dead after a wildland fire but uh man I I'm I'm happy with that that's beautiful
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 2,493,344
Rating: 4.7165313 out of 5
Keywords: stihl, husqvarna, how to, wood, stihl chainsaw, arborist, tree, chain saw, power tools, saw, axe, homesteading, forestry, homestead, sharpen a chainsaw, how to cut down a tree, stihl outdoor power tools, how to fell a tree, cutting down a tree, how to sharpen a chainsaw, chainsaw, best chainsaw, sharpen chainsaw, chainsaw trick, cutting wood, tree felling, tree removal, chainsaw hack, wranglerstar
Id: SzjmpNTVH6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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