How a chip is formed! East coast sharpening tips!

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hi everybody welcome got my old 66 mag just saw I've had 33 years believe or not I rebuild it a few years ago stone stock no port work no muffler mod no nothing I wanted this one to be a long-lasting reliable solid with all steel parts and I was adamant to do that we got that new build 100 cc one so you know what I want to cover is what we do here on the East Coast okay I had a guy named Derek a young fella came over from West Coast and they did all that cable dogging and crafting and youth skidder and he was a feller out there and he did a good job he come out here and he went to work for me for a year or so and he had trouble this way it's such a difference between West Coast East Coast this is freeze those guys if you pick something up out of this grade it's not really intended to be a sharpening video other I'm going to show you a few things that worked for me right or wrong okay the first thing you need to know how a chip is formed you can't sharpen to your very best until you know what that how that does okay okay see that groove down the center of that you notice that that chap is twice as wide as that tooth okay that's twice as wide okay what happens to depth gauge on this side determines the thickness of the chip here then that chip passes underneath it's still a cast on this side it comes to this depth gauge and then comes through and it cuts the other side off okay you see that this is why unnies ghost wheels full skip chain all right do you realize that when you're making this weight of a chip right here that there's no contact whatsoever with this bar none okay okay so we just showed the process of that lambs the chip none okay it comes right up and they stack against your raker your depth gauge and then the next one comes right up on top of that and so on and so forth if you're cutting with the top of your bar as soon as the table it spits it out that way it's coming with a boundary bar obviously it comes through and it rules out your exhaust here on your bottom okay that's how that works okay if you're not getting that and you don't see that little line and it's even on both sides some woods just chunk out like red oak just kind of chunks out and a lot of times northern pain hemlock will chunk right out so you don't see this type of chef this is good for like maple ash elder one thing another but it's a good indicator so when you're cutting that kind of stuff and your form actually forming a chip and I'm gonna cover that chunking what the difference is inserting okay now when you get old you glasses on what I do is leave a witness mark so I know I'm not reassuring okay I've got one right here on this one already see the backside of that that's a little all I do is just take my file like that that tells me that's the truth I started with you know I have to wear glasses which do is roll around get your worst worst tooth and that pretty much determines there's no substitute for having ground chain to keep everything even I'm showing you what loggers on the East Coast do because all day long they try to run that same chain off your it takes less time for me to sharpen a full step that it does change the chain I'm going to tell you straight out and that's production numbers nothing worse than Skinner waiting the angles that we use I form my tip first okay here's a prime example it's one of my cover Buchan says get to go up see this right here right here on my strap see this area see where it starts right here I can tell you for a fact I'm the only one that's ever starting to see how even that is coming down it's fairly well matches this angle to the stops right there okay this is how I judge how good a person is at hand filing how even each one of these are it ain't just Avenue to see that one and that one then that one okay now that made me so I got bread yet and I ain't bragging I'm state of fact I can sharpen just fine I've had to yeah I sucked at it forever every day you do it he's something just a little less it's just like playing music man and you will get where you can okay Oh believe it or not oak and hemlock my angle you're gonna come from the top here is you rock that back fairly well follow the law in the summer time I'll lead that just a little bit like this but an eighth level it's down about ten degrees I'm going to show you why I'll do this one I rotate my file that's okay I know I'm both ions will you do is get your point get that form come right up underneath that okay now I'm gonna do this for summertime so I'm leading my angle just a bit look down at the stop angle right here see that line it's leading it just a little bit honest working ads this is your working point okay so when you look right up underneath there if you can see right in there you see the width of that it's fairly much the same right across that point of that tooth when you have it like that what it does during the cop that chain is not pressing into the bar it's actually relieving pressure and pulling up okay just a little bit now on these cost we don't point our duck cages and the reason our chains work better when they're right down to this point the distance from here to here is longer that means your depth gauge is more efficient when it's out we heard close that tooth will rock like this a lot easier this keeps it stable when we file straight across like that see no no noise this angle right here follow your tooth angle like that okay you get the other side you do the same thing you follow the tooth angle you'll never when that is vibrating you're not cutting it isn't about strokes or nothing it's the distance okay here's our distance this is how in the woods where you have no grinder you go from this point to this point to no with that depth gauges you do that with your raker file okay can we get right up underneath there so we can see the depth of that see that depth that tells me where that's that I look at that and I just know that if I'm in something like pignut and Hickory that right there it probably a little aggressive and be a hard okay but right here it would cut good in that I don't get carried away unless I'm in a hurry I'll take an extra swipe or two off them rakers if that skier is getting close but that makes that Saudi okay then you go to the next one like this right off that plane to that point and you check that one if you can see that and that tells you what that does gauges okay that changes from tooth to tooth to tooth it just happens that these happen to be fairly even so I wish I had a chain on here that I'd hit something on one side if I hit stop them over here on this outside working corner like a rock when I'm bored cutting that takes that edge off I'll file this from back a long ways these will be longer I just keep that side depth gauges lower and I try to keep them as even as I can okay so we know how the chip is formed now the chip comes up here piles up here stacks up this is why we use full skip there's two reasons the first reason is you're not recutting your sawdust okay with a longer bar we use 24 inch barb here we didn't use to be seen long bars okay and then when that rolls around a tip or comes out through it comes out your exhaust the chips dumped I'm gonna cover something I wasn't gonna cover about this thing chainsaw safety when you're more cutting you have an angle right here from here to here is all it's safe to roll in if you roll that saw in like yes let's say your trees right here you roll that in and then more cut to make sure Rock pinch will cover cutting when I do sir [Applause] bottom third that's where your safe zone is when you start crowding right here let's say you enter plunge cut especially full skip I'm gonna warn you because there's not three teeth around there's only two okay it'll jump on you be ready this is higher kickback chain yeah it cuts faster in our would do I run full house yeah there's times I do in the winter time I run full house bucking logs straight away I do I do not buck logs the saw I'm cutting all day long I use these total super bars and the heavier sauce they're real hard to heavy you don't get the bar where we've had this for a long time you can see that that there's no flare no edge anywhere it's because this angle is correct for East Coast okay I showed you the summertime I'm gonna go to the next to screw the scene all up because I know I can fix it alright wintertime this works when you got SAP in the wood I'm going to show you here in the wintertime what we do see that angle whenever you're cutting frozen maple it's tough this is our angle we're gonna raise that up to about four degrees then we're gonna bring that back to about this angle here if you can see it from the top it goes so you know here's your top plate angle from your line okay you're gonna go just a little bit so you're you taking just that out see that now when you look at that top line that's slightly more than our angle and instead of being 10 degrees we're gonna grow up here to 5 degrees okay I'm not gonna get finished that whole working at south side okay now what you got right in here it's a thinner area here than it is here but the cutting corner there cutting edge isn't at this much angle it's more this way because frozen wood has to charge it doesn't just peel in this rubber is attached the chunk out when it's froze okay so that's that's what there is about that this is what works for us out here a little agree I didn't disagree with what I'm saying don't think hand filings for everybody take your chains get them ground periodically and you're gonna save all kinds of grief if your log any one extreme blog in a long time 3-nothing your learner for me you're gonna say yeah okay yeah I got it because that's exactly what we do here - and that's what somebody's gonna say there's gonna be the ones halfway well I didn't get that what are you doing this way this way we have to learn how to correct our finite filing problems you know what I did I for about four years had to fight felling trees I had to learn how to correct my difference one side of cut way better than the other and I didn't know what the deal was and I didn't know to read that bottom of that strap there between the death cage and the freaking die - I didn't know how to read that all right that determines if that's straight across Sarah you know your angles are all the same right here I'll guarantee there is no argument from nobody yeah I'm opinionated a little bugger but when you see that like that there is no argument that I'm accurate with this angle I maintain that on every tooth no question you will learn this if you want to learn how to sharpen bucking Billy really is the one to foul he can teach you how to sharpen I'm showing you once you already know how to sharpen how to use different angles for different woods that's what I'm doing winter and summer and if you take your rakers too far and it'll be so jumpy and you ain't gonna have enough power to pull it in the first place here's another advantage to this full SCAP it's 1/3 less cutting teeth that's a third less I gotta screw up it is a third less time for me to sharpen when I got a skidder running right up my butt okay there's several advantages and came out when they started running in a 60-hour that's 70cc size instead of these ninety they went to the brought that full skip out to play so that it would caught with less power you could carry less weight okay and that's really what happened there and but when I sharpen my dominant hand is my left left hand one hand rotate one hand rotates I got control that file my problem was I was actually getting too deep it had a weird angle with this side because I'm left-handed so I learned to grab that file I pull it with this hand this is my dominant hand for your right-handed people just reverse that see that's what you do if that works for you great find a way to be even from side to side this is all you need to do okay and we've heard some efis hotsauce start let me show you one that ain't hot and just a regular ol 66 a lot of people don't like these switches when I build your steel I fix that so that's easy to operate [Music] [Applause] if that chugs out you're too rich if when you're bringing that up and it has this kind of a soft spot where it kind of matzah ba go for the hijacked takes over and you feel that that's harder to feel it's to lean on your loan thank you guys that's that
Channel: Ironhorse Chainsaw
Views: 14,463
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Id: aezO8-punDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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