Rayman Origins """"""""""Speedrun""""""""""

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we are doing a classic folks classic alert sound the alarm uh it's rayman origins gray man oranges hold on guys we have to do it like right on the beat nice some of you may be uh who are familiar with the game will maybe be like hey wait a second yeah this is my old stream file from when i streamed this ages ago where i got all the teeth and and enough electrons because there's a bunch of this would take really really long if i had to get all the electrons yeah i'm just going to play on this save file and go through all the levels and just this is like a new category nobody else does this this is completely dumb uh most like all speed runners get the electoons along the way but i'm just not going to because [ __ ] you you guys don't get to see the opening cutscene so this is the best game ever made and then they made legends which was better it's crazy right how'd they do that but it just looks good oh and there's titty oh and i have all my abilities i just realized you get abilities as you go through the game and i have all of them so i can just break this guy's teeth without hitting that other i didn't even really think about that oh man well sorry dude i kind of cheated there's the bubba so yeah i got like the demo of this game when i was younger i played the [ __ ] out of it i just played it over and over and over and over again uh it was one of those scenarios and it was a pretty short demo so i became really familiar with the game before actually ever playing it and then i finally got it and i was like there's so many levels i don't really know the speed run tech for this game and of course i'm not really going for a serious time seeing as i'm cheating but uh a nice little trick to get some quick speed is to uh do your dash attack and then jump right after excellent use of mouth harp in this game too it must be said i should have got out my mouth heart i own one because i'm an [ __ ] so yeah it's anybody who's never seen this game before get on it play this game because it's good these levels are the best ones hell yeah gonna whup my ass i bet you can uh like get ahead of it probably if you're crazy oh god oh this is not going well [Music] oh yeah oh god this part it always feels like you're just on the brink of eating [ __ ] in these levels but then you don't it's very satisfying and the music's banger and i never liked how rayman looked at me here it looks like genuine lust for that [ __ ] like shiny tooth yeah this there's inflation in this game it was it's it's weird i'm so used to it after playing this in legends so much yeah when it's a universal constant of the rayman verse that things just turn into bubbles when they die that's just the thing couldn't tell you why there is absolutely something vaguely fetishistic about it i do kind of like the bubble mechanic because uh because it makes my penis hot you can kind of get like funny combos on enemies you know like they get [ __ ] losers this is also a funny part where you have to if you don't because you don't have the fly at this point so it's much easier to uh i just like ghost bounce off that guy and not get a loom that was crazy actually i've never seen that that guy okay i'll die on this hill this guy's the worst part of rayman legends the levels where you have to like control him [ __ ] that oh right mosquito you know what no no no no no we can't be rayman for this this is necessary this is the reason why we had to do this we got a smaller than usual mosquito and he carries us normally it's mosquito who does the shooting to anybody who hasn't played this game and you can suck but now glow box does it suck suck imagine getting sucked up actually i'm a frog and i'm eating flies that works this music's so [ __ ] good too i love this game i love how they just the the enemies casually like play hacky sack with the looms too presumably the ones that you get when you kill them [ __ ] yeah and i love how at the end of every world and this might just be complete [ __ ] too the more i'm saying this out loud i'm like man i'm just am i just nostalgia biased for this game i'm like oh it's so great how totally inconsequential thing but they give you a little sneak peek of the next world at the beginning of every world and even it's music it's like oh we're getting a little bit of the desert of dejiri dues here i will keep saying it like that uh because i'm an [ __ ] [Applause] yo guys check out that media on wake up this is the best world too no every world is the best world actually i'm like thinking about that i'm like no but the third one is so good too and the mountain level is great too no they're all the best this game's [ __ ] great as a band kid a musical instrument themed level vibed with me very hard and the music's just great oh and look at this [Music] i love that not really how a guitar works we gotta get this for style nice oh [ __ ] i do remember this one i don't know if i still have my old save file of uh that's fun wow that was really satisfying uh and look at those backgrounds it's so cool this is a puzzle you know what [ __ ] puzzles i'm a speedrunner [ __ ] i love doing that little trick though or you just get a quick bit of speed oh this feels nice i love that by the way the doors are eyes and you punch them and they go and it's amazing there are no not thick as [ __ ] girls in this game it's just not a thing that exists they're all thick yes and of course i'm talking about glow box i mean look look at this [ __ ] picture this is very satisfying to just blast through this game though honestly oh that's an interesting segment well that switch of course makes it so that you uh can walk on those wires but i think we got to try to do this slick gamer style no yeah this can be done oh [ __ ] i think that can be done come on yeah nice and this is the blue man group instrument right here can't you just imagine the blue man group flapping away on that thing oh that one shout out a lot of looms he ate all of those it's a treble clef [Music] cute so cute they killed me yeah you better run [ __ ] oh no oh i made it oh my god i thought i was dead for sure i have sand in my lungs all of us are blind but i guess yeah play the happy music this is gonna be another one that's a little difficult to do quickly oh oh i'm blocked it's gonna be difficult to live here [ __ ] and i like the sound look at that that's so cool oh now he's gonna rounds me though oh whoa you can wall run on that are you kidding me did that wrong i keep leaving one loom i'm sorry and i died there's just something funny about that i mean it's explicitly funny crouch animation look at these guys that's cruel they don't seem to mind though i don't think those guys are sentient it's my head canon now these faces are good but i can't wait till we get to the one that goes oh and best world coming up actual best world i'll i'll i'll i'll nail it down this is the best world the ice level is somehow the best world how did they do it everything looks so yummy oh [ __ ] [Music] they put the fear of death in my heart at the very end there what does yummy mean when you're talking about ice uh the ice looks [ __ ] yummy sue me get ready to sour please prepare yourselves okay that's all the sour please you get oh my god wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's the [ __ ] forks nice oh that's so satisfying this one gives you the ability to tf oh i love how it takes a little ride there on that paper umbrella nice oh not nice i was like i can use my wall run here nope i can't these little waiter guys oh my god you're fire sir your poop sir oh [ __ ] maybe that was a mistake you got to be careful doing the speed boost on these levels [Music] nice it's just pure unadulterated fun [Music] come on get it [Music] get there yeah nice this is one of the best levels in the game too it's the cool like transition level between cold world and spicy world that's just amazing i think you can like ground pound down to the bottom here too yeah he's on a souffle like [ __ ] me sideways so cute i died those tricky treasure levels are like slick origins that was like it embedded a love of slick plays deep within my brain because those are basically like they set you up to make slick plays you know i love that singing oh this [ __ ] screen you just sentence them all to a slow painful fiery death it's kind of it's kind of sickening kind of makes me kind of actually sick rayman and here's how mosquitoes supposed to work i always thought these little enemies kind of looked like me a little bit i thought they looked like little caricatures of me maybe that's narcissistic look at the bean glyph in the background look at that bean just smiling god what a [ __ ] chad i think this is the pepper guy yeah yeah and he's he's dressed like [ __ ] paulie he's got the little chain get his weird condom head yeah and he bubbled that one was particularly disturbing [ __ ] i missed one loom he will forever be remembered in our hearts [Music] well i think that that all was supposed to be boss fight but i think i did it so fast that we're just on a nice little ride now okay this world's good too the water world in legends is legendary though it's a water stealth level that's actually good like what gave them the right oh yeah i'm not gonna save any of these frogs they can just get [ __ ] i wonder like that's not like a required condition for beating the level is it they can all just get [ __ ] yeah you can just continue to have that thing on your head we're going to get some hot lady on lady action here i love the little guy paddling in in the in the weird air boat they have too it's powered by a dude just pedaling with his legs look at him go what do you think she smells like look at this amazing fish technology man that's man remember that man when like call of duty ghosts was like the best punching bag to make fun of you know and now there's just so much more that's depressing the swimming controls are just like good in this game though i don't know why nobody ever thought to do this make them just fun and good and feel nice oh i like this one oh my god wow that was harsh that was brutal i like barely touched it too i thought i was gonna have to ground pound it this game has like the good universe version of like minions energy i'll say it it has like if minions energy if it was possible for it to be good it would be this it would be rayman origins they got incredible lung capacity just to be able to keep that up presumably forever it'd be a nice easter egg if like after you do this for a while they go like you know oh look the guy in the background just pedaling away yeah this is my job oh i'm dead oh i'm not dead what the [ __ ] oh god happening no [Music] i didn't get back from the depths of hell there there we go i thought that was going to be another one of my famous manka moments can i just get out of the water again though nice i like that strategy [Music] oh god there's so much happening i love the little like family of fish going bye oh i got nicked [ __ ] and this music is just pure essence of like run you know i think we're done nice finally oh this is the level with the cool like anemone level or like the zone anemone zone oh god i got rounds yeah this part looks so good the graphics the gameplay oh and ruined [Music] utterly ruined nice ambiance gone i just want to touch these things you know i need to touch this level oh look bowling joke sounded police south police started please cap jam solder police rap jam south peace suck surely i'd be inhaling a bunch of water he's like i can't breathe the breathing is not an issue in this game also do you see that ricochet this is one of the best worlds it just looks great the music's awesome oh and the main mechanic is fun the like wall run mechanic uh the music is so good like what gave them the right to make it this good i think you can actually [ __ ] you can use the wall run in this one if you have it already but i think i've missed the opportunity to oh no there we go oh god yo look at this yo what the [ __ ] i never knew that existed there's actually an alternate path i thought you could just do it for shits and gigs wow that's amazing this [ __ ] part i kind of forgot about this yeah they're dancing they're dancing and now we're all naruto running okay they're not narcia running anymore i love the way they look though this is kind of a great moment to just run up the side of the mountain after you get the wall run ability and then you gotta play ddr rhythm heaven heaven it is rhythm heaven i'm going for a perfect nice ah these [ __ ] guys this is like a joke out of what aladdin whoa oh hey that guy [ __ ] me over from beyond the grave big charge punch and get out of there yeah oh look they did rock paper scissors and they got rock i forgot that's like the wind up for their attack that's so [ __ ] dumb i love it [Music] yeah oh i hit him wait i hit him there was like an impact sound and everything what oh no no no [Music] oh i could have lived i could have lived these levels are just like and i feel like a lot of it is just window dressing honestly so much of these hazards in these levels only activate after you've run past them like explicitly and there's a bit of like rubber banding on the ai and [ __ ] but uh they're just constructed to make you feel like a badass the entire time [Music] there you go simple sis [Music] kind of looked like i just cunked my hand on the wall there but i guess it worked i love all the frozen machinery in the background too a neat touch to be sure [Music] drum solo now we're doing the secondary worlds and mystical peak technically moody clouds is like the alternate world to that i guess nice [Music] i like that even the little his little imaginary vision is also a silhouette it's just perfect bug music like could they have created more optimal bug music i don't think they could have i think if you walk off the side here you you are put to death yep it's like what is what is what exactly is grabbing me here i don't know creepy ghoulish things i thought those flies were looms for a second and i just ran right into him is he like shooting his [ __ ] spores oh god he's constantly [ __ ] plant come uh see i just really want that thing thank you thank you oh i'm not gonna have that great good i didn't need that heart now you're just gonna charge oh god that's so cute i forgot about that it's a girl plant oh look guys it's the one it's it's the one it goes it gives you a little buff though i think i did this wrong hold on kill me you must know the perfect moment to strike now that's the way to do it damn whoa look at that like giant harp thing in the background i don't really recall that it's e [Music] almost got pinched nice nice all right nice nice nice [Music] wow [Music] oh [ __ ] really i didn't like press anything it just conked me there oh there's a coin down there but i don't care can we do this yeah whoa whoa what the [ __ ] globox what are you doing what are you doing man this weird [Applause] yeah yeah man whoa i am i will be put to death i am sentenced to my death come on come on a little bit of slick a little bit slick for you oh oh that doesn't work bye oh [ __ ] i'm not gonna get the coins [ __ ] you oh oh what are those electoons doing there excuse me what the [ __ ] is this there's just electoons over there what are you doing there they they seem content i think they're like related to a nearby oh look at that they fell down what the [ __ ] that's jank oh [ __ ] uh you can make it up yeah [ __ ] no there's like an invisible wall there [ __ ] that sucked there was like a thing that i kept bonking into this part you can cheese i'm sure there you go who is this portly fellow oh no no don't eat it no now you're gonna get indigestion it's gonna go straight to your thighs my thighs ah what a beautiful voice does it kind of look like these looms inside these blocks of ice are all flipping me off do you see that all right this one's tricky too la mao tricky little mao lol why am i up why am i up why did i go what the [ __ ] just happened guys i just like clipped into the wall come oh what what no what's happening what's happening i'm alive oh so close come on [ __ ] well i guess we're here again [Music] come on ah man even my dead body landed up on the surface like there that sucks that that happens [Music] come on no in vain gonna try this again oh oh [Music] sure folks it's the vore level it's time and into his mouth it's kind of an awkward thing i feel like maybe there was some jank there where they had to make it so you like teleport down his throat you know rather than just organically running down there but here we are it's a girl dragon everybody and i love these little plumber guys it's great there's unique enemies for this one zone this makes it memorable and they're like poop bacteria i guess i don't know if you can see his heart pounding in the background too and i think he starts singing at a certain point or at least the singing comes in and this is the part that solidified my head canon that it's the dragon singing yeah even though dammit the singing starts when the dragon is on camera so that kind of debunks that you know and it's not singing obviously oh [ __ ] oh no i'm stuck on the thing flames gonna come get me escape sequence i love this you're like running up his innards oh yeah while he's while he's barfing you up basically you can see all his like valves opening gross absolutely gross bit of a slick trick there you come get this guy and kill him no yes mary of the deep this was another one that was on this is how the demo ended was on this level which is like it could be kind of considered like the last level of the main game you know which is kind of weird it's not really true i guess look at that guy is that a bit of like jank look at that on the left side of the screen i think they made it so the camera could move a little too far there but i remember doing this level so many [ __ ] times because of that goddamn demo like just an ungodly amount of times we're going to go ahead and squeeze through there when when you came out here and this dragon came out that's when the demo ended too you didn't actually get to fight the dragon i was like oh i want to fight the dragon and then when i actually got to fight the dragon i was like this is [ __ ] and i hate this is this it yeah nice oh wow is that it jesus well we're done yeah look at them all the ceremony of titty is commencing oh look it's the little squeaky squeaky it's that guy he's back for revenge just all that [ __ ] in the background like i i never was much of an artist but i liked to draw when i was younger and this was this game really [ __ ] ignited my imagination with all the crazy [ __ ] that's in it you know sort of like doodles i would do on my school books you know don't doodle on your school books you know what i mean look at all that [ __ ] in the background though howell's moving castle ass looking at [ __ ] man they've all these characters have got like tilts too you know i i've i've said this for a while they basically gave rayman a smash move set in this game that would and i think he would be so perfect for smash but uh i i don't know if it'll ever happen because you know rayman but like look at this he's got like jab he's got tilts he's got a down tilt and an up tilt he's got a charged smash attack uh please do the smash attack please do that please do the thank you i don't i was not holding down there he's got a smash attack like shit's great he's got aerials he's got an up aerial and [ __ ] like that he's got directional aerials that was weird it was like the last direction i had pressed was down so he only did the down tilt is that like control jank that i've never discovered whoa no no no no no no no no i got hyper comboed there what the [ __ ] i died i died i'm dead oh wait let's there's not electoons down there you actually can gain a tiny bit of height by wall jumping over and over again fun fact gotta get this coin that's not very good it's not for cash money it's not very poggers come on yeah yep and then we'll jump off that yeah survival survival ah yes bring me my creation the machine destruction oh [ __ ] this part see i love that oh that's just immensely satisfying to do this room is very new super mario brothers wii right anybody else getting a big new super mario bros wii oh wow bye look at this [ __ ] [ __ ] that's so awesome they were like hey why not just have a part where it's easy but it's awesome [Music] nice there you go all the teeth collected oh you guys ready for some [ __ ] good lore god this game's got such deep complicated lore dude it really makes you think it really does make you think like all jokes aside [Music] wow get [ __ ] i i really don't know oh god why there would be a robot version of this plant too and i think there's a robot version of the bird as well just for some reason i like that it's uvula is a light bulb it's cute this part's weird because they have they have you fight robot versions of two of the bosses and they're like weird truncated versions of the boss fights and then like the other two bosses i guess didn't translate well to robot versions i don't know i don't see why murray wouldn't have worked for it i can see why the vor boss wouldn't wouldn't work though and now the real lord dump begins i love the little like jazz hands he does too and raymond's like all right i can vibe with this he's also like beatboxing all right and now now we're just vibing i guess really complicated plot line that we missed out by not seeing that uh intro cut scene rayman win the rays man man i don't know i don't know raymond that was terrible truly terrible and he's gone i remember this taken me about a billion attempts but uh good god is it awesome just everything's collapsing and we're platforming on it like bad asses yahoo he's got a little like dr eggman creation that part is awesome i'm gonna get i'm gonna get [ __ ] you can't run from me you can run but you can't hide okay i'll give you i'll give it to you that you can indeed run and that has been working for quite a while oh my god the final boss a balloon it all makes perfect sense the inflation theme is really coming together oh he gave a little salute [Music] everything's all frozen because we're like too high up and look there's like a gumball machine with ice cubes in it in the background cyberpunk ice cube gumball machine it's the name of my band the real final boss of the game truly is the little [ __ ] pedaling guy it works it just simply works go ahead and die oh [ __ ] one of these bastards oh look at that that missile is trapped on a different plane of existence because he shot it right when they were like scrolling backwards that's kind of funny all right did we make it are we done it's just going away okay okay and whatever this is happens i suppose this is like the core of their operations i don't know [ __ ] dumbasses just like drove directly into it right like what pricks and everyone's dead oh and now we get ubisoft credits guys guys ubisoft credits one eternity later it's time folks the final level the land of the limited dead this this level is based but very difficult here we [ __ ] go the land of old ladies and like tulips it's just like stacks and stacks and stacks of tombs in the background and the coffins like with banging coming from inside them [Music] zombie noises no [Music] hype [ __ ] last level honestly really hype yeah boy these big tentacles it's like what even is the what even are these tentacles what am i even looking at here look at this though i love this level so much man big stack of graves just falling over and the music's so good a little bit of jank there with the fireballs you can just blatantly see them spawning in oh i think this is a checkpoint oh god and i think if we just run right from this checkpoint yeah i remember that very clearly he ah [Music] nice we're here damn that was fast [ __ ] no no no no i also want to note this beautiful intro music the sound of her painting her nail and the fact that her nail remains painted for the entire fight although i guess she's got two nails painted i guess it's not like that mind-blowing of a continuity thing i don't i think that hand moving like that actually is to prevent me from cheesing it like that what you kidding me i was too early there you go and punch your eyes out right out of her [ __ ] nog oh [ __ ] monsters inc ass looking ass [Music] oh god this is a very trial and errory boss too the bracelets get stuck together i accidentally wall run up there and instantly die cool take a dip take a dip surely just dip your arms in the lava over and over again and you'll win but whatever punk and boobah [Music]
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 270,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hu4pXM2TZYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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