Raw Egg Eating Challenge

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today one of us might be forced to eat eight raw eggs let's talk about that [Music] good mythical morning I love Easter candy mm-hmm the chocolate bunny the marshmallow peep the jellybeans the Cadbury egg some of the best candy of the year comes out in Eastern and today we're gonna be eatin a lot of it but we've devised a way to also eat a lot of raw eggs as well so how do you feel about that Rhett I'm not excited about the raw eggs part I mean I've my grandma put a raw egg in a milkshake occasionally when she'd make it fun mama did that but it would like get lost in the goodness of milkshake admitting you would never know and I've never been like a boxer really who this and they eat raw eggs but but not us until the day one of us kiti all could eat all eight hopefully that's you because we've devised this game let's play guess what's in that egg and if you don't you got a drink a raw egg okay so these Easter eggs right here in front of us which were decorated very nicely mm-hmm are raw they're completely raw they're not the way that you would typically do it hard-boiled and the Easter Bunny was a nice enough to open up a schedule for us and pay us a visit today so the way this is gonna work is the Easter Bunny himself who may look a lot like chase the now paid production assistant previously unpaid intern he will come in he will lay an egg because as you know I had a wonder of science Easter bunnies they'll a decorated egg and then starting with link link we'll have the opportunity to guess based on the two choices that Stevie gives him what what is in the egg and if he's right he gets to eat a wonderful thing for that round which would be a nice Easter candy and if and then I have to eat one of the raw eggs and if he's wrong he has to eat one of the raw eggs and then we alternate back and forth this is gonna be so - thinks someone's guaranteed to eat or drink a raw egg every single round from a cup like this and also just a word about safety here people are gonna say you can't eat a raw egg it's you know it's it's you're gonna get salmonella we just want to address that right now and say that we both already have someone else okay we're carriers actually these eggs are pasteurized there is almost a zero percent chance of us getting Salmonella poison so don't worry and don't need don't even feel the need to comment about it or call your doctor let's bring it in the Easter Bunny round one we're starting in what we're playing this is what we're playing with first round Oh generally bird bird eggs all right and right here here comes here comes the taster bunny hop the chaser okay Jase come on in here and Easter Easter Bunny okay thanks so much for coming mr. Easter Bunny and uh lay yourself an egg Oh mr. bunny and working out huh right now okay we can't touch it I'm going first you go first all right give me the choices okay link what is in the egg is it a rat's beard hairs on some duct tape or B spam that Eddie was going to eat for lunch sorry Eddie sorry Eddie was that like a joke spam or rats beard hair I know you have access to both of those because we just have that credit run buddy supply my instinct tells me beard hair stuck to duct tape and if I'm right you have to eat the raw egg it feels kind of heavy I think it might be spam at least I don't have to eat the spam dang it okay so I'm gonna take a decorated egg here oh you got four different five different colors oh oh all right try again I'm not gonna slurp that one up how does that happen I I don't hit it I hit it on the edge of mine yeah and I'm crack it in there that's just forceful I'm really worked up about this come on let me toast you with the jelly I've never I've never slurped an egg and I'm not excited about this of course let's toast this is a jelly bean that's raw egg I'm just not gonna think about it it'll just go down quick yeah you won't drive it on three two one go link you can do it and can you don't give yourself a pep talk live in there oh it was so big it got caught right in the back of my throat and I was like I put my head back and then it got stuck there and then I was like oh I'm gonna see a doctor you're like get an egg down your throat oh my gosh if right now it's right here and here it goes down it's not my stomach yet and it's just a rhyming a must I'm giving us a play-by-play I'll make sure to do that when I eat my first raw like all right bring it in round two round two Oh peeps I really really hope that I win this round all right bring in the Easter Bunny here he is again he's full of eggs Wow hopefully I don't know where he keeps them okay like you can hold an egg that big he really struggles Wow I'm a big one too not a little crooked All Right game a little crooked okay Stevie what are our choices this is your a rat what is in the egg is it a a 5x7 autographed photo of Steve Buscemi or B cottage cheese let me just tell you that my stomach already feels full of egg and so does my esophagus is lined with that mess you buddy some more because you know what's in that egg a 5x7 of Steve Buscemi please that's what I was gonna guess - yeah it's supposed to be like totally 50/50 and I'm good to eat these beets - just do do ducks or chicks made from marshmallows they're not raw eggs boom oh man I know I can't had to swallow that one twice because it came back up I hate you for guessing round three I'm gonna win this one oh the crown jewel of these okay this is my favorite this is my favorite well you better get it right please lady you know the tastes that I've got in my mouth right now shut up peeps and jellybeans well listen if you keep enjoying this much you're gonna have to wear this suit every day though it came out just right taster bunny I heard an actual grunt yeah which is weird all right all right link your guesses well your guess is as good as my thing what is it not is it a an egg within an egg three eggs total representing the fictional Easter based psychological thriller exception or be a green gorilla toy wearing a rubber band t-shirt I'm trying to think if I've ever seen seen a green gorilla toy in our office because I know you guys are looking around for something to fool the linkster I'm gonna say green gorilla with a rubber band t-shirt I hope you're wrong all right it's my favorite yeah whoa maybe that is a green gorilla Man t-shirt you get a Cadbury I thought I thought I was gonna have to eat yeah put that guy right there so you can watch you do it I thought I was gonna have to eat all these eggs man I gotta like cut it with some chocolate and some cream cream goodness it's kind of like you're eating a raw egg except there's goodness in there as a as a kid I would cut these open and I would eat the inside but not the outside what don't tell me you actually liked it I'm just you know what system that going into my Zen place these could be a bodybuilder alright well see ya next round round four Oh link we're playing for a carrot oh man I can't get it down and I'm drinking I cracked my egg in here and I have to drink oh that's chaser Bunny's laying another egg yes bring it over and I'm gonna guess okay Rhett what is in this egg is it a fourteen dollars and 38 cents and change or B three fingernail clippings found on a desk in some toothpastes yeah hold on do you mean fourteen dollars in cash plus thirty eight sentence change yep okay I'm gonna go with the money I think there's fourteen dollars and 38 cents in there that's what I think there's another egg named fighting dog I can smell it it's too pacing fingernail clipping Oh whose fingernails how many fingernail three definitely three in some sort of whites and Colgate or something and this round you have to eat that - that's not true it is true but I do have to eat another egg Oh ma'am I'm going on this side to maintain the balance is this wash because this doesn't like watch creature up to you hmm how was it what get it down ma'am same thing happen yeah it got caught right there and then it went down then it came up didn't went down again that's unpleasant man yeah the second one's a lot worse than the first one the next two rounds is two eggs of peace link what round five the prizes are getting oh damn I'm gonna take it right out it comes to Easter Egg golly Oh mr. egg bunny that that last one was real bad the first one was nothing right let her go he's pleased with himself no it's it's like what I do for a living I'm a Texan you guys guess what what are my choices Stevie link this is worth two eggs what's in the egg a a tiny and very creepy face puppet you control with your fingers or be a mixture of ketchup and hand sanitizer I really hope I'm a guest finger puppet like creepy creepy puppet look at me creepy man watch it you have your hammer okay I mean a little bit of ham here I really got to go to a certain place and I'm like hey hey little boy you want to eat two eggs I'm double-fisting raw eggs over here hey meanwhile now don't get us how we get my face now what is don't do that because you might get punched I don't I don't know how I'm gonna respond to this man my body's going to places has never been round six oh and look what's up four yards up to you whoa look at that my momma is that yeah hollow never that solid I hope it's solid Oh my momma never got me one this big your momma loves you this much my momma love me this much why they always have yellow eyes it's like they got jaundice jaundice these are bunnies got jaundice y'all that's not Manila all right all right chase the bunny it's worked okay can you do this every day rats what is in the egg is it a a pair of soiled tighty whities or be a dead cockroach from the dumpster behind the office I'm just gonna follow logic here logic like the logically leads to an Easter Bunny laying eggs there was a cockroach in here the other day and I'm thinking they put it in the dumpster but you know what that seems too simple it seems too simple I'm flipping the script there's tiny bodies in that egg happier everybody soil not everybody gosh I mean it's like insulting look I gotta eat to it with some chocolate I don't want to listen you taste that and find out find out what's in there I know what I'm tasting hey this just makes us even man four eggs each meanwhile I gotta figure out how I'm gonna eat this I I can't swallow two at once I'm gonna have to do two sessions here oh you give both views down I'll give you some one meter bunny I got lots to go around unless you buy his notes off three - you shall not pass wall oh come on you got a weird thing in your going your voice I'm making a weird noise that's cuz there's an egg in it there's an egg in my vocal box Oh guys he's got a bow my nose is running my eyes are watering three Oh [Laughter] congratulations we tied you know what bite the bunnies nose thanks for liking and commenting on this video you know what time it is it's fatality make sure you go and listen to this week's episode of ear biscuits it's a rhett and Link all only ear biscuit that's just the two of us we talk about weird science experiments and then tomorrow on this channel it's a rhett and Link only song biscuit so look for that click through to good mythical more and we'll get chase Jobrani to eat a raw egg in a world without toilet paper in a world without toilet paper you use your hand right now what you do is your lot you're locking elbows you're not actually drinking yet you're just getting ready all right I love you Internet
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 6,931,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Egg (Drug Ingredient), Egg (Food), Eating, Food (TV Genre), raw egg, protein, Rocky, smoothie, easter, guessing game, easter bunny, chase, spam, toothpaste, gross, weird, nasty, jelly beans, raw egg challenge dog, raw egg challenge gmm, raw egg prank, raw egg gmm
Id: Rg1WZ5ufd_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2015
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