Eating a Scorpion: Bug War Challenge

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today we're gonna eat a whole lot of bugs including this scorpion yay good mythical morning thanks for joining us today it's time to eat a lot of bugs we are going to play AG war okay here are the rules follow me closely it gets a little complicated we're gonna play war which is the card game where you just take a card off the top of the deck and you see who has the higher card the person with a higher card wins that round wins the right to not eat the bugs associated with that round right so and if you get the lower number and you lose that means you have to eat the number that you you get so if I do a seven and you do a two you lose and you have to eat two bugs or whatever round we're at what bugs are at that round and we're talking crickets ants katydids squash bugs silkworm pupae got grasshoppers dung beetle black scorpion and two additional rule hate muscle we each have a reverse card and that is we get the opportunity to play at once during this game we can reverse it back on to the other person and you whoever plays the reverse card first you only got it one good you get it once and you can't play it in the same route so you got to be ready you got to be ready for that reverse and the other thing is if you draw a joker we neither person wins around and you both have to eat the number that the other person drew okay that's the rules of bug war and finally there is a final bonus round that is going to be worth three points that is the black scorpion and if you can't eat the black scorpion the guy the other guy gets an additional five points mmm alright let's play all right round when I am hungry but I'm not hungry for bugs okay so let me tell you what's at stake here I'm very nervous I think I'm shaking the round one is small crickets link we're just starting with small crickets let's dump these out let's take a look here crickets well we got plenty crickets are known to eat their own dead when there are no other sources of food available ready partner yeah smells fine I got a seven link out of three link you need three small crickets three oh gosh I don't want to overthink this it's just you know there's people all around the world enjoy these not as a deli Lizzy I'm taking it I'm taking big ones for they smell like a foot it smells like my kids feet they smell like crickets apparently how's that brother like you haven't crushed it yet you just yeah you got it yeah chew em up now you can't swallow I'm like a tablet pork rinds no it's crickets I'm not starting off well my stomach is I really got to do something mental okay round two Weaver ant oh I love we were in I mean these things have horns coming out of their mouths Weaver ant workers hunt and kill in sick insects that are potentially harmful so these are bugs that eat bugs and we're gonna eat them on there they're in pieces the loser has to eat full ants all right let's do it buddy here we go five oh I got Eve I'm ants I got 85 ants I'm so happy okay how do you do this I mean I put five heads in first just put some legs in there I'm trying to find some don't sprinkle it with some ant parts hey sprinkle with my aunt heads with some ant parts mmm good what does it taste like she goes it doesn't taste like Cheetos okay you didn't enjoy the crickets I mean those are seriously good female katydids I only female Katie katydid sir no no these are big sometimes eat snakes and lizards just a part right there oh whoa no that's a hole what in Lois I got shrimp all right let's go see some clean beards three two one war I didn't even pour out ten did a three four five you need to develop a strategy eight nine ten I think it's just do put that on all of Bali I mean how do you eat that much of you need to treat it as one big bug and just problem these are just like potato chips right that look like insects I can do this yeah you can I can do this your suit you're psyching yourself up just chips no it's insects and it's normal normal around the world look you drop one it's right there on your arm crevice yeah that's cool man nearly is easy to crunch into crickets okay they're made to be eaten next we have some squash bugs oh yeah things are really wash bugs damaged squash pumpkins and related plants by sucking the juices from the leaves and stems these are gonna taste great he's gonna taste like squash if it's sucking on fruits and stuff haven't been eating each other okay see what these look like nothing wheels or something I want I want this one cuz I don't want the silkworms of the three to one fam oh I have to I got a Ford link out an eight I think you're getting off a little easy I lose the round and I gotta eat for these teeny tiny little things oh you want to call it a moment and I already did know it tastes like squash no no they taste fruity silkworm pupa so this is like a baby silkworm silkworms have been used in China for over 5,000 years to make silk ooh it's like a deformed corn nugget can we get the silk out of there before we eat him make some money how does that work I think it's been cooked out of it I want to lose this round does look tasty three two one lose it then Oh joke around we both have to eat three so there's no points exchanged we just both have to eat three now if you can't eat three then you lose a point they don't smell well Oh make it smell good the consistency is very rough oh go oh don't get anything on your throat mmm mmm good no more in your methyl oh I'm having a tough time with this one whoa there's something a little juicy in there silk is silk oh gosh yeah that was nasty we're moving on to the grasshopper so open up your grass off haha that is bad isn't huh well that's unpleasant I think these are gonna be like on every menu in every restaurant in the world 25 years from now because of the apocalypse so I think they're just getting it all are speaking a head start there's start on that head right there you can eat that three you I don't know huh you still have your reverse remember that you could have done that with the 1001 go 2 to 4 low numbers that's you I've lost two of these once you start eating some bugs it does get better as you as you go alright here's two heads I don't think there's gonna be a problem I mean these are these are a delicacy worldwide that probably smell like they're seasoned is important actually you know that I smell them look at that there's like there's tentacles on the lower leg yeah that's gonna get hung in the that's how they make the rating trading call to eat it count down from three three two one eat those grasshoppers eat those grasshoppers crunch oh you got a leg sticking out and now it's back in there you go what do you think I mean there's some sharp parts yeah you got to watch yourself got a shield your tongue finding a lot of sharp parts and not finding a lot of tasty parts let's move on to dung beetles dung beetles are known to eat and live in crap yeah they sound appetizing at least let's eat some of them hey they've been living in dung let's take a look at him first oh they look like the kind of thing that would be in there I've seen I look I've seen these crawl around my house what does that say about my house they smell like dung they look like some and Cyril sorry oh my gosh I see you hope you win this one they smell like dung yeah they do oh here we go three two dong six of these Oh guys it does it smells like animal feces dude all right we got this black scorpion coming up ten of these they smell like dung I'm reversing all right you got to eat NES and I'm picking them out watch them dung beetles okay three four it's like a it's like a little parade well I'm kind of doing it like a guy who's counting out drugs you know like one two three four this has an awful awful smell to it I've got a sneaking suspicion this thing lives in done four three two oh gosh come on don't act like you like it all of a sudden I'm time to tell my body it's something else but it's not working think about those things crawling around on some poop I'd rather eat poop they need that that I think the big elephant turd would taste better than this final round the black scorpion which we've already pulled out he's lost a we had the other claw this has got to be the whole deal now these things are known to go for six to twelve months without eating anything kind of sad that he's seeing his end well I guess he saw his end in some factory but he's worth we've made him worth three points doc played my reverse wait I haven't played my reverse I can't lose you totally fell for it too man I bet I did I was like you can just hit the cards I got your reverse card three two one Niner oh I lost what I'm gonna do I'm gonna play the reverse oh right you can't play the reverse on the bonus right yes yes what they said you can't play but you said that thing is so big yeah that's a good meal you'll have to eat anything later today by show of hands I mean how should I even attempt to eat this I mean I should I need like a freaking snake not eat the claw first either claw because he's like he's like he's like a fin he's a finding urine I like give me the bird bite that claw saying I own you wrong I own you scorpion yep [Laughter] [Applause] it sounds so non-edible that wasn't bad I'll throw the other client oh that thing is so hard like I'm afraid that I might something's gonna get punctured if I know people scorpions all over they own all the world they don't get punctured you ever heard of that death by internal scorpion puncture never heard that don't throw up don't throw that you can do this man you will own the internet if you do this don't play around man just hey Jeff scorpion yeah yeah here's a little bit more leg they'll be the end of it oh okay I'm sorry yeah I see out of this man no no no you get no don't don't don't don't don't you own the cycle Fear Factory Oh only Internet yeah listen nothing ma'am do this every day because all you just caught me in they call me the Scorpion King black made a movie about me now interestingly enough I still win this game I mean I mean so I'm all right bring in the prize is there some I haven't swallowed yet what what is this it is the natural predator of bugs is there a snake in there what a tarantula it's a tarantula we have a pet tarantula now what it's got a ladder to get out hold on we got a hit we got a pet oh man No do we get to keep him yes what was naming herb the top on that taking me what is I don't like tarantulas though I haven't been able I'm coming a little bit three two gone hey I got a pet scorpion you gonna watch your hand man that thing could come through there no I can't I don't know what it can do miss you can't go through the plastic I cannot uh-uh I cannot we cannot have in here I this thing's gonna get out one day well this has been a good day link ain't a scorpion and ain't got at ranch Allah for enduring this so let's thanks for liking and commenting on this episode I go to just Rhett & link to get your free trial support the show we did this for you isn't that the least you can do you know what time it is I'm Anna from Buenos Aires Argentina and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality it's Friday that means we got another episode of our podcast ear biscuits this week we just talked to each other about girls and in good mythical more one of us is going to eat this giant centipede one of us Brett thinks he's back in high school hey buddy look at this he's I got him into high school what do you mean at the high school that I go to now did you you've Rhian rolled in high school in order to become a what are you like a herpetologist you're a herpetology teacher uh I'm just in a class you're you you've really part of the class is having a trench alone it's pretty cool to have one I've got one and you can eat him if you want I have to cook him in season him first come on man just pump yourself up you can do it you can beat the centipede King man when I send you emails I'll address you that way yeah hundred eggs man
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 28,477,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scorpion (Organism Classification), Eating, Challenge, Bugs, Grasshopper, Eating Bugs, Funny, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 28 2014
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