Raw Egg Eating Challenge #3

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♫ Party time ♫ Egg-cellent - Let's talk about that. (fun theme music) (fire blazing) Good Mythical Morning - It is Easter time. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming - Yeah. - And kids are preparing to enter a sugar coma from all of that candy. - Yes and we're gonna be enjoying a lot of candy today but what's candy without also evening it out with raw eggs? Yes, another third year in a row our turned annual tradition, the Raw Egg Eating Challenge. It's time for Guess What's In That Egg And If You Don't You Gotta Drink A Raw Egg. - And in keeping with tradition, of course the Chaseter Bunny is gonna be coming back. He's gonna be laying some prize eggs. - Lot's of eggs. Big eggs. - We'll be given options of what could be in the egg and when you make a choice if you get it right you get to eat an amazing - Yeah. - Easter themed prize. - And the other guy has to eat the raw egg. - Or vice versa. There's gonna be a lot of raw eggs being consumed today. - Every time. Okay, Link, since I had the honor of going first last time you have the honor of going first this time. - Thank you. - [Both] Round one. - Alright, Link, you're playing for chocolate carrots. - Mmm. - Let's bring in the Chaseter Bunny. He's been holding these all year. - Welcome Chaseter Bunny. You're back. - Let her loose, Chase. - He's out of the cage. (squeezing) (pops) - Oh. I think he just laid a big one. - [Rhett] (laughing) Yeah, yeah. - And he did. - Yeah, wow. - There it is. - I'm always amazed at how it fits inside of him. - So it's a big egg, is it a big thing inside? What are my options, Stevie? - Okay, Link. - 'Cause you don't know what's in here either. - No, I have no idea. - [Stevie] What's in the egg? Is it A, Kat Von D lipstick on a stuffed cat? Or B, A cactus dressed as Woody from Toy Story? - Kat Von D lipstick on a stuffed cat? You got a taxidermized cat in there? That's morally questionable. - [Stevie] A stuffed cat. - Mm, I'm gonna go with a cactus dress as Woody. So now I can take it and open it. Please, please. (yells) - Yes (laughs). Oh, yeah. Look at that. - Alright. - Is this our cactus from our office? - Great start. - It's just a cactus. - Great start, Link. - You didn't Toy Story our cactus. Well that's a good lookin' Woody. (laughs) Look at that. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh, oh, gosh. Oh, perfect. - [Link] Man, look at that. That is perfect. - Mm, well maybe you're gonna have a good year. Last year you had a bad year. You ate a lot of raw eggs. - No, it was the first year - Okay. - That I had like six. And then last year it was pretty evenly matched. - [Rhett] Okay. - Oh, yeah. Ooo, it's slimy. Ooo, it's goodness. (grunts) - Happy Easter. - [Both] Round two. - Okay, Rhett you're up now and up for grabs are these candy bracelets. - Oh. (laughs) I've always wanted those. - I've been storing them. - I have small wrists. - So there they are, you can eat 'em off both if you guess what's in the egg correctly. - Chase lay her. (squeezing) (pops) You always look like you have a thought. He looks like he's having a thought but it's just an egg. - He laid a blue egg. - Alright, what am I choosing from? - [Stevie] What's in the egg? Is it the book A Shore Thing by Snooki hollowed out and filled with guacamole? - Oh, gosh. - [Stevie] Or B, a small sculpture of the solar system made with used Band-Aids? - Wow. - Mm. - Snooki wrote a book. - Snooki did write a book. - A snook. - I'm a big fan of it. I think I left my copy out (laughs). No. - Is it a hollowed out copy? - I do know that Snooki wrote a book. Of course Snooki wrote a book. We wrote a book, man. - Anybody can write a book. (laughs) - And that's why I'm gonna go with Snooki's book filled with guac! - Grab it, open it, be wrong please. - Oh, I can smell it now that it's up. Oh, gosh. (bell chimes) Yeah! Look at that, Snooki! - A Shore Thing. Is there guac in there? - Oh. - Oh, my goodness. - [Rhett] Oh. - Look at that. Well, dang it. That means I, here you go. - You can enjoy that with some guac if you want. Way to go, Snooki, you made a hollowed out book full of guac. That's how they all come? Alright, so. Oh, shoot, man. Shoot, man. - Gonna put it on. (laughs) - Oh, goodness. That one got on Snooki a little bit. Man, shoot. - So proud of myself. - I don't wanna think about this. Look at that, what is that on the side? - Oh, the egg's leaking, man. - Oh. - You don't get the full helpin'. - I don't know how you did this so fast, man. I just can't think about it. It's just like a smoothie. Ooo. Ooo. Ooo. - Mm. - Mm-mm. - (grunts) Swallow it. (grunts) And swallow it. (laughs) - Oh, I got it. - Wow. - Happy Easter. - Wow. You went (shivering). (laughs) - [Both] Round three. - Okay, you may have heard the noise of a baby making noises. That's not coming from either of our stomachs. That's coming from an actual baby in the audience, baby Harley. Welcome, baby Harley. (clapping) - What's up for grabs? - [Rhett] Very excited about these. Peeps Oreo. - [Link] Really? - [Link] Oreo Peeps. (laughs) - It's actually seems kinda cruel. They've smushed the Peep. - I've never had these. Gonna get ready. - Alright. Lay away. (squeezing) (pops) - There he goes. He got another egg idea. - What you got this time? Oh, another egg. - A yeller one. What are my options? - [Stevie] What's in the egg? Is it A, an Elvis wig inside of a peanut butter, bacon, and banana sandwich? Or B, two birds and one scone. - Ha-ha, ha-ha, it's a pun. - Two birds and one scone. Elvis wig. Man, both are possible. - Yeah, well, yeah. Anything's possible. (crew laughs) - Oh, man. I'm gonna go with two birds and one scone. Please! It feels light. - Ah! - Yes! Two birds and one scone. - Wow. You're on a roll. - Right there. Here, enjoy your Peeps, man. - Look at that. There they are. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. ♫ Tweet tweet ♫ Tweet tweet tweet - [Rhett] Oh. - [Link] I'm really interested in trying this. - Those look so much better than what I have. - Wow. (breathing) That's good. Oh, gosh! - Raise the roof! (crew laughs) (yells) - I like how you went in for a second slurp. - I felt like if I didn't get it all you'd call me out. - Did it hit your lips and go straight down the hatch? - You know when you go to the water park and they want you to get a that top and then wait for the go? I'm like the kid that gets on the water slide and doesn't wait for the lifeguard. That's what I'm doing in my mouth right now. - Mhm. - And I'm happy about it. - [Both] Round four. - Up for grabs next, Rhett, is a Pez-ster Bunny. - Oh, look at that. - And you know, we're both on a roll. We're getting these right. - Yeah. - Chaseter Bunny's gonna lay another one. - Yeah, I feel so confident. I don't know how this is happening. (squeezing) (pops) - There he is. - [Rhett] Whoa! - [Link] You're full of 'em, Chase. Where are you housing all these eggs, man? - Yeah, are you creating them each time? (laughs) - Oh, my goodness. - [Stevie] What's in the egg? Is it A, a funnel cake powdered with pedicure foot shavings, or B, deep fried Lululemon leggings? - Lululemon leggings are pretty high class. - Oh, yeah there was that Lululemon controversy about how you could see through 'em. I remember that. (laughs) Yeah. - What? I missed that one. - You remember that? You remember that? That's why I don't wear 'em because you can see right right through 'em. If you're in yoga class and you downward dog. - See the lemons. - Yeah. (laughs) No mystery there. - You feeling the lemon? - Yeah, I'm gonna go with it, man. I'm a deep fried Lululemon man all day long, let's see it! - Let's see. There's no way. There's no way. - This is a lot heavier than a Lululemon. (laughing) Oh! - Oh! You guys fried some leggings? - Now they do. - [Link] Dang it! - Give me that Pez. - I felt sure you didn't fry leggings, man. - Why are we so good at this? Man, we should make an important decision about our future today. - I'd like to make the important decision about not doing this. (baby cries) Yeah, exactly. I'm crying over here too. (laughs) Oh, my goodness. - Oh, these are tangy. Mm, they're so tangy. - That's pretty. I'mma take my glasses off 'cause I just feel like I'm gonna try to slam it back. - Yeah, water slide time, man. - Getting on the water slide. (grunts) - Oh, it smells good inside. - Oh, I'm like a weight lifter, man. I do this before every work out. - Start sucking as it goes... Yeah, now, now, now, now. - Mm-mm. - No, you can't do that! Oh! (crew laughs) Listen, that's like the kid who back out of the water slide. He's like, I thought - I'm scared. - It was a good idea, Dad. - It's so much taller when you're up here. - Don't embarrass me, son. - [Crew] Oh. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Green light. - Wee! - Hey, you did it, Link. - Happy Easter. - [Both] Round five. - Okay, now for this final round we're upping the stakes and we're doing things a little bit different. The loser has to drink two eggs and the thing is, we can both lose - Right. - Because we're gonna play at the same time. We're gonna hold up our answers independent of one another. We could both get it right, one of us could get it right, or we could both get it wrong. - Now, we're playing for the best prize of the entire game. This is a bunny rabbit that poops candy. (buzzing) Oh! - Oh, my goodness. - [Rhett] Oh, oh, you never know what color you're gonna get. - Look at that. There we go. That's a nice shot. - That orange one was way up in there. - Alright. Store that away for your dreams. - Okay. - Oh, my goodness, Chasester Bunny. - Well, I just ate one, sorry. Not supposed to do that. - Why don't you lay a final egg for us. (squeezing) (pops) Ooo. - I feel like I should look back there and see what the process is. (laughs) - Kinda like we did with that guy? - The sound is satisfying enough. - Oh, my goodness. Pull out your paddles here. A and B. - [Stevie] Okay. Guys, what's in the egg? Is is A, a picture of Jamie Lee Curtis stapled to a bag of yogurt, or B, a surgical mask filled with duck fat? - Jamie Lee Curtis. Is that a personal slam on me? - Well you do have a similar look. (crew laughs) - Okay. - Okay, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Ready? Three, two, one. - We agreed. - [Stevie] Alright, let's see what's in the egg. - Let's open it together. You take the top off. (springing) Oh, we both got it wrong. (buzzing) Jamie Lee Curtis stapled on a bag of yogurt. - Jamie Lee. - This is like a age progression. Oh, my goodness. Man, we only have two eggs here. Whoops. - Oh, we have two more eggs. - We can't do four. - No, they're bringing in two. - Oh, shoot. - You jerks. - Gracious. - You jerks. - Put 'em right there on your paddles. - Okay. - Alright. Cracky, cracky, north cackilacky. (crew laughs) - I don't think crack's a big problem in North Carolina. - You never seen someone getting something off the low shelf at Walmart back there. - Oh, gosh. (crew laughs) - Oh. Why does it fit so perfectly? Is that what these things are for? Alright, so are you going with a? - (laughs) No. (crew laughs) Hold on, but that would be going back to the water slide analogy. It would be like a brother and sister on the ride together, you know? - All these eggs are pasteurized. At least we've been told so. So, don't try this at home on normal eggs. - I'm just gonna go fast. Ready? - Double dink. Double drink. Hey, this is for Easter. (breathing) - [Crew] Oh. (crew laughs) - That kid shouldn't have been on the water slide. He didn't fit the weight requirements. - Oh, my. I can't think about what's just going down there. - It's just a completely raw egg. - It really wants to come back up. - Little less conversation and a little more egg drinking. - Another dink. ♫ Holy moly (humming) (yells) (grunts) - Shake your face a little bit, it works. Shake it, shake your face, shake your face, it works. Now do it. Shake it more. (gags) Yeah, shake it more. Big shakes, big shakes, big shakes help. Swallow it! (gags) (laughs) (gags) - Happy Easter, everybody. Sorry. - Well, you tried, son, but I'm never bringing you back to this water park again. Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. - Oh, man, there's some on the desk. You know what time it is. - I'm Molly. - And I'm Rita. - And we're from Saratoga Springs, New York. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Forget eggs, if your lips are raw you should apply some of Link's Peculiarly Perfect Peanut Butter Peppermint lip balm to 'em. Available at RhettandLink.com/store and on Amazon. - Click through to Good Mythical More. We're gonna get the crew to drink some raw eggs and play an Easter Mad Lib game. - Comment Takeover. This is when we send you to a relatively undiscovered video and have you comment on it. We're sending you over to Dog Sleep Runs on a Sleeping Dog. (fun music) - Oh, love this one. - We want you to comment what you think these dogs are dreaming about. Don't tell 'em we sent you. - And be nice. Click on the left to watch our show after the show, Good Mythical More. - [Rhett] Click on the right to watch another episode of Good Mythical Morning. - [Link] And make sure to check out our new channel, This Is Mythical by clicking the video at the bottom. - [Rhett] Thanks for being your mythical best.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,542,731
Rating: 4.9421897 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, vlog rhett and link, season 11, raw egg eatign challenge, rhett link raw egg eating challenge, raw egg eating challenge rhett link, gmm raw egg eating challenge, raw egg eating challenge gmm, gmm easter, rhett link easter, easter challenge, easter egg challenge, rhett link raw eggs, raw eggs rhett link, easter egg, easter eggs, eggs, easter, easter egg hunt
Id: BWxhwpB0jpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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