Raw Egg Eating Challenge #4 - Movie Edition

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It's just an egg that has not been cooked at all. <i> ( music playing )</i> Sometimes when you watch a movie there are inside jokes, images or hidden messages. That's how I once got brainwashed into becoming an unwitting assassin. What Rhett is actually talking about are Easter eggs in movies. And today we're gonna see if we can guess them. It's time for... Okay, we're gonna quiz each other about Easter eggs - from the movies. - Mm-hmm. And if you're wrong you have to eat a raw egg while the other person enjoys a delectably, delicious, Easter themed prize, but if you get it right the other person has to swallow the raw egg. ( gasps ) Look! It's the Chaster Bunny. He's back for the fourth year in a row to lay an answer egg. Whoa! Both: Wow! Starting real big this year. Was that painful, Chaster Bunny? - No, not really. - You stay stretched. - Okay. - He does exercises throughout the year. Okay, Link, this is what you're playing for. If you get it right you get to eat A Little Friends cookies and cream bunny! Ooh, cookie and cream! Is it hollow or solid? - I don't even care. - Only one way to find out. - Hollow. It's hollow-- - I love the hollow ones! Of course if you get it wrong you gotta eat a raw egg. - Yes. - Here's your question. In the 2005 movie, "King Kong", as the ship approaches Skull Island, a message is received in Morse code supposedly announcing a warrant for Jack Black's arrest. Let's watch the clip. <i> ( music playing )</i> The Morse code translates to something else. It doesn't have anything to do with the announcing a warrant for his arrest. Was it... or B... Hmm. It could be-- It was a joke. See? "Ding dong it's King Kong" is a-- is too much of a joke. I think it's "Show me the money." That's not an option. - So do-- - Oh, that's another movie. Do you wanna-- Do you wanna go with-- I meant monkey. "Show me the monkey"! Let's see if he's right. Wow, Chaster Bunny, - you've really sealed it on. - Yeah. He's had a lot of fiber. Oh, it's written. I thought it was gonna be an actual monkey. - "Show me the monkey"! - You're right, Link. Have at the hollow Easter bunny. And I'm gonna have at an Easter egg. Mm-hmm. Here you go. - Do you have one? - Went with the gold one. - Now the hollow ones have less chocolate... - Oh, wow! - ...but more enjoyable. - It really fills 'em up. Really fills 'em up. Mmm. Just one big swallow, man. Ooh, two swallows! That's right it takes two to get it down sometimes. ( grunts ) All right, Chaster Bunny, come-- Here he comes again. - Push something out of your-- - Shh! Be quiet. What does it come out of again? Oh! Oh, it's a blue one this time. That one really popped. All right, Rhett, here's what's at stake. You got an Easter decorated, egg lollipop if you get this correct. That's not super appetizing. I just had a raw egg. It is A... Or B... from the director's other movie "Seven"? - It's in almost every scene? - Yeah. Good Granny! - She is. - Was it a Starbucks-- Does Starbuck sponsor "Fight Club"? Is that what I'm hearing? It's gotta be a-- It's gotta be a Starbucks coffee cup 'cause that's so much easier to put into the background. The box is like-- "Oh, I gotta deal with this big box again." I'm going with A, Starbucks coffee cup. You have to open your egg. - Oh, yeah. - Do some work around here. Yes! It's a Starbucks coffee cup! Yeah, he's right. That is correct. Dang it! Oh, I'm gonna take this nice golden egg. Oh, there it is. It's in a lot of scenes. Lot of scenes. And the reason was just 'cause-- Just because. There was no actual reason. There was no Starbucks sponsorship. Right, 'cause that wouldn't be cool. Oh, gosh. I can't get this freaking egg out. The problem with these-- Oh! Oh, you having some trouble over there? You can eat it later. - I want it now. - I don't want this now. - Protein! - Oh, gosh. Good enough for Rocky, good enough for me, right? Mmm. Oh! Oh, wow! Startin' strong once again. I do not like the consistency of a raw egg. All right, Chaster Bunny. Come on in, friend. ( whispering ) He's gonna lay another answer egg, Rhett. Yeah, I love it when he does this. Oh! Had to work on that one a little bit, huh? Nice one. What's at stake? Link, if you get this right you get a Happy Easter flavored chocolate lentils. It says lentils on it. Oh, wow! I love lentils! Looks like M&Ms. And, of course if you get it wrong, we're upping the ante this round, you gotta eat two eggs, friend. - And if you get it right, I gotta eat two eggs. - Oh, crap. Oh, crap. I don't know this. Crap! Isn't it surprising, though, that this happened in "Star Trek"? I mean, J.J. Abrams went on to "Star Wars..." - Yeah. - ...but at this point-- This is how he got the job. Yeah, "Got a little 'Star Wars' in there for you guys." "I put 'Star Wars' in the movie, guys. - I put it in there." - "I kept up my end of the bargain." "I could put it in a whole movie." - "If it was the movie." - Yeah. That's how J.J. talks. - Like this. - I've met him, he's cool. So cool. You know what? I think it's a really small R2-D2. Okay. Please. Please. - Yes! - ( grunts ) - You gotta drink two eggs! - You're right. Oh, there it is. It's very, very small. Oh, gosh. Oh, enjoy your lentils. Whatever the crap that's supposed to be. Are these lentils? It says lentils. I mean, lentils are beans. I like 'em, but-- Artificially flavored chocolate lentils. It's just-- It's like an M&M rip off, man. There's no lentils included. ( growls ) Get angry. Get it over with. Gosh, Rhett! - Dang! - ( grunting ) You've got a talent for this. Your mouth is small but your throat must be large. Throat is so big. Shh! Shh! Shh! Here comes the Chaster Bunny again. He's-- he's loaded up on another one. Ooh, a little winky wink! Oh, goodness gracious! - That's a biggin'. - That's like-- That's the size of your torso. Yeah and this is a big prize, too, Rhett. It's knockoff fun dip for Easter time. Oh, boy! - Three flavors. - You know you want that. In the 2013 movie, "Frozen"-- - Seen it. - Many times. What TV show homage is in the movie "Frozen"? Which you've seen thousands of times. Once. I don't watch movies twice. - Too good for that? - I'm not a child. Sprung a-- hit a nerve with that one. Sprung a leak, I was gonna say. Man, doesn't "Friends" reference doesn't make sense. Two eggs gotta go down the hatchy. I'm going with "Arrested Development." I don't remember this line 'cause I've only seen it once because I'm not a child. We've established that. - You sure? - I'm gonna go with "We finish each other's sandwiches" - 'cause it sounds like something... - You sure? ...that would've been said in there. I'm sure. - You sure? - Yeah. - You sure? - Mm-hmm. - You sure? - Yep. - B! - ( sighs ) - Woo doggy! - Let's show the clip. -<i> ♪ We finish each other's ♪ </i> -<i> ♪ Sandwiches ♪</i> - It's like we finish each other's-- - Sandwiches? Know I'm gonna have a good time over here. Oh, look! Here we go! Look at that! Oh! Oops! - Dang it! - Mmm! So you do that and then you do this. How did you slam 'em down so-- And then you do this! What's the key, man? What's the key to slammin' it down so-- so quickly? You just gotta have what it takes, man. Do you have what it takes? Can you be quiet for a second? - Look at you! - Oh! I got Pop Rocks in my drink. No one showed me how to do this. I needed a pair of scissors. I'm not a child! All right, here I go. Give me a countdown. Just like a three, two, one. Three, two, one. Yeah, that's the first one. That's gonna be tough. That's gonna be tough, 'cause I don't know if he's got what it takes. I'm just trying to cheer you on, brother. Create a negative vacuum in your stomach. Suck it right down. No, don't-- Don't spit it out. If you do we got more eggs coming right behind it. So, you just gotta-- You gotta just swallow it. It's just an egg that has not been cooked at all. ( gags ) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good. Six grams of protein, approximately. It took me three separate swallows and then I gagged it up and had to swallow it a fourth time. Okay, well, you gotta do it again. Do you have what it takes? Do you have what it takes? That's right. That's the attitude. Talk to yourself. ( singing ) Do you have what it takes to eat a raw egg - and then another rawer egg? - A song could help. Talk some trash to yourself. That's what I do sometimes. You sexy beast. You know you wanna down this egg. - That's not trash. - It's protein. Your muscles are gonna get big. Yeah !Yeah! That's encouragement, that's not trash. Hey, you stinkin' little jerk! That's right. There you go. You wanna-- you wanna get this show over with? People wanna click on something else. They want-- they're made at ya! - Yeah. - You're slowing down their click. Slowing down the click. It gets hard after you had a few. You know? Especially when you have a really hard time getting through the first ones. You get that nasty raw egg that could become a chicken but isn't going to. It's really just like biological material-- It's slimy, it's got-- It's-- it's-- but it's just packed with nutrients. It's been sitting in a chicken. And the chicken's body has been building. It's actually a miracle of nature. It happens every day. Every day they have this slimy, yellow-- Oh! He doesn't have what it takes, ladies and gentlemen. I do have what it takes for other things! I have-- I'm a take haver. You have what it takes for the views, man. ( groans ) All right. You feel good now? I feel pretty great right now, yeah. - You want some lentils? - No! Thank you for liking, commenting, and subscribing! You know what time it is. How you doing? My name is Polly and I'm from Ireland. And I am drawing animation for you guys. That's Link right there and I did my best. Now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. That was my face! Click the bottom link to watch this episode from the beginning. And click the top link to watch us bring in our weird Easter thing 99-cent store haul in Good Mythical More. And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is going to land. <i> Now that you're done spotting Easter eggs,</i> <i> see if you can spot our name in the stars,</i> <i> in this T-shirt that is.</i> <i> Get it at Mythical.Store.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 990,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, rhett raw egg challenge #4 - movie edition, link raw egg challenge #4 - movie edition, raw egg eating challenge #4 - movie edition, rhett link raw eggs, gmm easter, gmm easter egg challenge, egg, eating, gmm easter egg, challenge
Id: yZA5zh3pSNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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